Saturday, December 30, 2006

Wow, this is pretty accurate.

What American accent do you have?
Your Result: The Midland

"You have a Midland accent" is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri) but then for all we know you could be from Florida or Charleston or one of those big southern cities like Atlanta or Dallas. You have a good voice for TV and radio.

The Inland North
The West
The Northeast
The South
North Central
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Friday, December 29, 2006

Nothing, and a tag

I have a ton to say, and nothing to say, so here goes:  It's a tag that nobody tagged me with.

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?  Good LORD, I need to lose weight. L

2. How much cash do you have on you?  About $15.  That’s more than normal.  I don’t carry cash, because if I do, I’ll spend it.

 3. What’s a word that rhymes with DOOR?  War.  Long story, but we’re teaching Lucy “tug-o-war” when we want her to pull the rope toy, and “drop it” when we want to throw it.  She’s doing quite well!

4. Favorite planet?  Uranus (giggidy giggidy)

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?  “home”  Wedon’t like to pay long distance, so anyone calling from home lets it ring twice, then hangs up.  I call back quickly.

6. What is your favorite ring tone on your phone? Miranda Lambert, Kerosene.

7. What shirt are you wearing?  A very worn blue pajama shirt.  I’m waiting for the dryer to finish with my thermal pajama shirt!

8. Do you label yourself? Constantly, and it changes daily.  I try to be nice to me, but it’s not easy.

9. Name the brand of the shoes you’re currently wearing? Shoes?  At home?  Nope!

10. Bright or Dark Room? bright

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you? I love her.

12. What does your watch look like? It’s gold and silver (colored, not real!) with X’s and hearts.  Cheap, Wal-Mart fare.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?  Sleeping.

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?  “Mt. Dew, peanut butter and chocolate Chex Mix, Muffin Tops Cereal!!!”  It was the last part of Brett’s Christmas list.

15. Where is your nearest 7-11? I think there is one in Independence (about 20 miles away) but I’m not sure if it’s still there.  QT is way better!

16. What’s a word that you say a lot?  I say a lot of words too much, but “right ON” and “awesome” and “ too cool” are among them.  One that I’m trying to eliminate during conversations at work is, “Absolutely!”  I say that a lot.  I annoy me.  sigh

17. Who told you he/she loved you last?  Kevin,  at the end of ANY conversation.  I should take a lesson from him.

18. Last furry thing you touched?  Hawkeye or Lucy, my dogs.

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?  Caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, and grease.  Yeah, grease may not be a drug to you, but you should see how many chips I can eat!

20. How many rolls of film do you need developed? None.  I have a digital camera and work at a lab.  If I had a roll of film, it would be developed at work within one day.

21. Favorite age you have been so far?  Gosh, there have been good and bad things at most years.  I would say 30.  I was married to the man I love, had all my kids, but didn’t ache as much as I do now.  Sheesh, I hurt.  And, I could stay up later, too, without paying for it for two days!

22. Your worst enemy?  I can’t say.  Some folks I work with read this.  Grrrr.

23. What is your current desktop picture?  My baby boy, Hawkey the Mutt, in the snow.  He’s so cute.

24. What was the last thing you said to someone? “Time for showers!” to the girls.  They have to go to the lab with me in the morning, and I need them to get ready.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be? Fly?  Why?  I have a car.  Pass over the mullah, please.

26. Do you like someone? Most everyone I meet!

27. The last song you listened to?  “Boondocks” by Little Big Town.  If you haven’t heard their harmony, I suggest you do so, soon!

28. What time of day were you born?  I’m not sure.  Mom?

29. What’s your favorite number?  4 and 9.

30. Where did you live in 1997? In Oak Grove, Missouri.

31. Are you jealous of anyone?  In some ways, yes.  In most ways, I wouldn’t trade what they have for what I have.

32. Is anyone jealous of you? I doubt it.

33. Where were you when 9/11 happened?  Working in a cubicle in Carthage, MO.

34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Go to the front counter and get my money back.

35. Do you consider yourself kind? Usually.  I try to be.  Am I?  ACK! I think so.

36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be? I have one, and want another.  Not sure what or where, so I probably won’t.

37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?  Spanish.

38. Would you move for the person you loved? Without a question!

39. Are you touchy feely? No.  Kindly stay out of my bubble.

40. What’s your life motto?  No problem!  I get PAID tomorrow!

41. Name three things that you have on you at all times?  My cell phone, my watch, and my purse. 

42. What’s your favorite town/city?  This one.

43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?  A bag of jalapeno chips from the vending machine at work. Yum!

44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?  I wrote 9 Thank-you cards to customers today, for Christmas gifts…does that count?

45. Can you change the oil on a car? Abso-freaking-lutely!  I can also change a tire, change plug wires, and most other maintenance duties. Thank you, Daddy.

46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?  Well, he’s Brett’s Dad, so I hear of him regularly.  I heard he fixed duck for Christmas dinner, upon Brett’s request.  It annoyed Brett’s aunt.

47. How far back do you know about your ancestry?  Know about?  Like details?  Grandparents, I guess.  Limited details on great-grandparents.

48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy? Fancy?  Does that mean NEW sweats?  I don’t dress fancy.

49.Does anything hurt on your body right now? My elbow and both knees hurt most of the time.

50. Have you been burned by love?  Oh yeah.

Friday, December 22, 2006

I went shopping today.

Well, I did it.  Kevin and I did most of the Christmas shopping last night, but there were some things that I needed to do this afternoon.  We got off work at 1:00, and I told Kevin that I was going to do it.  Take the plunge.  Brave the crowds.  Bah.

First, you must know a couple of things.  I hate shopping.  I hate malls.  I hate "last minute" anything, but with my job being what it is, I have no choice.  I'm not a typical woman.  I hate shopping.

That being said, here we go.  I headed to the nearest shopping mall.  It took 6 cycles of one traffic light for me to get close to the mall.  *sigh*  Just wait it out.  Play the radio, let people merge when needed, you have all afternoon, you're in no rush.  I kept repeating those things.

It took about 15 minutes in the parking lot to find someone leaving, so I could have a spot...FAR from the mall.  I parked and headed in.  A couple of rows over, two women were honking their horns and screaming profanity at each other.  It was almost humorous, but I was waiting to hear gunshots.  Merry Christmas, ladies.

I got inside and started my search for a couple of specific items.  There were hundreds of groups of teenage girls, cell phones firmly on their ears, saying things like "OH MY GOD!  I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!" and "NO WAY!" and other nonsense like that.  It was all very exciting, I guess.

There were also groups of friends walking 5-wide.  I'm glad ya'll are having some bonding time, but how am I supposed to get by?  Wait it out.  It'll be fine.  There were folks with out-of-control children, women looking mad or worried, men looking lost, and old folks wondering where they were, and why.

I walked past the Macy's perfume counter.  BLECH!  The smell burned my nose something fierce.  I kept thinking, "I wish something would get this smell out of my head."  Then it happened.  Be careful what you wish for.  I fell into step behind a greasy guy that smelled of body odor and onions.  Then, I went into the restroom.  BLECH!  It smelled like a shopping mall restroom.  So many smells this holiday season.

By the time I left, I had only made one purchase, and it wasn't even a planned one.  I got a little something for my babysitter (mom) and headed out.  It took another 20 minutes to leave the mall and get to the interstate.  I was patient and kind and loving to all drivers, regardless of their level of road rage.  "You need to whip your car in front of me from two lanes over?  No problem, I'll slow down for you."  I was quite merry and bright...or faked it real well.

Finally, after striking out at 4 stores, I went to Walmart.  I got the stocking stuffers and such, then bought baking goods.  We make trays of goodies for all of our neighbors and friends each year.  I'll start on that tonight.

Wow, I'm glad to be home.  I do NOT see what other women see in shopping.  Could someone please explain the fun?  Maybe it's more fun if money is no object?  Who knows?

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Well, here we are.  Today was the day in which all "out of town" orders had to ship.  I offerred to be the CS rep that hunted down orders lost in CS.  I worked my TAIL off, but we did it.  Some people were mad when it was said and done, but we got them all out.  "Change the due date or ship it!" became my phrase of choice.  The production staff loves me, but other CS reps hate me.  ehh, so be it.

Now, we wait to see if we made incentive.  If the remake percentage is low enough, we made it. If it's not, we didn't.  We'll know tomorrow.  Incentive means we get paid for 12-26 and 1-2.  We're off work either way, but paid?  We'll see.

Kevin and I got to do some errands tonight.  Had a late night, thanks to Mom.  She got fed up early, and had Natalie call me, but we got the Wal-Mart thing done.  We had ordered dinner when the call came, so I got mine to go and ate when I got home.  It was cold, but still good.  Brett ate the last half.  He was happy that I got called home early, since it netted him some grub.

I'm trying to work a way to go to Carthage on Monday.  Kevin's mom is very down.  Her other son, Steve, would have had a birthday yesterday.  He's gone now.  Her voice is void of feeling.  That scares me.  If I can work it, we'll leave early Christmas morning, and come home that evening.  She needs to see Kevin.  She needs to see the girls.  God, how awful must this be for her?  I can't imagine. is good, life is tough, life is comfortable, and life is bad.  How do you sum it up?  I can't.  Kevin is hurting, his mom Linda is hurting, and Steve's twin sister Susan is hurting.  Please, if you pray, call them by name tonight.  If you don't pray, send good vibes to Kevin, Linda, and Susan.  This sucks. I am so sad.

I didn't mean to get off on a tangent.  Let's just be happy that life is going on.  I am alive, my husband is alive, and my children are alive...alive and healthy.  Thank God for that. 

Russ?  I love you.  I have met you, and it makes this harder.  I'm glad you're at peace, and I'm glad you're coping...but let's get together soon.  Let me give you a real hug.  You warned me, the last time we met, not to do the "hug and pat the back" thing.  I know that we need to hug tightly and let the rest go.  I can do that, now.  I need to give you a hug, big bro.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday Stuff

Well, I made it through the last Saturday of busy season.  A coworker even offered to stay until 2, so I could leave a bit early.  It was my turn to stay until 2, but she thought it was hers, so she said, "Go ahead, you have plans and I don't!"  Cool.  Thanks, Patty.

I met Kevin in Blue Springs, where he and Monica got their hair cut.  Then we dropped his truck off at his work, and headed to Independence.  A customer sent me a Chili's gift card, which just happens to be good at On The Border, too, so we redeemed that. 

The food was good, as always, but the service was lacking (we're usually quite happy with them) and the bathroom was a wreck.  Kevin and I told the lady we were going to split a Borderito (they are HUGE) and she didn't bring an extra plate.  When we asked for one, she brought me a dirty one.  The second one was clean.  We spent $47 of the $50 on the card, so guess what her tip was?  LOL

Then we headed over toward the theater to see Charlotte's Web.  There was a major traffic jam, and you couldn't get to the theater.  It's across from a mall, and it's the week before Christmas.  We turned right around and headed back to Blue Springs.  That theater was almost empty!  We really enjoyed the movie.  I cried.  Laugh all you want, I cry at Hallmark commercials, what do you EXPECT me to do when the spider dies?  Oops, I've given away the ending.

After dropping Kevin off at his truck, I took the girls to Walmart to buy a dress for their many programs coming up this week.  Have I mentioned how much I hate Walmart?  And people?  And spending money that I need for Christmas?  And holiday traffic?  And kids bickering in the back seat?  Bah Humbug.

OK, I'm over it.  I found some stuff on clearance, so 3 skirts, 2 sweaters, two pairs of tights, one pair of shoes, some makeup that I needed, and a few other necessities, and I walked out of there $70 poorer.  Not bad, I guess, compared to department stores, but still.

Now I'm home, and in my comfy new jammies (thanks Kevin!) and he noticed I was a bit crabby, and fixed me a diet coke with some hooch in it.  He also replaced the fuse in the outside Christmas lights, because he knows how much I enjoy coming home and seeing them on.

Well, with programs coming the next 3 nights in a row, I'll hopefully have some pictures to share this week.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cup of stress, anyone?

Work is stress.  Home is stress.  Home ownership is stress.  Why didn't anyone warn me about growing up?  Oh yeah, Mom tried.  *sigh*

I had about 3 calls from ANGRY customers, that I dealt with quite well.  I also had about 3 calls and 2 emails from customers singing my praises.  That means I win, right?  I am so spent when I head home, I don't know how I'll get here, but I do.  I make it home, and it's warm and peaceful here.  My family loves me and I love them.  I have TV and Internet and food in my belly, and I'm relaxed.  I love it here. *sigh*

We are almost through with the process of refinancing our house.  Knocking 1.5% off our interest.  It's just stressful, playing the waiting game.  It means no payment this month, which insures that my kids WILL have Christmas.  That was in question...honestly.  *sigh*

I made a mistake on an order for a customer that happened to FIX a mistake that they made.  It was how a name was spelled on a Christmas card.  They spelled it wrong, but I had to redo the order, and I spelled it "wrong" according to what they had entered.  Turns out that my wrong spelling corrected their mistake, and they'll deliver the cards to that customer tomorrow, with no problems.  Huh?  Yeah, I'm confused, too.  Just so you know, the name should be "Kristin", not "Kristen". *sigh*

Hugs to Russ, and his upcoming ordeal.  I love ya, Russter.  Hugs to Amy and her upcoming move.  I love ya, Aimes.  Hugs to Mom, for being the greatest babysitter ever.  I love  ya, Mommy.  Hugs to all my other J-land buds, and my other buds, too.  My H&H friends?  Yeah, we'll all make it through "season."  My personal friends?  Yeah, I'll see you again, after "season."  *sigh*

Love ya, love your show! (Is that the first time I've put that phrase here?  It's something from Kevin's favorite radio station.  Every time someone calls in, they start the conversation with "Love ya, love your show!"  I like it, so I stole it.  That's how I am.  Deal with it.)  *sigh*

Sunday, December 10, 2006

My ONLY day off this week

Yup, it's crazy at work.  I went in yesterday, and am doing nothing much today.  I keep mentioning that this is "my ONLY day off this week" in an attempt to justify sitting around on my ample behind.  I don't need to justify it, everyone is pitching in great, but it's an ongoing joke for me and Kevin.

I did manage to get all the laundry done, with help from the girls.  Kevin and I had chili dogs for breakfast, with cheese and onions.  I know what you're thinking, but it's my ONLY day off this week!  They were wonderful fare.  Tonight we had burgers on the foreman grill.  Health nuts?  Not us! 

Tomorrow, I'll put in about 13 hours, due to a meeting after work.  ICK!  It's not going to be a bad meeting, just a lot of info about the convention schedule, starting in January, but it's still a long day.  I would putt around in the morning and not go in early like I usually do, but since production worked today, my desk will be buried tomorrow.  I like to get an hour or so in before the phones come on.

I didn't go to Mom and Dad's today.  I like to see Dad on the weekend, but I was busy sitting around, because....say it with's my ONLY day off this week!  I see Mom every morning, so I get tidbits of news here and there from her.  I'll make sure I see him next weekend...the last weekend of busy season.

We need to find a way to go see Kevin's family for Christmas or New Year's, but it's tough with two dogs.  I guess we could board them, but I hate to spend the money.  Do I trust my 18 year old son enough to leave him here to tend to things?  Do I want to do that to him?  I don't know yet.  I'll have time to decide later, I guess.

A customer sent me a $50 gift card to Chili's, which is also good at On The Border.  I love On The Border.  Kevin and I will probably use it when we Christmas shop...whenever that is.  We have been known to do ALL of our shopping on Christmas Eve.  Seriously.  Not one gift bought earlier than that.  I don't care.  I can power shop and try to keep Kevin from killing other shoppers.  Not an easy task, but I'm up for the challenge.

Well, have a great week, and think good thoughts of me, while I wear my "happy voice" and talk customers down off the ledge of insanity over last minute orders.  Please, all of you, don't EVER ask a photographer to deliver before Christmas, when your sitting wasn't until December...OK?  You just drive the photographer's lab NUTS, and that could be me!

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Angry Blogger

OK, here goes:  You may want to just hit another link now.  You were warned.

Monica got a detention today, to be served tomorrow.  She missed an assignment.  OK, I know.  She should have done it.  I know she blew it off or lost it.  I ALSO know that she makes straight A's in school.  She doesn't get in trouble, and she's on the friggin' honor roll.  So, we miss ONE assignment, and you want me to leave work 2 hours early in the middle of busy season?  NOPE!  Not happenin'.

Brett will be able to pick her up tomorrow, so she'll do it, but Mom asked "what if?" so here it is.  IF there was no way to get her, I'd call the school.  If they kept her after, knowing I had no way to pick her up, they DAMN sure better find some way to get her to Mom's afterwards.

I get so fed up with school sometimes.  I have to fill out so much paperwork, the kids are done with homework before I am.  I work almost 50 hours a week, plus the 2 hours of driving to and from each day, and your teachers are going to lecture me??!!  I don't FREAKING think so.  I do my best.  My kids do their best.  I am a good Mom, and my kids are clean, fed, housed and happy.  Screw you, public school!

If I was rich, I'd hire a tutor for home-schooling.  I don't have the patience for it, so I wouldn't do it, but I'd have someone here who was willing.  Not some chick who wants to send my kid home for a 99.9 temp, or for the sniffles, or who wants to lecture me about the scratches on Monica's glasses.  You wanna buy glasses two times a year?  OK, here's her prescription, knock  yourself out...literally.

Yeah, I know, Natalie straggles behind sometimes.  She's easily distracted and takes forever to get her shoes on.  Know what else?  SHE'S FRIGGIN' 9 YEARS OLD!  Deal with it, or teach another grade.  Get off my ASS about how you have to remind her about things.  Kevin couldn't find his keys this morning and I forgot to pack a lunch for myself.  Give me detention, I dare you!

OK, I think I'm done.  I have to go pay over $60 for Brett's cap and gown shit  for graduation, and then write checks for all three lunch accounts.  Then, I'll sign the girls' agendas and check homework.  Then I'll fold some laundry and do the dishes and worry about Brett until he gets home from work. 

Yeah, I'm not doing what I should for my kids.  You already mentioned that, Mrs. Butthead made your point.

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

An idea

OK, here goes.  Work is crazy busy, and I'm exhausted and frustrated by the time I get home.  That's why I don't blog much.  Pissy people make for annoying blogs sometimes.  Except Russ.  His journal is funnier when he's pissy.

Anyway, I was driving home tonight, admiring the lights on some rich folks houses, and then I would pass some tacky display that made me laugh out loud.  I'm going to have my camera ready on the way home tomorrow.  Please watch your neighborhoods and post some tacky decorations.  I'm thinking about a "best-worst" post, or something.

You know, like when they throw a small string of lights at a tree, and it has no shape at all?  That kind of stuff.  If you do this, leave a link here, please!  I wanna see if it happens everywhere, or just here in rural Missouri.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Friday, statements, and forts

OK, here are some pictures of the dogs playing in the snow last night.  I could have had some GREAT action shots, but they were running WAY too fast for me to catch it.  They had a ball.

This morning, I left early to run the monthly statements (grrr, don't get me started) and truly tested the car.  The street wasn't touched.  I just plowed through it with no problem!

Work sucked,  because it's statement day.  'Nough said.

The girls had a ball at mom's today.

On the way home, I saw many cars in ditches, saw a warning for "heavy drifting and icing, choose alternate route" about 20 miles past my turnoff, saw a snow plow in a ditch, and saw many idiots learning the laws of physics.  DUH!

My car did AWESOME!  I have named the little thing "Captain Incredible"  Every good car needs a name, and mine earned this one today.

Now, I'm sipping hot tea, the girls are hiding in the relative safety of a room-sized fort, and Kevin is watching TV in the bedroom.  It's been a long day for everyone, and it's time to to speak.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


So, the snow started.  All of the pictures from my car were taken when I was stopped, or going under 5 mph, so no lectures, ok? It was slow and fun and beautiful.  I would have taken pictures coming out of Walmart, but it was snowing big, fat, wet flakes.  It felt like I was getting pelted by last nights soggy peas.  Soft and not painful, but very cold and wet.  splat splat.

WalMart?  Why stop on a night like tonight, you ask?  Well, Brett needed a pair of gloves.  Come to think of it, the girls coats are many years old, with broken zippers, tears, and lost hoods.  Brett doesn't even OWN one that fits.  Add to that the fact that they all own tennis shoes, nothing else.  *sigh*  Yeah, I wrote a big fat check that I couldn't afford tonight.  They all have new coats that work and fit.  The girls have snow pants, and all three have new snow boots.

Yeah, I know.  We'll be sorry later, when we pay bills, but right now, my kids are thrilled, and they'll be warm tomorrow, while playing in the snow on a second snow-day in a row.  It makes me feel good to see them so happy while trying them on.  And, they'll be so much warmer while playing in the snow at Grandma's.

Well, I have statements tomorrow, so it'll be an early night for me.  Damn many good things on tonight.  I guess I can always make up the sleep tomorrow, but now I am working Saturdays, too.  *sigh* again.  3 1/2 weeks, and the pressure lets up.  I'm counting them down, boys and girls.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

For Amy

In my previous post, Amy wanted pictures.  I couldn't take any on the way home, for obvious reasons, but I took some after I read her comment.  Here they are.  That's ice...not snow.  The snow comes tomorrow and tomorrow night.  I'll get more pictures then. 

I made it home!

Well, with the freezing rain pelting down and roads getting slicker by the minute, my husband made a rare demand.  No, really, he doesn't tell me what to do, or demand anything.  He called and said, "You're leaving work NOW.  Go."  Ummm, ok?  I don't know how to handle his orders, because he doesn't give them often.  I packed up and left at 4:15.  It was at least 10 minutes later when I could get in the car to leave.  Ice to scrape, windows to defrost, and it took a bit to open the frozen-shut door.  Finally, I left.

My almost-hour long commute took 1 1/2 hours, but I made it home safe.  I-70 moved at the amazing pace of about 20 mph at best.  It's better than landing in a ditch, I must say.  Now, tonight, it will turn to snow.  I'd much rather drive on snow than ice.  The little car did great!  I love front wheel drive, always have, but I wasn't sure what to expect.  In the parking lot, I tried to force a skid, to see how slick it was and what the car would do.  It did NOT want to skid.  Awesome.

Kevin worked over 14 hours yesterday, in fact, he already has 40 hours in this week.  He's beat, and now a fuse is blown in the kitchen.  I'm going to go help him fix it.  By help, I mean shout real loud when the offending fuse is found.  Then I'm going to send him to bed.  Poor, hard-working guy.

Tomorrow, I hope to leave early, so I'm at work on time.  I love the winter weather, but don't tell Kevin.  He thinks I'm crazy, and hearing it again might make him commit me. (let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!)  oops.  I didn't say that!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The weather

62 tonight, 54 to start tomorrow.  Thunderstorms (in November???) tomorrow and dropping temps.  Tomorrow night?  Snow, sleet and freezing rain, low of 21. 

What does this mean?  It means either A) we'll get very little, and the panic will look stupid, or B) We'll get horrid weather and it'll be hard to get to work on Thursday.  Trust me, it'll be A.

Everyone in this damn state panics when the first winter advisory is issued.  They flock to the store, to the gas station, to the Dollar General...whatever.  Trust me, folks...even if we got 4 feet of snow, the trusty snow plows would have us out in less than 24 hours.  Quit with the nonsense. Let's just go on about our business.

Here it is!

I am very thankful that I made it through November with very little usage of the furnace.  Propane is expensive.  I can't complain now if I have to crank it up.  Besides, we keep it set at 58 most of the time.  Throw on a sweatshirt, kids, winter is coming!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bath day

It was bath time for two stinky dogs tonight.  They weren't very happy about it.  Lucy was on board at first, but then she figured out what was going on, and decided it wasn't for her.  Hawkeye is ALWAYS ticked when the water runs in the tub.  I have to pick his fat butt up and carry him into the bathroom.  My back hurts.

They smelled like dogs, though, so we had to do it.  I can't have dogs that smell like dogs, you know?  It takes forever to clean the hair and dirt out of the tub.  Hawkeye has an under coat, which explains the hair in my house.  I love that dog, but DANG!  An indoor dog with an under coat will always shed.  There is no way around it.  I wish brushing would work, or the anti-shed shampoo that we use, or the millions of other things that we've tried.  Frankly, my only friend is my lint roller.

We went to Aldi today.  I have a love/hate relationship with Aldi.  We spent half of what we would have at WalMart, but that place is annoying at best.  We announced to the girls that we weren't buying any cookies, candy, cakes, or any other sugary treat.  That went over like a lead balloon, but we stuck to it.  They are hooked on snacks, and it's our fault.  We are fat people with fat ways.  Time to change things.  We've changed things before, so I think I can manage....let's just hope it sticks longer this time.

After the groceries were put away, Kevin called out, "There's a lady on a horse in our front yard!"  The girls ran out shouting, "Grandma!!!!"  We enjoy it when they stop by and Blue has a few bites from our front yard.  What a good looking animal.

Well, time to go play pogo, or some other nice waste of time on a Saturday night.  I hope you all are well and happy.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving happenings, Nstuff

Thanksgiving was great.  We hung lights on the house, and Kevin didn't break any bones at all!  Considering the stretch that involves perching a ladder on a tailgate and having your wife hold it steady...I'd say we did OK.

I told the girls we couldn't put up the tree until the house was clean.  It took three reminders for them to get into gear and clean up their messes, but it was finally done.  The tree is trimmed, but we still lack a topper.  I don't like the one we've used in years past. I plan to buy a new one this weekend.

Well, there are the pictures.  I'm done for tonight.  Tomorrow I'll post more....maybe.  We'll see.  I know, you're holding your breath.  Now I've gone and kept all 3 of my readers in suspense.  Sorry, didn't mean to.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  While today will be slow-paced, I do intend to accomplish some tasks, with the help of my family.

1. Hang the Christmas lights on the house.

2. Clean this poor, dirty abode.

3. Put up the tree and decorate.

4. Eat burgers at Mom's (we already did the feast on Saturday.)

5. Watch the Chiefs through one eye while wincing at the thought of any more injuries.

6. Probably watch the last 3 minutes of the Plaza lighting ceremony.

7. Sleep, blessed sleep.

I'm thankful for health and happiness, my little house, my wonderful family and extended family, nice weather, artificial trees, a dependable car, being gainfully employed, and all of the other blessings that I too often take for granted.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

random crap...need I say more?

I am in the middle of our "busy season" at work, so this shit is all random...probably won't make sense.  You were warned:

1. I miss groovy and jbcoupe.  Journals I loved to read, and they've disappeared.  jbcoupe warned us, so I'm dealing with it and waiting.  Groovy has me worried.  It's been several months....can't be good.

2. We had Kevin's Mom and Grandma up for the weekend.  "GG" (that's great grandma in this family) watching GSN (game show network) for over 12 hours straight.  She is so funny.  "Don't they make sure they're SMART before they go on the show?"  Well, GG, I'm pretty sure this was filmed in the 70's and those folks have moved on, but sorry they disappoint you.  She's the greatest, honest.

3. I had my parents, my favorite aunt and ....ahem....uncle? over for dinner.  It was great, and the two dishes that I worried most about received positive comments.  Hmmmm.  Quit worrying?  Probably NOT gonna happen.

4. Toonguy is going "home" for Thanksgiving.  This will NOT be easy.  Please say a prayer for him, or give him a good thought, or send him some Airborne.'ll be fine.  You're loved, ok?  Deal with it.

5. Kevin rocks.

6. Work is going to change at the first of the year.  I don't know the details, but it'll be good, I promise.

7. I'm done.  Too many thoughts and stuff to keep bloggin'.  See ya later! 

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A tag, of sorts

I got this in an email from my bestest buddy, Tammy.  If you choose to play along (I hope you will) then leave the link to your answers in a comment so I can check it out!

Just do know it's fun!!!

This is for your entire life:<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

(X) Smoked a cigarette
(X) Drank so much you threw up. 

(  ) Crashed a friend's car, 
(  ) Stolen a car
(X) Been in love
(x) Been dumped
(  ) Shoplifted
(  ) Been laid off ....
(X) Quit your job...

(  )  Been Fired...      

(X ) Been in a fist fight?
(X) Snuck out of your parent's house   
(X) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
(X) Been to  Old Mexico
(X) Been on a plane
(X) Been lost
(X) Been on the opposite side of the country... 
(X) Gone to <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Washington , DC  (does the airport count?)
(X) Swam in the ocean (does wading count?)
(X) Felt like dying
(X) Cried yourself to sleep
(X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(X) Made prank phone calls.
(X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue
(X) Danced in the rain 
(X)Written a letter to Santa Claus
(X) Been kissed under the mistletoe
(X) Watched the sun rise with someone you care about
(X) Blown bubbles
(  )Made a bonfire on the beach
(  ) Crashed a party
(x) Gone roller-skating

Any nickname?  Sis, Mom, Honey, and some I can't write here.


What is your favorite drink?   Diet Coke, Michelob Ultra


Body piercing? ears


How much do you love your job?   Love it  


Birthplace?    Kansas City, MO 


Ever steal any traffic signs?  Yes
Ever been in a car accident? Yes
2 Door or 4 Door? 4 DOOR


Salad dressing?  Ranch

Favorite number?   4, 9


Favorite pie?  Apple  

Favorite movie?   Hooper 


Favorite holiday?  Christmas 

Favorite food?    Pizza  

Favorite day of the week? Saturday


Favorite brand of body soap?   Dove 


Favorite TV  show(s)?  Survivor, Big Brother, Grey's Anatomy, What About Brian, Boston Legal, there are too many to name! 


Favorite smell?   Kevin, wearing cologne

What do you do to relax?  Play around online


How do you see yourself in 10 years? Watching my baby starting college, playing with grandbabies, enjoying life.


What do you enjoy receiving? Hugs from my kids and husband.


Furthest place you will send this message?  Who knows?  It's going in my journal!


Who will respond the fastest?    No clue, but it was fun to do!


Monday, November 13, 2006

Chuggin' along

Wow, where do I start?  We found a '91 Cavalier for a little bit of nothing, which needed a heater core.  Saturday was spent replacing said heater core.  Kevin and Dad did it,with me handing the occassional tool, and it wasn't quite as bad as we thought it may be.  You have to totally disassemble the dash to replace a heater core.  Don't say you weren't warned.

Sunday, I cleaned the car up really well, and got it ready for ME.  What does all of this mean?  KEVIN GETS HIS TRUCK BACK!!!!!!!!  WOOOHOOOO!!!!!  He's been so patient.  My uncle bought the LeBaron, which paid for over half the cost of my new car.  Awesome.

The Cavalier had it's first day in Kansas City rush hour today.  It did great.  We noticed that the tires (brand new tires, did I mention that?) had about 3-4 more lbs of pressure than we would normally keep in there.  Today, I could tell it, by the little bumps in the road.  Tomorrow, we'll let them down to 32 psi or so, and see if that helps.

It's a 4 cyl. so it doesn't have the punch that I'm used to in the truck, but the gas mileage will more than make up for it.  I'm so happy to have MY own car again.  Phew!  If you're patient, you'll get what you need.  Now, the guy who sold us the car may have a buyer for the van.  If so, it'll pay for the remainder of the car, plus the tags, etc.  We dropped insurance on the van and LeBaron today, and added the car, so we're good to go.

Last night was Brett's belated birthday dinner at Mom's.  It was so awesome.  Brisket, Old Settlers Beans, potato salad, rolls, green rice, and dump cake.  There may have been more, but I'm getting full just reliving it.  Today's leftovers made the best lunch I've had in a LONG time, and all my lunch buddies were jealous.  HA!

OK, enough rambling.  It's great to have a car.  It's great to have a full belly.  It's great to have a puppy who "held it" until we got home tonight!  Life is good, is good.

Friday, November 10, 2006

What do I do on this machine?

A good friend pointed out that I didn’t update about Kevin’s postoperative progress.  He’s doing great!  The numbness and other symptoms of a ruptured disk are gone.  He is limited on range when looking up, but side to side and down are fine now.  He’s been doing full work for quite some time.  I’m thankful for his progress, and grateful that insurance really came through this time.  Our part was quite reasonable.


Now, for what I do online, when I’m not reading journals.  I don’t do a lot online, because I sit at a computer all day.  Anything I do is for fun. I enter codes from 12 packs of coke products, and everyone at work brings me the lids from their 20 oz bottles.  You enter codes to earn points, and can trade them in for cool stuff.  Only 23,766 more points and I get a “Rear quarter panel from #45 My Coke Rewards Dodge driven by Kyle Petty.”  Sorry, Russ, I love NASCAR! LOL Actually, I’m probably going to get a magazine subscription or a couple of T-shirts or something. I enter codes from 24 packs of diet coke (purchased at Wal-Mart) and receive 2 free music downloads.  I have 9 available right now, and it’s a bonus to my Diet Coke habit…I don’t have to buy CD’s. I don’t go here real often, but it’s fun sometimes.  I just play the games and keep my pets checked in to the roach motel, so they’re fed and happy.  Yup, I’m a lazy pet owner. I’m hooked on Vaults of Atlantis, and sometimes play Rainy Day Spider Solitaire.  I can sit for over an hour, not realizing how long I’ve been here.  Sheesh! I answer surveys to earn points.  Yup, another place I hope to earn free stuff.  It takes tons of points to get anything, but what the heck…eventually, I’ll redeem them for something.  I’m all about free stuff.


I also spend a fair amount of time instant messaging.  It’s great to ask Mom a quick question or ask Celeste why the journals aren’t working! LOL


Other than that, I email, but I don’t send many forwards.  I’ve seen most of them, and many have been forwarded so many times that they are buried in a maze of attachments.  No thanks.


So, what do YOU do online?

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

just something

OK, I'm not posting enough to suit me, so here goes:


You Should Be a Joke Writer
You're totally hilarious, and you can find the humor in any situation.
Whether you're spouting off zingers, comebacks, or jokes about life...
You usually can keep a crowd laughing, and you have plenty of material.
You have the makings of a great comedian - or comedic writer.

Saturday, November 4, 2006

Saturday at last

Wow, what a week.  I didn't mean to disappear from the face of the earth, but I kind of did, huh?  Wednesday was a going-away gathering for someone at work.  Thursday was a going-away gathering for ANOTHER person at work.  These were both women with a lot of time in (one of them had 30 years!)  One had the opportunity for a less stressful position with a certain greeting card company in this fine metropolis, the other is just getting out of a field that is moving in a direction she's not comfortable with.  No harm, no foul, but things will sure be different around there without them.

The new smoking drug I referred to a while back is $200 a month, and NOT covered by insurance.  Go figure.

The weather has been perfect for this time of year.  Chilly at night, crisp mornings, and sunny but cool afternoons.  I know the bitter cold will come soon, so I'm enjoying it when I can.  I think we'll try to land on Mom and Dad's place today, if they'll be home.  It's more fun to spend time outside when you have some room to move, and I get this little "I Miss My Daddy Syndrome" from time to time.

Well, I guess I'll catch up on some journals, then clean up this house this morning.  That will free up the rest of the day for fun.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Life ain't always that bad

Well, there are may tough things in my life.  Some bad things in my life.  Some unfortunate things in my life.  There are some things I'd rather not TALK about in my life.  But, let's look at some positive things, shall we?...

Kevin got a letter from the insurance, saying that the surgery was 100% paid for.  We got a rebate check from the hospital for paying almost $35 too much.  He stumbled upon a find that could net $800ish if we find the right buyer (enough to buy the car I have the chance at.)

I am loved.  I am happy.

I feel a ton better, after only a couple of days on meds.  The girls are getting along.  Brett's truck broke down (less than a week with the new engine) but his dad agreed to let him make the payments on the Acura, which will be less than fuel alone in the truck, and when it's paid off, it's Brett's.

I am loved.  I am happy.

I got to spend 30 minutes or so visiting with my mom tonight, in person.  My family has full bellies.  my house is warm.  There is good music on the radio.  I got caught up at work today, so I start fresh on Monday.  A friend loaned "Over the Hedge" to us for the weekend. 

I am loved.  I am happy.

Yup, there's bad stuff out there.  Tonight, it's not penetrating my bubble.  I'm happy and content and loved.  I wish you all the same. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I went to the Dr.

My voice was better today, but I felt WAY worse, so I kept the appointment.  I have a sinus infection, as well as some wheezing action.  I got some mega antibiotics and some steriods, which is good since I want to play professional baseball.

He wants to see my in three weeks, for some lung check stuff.  I figured I'd cancel that one, since I don't usually wheeze, or have any other chest problems.  He mentioned (during the "quit smoking moron" lecture...a big reason I don't go to the Dr. is the lectures.) that there is a new stop-smoking drug, and it's supposed to be awesome.  I was mad at him, so I wasn't ABOUT to ask questions and keep him going.

First of all, you have to WANT to quit, to be successful, right?  I don't want to right now.  Most stressful season at work and all.  Plus, I enjoy it.  Plus, I don't want to gain back the 75 lbs that I lost a couple years back.  I'm not addicted to nicotine as much as to the act of smoking.  Keeps my hands busy and gives me something to do on my breaks at work.  All the OTHER kids are doing it.

On the way home, I got to thinking.  I guess I'll call him and see if the drug is covered under my insurance.  It would be nice to have that cigarette money back in my pocket.  He said that it is the best thing yet, and that folks he's given it to don't even care that they aren't smoking.  Kevin even said that if it's true, and insurance covers it, he's in, too. 

Shit, I better not go getting all healthy and stuff.  That would TICK me off!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Baby Boy

Where have I been?  Well, less than 10 minutes after posting the party pictures Saturday night, I told Tammy that I had a tickle in my throat.  Less than an hour later, I was sick as a dog.  Sunday, I had a fever and chest congestion.  I was D.O.W.N.  I laid up on the couch all day, in a pity party.  Kevin came home and sent me to bed.  I was so sick I missed Desperate Housewives AND Brothers and Sisters!  ACK!

Monday I felt a bit better (a very tiny bit) and had no fever, so I went to work and stayed on the phones all day.  That was my downfall.  Today, I had NO voice.  I was squeaky at best.  Tonight, many cups of hot tea later, I can KIND OF talk.  Sheesh.  I don't feel awful, but have no voice.  I have a Dr. appt at 4:10 tomorrow, which I'll cancel if I can talk in the morning. for the real entry:

To my baby boy.  To Bubba.  To that little guy with the mullet, riding his tricycle.  To the adorable kid in the Power Wheels truck.  To that sweet boy who was my best friend after my divorce.  The one guy who has ALWAYS stood beside me, no matter what.  To the kid practicing trumpet for HOURS, when I couldn't make out a single note.  To the guy who has moved so many times, knowing that each time was a good move for the family, even if it meant changing schools.

To the kid who once told his Dad, "We have spaghetti EVERY night!" and the friend who told buddies, "oh yeah, I have that at my dad's." ("that" was anything cool that they were talking about.)  To the kid loved by ANY dog my mother has EVER owned, even if said dog hated everyone.  To the one who works so hard at any job, even if it's washing dishes or scrubbing floors.  To the man who learned that you MUST check the oil, or your engine will blow.  And to the same man that helped his dad replace said engine.

This is for Brett.  Son, you are 18 today.  Legally a man, and bound by the selective service to register for a draft that I curse the thought of.  You have grown into something that I always dreamed, but didn't dare hope for.  You ARE that guy.  You are everything.  You are the bomb.


Now, for the morning:  The girls and I woke Brett an hour early, to tell him good morning.  The poor kid had a flash in his face at 6:15 on his BIRTHDAY!  Then, Monica played Happy Birthday for him on his new drum set (a gift from his dad).  Then, we suggested he look at his truck.  Some girls from school apparently paid us a visit in the night, and decorated his truck (newly back from the operation.)  I took pictures in the pitch black of morning, but you can see the result.  I think he felt good that they did it.

We got his new camera/video/text/yadda yadda phone for him a few weeks early, but we had an energy drink and a card this morning, and there will be cake this weekend.

Am I really old enough to have an adult son? (lie to me, okay?)

***added later, Bday wishes can be sent to****

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The sleepover, so far

Well, it's only 9:20 and it feels like we've partied all night.  I'm getting old.  I didn't caption the pictures because there is an insane number of them.  First, we did a craft that Tammy brought, making pumpkins.  Then we did the mummy game a few times.  Then the make overs started.

Most of the time, I look like a transvestite man.  Kinda serial-killer ish.  Most of the time, we were just goofy.  Tammy and I have had as much fun as the girls, I think.

Now, they're downstairs doing God knows what, and we're chillin' upstairs.  The night is young, though, so who knows what'll happen!

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's not broken

Well, the thumb is not broken.  It's a "bad sprain", which is Dr. speak for "yeah, it looks like it hurts, but I can't do anything about it.  Goodbye, pay your money on the way out."

Kevin left a bit ago for Carthage, it's time for the Maple Leaf Festival.  I hope he drinks plenty of coffee, since he doesn't do well staying awake at night. He should be there by 10ish.

Tomorrow is the sleepover.  A total "Makeover Party" for the girls and their friends.  I'm so glad my best buddy Tammy is coming over to help.  She's the bomb.  There will be lots of pictures, if the parents don't mind me posting.

I'm a bit weird tonight.  Sad that Kevin is gone, but happy that he'll have a good time at MLF.

Worried about entertaining that many kids at once, but happy that the girls will have fun and Tammy will be here to help.

Dreading cleaning this messy house in the morning, but glad it'll be clean (for a few hours.)

Yeah, maybe I should go to bed.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ahhh Crap!

Well, this day has been crap.  Total crap.  My receptionist had to go to the hospital for a staph infection in her foot.  They admitted her.  Won't be back until Tuesday at the earliest.  Guess who's the back up receptionist?  Yup, that's me.  Can't do my own work or make outgoing calls if I'm answering receptionist calls.  I'll be so behind by next Tuesday that it'll take a week to climb out.

I was lost in my own pity party, driving home, grumbling.  Then Mom called.  There was an incident on the trampoline.  Monica's thumb may be broken, and her shoulder hurts.  Am I almost home?  ACK!  I got off the pity pot and drove like an idiot to get there.  Kevin beat me to it, though.

In the process of getting details, I find out that Natalie fell on the playground and hit her head on a wooden platform.  She has a goose egg on the back of her head.  Nobody from the school called me.  WTH???

Now, Kevin is taking Monica for X-rays, Natalie is crying intermittently out of guilt (she pulled on Monica's thumb and pinkie in some sort of game) and the dogs are driving me nuts.  I'm waiting for a phone call from Kevin.  He has strict instructions to call me when they're checked in, when he knows something, and when he heads home.  I hate this crap.  Brett had a broken leg at 5, Natalie had an elbow broken in 4 places at 4, and broke the other elbow at 5.  Monica made it to 10.  Does that mean she wins?

Broken bones, fevers, book reports, and untied shoelaces.  That's parenting.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stuff N Stuff

Last night was "reading night out" at the school.  There were several story tellers there, and it was a lot of fun. I have pictures.  They're in my camera.  My USB cable is at work.  *sigh*  Maybe tomorrow.

This weekend will be a busy one.  Kevin heads to Carthage for the Maple Leaf Festival.  It's a huge deal for him.  He grew up there.  It's the same as our local fair to me.  I get excited long before, and make plans and anticipate.  Kevin does that with the MLF.  I don't always go.  In fact, I've missed it for a couple of years running.  I don't dislike it, but it doesn't mean the same to me as it does to him.  I try to keep the girls occupied while he does his thing.  He doesn't expect this, but I try to make it fun for him.  This year, I told him to go alone.  He can do all he wants without having to worry about me or the girls.

What will we do?  Well, the girls have been wanting to have a sleepover.  Kevin winces at the thought of screaming, giggling girls.  I decided to take advantage of Daddy being out of town.  The girls get to invite 4 girls each for a Saturday night sleepover.  If all show, it will be 10 girls between 9 and 11 years old.  ACK!  My best friend will help, and we'll have a ball.  We're going to do makeovers and eat snacks and make friendship pins and other crafts.  It'll be fun.

Daddy gets to miss it.

This makes Daddy happy.  This makes the girls happy.  Happy family members makes Mommy happy.  A happy weekend is on the way.  Now, where will I find OTC valium?  Hmmmm.  I'll have to keep looking.

There will be pictures. Honest.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ups and Downs

A buddy from work came over for the evening, riding home with me.  Had a great time, watching Kevin kick our butts at Trivial Pursuit.

Took the puppy to the vet for her last puppy/first dog shots.  She got her tags and everything, but it was $100!  Way more than we budgeted.

Took work buddy home and puppy slept peacefully on my lap as I drove, talking to my ride-along, Natalie.

Puppy barfed in my lap 10 minutes from the house.  Barfed a LOT.

Saw my aunt Maxine and ate too much of mom's wonderful cooking this afternoon.

Drove home with Hawkeye riding shotgun in the LeBaron.  He almost barfed, TWICE!  Time to stop transporting dogs?

Had a relaxing evening catching up on laundry and watching Nascar. (sorry Russ)

Yup, there have been many ups and downs today, but the ups were worth it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I guess maybe the title of yesterday's entry made people feel like I was on a pity party.  I hope the content of the entry told a different story.  I'm REALLY OK if you don't comment. 

However, I will admit that it was cool to see a bunch of entries about it! LOL  I'm a study in contrast.  Several folks commented that they always read my journal, but seldom or never comment.  That's fine with me, but I'd like to ask a favor.  I have a limited number of journals in my favorites.  I'd like to find some that interest me, so that I can add a few more reads to peruse on my weekends. 

If you have ANY doubt whether I have your journal link, please comment here and leave it.  If you don't have a journal, let me know, and then go start one!  It's quite soothing.  Even if you lead a boring old life like mine.  A wonderful, peaceful, loving, quiet, boring old life like mine.