Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 in review

OK, Mom gave me the idea for this little game, and here is the year in review.  I have made each month a link, if you want to see the rambling nonsense that goes through my head daily...but don't hurt yourself.'s stupid.  But it helps me.

January: Well, here we are.

February: Well, here I am.

March: Remember when I was stranded in Indy?

April:  I had a rough day at work.

May:  Sunday was the best day ever.

June:   We FINALLY got the yard mowed today.

Well, the girls are at Grammy's house.

I'm sick of ducks, and I'm sick of being gone.

September:  Kevin is working on the bathroom, the girls and I have the house whipped into shape, the beer and soda is in the cooler on ice, and our Texas friends are on their way up.

October: I knew I'd only get to work until 12:30 today, so I left home around 5 this morning, stopped for fuel, and got to work at 6:15.

November:  Well, Halloween went off MOSTLY without a hitch.

December:  A lot of people get "down" this time of year.

Lucy, we're HO-OME

Well, we're back.  No, no, please hold your applause.  We got down there Friday night, and fell to sleep rather quickly.  On Saturday, Kevin and Brian got to work on the new front steps, while Grammy and some of her siblings cleaned out GGs apartment.  Me?  I watched the girls and my nephew while rearranging Grammy's new room (her old guest room.)  It was busy and crazy, and it's over.

I'll post some pictures tonight, but right now, a nap is calling to me, and we are expected at a friend's house in about 3 hours or so.  I hope you all have a blessed New Year.  Don't drink and drive.  Unless it's Diet Coke...then it's ok.  Or something.

Later, mater.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Movie Mania

Today was still quiet, but I was super busy with a special project for a special friend.  I can't wait until next week, when I can send it!  I hope to have it in his hands by Friday, but I'm not sure.  Even though I was really busy, it's nice to leave at 5, knowing there isn't 435 undone projects waiting for the next day.

Tonight, I am "ripping" movies.  Not in the illegal way; with my job, I am VERY conscious of copyright laws.  These are movies that we have purchased, and I'm putting them on my work Mac, so I can watch movies on the plane during business trips, the first of which is a week from Saturday.  I'm starting with Office Space.  It takes a long time to get each one on the computer, so it'll take a few days to get them done.

I won't put a ton on here, due to hard drive space, but it'll be nice to have a few.  I will add "Say Anything" and "Meet the Fockers", "The Life of David Gale" and "Cheaper by the Dozen."  That's about it, other than "Monty Python's Holy Grail" which I'm getting from a coworker tomorrow.  That'll do it for a while, then I'll delete some and add some others.

If we get the worst of the forecast, we'll have 2-4 inches of snow tomorrow, and our plans to head to Carthage will change.  I bet we won't get half that, though, so we'll be fine.  More about the trip tomorrow.  Wow, I bet you can't wait, huh?

OK, I'm off to watch some reruns due to the writer's strike.  At least it's a good way to get to bed early, huh?

Have fun, rerun!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Back to work!

Well, I had to return to work today, after a glorious 4-day weekend.  I dreaded it, I cried, I left late, I stomped my feet, and I threw a bit of a fit.  Then, I got into the car and went to work.

There was NO traffic at ALL.  My usual 1-hour trip was made in 45 minutes.  Although I left late, I got to work 20 minutes early and got ready for the day.  I got ready, the phones came on, and then we sat.  We sat and visited.

Sure, there were a few phone calls, and things to tend to, but it was wonderfully quiet today.  The hourly CSRs got sent home early, and the rest of us got caught up on things that needed done.  I even walked around at one point, asking if anyone needed help.  I wrote thank-you notes to those who sent Christmas gifts, I cleaned up my credits (horrid task indeed!) and I filled in for one of the receptionists for a while so she could do some other tasks.

It was the coolest day ever.  I hope it's like this all day.  We're heading to Carthage on Friday, and it'd be great to leave early.

Kevin saw the shoulder specialist today.  Arthritis, bone spurs, and a torn labrum, etc. etc.  He pretty much told them all of this in July, but it took this long for the insurance to send him to someone who told him the same things.  Yup, more surgery.  It's not scheduled yet, but we're expecting mid-January.  *sigh*

OK, dinner is done and it's time to go eat.  Kevin made tuna casserole today, and it's smelling awesome.  His news doesn't hit too hard, since we expected it.  We did this same thing 6 years ago.  We know what to expect.  My wonderful day isn't going to fade because of this one piece of news.

See ya later, snow storm hater!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The big day is ending

Well, I think we had a great Christmas.  The girls slept really late, so we finally woke Natalie up after Monica came up the stairs.  We called my folks to come enjoy the morning with us.  Dad was glad to see the homemade treats, since today was their last day of eating fattening foods!

The girls were VERY happy with their limited gifts.  The off-brand MP3 players have been attached to their heads since they opened them, and they've thanked us 2 dozen times for buying them.  I showed them how to rip a CD to the player, and safely eject the player, and they are off and running.

They had more fun giving us the gifts that they bought for us than they did opening their own.  That made me happy.  They were especially happy with the gifts they gave to their grandma.  A reading light, for reading to dad in the car at night, and a touch light for her cabin.  They were SO happy to show them to her.

By 10:30, the tree was DOWN.  Every year, I get that tree down as soon as the presents are opened.  I want my living room back!  Then, we headed to Mom's to cook the lasagna that I made yesterday.  It was good, and we all ate too much, then sat around being sort of useless for a while.

The beautiful snow of Saturday turned into Christmas day mud.  Yuck.  Upon returning home, we all four kicked in and cleaned the HECK out of this house.  It is so clean now, it feels great.  Then, Kevin and I took a nap.

Now, the work of the day is done.  The fun of the day is done.  We all are relaxing with no guilt about "I should be doing...."  It's great, and a good way to end the last day of a four day weekend.  Back to work tomorrow, but only for three days.

Well, I've rambled too long.  I've got some important reclining to do!

Be free, MP3.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Final entry of Christmas Eve

OK, this is the last post of the day, I promise.  I can promise that, because I'm exhausted and going to bed.  Poke me with a fork, I'm done.

The girls have gone to bed, the treats are made, the Santa snacks are out, and the gifts are waiting.  The lasagna is in the fridge, the garlic bread is in the freezer, and the tree is ready for the long mile.

Yup, I'd say it's over.  The build-up is over.  Now, I can sleep, and tomorrow is for fun only.  No pressure, no timeline, and no errands.  Tomorrow is for relaxation and fun.  Period.

Enjoy yourself, little elf.

How I spent my Christmas Eve

This morning, I took the girls out to do their Christmas shopping.  I had to stand in the corner of the store for part of it, but I got to watch some.  It was so cool to see them put a lot of thought into what gift was a good match for each person they bought for.  Then, it was time for a surprise for them.

I had a $25 gift card for Applebees that a customer sent to me.  We didn't get to eat big, but we split an appetizer sampler, and were all quite satisfied when we left.  From there, we headed to WalMart.  Yes, I went to WalMart on Christmas eve, and I didn't even kill anyone!  I would have, but the kids were with me.

I only needed a few things, so it didn't take long.  After getting home, the girls ran down to their rooms to wrap their presents.  It's killing them, trying to wait until morning for us to see what they got us.  They're excited for Grandma and Grandpa to  see theirs, too.

I relaxed for a while, then got to work on tomorrow's dinner.  I made two big pans of lasagna, so tomorrow, all we have to do is put them into the oven.  I'll let mom decide if we're eating here or there.  Sometimes, there is more to do at their house, and they would usually rather hang out there.  Kevin and Dad can find some project in the shop, I'm sure.

OK, now that everything necessary is done for the night, I'm on my butt once again.  I swear, if I was unemployed, I would weigh 400 lbs. 

Time for a snack, asthma attack.  (I don't know, but the rhyme and rhythm were right.)

Death of a Christmas Tree

From the "My Family is So Weird" files:

I told the girls that tomorrow afternoon, we'd be hauling the Christmas tree off to grandpa's house, since this is the last year we can make the poor thing suffice.  I asked if they wanted to make a ceremony out of it.

While we were having this conversation, Monica was in the middle of playing some songs on her trumpet for us.  I looked at her and asked if she'd like to play a song at the ceremony.  "Do you know 'Oh Christmas Tree'?"

She said, "No, but I could play this:"


Say, that might be just the ticket!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas eve eve, or the day before the day before

This was, quite possibly, the laziest day ever.   We put a roast with some potatoes and carrots in the crock pot this morning, and it made for a great dinner.  There is enough roast left for BBQ beef sandwiches tomorrow.  I've already gotten into the leftover taters and carrots.  That's one of my FAVORITE leftovers in the world.

The girls have felt, shaken, and closely examined their gifts several times tonight.  There is one that Monica has decided is an accordion.  ????  OK.  Sure, I have always wanted some good, old fashioned polka music in our home.  NOT.

The girls were in bed early tonight.  They were up very late last night, hanging out with Grandpa, so they were tired and grumpy much of the day.  Not grumpy, really, just emotional.  Monica asked if she could go to bed at 8...We sent Natalie along about 20 minutes later.  Tomorrow will be a big day, and they need to rest up.

Mom and Dad will come over to watch the girls open their gifts on Tuesday morning.  I was thinking about making some great breakfast treat, but I'll have to see what ingredients I have on hand.  Mom would say, "NO MORE FOOD!" but if I can find something that I can throw together, I will.

On Tuesday afternoon, we'll probably take down the tree, so I can reclaim my living room.  The tree itself will be hauled off and trashed.  It's been a bit more lame each year, and the cats have finished it off, I'm afraid.  I can't blame them entirely, since it was a discounted tree that we bought about 6 years ago.

Hawkeye ran off this afternoon.  Usually, he stays within a square block of home, and when we callhim back in, he comes running in a matter of seconds.  Today, we called and called, and no response.  Kevin was getting ready to get in the truck and go find him, when I gave one last call and he showed up.

I was so worried.  I pictured him being hit in the street or something morbid like that.  I'm like my mother and grandmother that's not my fault.  Anyway, I hate to admit how attached I am to that stupid hair ball.  He sleeps all day, gets underfoot and is generally a pain in my butt.  But I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to him.

Now, the useless twit is lying in the doorway, not a care in the world.  I think I'll go nudge him awake just to be an annoyance.  The cats are just as bad, curled up in a chair together, napping.  I won't diss them too badly, though, since that's how I spent a large portion of my day, curled up and napping.

I don't know what the point of this post is.  I guess it's just that I am at peace.  I am warm and content.  My children have gifts to open, my husband loves me, faults and all, and my pets add something special to our lives.  It's been a good year.  Sure, there have been struggles, but we all made it through just fine.

Now for some rest, in the Midwest.

My favorite referee

Is it weird to have a favorite referee?  I usually don't pay much attention to the officials, but this guy is SO much fun to watch.  His name is Mike Carey.

He worked the Cowboys game last night.  I always get so excited when he's on the job.  Every arm motion is deliberate and forceful.  His voice booms things like "OFF SIDES" with so much authority that it makes ME feel guilty for the penalty.

I read a bit about him (thank goodness for the internet) and he's a very interesting guy, too.  Kevin and I had a 10 minute discussion about how he would order from a menu in a restaurant.  His arm would sweep wide toward the menu, while he booms, "I'll take the petit fillet, MEDIUM WELL, and a SALAD, dressing on the side." 

OK, it loses a lot when you type it out, but if you ever see number 94 in the role of referee during a game, pay attention.  You'll see exactly what I mean.  OK, back to my nap, now.  The Chiefs lose more efficiently if I'm sleeping during the game.  *yawn*

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Angry Dad and the Big Day Out

I'm (almost) ashamed at how late I slept this morning...but not quite.  It was awesome.  I won't admit how late it was, but by the time I woke up, cooked biscuits and gravy, showered and dressed, it was close to noon.

Freezing rain and sleet started falling with a vengeance, so I decided that the best idea was to carry on with our date plans.  Kevin was driving and scowling as we took the girls to Mom and Dad's house.  I told him he could be angry at Walmart, but NOT anywhere else on the date.  He asked, "How about while I'm driving?"  I said, "Not unless there's a real good reason."  His reply was, "There is ICE falling out of the F***ing SKY!"  OK, point taken.

We almost slid past Mom's road, and he made little comments about the insanity of this plan.  We dropped the girls off (while he told me to kiss my daughters for the last time.  ha ha), and he said, "You're driving!"  Okey dokey, I ain't skeered.  At the end of Mom's road, we saw a car slide by and almost wreck into a deep ditch.  I decided to go the other way, via more traveled roads.

It was slow going, but my car does an incredible job on this stuff.  I kept wishing it would change over to snow, like they promised, since snow is MUCH better to drive on than ice. 

We made one stop on the way, for fuel.  QT is our convenience store of choice, and Kevin needed a coffee.  I got an amaretto cappuccino, too.  Yummy.  We saw two guys cussing each other out at the gas pumps.  It almost came to blows, I think.  I scooted inside to avoid the confrontation.  Merry Christmas, gentlemen.

By the time we got close to our destination, it turned into big, beautiful flakes of snow.  Our first stop was On The Border.

We ate, courtesy of a gift card from a customer, and I had a strawberry swirl margarita.  Other than that, it was a Diet Coke day, since there was driving to be done.  By the time we left there, the car was covered in ice and snow.  Good thing I brought my automatic ice scraper.

From there, we went to WalMart to do the shopping for the girls' Christmas gifts.  Here is a list of what we bought for them:  ARE YOU KIDDING, GIRLS?  DID YOU THINK I'D GIVE IT UP THAT EASILY?  We got them some pretty cool stuff, considering the super tight budget.  I got some beer for the long weekend, and that was a busier section than the toy section!

When we were done, we had to scrape windows again.  Umm, I mean, KEVIN had to scrape windows again.  The roads were getting worse by the minute, so we decided we better head home, and forget the movie.  It was 30 mph on the interstate, and slower on the side roads, coming back toward home.  We got here safe and sound, however, and unloaded the stuff.

Right after we got here, the girls called to check on us.  I think Natalie was wanting to come home, but I really wanted to get everything wrapped before that, and the roads are treacherous.  Tomorrow morning, it should be much better, since the snow is about done.  I told her to call as soon as they were awake and ready, and we'd come straight out to get them.

Now, we're watching a football game and chilling out.  Tomorrow, we'll make Christmas treats for the neighbors (a tradition of ours) and relax.  Monday, I'll take the girls shopping.  They have some money, and they want to do some Christmas shopping of their own.  Natalie offered to pay us for her gifts.  She has SUCH a big heart.  I took her money and ran.  LOL just kidding.

That's it, banana split!

Friday, December 21, 2007

It's over...for real this time.

At 5:00, I got into my car.  I had said goodbye and Merry Christmas to all of my coworkers.  I had my gifts and cards in the back seat.  I had a cold Diet Coke for the ride home.  I was good to go.

By 5:10, I was bawling like a baby, trying to drive in traffic.  Most of it was an emotional release.  It is over.  Everyone got their orders in time.  EVERYONE.  Nobody was disappointed.  NOBODY.  I really, truly feel that I did a good job.  I think I did a GREAT job, this season.  Now, facing 4 days of non-work bliss, I was crying like an idiot.

A big part of it was the good customers that I have.  I got a few gift cards, tons of cards, and a few gifts.  Folks called just to tell me that I'm good at what I do.  They called to tell me "thanks."  They called to tell me "Merry Christmas."  They called, without problems.

I have a VERY high stress job.  It is crazy and unpredictable and insane.  However, I  love what I do.  I love my customers.  I have 4 days off, and if it weren't for my generous owners, my kids wouldn't have much of a Christmas this year.  My bonus bailed us out.

Tomorrow, Mom will keep the girls while Kevin and I have dinner, and shop for the girls.  I can't wait, and I know that it's going to be crazy out there.  I will document it with pictures, don't worry.  I expect to get at least one picture of Kevin choking someone in WalMart.  That'll rock.

:added later:  Mom, yes, you're right.  We discussed having Jensen babysit, but it would have been at least $20.  That is $20 that could buy a gift.  So, yeah, I'm askin'.  Can the girls stay there tomorrow, betwen 3pm Saturday and, ummm, let's say Sunday?  Call me when they need to come home, OK?

Enjoy the season, within reason. (hi Amy, scroll up and read the entry, now.)

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful...ehhh, not so much.

It was SO nice outside this afternoon, and supposed to be even warmer tomorrow.  Saturday?  Rain turning to snow.  Whatever.  It's Missouri.

Although the phone calls today were fewer by FAR than the previous months, those that we got were desperate calls for help.  We helped, and then some.  We exceeded expectations, and several of my customers called to thank us.  It was so cool.

Tomorrow, the phones will be almost dead.  There will be a few calls for help, and we'll come through, since Fedex will still deliver on Monday.  Most of the day will consist of cleaning, organizing, and rearranging.  I'm moving my phone.  I'm right handed, and it needs to be to the right of my monitor.  Boring shit, huh?  Yup, I'm gonna enjoy "boring."

I can not WAIT until Saturday.  The neighbor down the street will be offered the babysitting job, to let Mom off the hook, but Mom's been gracious enough to agree to keep them, if Jensen doesn't work out.  We will see the new Will Smith movie, get a bite to eat, and shop for the girls.

OK, I'm out, little scout.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's Over. *sigh*

My busy season is officially over.  *sigh* I'm done.  Finished.  Wiped out.  Exhausted.

I got home about 9:05 tonight, saw my girls for a short time before they headed to bed, and gave them the good news that my overtime is done.  (I glossed over the fact that my first trade show is in 2 weeks.)

All out-of-town orders that were due for Christmas were shipped today.  Tomorrow, all in-town orders will be gone.  The only thing left is the calls that "something didn't get here" or "something is wrong" and we do same-day remakes to get the order delivered.  Although it's nerve wracking, it's NOTHING compared to the past few weeks.

My co-workers and I adopted a family this year.  There is a local photographer with a  2-year-old who has leukemia.  They have been in the hospital more than out.  We collected money (which the owners matched) and went shopping for the kids (they have 4.)  My team bought for the 10 year old girl.  No problem.  Except for the jerks shopping at Blue Springs Wal-Mart.  Anyway, the gifts will be given on Friday, and I'm happy that this family will have Christmas.

The closer it gets, the poorer we are, and I'm so thankful for the attitude that my girls have.  They said that they'd be very happy with one gift each, but it's OK if they don't get anything.  Of COURSE they'll get a few things to open on Tuesday morning, but it's nice of them to take the pressure off.

Mom said she's willing to let the girls spend the night on Saturday, so Kevin and I have plans.  I have some old, left-over movie gift cards, and I'll take him to a movie.  I have about $40 left on an On The Border gift card from a customer, so I'll take him to dinner.  My holiday bonus gift cards will buy the girls Christmas gift(s).  This all means that, for the price of gas, we'll get a date and a Christmas shopping adventure, all without taking $$$ out of our account.  A willing/wonderful set of parents? Priceless.

I have two days of work left this week.  I don't have to get there early, and I don't have to stay late.  I will show up at 8:29 and leave at 5:00 sharp.  HA!  Then, I get a 4-day weekend.  I need it SO badly.  Six different people told me today, "you look tired," or "you sound tired."  Yeah?  Ya THINK?  I need this weekend.

On Monday evening, we plan to take the girls shopping.  They have some money to spend, and when they're done, we'll go take in some Christmas lights.  We haven't had a chance yet, and we do that every year.  What better time than Christmas eve?

I wish I could buy hundreds of dollars worth of gifts for everyone I know, but I can't.  Once again, I must take a moment to thank my family for not expecting gifts.  We have love, health, homes, and each other.  That's really all we want.  As broke as we are, I can't think of ONE thing to ask for. 

I hear commercials for jewelry stores, pearls and diamonds and such, and electronics, and much more.  I am content.  I have everything I need, and MANY things that I want.  Until they invent self-washing dishes or self-cleaning floors, I'm good.  I'm good, and I'm out.


I'm done, honey bun.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Filling my *small* car with fuel: $32

Christmas for the kids: $200

200 gallons of propane, at the new price: $400

Sitting on my couch, under a blanket, with a laptop, watching TV, surrounded by family (and pets) that love me unconditionally, while having a drink: Priceless

Monday, December 17, 2007

Your lesson for the day

"Ya'll gonna get my pitchers made fer Christmas if ya'll get 'em tomorry?"-incorrect grammer, and the answer is "no."
"If my order arrives tomorrow, will I have the prints in time to deliver to my client for Christmas?"-correct grammer, and the answer is "no."

"When is the last day I can get an order to you and get it back by Christmas?" -incorrect, you should have read your newsletter.
"If I read the newsletter correctly, it's too late to get an order back by Christmas." -correct, you won't get it.

The right lane is going an average of 62 mph.  The center lane is going an average of 66 mph.  The left lane is going an average of 72 mph.  You are in the left lane, traveling an average of 62 mph.  What should you do? -the answer is MOVE THE HELL OVER BEFORE I RAM YOUR BUMPER, MORON!

You top a hill heading West, while I top the next hill heading East.  I can see you, and your headlights clearly, so I dim my lights.  What is the best way to assure that you aren't rammed by a $500 Cavalier?  -the answer is DIM YOUR LIGHTS, YOU MORON!

A month ago, you asked if an order received on December 19 would be delivered by Christmas, and you were told "no." Last week, you asked if an order received on December 19 would be delivered by Christmas, and you were told "no."  Today, you asked if an order received by December 19 would be delivered by Christmas, and you were told "no." -the answer is HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF.

Physical Education:
I am fat and out of shape.  If I am running all over the lab, looking for your order, and you call right back to ask for me, I *will* be out of breath.  Don't ask why.  It just annoys me.  I am doing what you ask, so leave me alone.

Sex Ed:
If you are going to pretend to be a professional photographer, do NOT call me while your child screams in the background.  Nobody will ever take you seriously.  You're just a MWAC. (that's Mom With A Camera)

Your lab rep will go out for 2 separate, 12 minute breaks each day.  During that time, they will smoke cigarettes while cussing about your ineptitude.

I didn't get one, due to your lack of planning.  Thanks.

OK, this completes your class work for the day.  Tomorrow, we'll cover "whining," "begging," "complaining," and "screaming."  Be here early.

See ya 'round, frozen ground!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Finally starting to feel it

Thanks to a twist of events, and a VERY generous offer from a coworker, I didn't have to work today.  I owe Patty BIG time.  Brett came over for the weekend, and we had two meals with family members that we don't get to see often enough.

With the beautiful snow, great holiday feast, and visiting with relatives, I started feeling the holiday spirit.  I was really getting worried that I wouldn't get into it this year, but I'm breathing easier about it now.

It's going to be a VERY tight Christmas, financially, but I am blessed with a family, immediate and extended, who understands our money situation and don't expect lots of pricey gifts.  Thanks, family.

The first half of this week will be filled with long hours and stress, but by Friday, it will drop off to nothing, then I get a 4-day weekend!  I can handle 4 days of hell for the payoff that's coming.

In the morning, I'll drop Brett off on my way to work.  It has sure been nice to have him around to visit with.  It helped him, to, since his washer is broken.  What would life at 19 be without taking a garbage bag full of dirty laundry when you visit your parents.  He washed it himself, if you're wondering.

Survivor is over for this season, and I'm off to bed. 

That's the scoop, Tator Soup! (thanks for the leftovers, Mom.)

Friday, December 14, 2007

Let it snow, let it snow, let it...ehhh, whatever

It's cold outside, and snow should start falling within an hour, if you can believe the overpaid weather guessers.  I have always said, if it's going to be cold, it may as well be pretty, so let it snow.

Kevin got a muffler put on my car today, then got it inspected and tagged.  That may be the first time in our history that we didn't wait until within 4 days of the end of the month.  Thanks honey!

The girls are at church, in their PJs, for a movie night, or some such.  Kevin and I had take-out from On The Border (thanks to a gift card from a customer) and I brought something for the girlies, too.  When they get home, I'll warm it up for them.  There is even enough for us to have lunch tomorrow!

I bought my first Christmas present on ebay last night.  It was a bluetooth headset for Kevin's Mom.  It was cheap, and new, and a match to the phone that she's also getting.  She's on our cell plan, and it was time for our free upgrade, so she's getting something she didn't know she'd be getting, and we get to give her a great gift for VERY little $$$.

Since I keep proving I have nothing important to say, I guess I'll sign off and play some Pogo games.  I really should leave you with some words of wisdom.  Let me's this: Don't even bother with a Christmas tree if you have cats.

Ciao, Frostbite.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday 'N Stuff

Well, here we are, aren't we.  Tuesday's power outage caused Wednesday's problems, which are mostly solved today, but not entirely. Yeah, we're screwed at work.  LOL  Grammy, in the SW corner of the state, has been without power for 4 days, but it was restored today...thank goodness.  Jonathan, our eldest, is still without power (same area) so I hope he can go back home soon.

Kevin  bought a new iPod battery for me.  It comes with instructions.  The iPod was a gift last year, and it needed a battery.  I was skeptical and worried and intimidated by the thought of changing it, but I did it.  I did it and it WORKED!  WooHoo!  My iPod is all ready for my business trips now.  Flights are much better with good music to listen to.

One more week of insanity, and things will calm down.  I have decided that I will make it.  I think.  LOL  Seriously, I will make it.  I will work late tomorrow, work both Saturday and Sunday, then all of next week, then I'll have 4 days off in a row!  At least Mom is having our big dinner at 2, so I don't have to get there late.  Thanks, Mom!

OK, I'm off to check journals and such.  Have a good night, Cold Chill!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Glad the day is done

Well, the roads were fine this morning.  I *did* have to pry my door open, due to ice, but then got around just fine.  The girls were out of school, so enjoyed another day at Mom's house.

Work was insane today.  Yesterday's power outage (yeah, I answered phones by the light of a flashlight for 2 hours) caused our mainframe system to run incredibly slowly today.  The question that normally can be answered in 15 seconds took 3 minutes to answer.  Doesn't sound like much, but with the call volume we have right now, it's insane.

Tomorrow will be better.  I keep telling myself that.  Kevin hurts and the girls are cranky and my work is horribly hard to handle and *I* am the one that is usually cheery.  I can't be cheery.  I'm trying, but I'm starting to get a glimpse of what "depressed" is. 

I have a dinner invite on Sunday, with all of my favorite people, yet I have to work.  I'll be late at best.  Damn the ice storm/power outage.  Damn the busy season.  Damn the cold.  Damn the lack of sun for over a week.

*sniff sniff*  Here goes:  Tomorrow, the weather-guessers say we'll have sunshine.  I don't care if it's 30 below zero, the sun helps.  I want to need my shades.  The girls helped a ton with dishes and laundry tonight.  Kevin got things under control before I got home tonight, and the girls promised that they would be in fine form in the morning.  After two snow-days, my hopes for a smooth morning aren't incredibly high.

I will get over it.  It's lasted longer than I expected, but I WILL get over it.  I will.  DO YOU HEAR ME???  I WILL!

OK, off to bed.  That was a horrible, depressing entry, and I'll probably delete it by morning.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ice storm? Not so much.

Well, I awoke this morning expecting an inch of ice, and horrible roads.  Knowing that I HAD to make it in, I prepared to leave early.  I went outside and saw a TON of it.  Yup, it was a TON of...ready for it? rain.  Yup, just rain.  There was no ice, other than what was there.  Roads were fine, just wet.  I drove the speed limit all the way to work.  What a build-up for nothing.  Typical for Missouri weather-guessers.

However, Kansas City fared much worse.  The lab was without power for 7 hours last night, and we answered phones for 2 hours today, using flashlights to see the phone, because there are no windows near customer service.  It was an adventure, but we still lost 9 hours of production time during the busiest time of the year.  ACK

I even got to run an errand to buy 12 flashlights (every flashlight they had at that little hardware store) so we could see to answer the phone.  Answer the phone to say, "I'm sorry, I can't help you.  I can't look up the order, I can't rush the order, I can't stop the order, but by GOLLY I can answer a phone really well!

It stayed above freezing all day, so there is no new ice.  It is supposed to stop raining before it drops below freezing.  If so, there will only be a light glaze of ice in the morning.  Thank goodness.  I can deal with a light glaze.  mmmmm...donuts.  Oops, sorry.  I'm back.

Anyway, here we are.  I will likely work on Sunday, but will try as hard as possible to be at Mom's in time for dinner.  Brett WILL be there.  I just need to figure out the logistics.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Some various visuals

Here is a picture from Sunday:

Here is a shot of the freezing rain, coming down.  It looks like snow, due to the fast shutter speed, but it's rain. Trust me:

Finally, here is the sound of freezing rain, hitting existing snow and ice:

Final thoughts, before the darkness....

Well, here we go.  The weather is turning on us.  We could have as much as an inch of ice by tomorrow.  If we get that much, we'll likely lose power.  We have candles and crank-type lanterns and all the blankets a person could hope for.  Yeah, we're as prepared as we could be.

Mom and Dad could come here to shower, since they are on a well (needing electricity to pump the water.)  If it does what they say, Kevin will stay home tomorrow.  I will go in, even if I have to drive 5 mph to get there.  You'll never understand unless you've worked in this industry.  I have to be there.  Also, if I make it 4 hours, it's not an absence.

Anyway, we are as prepared as anyone could be, and more thankful than ever to be on propane for cooking and water heating.  If history is bound to repeat itself, we'll get little or nothing, and life will be as normal as life gets around here when tomorrow comes.  If this is the exception, we'll make it just fine...but.

Yeah, a big BUT! (I said big butt.  LOL  Am I describing myself?)  But I may not have TV or internet.  Just WHAT will I do???  HELP!  This is a national emergency!!  HELP!

Amy, see your comment on my last entry.  I could let it go, but I won't.  I would be scared if there happened to be a tail in my toe, too!  Don't ridicule Jesse for it!

Peace out, snowbunnies!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

A relaxing Sunday

I did VERY little today, other than sit around watching TV and playing on the computer.  VERY little.  Seriously.  Nothing.  Nada.  Zip.  Zero.  I may need treatment for bed sores if this doesn't stop.  Also, a good weight loss program may be called for.  I'm just sayin'.

First, Oprah wanted to tell me who to vote she has a movie on in place of Desperate Housewives and Brothers & Sisters.  Hag.

Christmas is going to be VERY lean this year.  Kevin got tires on his truck on Friday (thank goodness,) my car needs a new muffler, an inspection, and licensing.  Add on the end-of-year taxes and the normal monthly bills, and my kids are going to learn quickly how to appreciate what they already have.

Don't get me wrong.  My kids have never been the type to ask for a lot.  They happily wear hand-me-downs and WalMart clothing, they eat what is put in front of them, without complaining, and we can take a shopping trip without hearing a single "Can I have...."

They are good kids.  The problem is, they are so comfortable and happy with what they have, it makes me want to treat them even more!  They won't be disappointed, but Kevin and I will.

I will end each day, though, reminding myself what we DO have.  We have a warm house, dependable vehicles, plenty to eat, a loving family (immediate and extended) and entertainment.

On the subject of entertainment, let me tell you what has entertained me today.  The kids crack me up, and do something daily to entertain me, whether it's a bad joke or a silly dance.  I have a computer (so does Kevin) and I often bring a laptop home from work to play on.  We have Dish Network, for our viewing pleasure, and radio/CDs for our listening pleasure.  There is a dog who takes over our bed, any chance he gets, and 2 cats, who are more fun by the day.

Don't tell Kevin that I told you, but Simba jumped up on the bed this morning, and curled up in front of Kevin while he read a book.  Soon, he was sleeping with his head on Kevin's arm, and he started drooling!  ROFL  Poor Kevin gets no respect.

OK, I guess I'm done rambling.  See ya later, mashed potater.

Uh Oh!

Oh boy.  It's started.  I'm housebound, it's cold outside, and football pre game has started.  You know what that means?

Yup, that's right.  I'm cooking a bunch of fattening foods.  We haven't been to the store, other than for the essentials, so the usual quick-grab foods aren't here.  That causes me to scrounge around until I find some combination of things that sounds good.  It is always high fat/high calorie.

Currently, I'm baking potatoes for potato skins.  I don't have any bacon, but I have other stuff that I can top them with.  I'm thinking I might need some pigs-in-a-blanket before the day is out, too.

This can NOT bode well for the rest of the day.

::added later::
The skins AND the pigs-in-blankets were wonderful, so was the cookies and cream ice cream.  Burp.

Saturday, December 8, 2007


We have ice.  We have ice upon ice upon ice.  I saw 11 cars in the ditch in a 10 mile stretch this morning.  I got home without incident, and I'm not going anywhere tonight or tomorrow.  I'm cozy and safe at home, and I'll not be leaving until Monday morning.

With all of that out of the way, on to the subject of ice.

Ice is good because:
It keeps your drink cold.
It is necessary for an ice cream maker.
You can skate on it.
It keeps items in your cooler cold.

Ice is BAD because:
It makes you crash in a ball of fire in the ditch.
You look stupid walking across the street on it.
Your car has to stay 400° to keep the windshield clear.
I can see dollars flying by as the propane burns.
Tree limbs fall all over the place.
Broken bones abound.

All in all, I can live with it, if I have plenty of time to get where I'm going, or better yet, if I can stay home.  For the next 36 hours, I'm staying home.

Peace out, ice queens!

The Saturday Six

Patrick's Saturday Six

Here are this week’s “Saturday Six” questions. Either answer the questions in a comment at Patrick's blog,
or put the answers in an entry on your journal…but either way, leave a
link to your journal so that everyone else can visit! To be counted as
“first to play,” you must be the first player to either answer the
questions in a comment or to provide a complete link to the specific
entry in your journal in which you answer the questions. A link to your
journal in general cannot count. Enjoy!

You have to leave a snack for Santa, but you’re concerned about his
health so you don’t want to leave sweets: what healthier snack would
you choose instead? Pringles and Beer?  I've never been good with nutrition, and we have it on hand.  (Maybe that's why I'm fat?)

Santa decides to be especially generous this year, and says he’ll bring
you a car. What make and model would you like to find in your driveway
on Christmas morning? Something with excellent gas mileage (maybe a hybrid) and a working defroster.

3. Santa is also giving you a vacation to any spot in the world for a week. Where would you like to go? Some touristy island.

4. Take the quiz: What will be in your Christmas stocking?

You Christmas Stocking Will Be Filled with Money
You've either been really really good this year...
Or Santa is trying to pay you off!

5. When was the last time you had a picture taken with Santa Claus? Gee whiz!  I have no idea!

If Santa could bring you 12 of any single item mentioned in the lyrics
of “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” which gift would you choose and why? I guess I could take the golden rings, and sell them for cash.  The song mentions leaping lords and dancing ladies and lots of birds.  Any of those would annoy the heck out of me.

Friday, December 7, 2007

A Public Service Announcement

Do you have problems?  Do you wish you could get rid of them forever?  Well, introducing, the Ronco Problematic™!  The all new Ronco Problematic™ can solve your problems forever!

Does your husband leave whiskers in the sink?  Problematic™!  Do your kids fight about silly things?  Problematic™!  Do your pets refuse to come when called?  Problematic™!

If you have a problem, from bad weather to annoying inlaws, the Ronco Problematic™ can take care of it for you!  Simply follow the steps below, and watch your troubles disappear!

1) Identify the problem you are having.
2) Fold the problem in half.
3) Fold the problem 3-4 more times, depending on the size of the problem.
4) Place the problem in the Ronco Problematic™
5) Sit back and relax.

That's right, the Ronco Problematic™ will rid you of all problems.  Just order this new product from and enjoy a more relaxing life immediately.

That's right...the Ronco Problematic™!

Not sold in stores. Problems will not all be eliminated. Most problems need life skills, not stupid products. If you are disappointed, burned, or contaminated by this item, you can do nothing more than complain loudly, since we are already out of business. If, at any time, you need assistance using this item, you are screwed, buddy.  Take some advice and get a life.  Just deal with your problems and quit looking for an answer on late night TV.  You're useless.  Go to bed.  Seriously, get over it already.  You parents are praying for you.  Put down the remote and get a job.  The bourbon can only last so long.  Cut the mullet off and apply for a real job, Sparky. 

A rant, a rave, and some mindless drivel

A rant:

I work with some of the LAZIEST people on the planet.  I SWEAR!  They will spend 10 minutes getting out of 3 minutes worth of work.  Hey, buddy?  How about you finish your own call, instead of dumping it on me, ok?  How about you learn something about the software, instead of telling a customer, "I'm not really good with that one, let me find someone to help you."  How about you LEARN the friggin' software?

A rave:

The roads are all clear, but the snow is still pretty everywhere else.  It's cold, but pretty.  The cats haven't knocked more than 4 ornaments off  the tree today.  We have a great afternoon planned tomorrow, after I get off work.  My customers love me.   My boss appreciates me.  My coworkers see my worth.

Some mindless drivel:

Frosty is on TV.  I remember watching all of these things as a kid.  It was awesome and amazing and once a year.  Now, many of them are on more than once a season.  Just in case we miss it, though, we own DVDs of most of the classics.  To heck with Pixar, we have claymation!

We had a cheap-o Taco Bell dinner tonight.  I can combine a few combos, get out of there cheap, and have my family think I'm awesome.  Yeah, I AM awesome.  And, I love love LOVE the Nacho Bell Grande.

OK, I have to go bake now.  My employer is providing a lunch of Pizza tomorrow, and customer service in providing desserts.  *sigh*  I don't want to bake.  Maybe I can talk Kevin into it.  Nah, probably not.  He's all comfy, lying in the floor, watching Frosty.  *sigh*

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Yup, I'm getting over the blahs.  Snow helps.  If it's going to be cold, it may as well be pretty, right?

It took me almost 1 1/2 hours to get home, but I got here.  I came within 6" of hitting  a deer.  I slid 2 or 3 times.  I lost the use of the drivers side windshield wiper (Kevin has since fixed it, for tomorrow) and I saw many folks in the ditch, but my little blue wonder car got me home just fine.  Just fine indeed.

I took this shot outside the back door at work, around 2 this afternoon:

This is the snow fort that the girls made this evening:

And this is my dear, sweet wonder dog, having a ball, playing in the snow!

Yeah, if it's going to be cold, it may as well be pretty.  I love the snow! 

Back to Survivor!  (James made a very STUPID move last week.  *sigh*)

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Here we go

Wednesday.  What a boring, nothing sort of day.  Wednesday isn't a new beginning, like Monday.  Wednesday isn't a "woo hoo" kind of day like Friday.  Wednesday is SUCH a necessary evil.  I have never been a fan of Wednesday.

I know I have to work on Saturday.  That's a given, this time of year.  Now, I find out that I have to work Sunday, too.  BLECH!  That means, with working next Saturday, I'll be working 13 days  before another day off.  Bah!

At least I get to look forward to going out to dinner with my family, and Mom and Dad, on Saturday afternoon.  I can also look forward to Kevin getting new tires on Saturday, since bad weather is coming.  Heck, I'll probably have to scrape my windshield in the morning as it is.

Did I mention that my defrost doesn't work?  If I close all vents, it works "sort of" but there is no "defrost" in my car.  No matter the setting, the air blows from the vents.  Nothing on the floor, nothing on the windshield.  That's OK, since my car warms up in less than 5 minutes. 

Seriously, I leave home, and I have heat by the time I pass Mom's house.  That's 2 miles.  Rock on!  I used to drive a conversion van that NEVER got warm, no matter how hot the air was blowing.  I love my little car.

Although I need a starter.  Also a tire balance.  Also a headliner.  Oh, never mind.  I still love my little car.  I love no car payment.  I love my gas mileage.

The girls went to Mom's after school.  They haven't done that for a while, so they were SO excited about it.  It's neat that it can be a treat for them, instead of a chore that Mom has to deal with.

Kevin has inventory today.  He's been at work for about 12 hours so far, and he hasn't called to say that he's done.  This day has turned to 14 hours in the past.  I hope that's not the case today.

OK, time for Kid Nation!  See ya later!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A bit less humbug

I think I'm feeling better.  Work was insane, as it has been, but it didn't get me down as much.  It's still cold outside, but I didn't try to start a fire at my desk to keep warm.

The cats are knocking ornaments off the tree, but I find it funny to watch the girls get ticked and "redo" the tree.  We did the tedious task of addressing Christmas cards tonight, but it is done, and that's a relief.

I'm not as grumpy, and I think I'm getting over it.  We are still broke, but thanks to the kindness of a customer, we get to take my folks out to dinner on Saturday.  Kevin still needs tires, but that will be taken care of this weekend.

I just need some Topsy's (thanks for THAT addiction, Mom!) and some egg nog, and I'll be all better.  Well, maybe a big, fat raise at work would help even more, but I'm thankful for the BFR that I got last summer.

Oh, yeah.  The convention schedule is out for next year.  It's always up for changes after the first draft, but here is the tentative schedule:
Tampa, FL in January.
Indianaplis in February.
Las Vegas in March.
Memphis in July.

Other than Indy, not bad at all.  The girl going to South Carolina in February may not be able to make it, and maybe I could trade into that, and out of Indy.  Not likely, but a girl can dream, right?

Monday, December 3, 2007


A lot of people get "down" this time of year.  Some are downright depressed, while others get a mild case of "the blues."  I am not one of those people.

I am always happy and looking forward to Christmas.  I love the lights and decorations, and I love shopping for the kids, even when times are rough and they don't get much.  It just so much fun to see the holiday spirit abounding in busy people.

This year is different.  I can't get into it.  The girls put up the tree yesterday, and I just offered help when asked.  I am trying not to be downright crabby, but I can't shake this feeling.  Sure, work is busy, but that's not new.  My "sick check" is going to buy tires, but I'm thankful for the money being there for the needed treads.

I've already received a Christmas gift from a customer.  A really nice Christmas gift at that.  One that I can use to treat my parents to a Christmas gift.  What is wrong with me?

Yeah, I'll get over it.  I always do.  It is just bothering me really bad to feel like this, since it's quite unusual for me.  OK, I'm off to watch TV and get over my downer self.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Russ has been found!

Well, Russ came out of hiding, which kind of takes all of the humor out of my "Where's Russ" series.  Don't get me wrong, it's MUCH better when he posts daily, so I don't have to worry.  So we ALL don't have to worry.  Dearest Russy Poo...please stay around regularly.  Women tend to worry excessively.

That being said, I really enjoyed the "Where's Russ" posts.  I realize that things went REALLY wacky, and things were described that would NEVER happen, but I had so much fun.

With that being said, I don't think I'm done having fun with this little escape from reality.  Russ?  Can I have your blessing to keep putting you in odd situations?  Can I encourage others to post a "Where's Russ" entry when they have writer's block?  If you're good with that, and any of you readers out there do it, please post a comment with the link to your entry.

I'm having a ball with this...but I'm kind of lame.  I'd like to see Russ show up in different states, hiding out as a????  Or making a scene doing????  etc etc

OK, I'm off to chill.  I have to work tomorrow (poor pitiful me) and I'll be back tomorrow to look for Russ.  Rumor has it he was seen at a flea market, trying to bring down the price of an olive green lamp (slightly broken.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Where's Russ

Bongo came over earlier this evening.  He talked to Hawkeye at length as they dropped some land mines in the back yard.  Apparently, Russ attacked an employee at Price Chopper for being too rough with the pear display. 

As they were trying to get him into the straight jacket, he fell into uproarious laughter, shrieking, "Straight Jacket??? Straight??? HAHAHAHAHA!"  While the confused authorities looked at each other, he escaped, and was last seen doing back flips down I-70, singing the Kansas Jayhawk's fight song.

Have you seen him?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What? Random crap? From me? No WAY

Well, I didn't bring work home tonight, but I stayed late.  I only worked 10 hours, and was out of there at 6.  That's not bad for busy season.  I had only TWO breakdowns today.  Again, not bad for busy season.  Seriously, I'm OK, but the stress is higher than ANY job I've ever had.  I strive on it, though, and I accomplish more than ever.  I'm sick.  I know.

Today's volume of "Where's Russ" starts at QuikTrip in Oak Grove, MO.  I stopped there for a white chocolate cappuccino and I think I saw him hovering near the Hotzi sandwiches.  Then, I saw him outside with some friends:

Then, tonight, I was in Raytown, MO and I'm pretty sure I saw him at 63rd and Raytown Rd., hiding behind the billboard on the hill.  Have you seen him?

I am loving Kid Nation, the reality show for kids.  I know of a couple of kids on there that could use a good spanking, but most of them impress the heck out of me, with how they act in the absence of adults.  Taylor needs a spanking.  "Deal with it!" (anyone who hasn't seen the show won't get that.)

I will be teaching online classes for work next year.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I think it will be a great experience, and highly stressful.  Thank goodness I'm going back to Myrtle Beach in February.  Yup, there's a payoff to the stress.

My kids are so funny.  I could tell 100 stories, but there isn't the time!  They are on the honor roll, and they help around the house, and they are SO funny.  We are a warped household, and we have warped senses of humor, so they fit in wonderfully.  If that's not enough, we can laugh about a fart joke for an hour, or burp the alphabet to the delight of onlookers. Yeah, we're special like that.

I get my "sick check" next week.  Where I work, we get paid for any unused sick time (40 hours per year.)  For perfect attendance, you get a gift card of some sorts, too.  I don't know what it is, because I've never had it, but THIS year, it's MINE!  The girls are getting older, so fewer sicknesses, and Kevin's busy season is opposite of mine, so he can stay with them when they're sick, sometimes.  Plus, I have a mother nearby who is a GREAT help.

Anywho, next week is "sick check" week, and I'm so excited to have a week's pay on a non-pay week.  That's the good news.  The bad news?  Kevin's truck needs tires.  *sigh*  He HAS to have 2 tires, and honestly needs 4.  Goodbye, sick check.  *sniff sniff*  I'm just thankful that the sick check enables the buying of tires.  I don't know what we'd do, otherwise.

OK, time to go, but one more thing:  I think I just saw Russ running down the street outside my house, wearing a pair of stone washed jeans and a K State T-shirt.  He was barefoot, too.  Dude, it's cold outside.  Put on some shoes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good Evening, Friends

I had a terrible day at work today, but that's to be expected this time of year.  I was so mad (at coworkers) by afternoon, that there was NO way I was staying late, so I brought some work home.  Little did I know how long it would take!  I just finished, 3 1/2 hours later.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This is what "busy season" means at my job.  I'll also not have another Saturday off until after Christmas.  It's only a few weeks, so I'll live.  There are still Sundays, right?  LOL  Maybe I can look pitiful and talk my mommy into making a big dinner one Sunday, and I'll mess with her phone.  OK, I'll mess with the phone, anyway, but a big meal would sure help make up for missing Thanksgiving. <insert pitiful face here>

::added later:: I forgot that my poor mother can't stand or walk without horrible pain.  Forget dinner, Mom.  Maybe we'll come over and I'll cook for you guys.  Sorry that my gut reaction is "spoiled brat" <hanging head>

Remember the Where's Waldo books?  We loved those when Brett was little.  I'm gonna start my own book series.  It will be called "Where's Russ"  There will be pages and pages of no-journal-entry days, and you have to figure out where he is.  Dude?  It's OK to give the author a hint as to your whereabouts.

My cats are stupid, my dog is a moron, and my sharks are idiots.  Anyone have any tips to make my pets smarter?  Maybe they are smart and we're stupid?  Yeah, that's probably it.

It might snow this weekend.  At the very least, it's going to be nasty out, from what they say.  Bring it on.  If it's going to be cold, it may as well be pretty.  I'll be right here, under my quilt, when April arrives.

OK, enough random crap.  See ya later, fabricator.

Monday, November 26, 2007

More on the topic of this morning's entry

Sonya, bookncoffee, said "If I write on my journal "sorry, I'll read your entries later or sorry I've not been by", it is just an endearing way of saying "I'm thinking about you if I haven't told you so" or "I've been busy, but still think a lot of you".  But then, having said that, I ALWAYS do what I want.  I  never sit and read journals unless I'm truly interested, and I never comment unless I truly want to.  LOL  I don't feel so much guilt though as just feeling that my internet friends are dear to me and I want them to know it. And I think when most folks say it, that is what they mean.  I have noticed that a few don't seem to say much related to your entry when they comment and figure there may be some out there that just leave comments to get comments on their own journal.  I love comments and lots of them, but at least the comments I leave are sincere and only as I have time.  And yours is one of my favorites!  So if I visit, you will know it b/c when I do I usually like to let the person know.  LOL  I have developed lots of friendships that way.  Each person gets to do what they like though and that is what makes it enjoyable.  If you lurk, then that is what you like to do, and that is fine!  LOL Have a good week."

I couldn't have said it better myself.  I like it when people keep me in their thoughts, and I think about many of my journal buddies on a daily basis.  I have 12 journals that I read daily, and many others that I read as I can, but they don't post as often.  Without excluding anyone, let me talk about Russ for a minute.

Russ was one of my favorites before I ever met him, and now I've met him twice.  He is funny, insightful, and we have so many opposite views that I find he makes me think more than most folks.  He gets down sometimes, and has suffered from depression most of his life.

When he's down, I don't post a "warm and fuzzy" comment every time, but if I don't see a post for a week I will email him and make sure he is still around.  I'm not cold-hearted or cruel, but he knows me well enough to know that my heart is always with him.

I love to get a ton of comments as much as the next person, but I don't get hung up on it.  I know that many of you think of me regularly, and many of you pray for my family.  I know when I realize that you remember to send my daughters ecards for their birthday, or ask about a pet, by name, when I haven't mentioned them for a while.

Yeah.  I know.

Now, go and prove it by leaving a comment, ok?

HA!  I crack me up!  Go spend time with your families, and post something fun for me to read in your *own* journal.

You won't find anything important here

I get amazed, as I drift around to various journals and blogs, at how many folks feel an obligation to read certain journals each day.  Most of my regular reads have, at some point, posted an apology about turning off alerts, or not commenting.

Yeah, it's exciting to post something and see a lot of comments in response to it, but my well-being doesn't hinge on it.  If you're sick, go to bed.  If you feel like napping and run out of time to surf to this boring little corner of the web, I'm OK with it.

Yesterday, I laid around all day.  I watched T.V., welcomed the family home, watched football, took a nap, watched my usual Sunday night lineup, and played on the computer.  I didn't even shower!  (eeewwwwww)

Yet, I felt no guilt.  This time of year, I work 6 days a week, and I cherish my one day off.  I will usually see your posts, but won't always comment.  I won't feel bad about it.  I don't suddenly like you, or your thoughts, any less than before, I just felt like lurking that day.

If it helps your mind, even a little, there's never anything important here.  This journal is guilt free, calorie free, and contains no trans fats.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Plans change

OK, so Mizzou just beat KU.  Yup, I said it.  KU sucks.  Or, "Go Mizzou!"  Whatever.   80,537 people showed up, yet this is a college game.  Wow.   This is something.

Now, a dog who isn't allowed on the bed, is on the bed, and the alpha cat is up here, too.  What the hell?  Is this not MY bed?  Why are there animals up here?  I am taking up 1/3 of the bed, while animals get the other 2/3.  Sheesh!

Ray isn't coming tomorrow.  His schedule changed.  Damn.  He says that he'll make it before the year is out, so we'll see.  I can't wait to meet him.  Now, I'm just excited to get my family home.  Come home, family.

Good night, friends.