Thursday, January 31, 2008

Damn! 'N Stuff

Here we are.  We are in that wonderful time of year.  It's that time where bills mount up, money is short, ramen noodles reign over dinner, and Kevin and I walk around scowling all day.  Yup, it's a new year.

Everyone I know tells me that January and February are tough.  We struggle each year, wondering how we'll make it.  Each new year, we struggle, barely getting by, paying bills late, and then something happens.

Sometimes it's a transmission going out.  Sometimes it's a need for new tires.  Sometimes it's a kid who needs new glasses.  This year, you ask?  This year?  Yeah, something happened.  Last night, my dryer quit.  Damn.

Now, you need to know that we are a family of 4.  Four people who shower every day, needing towels and washcloths.  Four people who want to go about their daily business in clean clothes.  Four people who prefer "clean" over "dirty" any day.  The dryer quit.  *sigh*

Because I've never owned a new appliance in my life, Kevin is pretty damned good at fixing a dryer.  He went down and found the problem.  The burned wire was fixed in short order (thank goodness for electrical tape) but it still didn't work.  He was afraid of that.

I guess, when the wire shorted out, it messed up a thingimajig.  That thingimajig shouldn't cost much.  He called our favorite used appliance place, in Oak Grove, and they said, "Yeah, it's about $5."  Kevin got there before 5:00 and saw that they had misunderstood what he needed.  It was the wrong part.  *sigh*

Tomorrow, he'll try again.  He's got one more day to get things done, before he's off work for weeks, post-surgery.  I can dry a load here or there, at Mom's, but that's not going to cut it.  A laundromat is an expensive endeavor.  *sigh*

Here's hoping that the right part will appear tomorrow, when Kevin can take the old one in for comparison.  Here's hoping that it will be cheap.  Here's hoping that we make it through until March. 

Come on, March.  I'm waiting, barely hanging on, here.  Can you cut me some slack?

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The past three days, 'N Stuff

I've been away, huh?  OK, here's a timeline of events, for those of you who have no life, and those who are optimistic enough to think something interesting may appear here some day.  *sigh*  Poor, misguided folks.

Sunday:  We got the house clean and shiny.  It was pretty bad, but it always is by the end of the week.  We all four worked our butts off, and we were proud to sit and enjoy it.  Then, somebody farted, and the moment was gone.  Forever.

Monday:  Work was work.  I'm still tying up loose ends and learning things about the web class that I am teaching, and I have to train someone else to do it, while I'm still learning!  She will cover for me on Monday of next week, when Kevin has his surgery.

Tuesday:  The phones at work were all jacked up.  11 times during the day, all calls in progress were dropped, and no calls could be completed, in or out, for 5 minutes or so after.  That results in some frustrated customers, so I got to be a total hag to some useless waste of oxygen at ATT.  That was fun.

Wednesday:  I worked more on my class, and more on training my buddy Michelle to take over on Monday.  It was crazy and busy, but the phones seem to be fixed, and I didn't leave a lot of stuff undone, like I've done so much lately.  Also, a meeting that I hate attending was canceled for this morning AND Friday morning this week.  WoooHooo!

Now, I'm wiped out, and going to bed.  First, though, I should probably talk about next Monday.

Kevin will have his surgery on that day.  He has a torn labrum (sp) and arthritis and bone spurs in his right shoulder.  They will go in with a scope, assess the damage, and set to work fixing what they can.  He'll be off work for several weeks after that.  I swear, he's falling apart.  He hurts all the time, so maybe this will bring some relief, eventually.

I'm not worried about the surgery, exactly, but I worry about the anesthesia.  He has a hard time coming out of it.  It can take twice as long as it should, and sometimes longer.  He has to be placed on oxygen and get meds and all sorts of scary stuff, just to wake him up.  I HATE that part. 

The selfish part of me also hates the hours in a waiting room, reading last year's magazines and wondering when I'll be told something.  Grammy (Kevin's Mom) is going to try to come up, so at least I'll have someone to talk to while I'm there.  This sucks.

OK, pity party is over.  Take your tears and beers and go home.  It wasn't a fun party, anyway.  The hostess is going to bed.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Rectal Glaucoma

I have been diagnosed with rectal glaucoma.  I just can't see my ass doing anything productive tonight.  I'll get off my arse tomorrow.  I promise!

I had to share the picture of the pizza.  Those pizza's from WalMart are huge and beautiful.  They taste pretty darn good, too.  It was an awesome dinner.

My work PC went blue-screen on me today.  After 5 minutes, I gave up, took a picture (it's all about you guys, after all) and did a hard power down.  It came back up OK, but I truly need to push for a new computer. 

I may just convert this MAC into being my work computer.  I've got windows on it, and it's a better machine.  Pushy coworker B is trying to get me to go that direction.  He's probably right.  I HATE that about him.

I've been promising Russ my senior picture.  I haven't been to Mom's to have her scan it, and I haven't had the energy or will to hook up her old one, that she gave to me.  My lazy solution?  I took a picture of the picture, while holding it.  Yeah, I know.  It makes me laugh to look at it, but it also makes me realize how old I am.  I look like SHIT!

OK, I'm out.  I've got lots of important things to do.  Garth is on TV, there are blogs I haven't read today, and I think I may need to drink a beer.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I'm beat

I've been working at home in the evenings this week.  I have a new duty at work, and this is the first week, so there has been a TON of preparation. What I am doing is teaching webinars.  That means that I'm teaching an online class.  People get online and are in the "classroom" and they listen via the speakers on their computer, or they can dial in to a toll-free number and listen that way.

This means talking for 40-45 minutes With. No. Response.  Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can talk for hours on end.  However, when you take out the interaction of the other person, it's tough!  Plus, I have to have enough material to fill just enough time, but not TOO much (we have to allow time for questions in the hour-long time slot) and I have to speak slowly (HARD FOR ME) and enunciate.

I have a helper in the class (when he teaches his classes, I am *his* helper) and he keeps reminding me to "speak slowly and enunciate."  I'm not good at either.  I tend to slip into hick-talk pretty easily, if I'm not careful.  Plus, I talk FAST.  I'm telling you, this is a totally new and different world.

Let me hop slightly off-topic for a minute.  All of my life, people have told me to shut up.  They told me this kindly (please give me a minute) and rudely (shut the HELL up!) and they told my parents (Rachel is doing well in school, but she tends to visit too much with her neighbor.)  I start talking right after my first cup of coffee, and have no plans to quit until I am falling asleep.  People get annoyed by that.

Guess what, SUCKERS?????  I now get PAID to talk.  I landed a pretty sweet customer service job, and the biggest portion of my day is chatting with people on the phone.  Sometimes, I get to travel for trade shows, and I get to talk to people in person for hours!  Then, I take a few customers to dinner, and TALK. SOME. MORE!  HA!

OK, back on topic.  Now, they've taken my fondness for "conversating" (my favorite non-word used on Survivor) and turned it in to an online class.  I can do it.  I AM doing it.  I'm actually doing decent at it, so far.  I've taught 2 this week, and as long as I can talk slowly and enunciate, I'll be fine.

The second was better than the first, and I think that trend will continue.  After the first one, I thought, "well, that was mediocre at best.  *sigh*) and before I got back to my desk from the quiet zone from which we teach, I had an email and two voicemail messages, telling me how great it was!  That made me feel better.

Now, I have to add more slides to my slide show, draw out the content about another 10 minutes, and SPEAK SLOWLY AND ENUNCIATE.  I have no classes next week, so I have time to do that, without working until 10:30 at night, like I did this week.

Holy crap.  All of that nonsense and over-explaining was to get to this point: I'm not doing anything tonight.  I'm not working on slide shows.  I'm not cooking.  I'm not cleaning.  I'm not doing laundry or hooking up scanners to scan my senior picture.  I'll do that tomorrow. 

Kevin is picking up a take-and-bake pizza from WalMart (I love those things) and I'm going to read journals and watch TV and finish by going to bed early. 

This weekend?  I may hibernate again.  Although, if Mom and Dad are home, I need to do a few things to my car in the comfort of Dad's heated shop.  It was -2 here this morning, and I'm just now starting to get feeling in my toes again.

I hate being cold.

But I love to talk!  Call me!

P.S.  Spell check wanted to turn "webinar" into "weiner."  ROFL

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I can't BELIEVE you're going to see this. DON'T LOOK!

OK, you asked, I told.  I'm not happy about it.  I'm not proud of it.  I started to "clean up a bit" before taking the pictures, then I didn't.  I decided that if this is what it looks like on a Wednesday, you should see it.  *sigh*  I need an intervention.

We DO clean on Saturday, and the place looks pretty spiffy...for a couple of days.  Today, I overslept, rushed around, and ran out the door.  Kevin's working 13 hour days, I'm logging 12 including the drive, and the house suffers.  Sue me.

I couldn't find Nala (the other cat) when I was doing this, and I have about 2 hours worth of work to do tonight, for an online class that I'm teaching in the morning, so I'll post again another day.  Perhaps when the house is presentable?  Or not.

Are you people doing this?  I want to see your journals, offering to show all.  Russ?  I have to hook up the scanner that Mom gave me, or ask her to scan, my senior picture.  You should SEE the size of my glasses!  HA!  I'll post it, though.  I promise.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Making good on a promise to Amy

I'm hoping that the shots of the moon will distract you from the following two shots.  They are my way of making good on a promise.  Amy asked what I wanted to see.  I told her that I wanted to see her worst piece of furniture, and her messiest child's room.  She showed both.  Now, it's my turn.

The chair is one of a set of 6.  Only 3 remain.  Even those three are sad.  The wheels sometimes fall off.  The wooden parts are scratched and scuffed something fierce.  The seats are stained and yucky, from kids.  Yeah, I need dining room chairs, but they're expensive, you know?

Also, the child's room.  Tonight, Monica's is the worst.  It goes back and forth, but it's Monica more often that Natalie.  Every weekend, we have to yell and whip and beat children into submission until they clean their rooms.  OK, not really, but there is a lot of conversation about it.  Then they do it.  Then, by Tuesday, it looks like this.

I guess I should go down there more often.  But I don't want to! 

OK, so what do YOU want to see?  Let me know, I'll take pictures.  Sheesh.  That's a scary thought.  Be nice, or I'll demand the same from you! 

Seriously.  Want to see the dog, cats, or sharks?  Want to see an appliance?  How about a hamper full of laundry?  Maybe a dirty skillet after dinner?  It's your call.  Let me know. 

(please be nice?)

Monday, January 21, 2008

One video=A better day

One video can make you laugh until a bad day is OK.  This is some funny stuff:

What a shit-ball day

I'm not 100% sure where the term "shit ball" came from, but I think it was from Dad.  It really sums it up well, too.  Being gone to conventions is stressful, but being at work while OTHERS are gone to convention?  That's much worse.  I am filling in for 3 people, plus doing my own work.  I'm a crabby patty.  OK?

The girls had a rough day, too.  Natalie missed bringing home another assignment.  She had to stay after school because of it.  A Honor Roll or not, the stakes just got higher.  No electronics when this happens.  Homework, reading, or bed.  Those are the choices.  She has a book report due on Wednesday, and it's done tonight, so something positive came from it...I guess.

They've both been warned, so we'll see if it improves.

Dad came over for water tonight.  They have a well, and the water is too "hard" for the coffee pot.  Seriously, hard water kills coffee pots quicker than anything.  Anyway, because of that, they come over once a week or so to fill up on "coffee water."  Dad showed up still dressed from a funeral that they attended.

The first thing that Monica said was, "Look, Grandpa has on fancy shoes!"  I said, "No, honey, those are funeral shoes."  We all got a good laugh at that, especially when Dad laughed and said I was right.

Poor Kevin.  He's had to offer out hugs and love while we all gripe about our day.  We've got go get some testosterone in this house.  The only other males are Simba the cat, and Hawkeye the dog, and their testosterone source has been cut off...literally.

OK, tomorrow is another day.  I got WAY more votes on my poll than I expected.  Either some of you voted more than once, or I have readers that I don't know about.  One person commented that led me to add a new journal to my bookmarks!  I love new journals.  If someone posts less often than once a week, I may not keep them on bookmarks forever, but it's great to check out a new one.

OK, on with the night, which will end with an early bedtime.  *sigh*  For now, though, life is good.  Home is safe and warm and loving.  Ahhh, home.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Another post

I have a lot of vices, and overeating is one of them.  My biggie is salty/crunchy snacks.  I could go for weeks without sugar or sweets, but don't get a bag of Doritos near me, or it will be gone.

What's your guilty food pleasure?

Another weekend comes to a close.

I did it!  I stayed in all weekend without my cold nose so much as poking out the door.  Kevin left again today, to pick up Monica from her friends house, but not me.  No sir.  Here I sit, getting fatter by the moment.  

I'm not saying that I made bad food choices this weekend, but the chili is almost gone, and there may have been some chips consumed.  And some pigs-in-a-blanket.  And possibly some other stuff.  But you didn't hear that from me.  Tomorrow, I'll get back on track.  I've been doing great, but I let it go for a couple days.  It has to do with the cold.

The Patriots are 18-0.  Who will they play?  I hope Favre pulls the Packers through.  I would have preferred the Colts, but that dream ended last weekend.  Football is almost over.  There's always Nascar following on the heels of the Pro Bowl, though.  I'm destined to have something to keep my arse on the couch on weekends.

OK, off to change positions.  I don't want to get bed sores.  Maybe I'll doze off again during halftime.  I managed about a 45 minute nap during the Patriots game.  I'm really good at napping.  Back to work tomorrow!  I'm glad I have a job.  If I didn't, I would weigh 500 lbs.

Sunday Plans

Leftover chili.




Yup, it's gonna be a good day.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

A Meme from Russ

1. What is your screenname and password? hotmamma and password

2. What is your Social Security number? 8675309

3. What is your home address?  1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

4. What would you say your home's biggest security flaw is? The unlocked doors and windows.

5. Does your home have an alarm system? If so, what is the  passcode needed to disable the alarm?  No, but if I did, the passcode would be 1234

6. What time of day is your home always unoccupied?  From 1-3am.  We are out partying at that time.

7. When are you planning your next vacation? How long will you be gone?  We're taking a cruise from March 1-October 28.

8. What is your checking account number? Savings account number?  5419 and 5448867

9. What is your mother's maiden name?  Clinton.  Ooops, did I let out a secret?

10. Do you ever use an outdoor ATM in an isolated, poorly-lit area at night?  If so, where is the ATM located and what time do you next plan to visit it?  Oh yes.  It is in Montana, on the corner of "You wish" and "dream on" and I'll be there tomorrow at 13 o'clock.

11. Please list all of your major credit cards along with the numbers, expiration dates and available balance for each: Credit cards?  I've heard of those.  Can you loan me one?

Warm in my blanket

I was right...I didn't leave my house ONE time today.  It's just so miserable out there.  I made a big crock pot full of chili and Kevin made corn bread to go with it.  It was so good!  I ate too much, though.  I've been doing really well, lately, so I let myself have today to cheat a bit.  Still, I didn't do as bad as I used to on weekends.

Monica was invited to spend the night at a friends house, so when Kevin drove her over there, Natalie went with them.  They called to let me know that the two of them were going to run some errands while they were out and the truck was warmed up.  The got a prescription filled, then headed to WalMart.

As they passed the assortment of cut flowers, Natalie had an idea.  She asked if he thought any of the people in the hospital (they passed it on the way to the store) would like to have some flowers.  She wondered if there was anyone who hadn't had a visitor in a while.  Kevin let her run with the idea, and they bought two small bouquets.

At the hospital, they went up in the elevator and found a nurses station.  The nurse got tears in her eyes when they told here the mission, and she recommended two older ladies, both of whom were feeling really down.  They couldn't visit with one of them because she was in isolation, but they visited the other.  She was so sad and saying that she just wanted to go home.

She really appreciated the flowers and the visit.  The nurse said that in all of her time there, she'd never had that happen!  Leave it to my big-hearted daughter.  That's just how her brain works.

Me?  I'm glad you asked.  I was sitting on the couch watching 30 Biggest Celebrity Feuds or something...under a blanket.  *sigh*  Maybe I should take a lesson from her. 

Friday, January 18, 2008


It is bitter and miserable outside, and it's going to get colder over the weekend.  That means that I have NO intention of leaving my house until Monday morning.  I stopped at the store on the way home, so we'd be stocked for the hibernation period.  Chili, soup, tator tot casserole, hot chocolate, hot tea....yup, I'm ready.

When one of the cats gets too close to Hawkeye, he gets up, acts offended, then walks to the corner where he lies down and scowls at us.  It's really quite funny.  I can almost hear him thinking, "Jeez, *I* lived here before *they* did, and they act like they own the place!"

I like banana peppers.  I like them on sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers and in chili.  I bought some today, for the chili that I'll make tomorrow.  I think I like them better than any other pepper, although I love them all.

I wonder how bad I'd smell if I wore these PJs all weekend, without changing or showering.  Pretty bad, I bet.  Oh, I won't do it, but right now, it sounds pretty darn good.  I think I'll take 3 naps this weekend.  I may take the first one right now.

OK, I'm back.  That was nice.  I drooled a bit, but I can't help it.  When I sleep I drool.  Sometimes I snore, but not loudly.  Sometimes I speak Chinese, according to Kevin.  He says that he wants an interpreter, because it doesn't sound like gibberish, it sounds like honest-to-goodness Chinese.  I don't really toss or turn much.  I don't know why I'm telling you this.  Drooling is gross.  Forget I said it.

I have weird hang ups.  I'm not OCD, I swear, but some things would make you think that I am.  All of the window shades in a room need to be either closed, or opened exactly halfway.  If someone opens just one, or has one halfway up and the others closed, I freak out.  Seriously, I've lectured my family about this several times.  Now, I just think they're doing it to mess with me.

Another hang up is the number of icons that I want on any computer desktop that I use.  I have three on this MacBook, 5 on the work PC, and 4 on the home PC, although right now, the girls have added several to it.  I have to dump them weekly.  I can't stand it.  I work near some folks that have the desktop half full of icons!  It's nutty, and would drive me insane.  Then again, that's a pretty short drive.

The last hang up that I'm willing to tell you about today concerns driving.  I have this little shelf thingie in the dash of my car.  After starting the car I put things in EXACTLY this order up there:  My cell phone (after turning on the bluetooth headset), then my lighter, then the smokes, then my Ice Breaker mints.  If Kevin is with me and puts the lighter in the wrong place, I correct it as soon as possible without him noticing...I hope.

OK, that was a wandering post.  I think I'm weird.  No need to respond to that.  I know what you all think!  LOL

Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's hard to type with frozen fingers

Chillin', get it?  HA!  It's cold.  GET IT?

OK, so we got very little snow, but KC got quite a bit more.  Our bus routes are so rural that school was closed.  It was tricky getting to work, but getting home was fine.

Now, let's examine my relationship with my husband, 13 years later.  There are many differences.  It's kind of amazing.

Going out used to mean getting fixed up and taking in a movie and dinner.  It was quite romantic.  Now, going out means taking the dog for a pee, helping to ward off the wildebeests.

Dinner used to be a big deal, with homemade rolls and candles.  Now, dinner is fish sticks and macaroni and cheese, eaten on the couch in front of the TV.

The kids used to be Brett and Jonathan.  Boys through and through.  Farting was the biggest annoyance, but that was funny.  Now "kids" means Monica and Natalie.  Drama and tears and problems with fixing hair.

Parents were visited, but not very often.  My parents saw a long-haired, sandal wearing, tattoo'd freak, and his Mom saw an immature husband-hunter who looked out only for herself.  Now, we wouldn't trade time with the parents for ANYTHING.  We learn so much from them, and we love them.

Finally, Kevin was a guy who seemed to care, but was NOT to be trusted.  He would eventually find someone else, or hit me, or ignore me, or worse.  I'd lived "worse" and I knew it was coming...eventually.  Now, Kevin is a guy who I trust without a second thought.  He is my soul mate, and my life.  He cares for us, works when it hurts, goes without decent clothes so we'll have new shoes, and worries non-stop about us.

Yup, I think I'll take "now" over "then" any day.  I miss the freedom and carefree days of going out with friends, but the trade-off is worth it.  I am comfortable here.  Comfortable when we're broke.  Comfortable when we're alone, and comfortable when we're surrounded by people.  I know what my life is, and I know my place in it, and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Peace out, icicles.

PS, I love it that "chillin" is a "mood" for AOL, but their spell check tool doesn't recognize it.  LOL  Also, I'd LOVE to see some of YOUR comparisons of then/now.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Blah 'N Stuff

Blah.  I'm not sad, mad, happy, or bored.  I'm Blah.  I think Mom said it best when she said, "blah blah blah."

When we saw Ron White at Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, OK, we bought some waters and a beer at the bar, using our debit card.  Since then, there have been three fraudulant charges on our account.  They've all been under $15, but sheesh!  Our debit cards have been canceled and it'll be 10 days or so before new ones are issued.  Sheesh.

The girls are grounded from the computers, due to forgotten papers.  Monica leaves hers at school, and Natalie leaves hers at home.  They are both on the honor roll, so there is no excuse for detentions.  We've forgiven a few of them, but it's becoming habitual.  No journal updates for them this week.

My dog did NOT get his but kicked by another dog.  I decided today that he's MUCH too tough for that.  After all, he is Hawkeye the Wonder Dog.  Today I decided that he must have been attacked by a Wildebeest.  Yup.  That's what happened.  Actually, he made out pretty good for being the victim of a Wildebeest attack.

Have YOU ever been attacked by a Wildebeest?  No?  Then you have no room to judge, do you?  Trust my dog, you would NOT like such an attack.  It's not pretty.  And it's bad, too.

I like vanilla candles.  They smell the best.  Of all the food-scented candles (although I love them all) the vanilla is the best.  Wildebeests HATE vanilla candles.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Disjointed thoughts

So, I was driving home and the lady in front of me was swerving quite a bit.  I finally figured out why...she was driving on a donut spare on one side.  Stupid!  Those things are to limp you along to a tire shop, not for doing 65 on the interstate!  Sheesh.

I got home to a wounded dog.  It seems the ol' guy took on a dog tougher than him this time.  I think his ego is hurt more than his leg.  He's used to being the tough guy, and he got his arse whuppedLOL  Poor dude.  He's actually fine...just a couple of superficial scrapes on his back leg.  No limp or anything.

American Idol is on again.  It's such a train wreck.  I usually don't watch this early in the season, but what else is on?  The girls and I have gotten some pretty good laughs out of it.  Who are the parents of these people?  It's good to build the self esteem of a child, telling them they sound great. 

However, the day before the American Idol auditions, it's time to get honest.  "Honey, your father and I love you very much, but you don't have the voice for American Idol, and I don't want you to get hurt."  Is that so hard?  Maybe we're just more honest with our kids than most folks.  Who knows?

I don't wear jewelry.  Would I wear it if I could afford it?  I doubt it.  I lose watches, break necklaces, am allergic to earrings, and I've been known to be injured by rings.  Don't ask.  I think I would stay simple, even if I could afford it.  I'm not sure, though.  Some folks have such huge rocks on their hands.  I'm not girl enough to be jealous.

I also only own 3 pairs of shoes:  Tennis shoes that need replaced, snow boots (new this year!) and "girl shoes" that I wear at convention.  I no longer own any dresses or skirts.  Ick.  I am a jeans and T-shirt girl.  I'm almost a dude, I've been told.  Pass the beer.  --buurrppp--

OK, back to Idol.  What has the world come to?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Cold and Girlies 'N Stuff

The girls have been asking for a myspace account for quite some time.  There is NO way I'm letting that happen.  Still, they want to journal, or blog, and they are quite creative, so I wanted to give them a chance.  Here is the compromise:

They each get an AOL journal, but it's private.  They can only invite family, and other folks that they have met IN PERSON, and I have to approve all readers.  I figure this is a good way to let them try it, and I can shut it down in a HEARTBEAT. 

All of that being said, a few of you may get an email, announcing that you've been added as a reader.  Most of you won't, since they haven't met you in person, and neither have I.  There will be a couple of exceptions, but not many.  If you REALLY want to read the silly ramblings of a 10 or 12 year old, let me know.  If I feel you're "safe," I'll let them add you.  Even if we chat frequently, don't assume I'll think you're "safe."  I'm a Mom, ok?

It's friggin' COLD outside.  Good Lord in Heaven Above, I can't feel my fingers until halfway to work.  I just wish it would be 78 forever.  Nah, probably not.  I like snow, and I like heat, and I like changing seasons.  I'll deal with this cold crap.  Brrrr.

Why is there a dog on my bed?  He sheds and he smells kinda like a dog and this is MY bed!  Why is he here?  Oh yeah, he keeps my feet warm.  Now I remember.  Scoot closer, doggie of mine.

OK, Intervention is on A&E, and I love this show.  See ya 'round!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Sunday 'N Stuff

My first day off at home has been productive.  We woke up this morning and watched CBS Sunday Morning (my favorite weekend show,) then got right to work.  Several hours later, we were all getting short with each other, but the house was clean.  It's awesome to sit in a clean house.

After lunch, we headed out to see what Mom and Dad were up to.  After all, we didn't go in last night when we picked up Hawkeye.  Mom was messing with Libby, and Dad was doing some kind of manly thing with some manly equipment while standing on the manly forks of the manly tractor.  That means I'm not sure what he was doing.

It must have been interesting, though, because Kevin stayed out there the whole time we were there!  It was -46°!  Well, maybe not THAT cold, but it was cold.  I even rushed the girls through their rides, because I wanted to go inside.

I watched the Colts lose, and I watched the Cowboys lose.  *sigh*  I should be used to it by now, since I live in Chiefs country.  I'm just so sad for Peyton.  I guess now I can hope for the Patriots to continue breaking records.

I guess I'll go watch my usual ABC shows now.  It's nice to catch a new episode every now and then, and Brothers and Sisters is new tonight.  Even the Golden Globes have been canceled.

OK, I have an idea for a new reality show.  People will compete to write TV programming.  New shows, existing shows, whatever.  The winner gets a contract, and the viewers win, too!

Maybe not.  Maybe we should all just deal with it.

Oh, and Kevin and I realized something tonight.  For the first time in many years, I will be home on Super Bowl Sunday!  I can't believe it!  I'm going to throw a HUGE Super Bowl party.  I'm not going to invite anyone over (other than maybe Mom and Dad) but I'mgoing to have a HUGE party for us.  In celebration of me being home on that day.

Yeah.  A party.  That's the ticket.  Go Chiefs!  Ooops, they've been out of it for several weeks.  Let me see, Go Patriots!  That's better.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Random Weekend Crap 'N Stuff

I took a vacation day on Friday, to head South again.  Kevin's mom bought us tickets to see Ron White on Friday night, and we were ready to laugh.  The drive sucks, big time, but we took it easy and got there around 12:30.

We stopped and ate at Subway before heading to the Buffalo Run casino in Miami, OK for the show.  Yeah, I love Subway, and I'm still being "good" when possible.  I've lost 8 lbs so far.  Not a ton, but moving in the right direction.

The show was great.  Even the opening act was really good.  Here is a math fact for you: 1 Friday night + 1 Indian casino + 1 Ron White show = Many Many Drunks.  There were 3 drunks within arms reach of us, but Ron put them in their place, more than once.  It was awesome.

For example, at one point a drunk stood up and yelled "Git 'Er Done!"  Ron said, "Wrong comic, but thanks."  Everyone died laughing.  The same guy, later, yelled "Tator Salad!"  Ron said, "I don't do that bit anymore.  If you're bored, go home and watch TV."  It was great.

Today, we woke up and got started on Grammy's yard.  Kevin's uncle and his wife showed up with a truck and a chain saw.  We hauled and loaded and burned and raked until we were about wore slick.  I have splinters and blisters and aching muscles, but her yard looks SO much better.

The city is supposed to be hauling this stuff off, but it's been over a month and they haven't gotten to her area, so I hated to count on them.  The city dump was allowing folks to haul the brush there for free, so we took 5 loads.  Now, the only thing left is the stuff we can't do.  There are limbs still hanging from the trees, and one is lying on her roof.  She'll have to pay someone to get to those.  They are just too high in the air.

Tonight, we stopped at Wal-Mart on the way home and bought a rotisserie chicken.  Theywere marked down to half price, so we bought 2!  Lunch for tomorrow, too!  We stopped at Mom's to get Hawkeye, and didn't even go in to say "hi."  That's terrible, but we're so sore and tired.

Now, it's football and relaxation.  Tomorrow, we clean house, but tonight, we rest.  Tomorrow will be my first day off at home since January 1.  It'll be great.  After the house is clean, my butt will be right here, on this couch.

I meant to get an "after" picture of Linda's yard, but we didn't even think about it.  We just poured ourselves into the car and headed North.  Did I ever mention that I work at a desk and am TERRIBLY out of shape?  Yeah, I do and I am.  There are places that are sore that I didn't know I had.  Ever notice how a thorn in the finger tip can cause horrible pain at any touch?

Typing isn't fun anymore.  Good Bye.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Home at last

Well, I'm home.  I'll probably post the last of the images tonight.  I left work at 2 (the others from the trip came in late, so I went in normal time and left early.)  I picked the girls up at school and got them started on homework, then told them I was going to take a nap.

I went to bed at 3:30.  Kevin woke me up at 6 and asked if I wanted dinner.  I hadn't had lunch, so I was starving!  I ate, then sat on the couch nodding off.  The family agreed that I should go to bed, so I did.  I slept another 10 hours!  I couldn't believe it.

I've not slept that long in years, but it was incredible, and I feel human this morning.  Ready to get back to work and put a thought together without feeling disjointed.  I still can't believe I slept that long.  sheesh.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Tampa, Day 3

Today was crazy busy, but less crazy than yesterday.  It was fun, and insane, and frustrating, all in one.  Anyway, there were plans made for dinner.  Plans for a group of 18 to ride the trolley to a restaurant with Flamenco dancers and wonderful food.  I didn't go.

Yeah, I agree that it sounds like fun.  I like fun.  Dangit, I'M A FUN GIRL!  I'm also tired.  I took customers out two nights in a row, and I had to beg out of this one.  I hope they have a great time, but I had a room service sandwich and a couple of beers.  VERY light beers, Pam.  Kevin calls it "water beer" actually.  The other beer drinkers that I travel with enjoy incredibly dark beers, and they make me a bit ill.  Michelob Ultra, all the way.

Now, it is 7:10 here, which means 6:10 at home.  Believe it or not, I'm about ready to head to bed.  I won't sleep right away, but I'm going to watch TV in my PJs and just kick back.

Oh yeah, this morning.  I have to tell you about this morning.  I was on the balcony, and saw about 25 or more employees of the hotel heading across the street.  They got over there and gathered in an obviously pre-determined spot.  I called out to my roomy to check it out. 

If there was danger, they would let us know, right?  She looked at me like I was insane for talking so calmly and being my usual smart-ass self.  I asked, "Do you think I should put my shoes on, in case we have to run wildly down the stairs to save my life?"  She was unamused. Soon, a fire truck showed up, sirens blaring.  Still, I watched.

As we discussed the possibilities, the lady on the balcony below leaned out and looked up at us, saying, "We called down, and there's been an alarm, but they said not to worry."  HUH?  Are they nutty?

Before I could get mad at them, the fire truck left, and everything was fine.  I still don't know what the hubbub was about.  I don't care, really, just so there's no fire.  Maybe I should care more.  Maybe I should contemplate that while drinking that bottle of water over there:

Or not.  Can someone loan me $6?

Back home tomorrow.  I can't wait!  See you tomorrow, family!

Tampa, Day 2

Every muscle in my body hurts.  Yes, folks, you will be shocked and astounded, but I'm out of shape.  I've walked and walked and walked, and we're only halfway through this trip.  I guess it makes up for the dinners I've been eating.  Last night, it was a Hawaiian place called "Roy's."  The night before, it was Bearn's steak house, Amy.

OK, I'm going to get to the shower, if my legs will get me there. They are protesting.  I'm thinking that tomorrow should be better.  If the soreness is better tomorrow, then I need to keep walking so I can get into shape.  I may as well take advantage of this jump start...if only I can make it across the room.

One thing at a time.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Tampa, day 1

We left Kansas City at 7 yesterday morning.  It was actually pretty nice at home, for January.  My employer moved his plane to another airport, which is MUCH closer to home than the downtown airport, and he has a giant hanger out there.  After they pulled the plane out, the pilot told us to put our cars inside!  That was cool.  It means, if the weather is bad when we get home, our cars will be warm and dry.

They had originally said we'd stop for fuel on the way, but we didn't have to. We got here with no problems, Talk about WONDERFUL weather!  It is so pretty here.  We worked our TAILS off setting up the booth, but a few of us girls got to walk around for a bit.

There are 9 of us at this convention.  That tells me they plan on us being VERY busy.  I'm traveling with a pretty good group of folks.  We took a few customers to a nice steak house last night.  I ate too much, but also got more exercise than I usually do in a week.

OK, enough chatter.  I have to finish getting ready for breakfast.  It's going to be a LONG old day, but if we're good and busy, it'll go by fast.  Today is the day that I get to meet one of my favorite photographers.  We're also taking them to dinner tonight. He is wonderful at his work, and his wife is a doll.  We'll talk each others ears off, I'm sure.

Amy, your house is fine.  It says "hi."

Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm Outta Here!

Yup, I'm gone.  I'm history.  I'm like Tony Stewart.  OK, sorry for that last one.  Anyone who doesn't follow Nascar (sorry Russ) won't get the reference to "smoke." Tomorrow morning, I'll be on a plane, headed to Florida.  Yup.  I'm gone.  I'm packed and read.....wait.  Packed?

Nope.  My suitcase is still in the closet.  I haven't packed a DANG thing!  I have an explanation, though!  I had to stop at Wal-Hell, and I brought dinner home, and you see, we aren't grazing all the time like we used to and, well, I was hungry so I waited until it was done, then I ate, but while I ate I thought I should check journals and now I'm sitting here at 7:36 and IT'S NOT MY FAULT!  LOL

I just know I'll forget something.  I wouldn't be me if I didn't forget something.  I'll leave behind the phone charger, or my extra batteries for the camera, or the iPod or the shoes or the toothbrush or the underwear or SOMETHING.  I always do.  I just try my best to remember EVERYTHING, then I'm likely to only forget one thing. 

P.S. I've lost 4 lbs.  I won't brag, since my business trip will include entertaining customers at high-end restaurants.  I'll try my best to be good, though.  *sigh*  I'm not very good at being good.  Lord help me.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Leftover pictures, 'N stuff

OK, here is the missing post about our weekend.  We arrived on Friday night, and visited until bed time.  We went to bed fairly early, knowing that there was a LOT to accomplish on Saturday.

Saturday morning, Grammy (Kevin's Mom, Linda) left with some of her siblings to clean out the apartment that belonged to GG (Kevin's grandma, Ina) until her last hospital stay.  I stayed behind to watch my nephew Steven and our girls, and Kevin and his best friend Brian started on the new porch.

With GG moving in, many things needed to be changed.  Her concrete steps had no hand rail and they were rather uneven.  With Grammy giving GG her room, and moving into the guest room herself, things needed done in there, as well.  I took care of that.

For Christmas, Grammy got each of the girls a Precious Moments puzzle.  They are round, and they have a TON of blue sky.  It was a 2-day project getting most of that done, and everyone who stopped by sat down to help.  It was funny to see someone come in to say "hi", then wind up sitting down to find that lost piece of tree or something.

We headed home on Monday midday, after saying our goodbye's.  Grammy always cries.  I hate that.  She loves having her family around her, and she's going through an emotional, stressful time with her mom, so I felt bad for her.  She's tough, though, and she'll make it better than most folks would.

Monday evening, we went to a friends house for a few hours, but we were home around 10:30.  That way, we avoided the "drunk dodging" that usually goes with NYE.  The girls toasted with sparkling grape juice.  Tuesday was lazy and awesome.  I loved it.

Saturday, I leave at 6:30 in the morning for Tampa.  It's good to fly on the company plane, and avoid the airport and security, but we have to stop for fuel, so it'll be a long haul.  At least, if we're stopping, I don't have to pee on the plane.  I HATE to pee on a plane.  ICK!

Well, tomorrow I will be packing my bags, so my next update may very well be from Florida.  I've been known to hate packing so badly that I post in the middle of it, so who knows.

I'm a wild card!  Out of control!  Quite the rebel!

Or not.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1, 2008

I need to lose weight.  BIG surprise, huh?  I've fought my weight my entire life.  Some times, I really try hard, and get things under control...although I don't think I've ever been my "ideal" weight.  I've been within 20 lbs of it, that's about it.  Today, I can't even see it from here.

I usually don't do journal posts about it, when I'm trying to lose weight.  It's the same as not saying anything at work.  I feel like, if I fail, or order a big ol' cheeseburger, I don't want folks thinking, "So, what happened to the diet?"

Anywho, I'm going to try again.  It will help that I decided to not eat out any more due to finances.  That cuts out fast food, a big weakness for me.  I also plan to not keep "dessert" of any kind around, other than Jello (which I love) and other lower fat things.  No chips, either.  *shudder*  Did I just say that?

LOL yeah, I know how to do it, and I know how to do it without feeling cheated.  Portion control can take a lot of weight off me.  The whole family needs it, so here we go!  Happy new year!

Is it REALLY 2008?  Wow.