Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Sunday (Day 2 of 5)

After a lazy morning involving breakfast in bed (thanks honey!) Kevin and I head to the store.  It was time to bomb the house and dip the pets again.  *sigh*  We had them pretty much gone, and skipped one week.  That's what we get!

Because Sadie has been at my house, we dipped her as well.  She was NOT impressed.  In fact, she told me that she hates me.  She's forgiven me now, though, and she's sleeping peacefully in her own house.

Actually, we're all at Mom's while the bombs do their thing.  Kevin realized how dark her guest room is, so he's napping.  Brett is watching TV with me, Monica is on Mom's computer, and Natalie is playing with neighbor kids.

Yup, this long weekend is working out to be quite nice.  Quite nice indeed.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Happy Saturday (Day 1 of 5)

This is my last vacation until January, so I'm enjoying and savoring every second of it.  I slept late this morning, then I stretched out on the bed, watching TV and playing online until 2 or so.  Finally, I headed to Mom's to watch the NASCAR race.

Upon arrival, it was too early for pre-race stuff, so Natalie and I watched some Cheech and Chong, followed by 30 minutes or so of Beverly Hills Cop.  Yup, good TV indeed.  When I switched to SPEED for NASCAR coverage, I realized that I'd made a major error.  The Sprint cup race is tomorrow.  *sigh*

Tonight is a race, all right.  It's the Nationwide race, and it doesn't start until 9 or so.  Umm, nope.  I came back home.  I can't stay up that late.  Plus, let's faced it, the hot tub isn't wired yet.  ROFL

I have Sadie with me, since my parents are in St. Louis, and she's enjoying finding her place with the cats.  Let's just say they aren't fond of her.

OK, now we're watching COPS and enjoying the beautiful weather.  It's late August, and we aren't running the a/c.  Coolness.  I hope that the next 4 days bring as much relaxation as the first one.  I loves me some long weekend.

Friday, August 29, 2008

11 Years Ago, Today

My youngest, dearest, darlingest (is that a word?) daughter is 11 today.  Let's look back at 11 years ago.

I was only induced because I cried.  The Dr. told us that he'd induce me on Monday, and we drove home, with me miserable.  I hate being pregnant, and this was WAY too long to deal with it.  I couldn't breath, couldn't walk, and couldn't speak coherently.  Yeah, it sucked.

Kevin called Dr. and said, essentially, "Yeah Dude, she's crying, can we do this now?"  Dr. agreed to induce the next day, which was a Friday.  I cried more.  Happy?  No.  I was just that emotional.

They induced, I had the largest child of my life.  (10.3)  I dozed off and on, not sure what was real and what was not.  At one point, Kevin (who had to go home to the other children after Nattie was born) called me at the hospital and asked how I was.  I told him that I had dreamed about Lady Di dying in a car wreck.  He informed me that it wasn't a dream, it was on the news.

Wow, that was weird.  I went back to sleep, though.  I know, that was a big story, but I was TIRED!

Anywho, this is the child who had me at home more than any other.  This is the one who has always  been attached to me at the hip.  Yeah, she still is.  Yeah, I'm OK with it.  She's my chicky.  She's always here, making me laugh.

She's the one.  She still needs me.  She still loves me.  She thinks I'm the shit.  I've been told that this is a good thing.

I love you, Natalie.  You're the shit, too.  I've been told that this is a good thing.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Lights Out!

So, tomorrow is the birthday of my youngest child.  The fruit of my loins (that phrase grosses me out for some reason.  Please, don't think about my loins, OK?) the zig to my zag.  She'll be 11.  We got her a bike, she loves it.  She can't ride it.

I drove home in off-and-on torrential rain, but it wasn't bad when I got here.  We gave her the bike, and it started pouring, so she couldn't try it out.  OK, we'll deal with it.  Then, around 6:30, we lost power.

When this happens, it's never long-lived.  Usually 5-10 minutes.  Not tonight, my friend.  It lasted almost 3 hours!  ACK!  WHAT DO PEOPLE DO?  Friends (via text messages) suggested "relations" with my husband, but there are kids wandering, so that's out.  Candles gave enough light to move around, but not enough to do any game playing or cards.  Sheesh, how boring.

My battery operated shower radio let me listen to the Chiefs game (which pre-empted my Big Brother tonight anyway) so there was something, but it was so weird around here.

Anyway, the lights are back on, sattellite is intermittent, thunder is booming, and here I sit with no beer.  What's up with that?  Oh goodie, and it just started pouring again.  Damn sattellite.  What good is transponder 7, anyway?  (if you have never had sattellite, that will mean nothing to you.)

Yup, lights are blinking, if I don't hit "save" now, I'll lose it all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cheap Pizza

Aldi has a pizza kit that is very reasonable, and VERY good.  It's like the old ones!  How do you spell Chef Boy R Dee?  Anyway, it tastes like those.  I added a bit of sausage and some mozzarella, and it was fabulous.  I love it when something cheap turns out to taste so good.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Nonsense. Don't bother.

OK, stop reading.  It's simply not worth it.  I'll post something interesting in another 4 years or so.  Maybe.

I made the trip to the SE corner of my fine state today.  The trip was good/bad.  I accomplished a few things that I planned to do, but many things unfolded that still need to be done.  That means a TON of follow-up.  Wow!  That's a tall order for this time of year.

SIL of the owner is a pretty darn good pilot.  We took off and landed safely both times.  Also, he seems to take it so seriously.  That's a good thing.  Owner wouldn't let him take me if he wasn't safe, but I still wondered what it would be like.  It was smooth and golden.

Flying opens up opportunities for conversations that wouldn't happen otherwise.  The problem is frequent interruptions.  Yeah, Dave and I need to continue this conversation later.  For sure.

Anyway, I'm home, I'm safe, and I'm content.  On Wednesday, I have another trip, but on a bigger plane, with another pilot.  It'll be fine, but girl clothes TWO days in ONE week?  ICK.

OK, I'm out.  I'm exhausted, and I need to go to bed.  Ciao, my friends!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Toy

Plans have changed.  I'm not leaving town tonight.  We're going in the morning instead.  Groovy.

I have a new toy that I was introduced to by Rhianna.  See my wordle?

It's interesting to see what words are referenced most often in my journal.  LOL

Saturday, August 23, 2008


I know that I haven't posted since Wednesday.  I hate it when people don't post for days and days.  Especially those that I enjoy reading a LOT.  It's just been, well, it's been nutty around here.

Kevin is in Carthage, visiting his mom.  Monica spent the night at a friend's house, and may never come back.  Yeah, she'll come back, but friend's mom took them to the mall, and she's staying again tonight, so who knows?  Natalie is at Aunt Rena's/Mom and Dad's.  She loves it out there.  I swear, she LOVES spending time with my aunt.  That's cool, but here I am, alone.

Actually, I like being alone, in small doses.  I get bored within a couple of hours, and I'll go get Natalie soon.  I am a social person, and I'm not good at being alone.  People like Kevin and my Mom?  Yeah, they could be alone for days and be just fine. Not me, thankyouverymuch.  I needs me some peoples.

Tomorrow afternoon, I will fly to St. Genevieve, MO, spend the night in a hotel and spend Monday helping a client.  Tuesday, I'm back in the lab.  Wednesday, I'll fly to Boliver, MO to meet a new client.  Thursday and Friday I'll be in the lab.  After that?  5 DAY WEEKEND!!!!!!  That's the end of vacation until next year.  *sigh*  Time for busy season and some LONG days.

In mid September, I will go to New Hampshire for a convention.  Not only is this a new one for my company, this is one that we didn't know about until last week.  I will be traveling with my bwf Michelle, to an area of the country that I've never seen.  I'm excited.  New England?  Cool!

Tonight is the first of 3 NASCAR races that I can't watch on TV, due to my reduced channels.  It's worth it, though.  (Even though my Missouri boy Carl took the pole!)  The $$ saved is money on another bill, right?  After these 3 races, NASCAR will be on ABC, and I'll be able to watch again.

OK, I gotta run.  I need to go find my dearest, youngest daughter.  I need some company around here.  It's eerily quiet.  ICK. 

Tomorrow night, I will post from the SE corner of my fine state.  With all of the typical hotel nonsense.  Sorry in advance.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

6 Hours

I got 6 hours of sleep last night.  Still probably not enough, but better than it has been lately.  At 8:00, I was sitting on the couch, barely keeping my eyes open while watching Big Brother.  Still, when I went to bed, it took quite a while to get to sleep.  I'm not used to that.

I do feel better this morning, though, so I guess 6 hours is enough.

The girls had many stories about their first day of school.  Natalie announced that it is going to be "the BEST YEAR EVER!" and Monica is loving the Jr. High life.  She is so good at opening her locker that she found herself helping others with theirs.  They were both absolutely giddy.

This is day three of the ride share.  Because I think we can finish the week without starting my car (I thought I had a short business trip, but not until next week,) We will save about $52 on fuel, $42.00 on smokes, and probably close to $20 on Diet Coke.  I keep telling myself this much to make it worth getting up at 4 in the morning.

If I were to truly figure the savings, I would find the difference in mileage, since we're driving the truck instead of my car, but it's only 4-6 mpg difference, and the a/c and working windows is worth it!

OK, I'll quit blogging about this every day.  Maybe I'll do a once-per-week entry about how we're doing.  For the daily stuff, I'll stick to braille room numbers and kid stories.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dealing with changes, and the first day of school

So far, so good.  I am keeping myself motivated by telling myself what we're saving.  By ride sharing, not smoking, and not buying soda, we saved about $20 yesterday alone.  That's incentive enough to keep up the good work.  Not smoking really didn't bother me much yesterday, and one of my work friends is going to quit, too, because I did.

I can't sleep.  I've gotten 4-5 hours each of the past 2 nights, but I'm not worried about it.  I am having to adjust my schedule back, going to bed earlier, and my body is adjusting to the lack of smokes, and I think I drank tea too late.  I'll straighten out; I'm not worried about it.

The girls start school today!  They are both so excited.  I remember that feeling.  Monica practiced opening her locker last night, and she's a pro at it.  Natalie dropped off her supplies and met her teacher, but we already know her.  Monica had her in fifth grade, and she's wonderful.

OK, that's it for now.  Here's to a good day!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Family visits and budget cuts

Kevin's Mom came up this weekend, and brought along his sister and her family.  Brett came over, too, and even Mom, Dad, and Aunt Rena joined us Saturday night for dinner and part of the Chiefs game.  We had a great time.  The Chiefs blew it, though.

Kevin and I have had our heads in the sand for a long time, concerning our finances.  We're hurting more all the time, with rising costs of EVERYTHING.  We had a long talk on Friday night, and decided to grow the hell up.

Today, I called to cancel Dish Network.  They tried to talk me into staying, as I expected, but I wasn't budging.  Even the lowest they offer (40 channels, including locals) is $29.99 a month.  Finally, he saw how adamant I was, and offered a $20 per month discount for 10 months.  I caved.

Heck, for $9.99 a month, to still get locals and a couple other good channels is worth it to me.  Kevin won out, since we still get Discovery, History, AMC and the ones like that.  Those are his favorites.  I will miss my NASCAR stuff on Speed and ESPN, but much of the season is on network channels and TNT, so I'll get most of the season's races, if not the pre-race.

For now, we're keeping our hi-speed Internet.  It's really not too bad (we're on the lowest speed offered for local hi speed.)  We'll determine later if we're axing that or not.

We're quitting soda and cigarettes.  Those are biggies for both cost and cravings for both of us.  I'm quitting beer, he's quitting eating out for lunch.  I never eat out for lunch, he never drinks beer, so we're both making cuts to fix this mess.

Also, we're going to carpool.  That will get me to work 2 hours early, or 1 1/2 hours earlier than usual.  I'll take a book to read.  Kevin will be stuck waiting for me in the evening, but only for 30 minutes to an hour.

We're also back to shopping at Aldi.  Not only are most items cheaper there, but the store isn't set up to entice you into buying things that you don't need.  Used to, they weren't open on Sunday, when we often shop.  Now, they are.

Yup, big changes.  It's about time.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

America's Best?

My family is made up of mostly blind people.  Kevin and I have contacts, with cheap glasses for a backup.  Monica has contacts with astigmatism, so they're more expensive, and she has 2 pair of glasses.  Natalie, so far, isn't blind, but her genes don't offer much hope.

Because of the massive amount of needed eye care, we go to America's Best Contacts and Eyeglasses.  The value is awesome, and we've never had a problem with our eye care.  However...

However, they are busy, busy, busy!  The lady on the front counter has to wait on every customer that comes in the door, answer the phones (which ring non-stop) and guide folks on certain decisions.  When I stop for contacts, I expect to wait 10 minutes or so for my turn.  It's the price I pay for saving money, I guess.

Tonight, the person in front of me was Hispanic, and spoke no English.  Her son was her interpreter.  I felt bad for him.  He was under so much pressure.  His mom didn't understand why one eye demanded a more expensive contact lens (astigmatism) and the lady tried to explain it, and he tried to interpret.  This went on for some time.

Finally, they were done.  25 minutes later!  I didn't gripe.  Heck, as a customer service rep, I can't gripe about someone who is trying to do customer service, and having problems.  I just chilled out and waited.

I can't get over how bad I feel for this adolescent interpreter, though.  He's just trying to live his life, and live in a world where he is the voice of his family, in an English speaking world.  Poor guy.  He did a good job, though.

And I have my contacts.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Access forbidden?

I tried to go to and got the following message:
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Huh?  I must go cry myself to sleep now. 

Well, after I play on Mobsters for a bit.  I will be able to afford that shipyard in about 30 minutes, and then I can partake in maritime trafficking.  That will make a LOT of money for my bank.

But then, I'm crying myself to sleep.

Well, maybe after Super Nanny.

Oh yeah, and my legs are much better.  I have one muscle left that hurts pretty bad in my left leg, but I can walk almost normal.  Slowly, but almost normal.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dang AOL

OK, AOL ate my entry.  Here is the short version, and I'll post the full version tomorrow, if I'm done being ticked at AOL:

I can walk without crutches.  The bruising is starting to show up now.  Left foot looks oddly dark...purplish pink.  New problems include aching hips/shins/calves, due to walking funny.

Work folks laughed as much as ya'll, which was my goal.  Nothing is broken, or I wouldn't be healing this quickly.  I love to make people laugh, and I hope you're cursed with picturing me "sticking the landing" each time you watch the Olympics!

OK, time to hit "save" and hope it saves.  If not, I swear I will....never mind.  If it doesn't save, you'll never know.  LOL

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My dumbest move ever. Definitely.

You know those times that you do something stupid, and you think, "That may be one of the stupidest things I've ever done."  Usually, if you thought really hard though, you'd realize that this one incident is NOT the dumbest thing you've ever done.  I've done a lot of stupid things.

Last night, though, I achieved the "Stupidest Moment of my Life."  To fully get the idea, I'll have to tell HOW I did it, so bear with me.  It'll make it worth it when you get the huge laugh at me at the end.

The girls and I were hanging out in my room, watching the Olympics.  This isn't something that I always do, but I try to show them history making things when possible, so I was opening their eyes to some gymnastic events and swimming events that they've never seen before.

After some little Chinese guy did an awesome job on the rings, he had an amazing dismount and I said, "Too bad he didn't stick the landing."  The girls asked what I meant, so I explained it the best I could.

Later, I was on the back porch, smoking a cigarette, and the Monica ran from the living room, past the dining room and jumped out the door to the back porch.  It is two steps down to a cement floor.  She tried to "stick the landing" and throw her hands into the air, but she didn't quite make it happen.

Then Natalie tried to no avail.  I was laughing at them and teasing them.  They just couldn't land smoothly without a hop or step.  They made three or four attempts each, and I said, "dang, girls, even I could do this!"  *sigh*

Someone who is overweight, out of shape, and clumsy should never, I repeat NEVERattempt this seemingly easy task.  I landed, and although my bare feet slid about 2 inches, they did NOT leave the floor, so I swear, I stuck the landing.  And, my heels were sore the rest of the night.

I woke up this morning, swung my legs over the side of the bed, and tried to stand up.  It took 10 minutes to go the 10 feet from my bedroom to the bathroom, and I was crying when I got there.  I don't remember ever being in this much pain in my life.  I have severely bruised my heels...plural...BOTH feet!  The left is far worse, but both are miserable.

Kevin gave me an anti-inflammatory and retrieved the crutches from the shed.  With them, I can walk...sort of.  They all just went to get some lunch, and I can't go because I'm not mobile right now.  They wanted to help and make it possible for me to go, but I knew it would be a pain in the butt, so here I sit...feeling stupid.

I have NO earthly idea how I'm going to get to work tomorrow, and make it from the parking lot to my desk, but I guess I may have to use the crutches.  I really don't want to.  I guess, however, if I'm willing to share this with you and let you get a laugh at my stupidity, I should offer the same opportunity to my coworkers, right?  LOL

OK, I'm going to elevate my feet and watch some NASCAR, now.  I hope I can walk again some day. 

Stupid Olympics!

Friday, August 8, 2008


So, I was driving to work yesterday.  If you remember, I had a horrible Wednesday, troubleshooting software and all, and knew that I had to go in early on Thursday in order to make up for all of the other duties that I missed.  I was grumpy about that.

Seriously, I was thinking things along the lines of, "It is NOT fair for me to have to go in early, to make up for doing EXTRA work?  This sucks.  I do NOT like this.  It's not right.  Someone should decide to...." 

Then God said, "Yo, stupid, look left!"  OK, he may not have used those words, but I looked over, and saw this:

I pulled over into a little fishing lake in Oak Grove, and took several shots.  Then, I started feeling guilty about griping. 

Life ain't always so bad.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Happy happy joy joy!

It worked!!!!!

I AM that good!

I can sleep tonight!

OK, calm down and breathe....Three cameras have been downloaded, and all of the data synced perfectly!  The customer called my cell to tell me!  I almost cried.  I called boss-man immediately and told him, and he's pleased.  He's pleased both with the situation, and my work.  *sigh*

OK, I'm watching the Chiefs play (preempting Big Brother) some pre-season football, and they just scored the first touchdown of the game.  Gotta Go!

But I Gotta Go HAPPY!

P.S. I told you I was good!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Problem solved...I hope.

Well, I worked at ONE thing all day.  At almost 4:00, the problem was solved.  I won't tell you the crap that I had to go through to get help with this.  That left me fuming, but I'm just glad it was finally solved.

The customer ran multiple tests through, and they worked wonderfully.  Still though, there is the shoot tomorrow morning.  This is a BIG school shoot.  I can't wait to get the call tomorrow telling me that it worked.  I'm just sitting in the edge of my seat waiting.  *sigh*  I hope I sleep better tonight than I did last night, but I doubt it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

my job

I am good at what I do.  I am *damn* good at what I do.  I can fix your problem, no matter what it is, if you're my customer.  There are some downfalls to this, however.  Some huge downfalls.

I tend to check my work email from home.  9 times out of 10, the answer can wait until morning, when I get to work.  Tonight, however, I saw a very panicky email from a very big customer.  They have a huge shoot in a bit over 24 hours, and the software isn't working as expected.

I thought for a bit, and then I decided to call him.  Yeah, Big Brother was getting ready to start, and my kids needed attention, but I called a customer.  I found out what he was dealing with, then started to look for back up.

Nothing.  I got no answers.  I called 5 people, and only 1 answered the phone.  He let me know that I was correct in my questions, and that I needed to dig deeper.  Great.  This isn't an answer, this is confirming that I did all possible, but it isn't fixed.

Fast forward an hour and three phone calls, and head honcho of the software called me back.  He had further ideas, which I'll try tomorrow.  Although I do NOT connect on a personal level with this guy (was that diplomatic enough?) he did great tonight.  He offered help and support and may have solved even more issues that were NOT a  part of the planned conversation. Thanks, dude.

Anyway, I wish I couldn't give a shit about my job, like most of the people that I work with.  I wish that I could come home and play on Mobsters without worrying myself sick about how this shoot will go in Illinois on Thursday.  I wish I didn't care.

Mom?  do wishes come true?  LOL  I know.  They do.  You wrote a song to prove it.  Post the lyrics for me?  I really don't want to be a "don't give a shit" person.  I just want others to care like I do.  My job would be simpler then.  I also want to fly to Illinois and help with this shoot, so I can show them that it works.

OK, done venting.  Thanks for reading.  I'll let you know how it comes out.  I'm worried, but it will be fine.  I can do this.  I can fix this.  I am JUST that good!

I whacked a guy!

WaaaHoooo!  I whacked a guy! 

Yup, I am definitely hooked on the Mobsters app on myspace.   I have a lot of mob members, almost $3 million in the bank, and I finally whacked someone.  Now, I spend my breaks and lunches trying to convince my coworkers to join my mob.  Yeah.  I have a problem. 

If you would like to join my mob, let me know.  You just need to be one of my "friends" on myspace, and I can add you.  Seriously, though, if you don't like the idea of becoming addicted to crime, you may want to pass this opportunity up.

I'm just sayin'.

*a flea update:
Tonight, I cannot find a single live flea, even when I pin down a pet and go searching in the personal region.  so far, so good.

Monday, August 4, 2008

I have fleas!

OK, dangit.  I'm getting ticked.  Hawkeye got fleas at Mom and Dad's one weekend.  I don't mean that Mom has fleas.  I mean, when we're here, Hawkeye accepts his duty of humping every neighbor dog that he can get close to.  The neighbors here have some nasty dogs.  I'm just sayin'.

So, he brings fleas home.  Then the cats got fleas before we realized that he had them.  So, we dipped them all.  That fixed it.  I felt pretty cocky.  Until...

Hawkeye humped another dog a few weeks ago.  Great.  More fleas.  Once again, I didn't know until the cats got them.  I'm not one to get flea bites easily, and I have three bites on my ankles.  crap!

We bombed the house, and couldn't find the dip.  WalHell was out of the dip.  4 days later, we found the dip, and dipped all three.  Then WalHell was out of the bombs.  Jeez!

Now, we have it under control (I hope.)  They were all dipped last week.  Tonight, they're away from the house, and the bombs are spraying all over my house.  Me and the girls are hanging out at mom's for two hours, and Kevin is mowing.  At 8, we'll head home, dip the cats and the dog, and start the "Great Clean Up."

Sheesh.  Happy Birthday, Kevin.  You're 42, and you get to mow the yard, followed by the "Great Clean Up."  Good for you, babe.  I love you.

Friday, August 1, 2008


OK, here's the deal.  We were doing the taxi to the runway thing, and the pilot was writing down the necessary numbers.  As the little plane ahead of us left, we got into position.  The pilot told me to grab hold of the (steering wheel?) thing.  I did.  I thought he wanted me to feel what he was doing.

As we turned onto the runway and gained speed, he said, "You'd better pull back on that, or we'll never get off the ground!"  I looked at him like he was crazy (he probably was) and said, "Really???"  He was serious.  I started pulling back, and we left the ground!  I got us up to about 1500 before he took over, due to clouds.

The pilot and I *love* clouds, so he did some cool stuff, dodging in and out, around, over, and under them.  It was like a roller coaster.  It was awesome!  When we got close to home, he asked if I wanted to fly low over my house.  Of course I did!  He warned that it would get hot, and it did!

We flew over my tiny town, and I got to fly for another 10 minutes or so.  I got to maneuver different directions and keep the elevation steady (I had to be reminded to quit going "up."  It was SO frigging fun!  When we landed, we were both soaked in sweat, from flying so low, but it was SO worth it!

It was so fun, that I would buy a plane if I were rich.  I would take the lessons and figure it out and do it.  This is the biggest rush EVER!  Honey?  Kevin?  Dear husband?  Can I please have an airplane?