Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sittin' in the airport...waiting

If any of you are under the assumption that Kansas City's airport is in Kansas City...think again.  You have to drive for miles and miles of no-man's land to get here.  Why is it that I always have to get here in the dark?  What a boring drive.  I've never been to another airport that was this far removed from the city.  Anyway, I got here...on time.

They now have free wireless here.  That's cool.  Makes me glad I borrowed mom's laptop with wifi.  It's like being on dial-up, though.  I was trying to IM with Mom, but gave up.  The delay made me nutty.  I'm so spoiled by DSL.

I stopped for fuel this morning, and figured I'd stop at the only McDonald's on the way for a bite to eat.  My next chance won't be until around 1:30 this afternoon.  That little po-dunk McD's doesn't open before 6am!  ACK!  Don't deny a fat chick her food.  I also left my mints in the truck.  My mints are sort of an addiction, so that'll make for an interesting trip.  I have the laptop and a couple of books, though, so all is well.

I got the "pat down" at security.  That's a first for me.  Mom usually gets chosen, which is funny, if you know my mom.  Not exactly terrorist material, although neither am I.

Well, 10 minutes until we board, so I better hit the bathroom one more time.  I don't want to break my record of never using those little airplane bathrooms.  Makes me think that if the plane goes down, I don't want to be hovering over a dirty little stainless steel bowl.  I'm just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

I think perhaps they pat me down because of my dark complexion, although somebody told me they just choose like every 20th or 30th or whatever numbered person.

Anonymous said...

You know, the sad thing about getting a pat down never get the pat down from anyone remotely good looking.  Heh...
