Saturday, March 31, 2007

My computer geek score is greater than 44% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out! 

How much of a Geek are you?  Bentley?  Oooops!  Did I just call you out?

Friday, March 30, 2007

I'm home, for now

Well, I got home.  I arrived in my much-missed home at 1:30 on Thursday morning.  I got to bed a bit before 2:30, and still made it to work on Thursday...but I was almost 2 hours late...with approval.  Vegas was fun, but so damn tiring.  I walked and stood more than I've ever done in my life.  My legs hurt, my feet hurt (I don't usually wear "girl" shoes") and my back hurt.  I'm better now, thankyouverymuch.

Thursday night, I went to bed fairly early, and felt much better today.  My legs and feet are almost back to normal.  No, I didn't win.  Yes, I lost money.  Thank God it wasn't much, since I only play penny slots.  I saw some of the most awesome customers that I have.  It was great.  I ate expensive food that was only slightly better than the cheap stuff I usually eat, drank a beer or two on their dime, and saw some neat stuff.  I got home on time, and my kids were well cared for.  I call that a successful trip.

A week from next Wednesday, I have a two-day trip to Illinois, and the following weekend I will be in Detroit.  Kevin will be with me for that one, so it's gonna be a lot of fun, aside from the work part.  LOL

Tomorrow is Birthday Bash, and I'm so excited I could pee on myself.  Kevin and I will leave in plenty of time to be there when the doors open.  I had tickets to both nights, but gave away my tickets for tonight, since I haven't seen much of my family this week.  I won the tickets, so I'm not out anything, and the girl I gave them to at work is SO excited.  I hope she has a good time.

I've gotten through all the email that had accumulated while I was gone, and now it's time to check in on journals.  See ya!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

No pictures? What? But she promised!

OK, here's the case you don't know...casinos frown on photography.  Yeah, this is a photographers convention, and there are cameras everywhere, but we must "respect the privacy of other clients" and not take pictures.  *sigh*  I like pictures.

I was almost in bed once.  Now I'm up.  It's after 1 local time.  At home, it's 3.  I'm hosed, but I can't sleep.  I am listening to my station, via internet, and it's the first time I've heard real music since my drive to the airport on Sunday morning.  I love real music,

Grammy will head home this morning.  I hate that I didn't see her more.  I love you, Linda.  Thanks for the help.  I'll  be home around 2 in the morning Wed night/Thurs morning.  I'll get up 6ish and be super Mom and go to work after dropping the girls off at school.  Yeah.  Super Mom.  That's me.  Uh Huh.  Whatever.

I'm bitchy, but it's all good.  I'm just tired.  I'm averaging 3-5 hours of sleep each night, and I usually get 7-8.  I don't mean to be grumpy.  I have pictures.  Tomorrow is a wash, but Thursday night, I'll have pictures.  No pictures of the casino, of course.  That would be in bad taste!  I don't want them to take my camera.  Kevin is one lost camera short of a divorce.  I want to stay married.

Anyone want to go to Birthday Bash with me on Friday night?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Vegas, day two

No pictures, today.  I'll do better tomorrow.

I woke up at 5 to call the family.  It was 7 at home, so I talked to the girls, then called Kevin, who was already at work.  I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards, so I got up and showered.  By 6:30, I was in the casino, playing like a high-roller.  Yup.  That's right.  I went through dang near $3.50 on the penny slots!

After coming back and posting on here, we went to breakfast, then to finish getting the booth ready.  We worked the booth from 11-4:30, and we were quite busy...that's a good thing.  We grabbed the first seat we found (our feet were screaming) and had a drink, then went to meet some customers for dinner.  That was fun, and we were sitting, and we were eating.  All things I love.

After dinner, we went to watch a "shoot out", where 4 well-know photographers in 4 corners of a large room, teach lighting, shooting, posing, etc. to other photographers.  It was fun, but standing again, from 9-11.  After that, we hit the penny slots again (sorry honey, that's another $3.75 gone.) and retired for the evening.

Now, it's 12:15 and I've caught my third or fourth wind.  I can't afford not to sleep, though, so I'm going to give it my best shot.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Vegas, day one

Well, it's almost time to head to breakfast, so I'll keep this as short as possible.

Saturday night, the neighbors kept us up most of the night.  I probably got 3 hours of sleep, if you add it all together.  Our flight was fine, and uneventful, but when we landed, I was getting grumpy, having been up since 3:15.

Long, long line waiting for a cab, then we arrived, dropped off our luggage in our rooms, and went to lunch.  It took forever to get in, then to get served, and I felt almost sick by the time the food got to us.  A couple of diet cokes and some nourishment, and I was much better.

We set up the booth, then came to our rooms to freshen up.  Michelle and I had a beer, then set out to walk the strip for a while.  The M&M store is awesome!    We saw a ton of stuff, and I took about 90 pictures.  Back here at the hotel, we met back up with the rest of our group and went to dinner.  After dinner, Michelle and I went to walk some more.

The fountain show at the Bellagio is pretty amazing, but it's one of those things that can't be shown in pictures.  We walked until my feet were screaming at me, then headed back, having seen even more cool stuff.

I threw $5 down a penny slot machine, then came upstairs.  It was 11:30, and the internet wasn't playing nice.  For the $12 a night this place gets for internet, you'd think a genie would pop out of the wall and install it for you!  I went to bed at 11:45, having given up on making an entry.  At 5, I woke up and called Kevin, then the kids, to say good morning.  It was 7 at home.  I tried to lay back down, but it wasn't gonna happen, so I showered and got up.

Now, I'm heading to breakfast, then to work.  This will be a LONG day, without much free time, but yesterday made it worth it!  I don't think I'd ever want to come here on my own dime, since everything is so expensive, but it's neat to see it, anyway.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

This place has gone to the dogs!

Well, I'm all packed, and almost ready to go.  I didn't sleep worth a damn, due to partying neighbors (there are advantages and disadvantages to sleeping with the windows open.)  Also, the new addition wasn't sure what to do with every little noise in a strange house, so she decided getting up, sniffing around, and barking was the appropriate action.  Lucy, always the follower, joined in.  I finally gave up and got out of bed at 3:15.

Molly is another rescue dog.  She's a loving little Beagle that desperately needs a bath, and will get one today.  She has established her dominance over Lucy, and Hawkeye has let her know that he is ultimately in charge.  It's been pretty peaceful, but if Molly gets too aggressive with Lucy, Hawkeye comes to her rescue.  It's pretty funny seeing the old hairball get excited about something. 

After Natalie was born, making a total of 4 kids in our combined family, I looked Kevin in the eye and said, "We're done.  That's enough.  No more."  Yesterday, after he brought Molly home, we had the same talk.  Now I'm followed from room to room by 12 legs, 2 1/2 tails, 3 sets of jingling tags, and 1/3 more hair!  She's quickly winning us all over, though, so it's OK.

I'll head out toward the airport around 6 this morning.  Grammy got here yesterday afternoon, and Natalie seems to be taking this better than she's handled any of my trips so far.  She's growing up, and realizing that I *do* come home when it's done.  This is going to be a very busy trip, but I'm excited to see Vegas for the first time.  So much to see.  I'll be posting every evening, if at all possible.  I'll be home late Wednesday night (early Thursday, actually) and return to work on Thursday morning.  I have a concert to attend both Friday and Saturday nights, so it's gonna be a crazy week.

Take care of yourselves, and have a great Sunday.  I'll see ya later, from Sin City.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Feeling my age

Yeah, I'm listening to Kid Rock.  Maybe I'm trying to hang on to my youth.  Yup, I'm definitely trying to hang on to my youth.  I've read many disturbing posts tonight, my mom's included.  I'm going to spend tonight in my 20's.  My parents are invincible, and nothing bad can happen.

Mom was NOT dumped on her arse by an arrogant Arabian horse, causing permanent bruises.  Dad did NOT almost die, needing immediate open-heart surgery.  Kevin did NOT get diagnosed with fibromyalgia.  Natalie did NOT break her elbow in 4 places, causing "gun stock deformity."

Monica didn't need glasses before her third birthday.  Brett did NOT get a job and blow off school.  My wonderful brother-in-law did NOT die fighting a fire.  Life is good, my babies are young, and my parents are invincible.

I'm newly married and life is good.  Mom's not sure what to make of Kevin, but he'll win them over.  Grammy isn't sure what to make of me, but I'll win her over.  Life is good.  Kid Rock is singing some nonsense, and it's fine.  I'm in my 20's and nothing is wrong.  Yeah, let's go back there, shall we?

Hair cuts, worms, and trips

OK, random entry alert!  Don't say you weren't warned.

The girls have new, shorter hair, and it's great on them.  Plus, no more tears when Natalie forgets conditioner.  I got a new cut today, too, but it's the same thing I always get, so no pics necessary.  Natalie's pink eye is gone, but medication continues through Tuesday.  So far, no other sufferers.  I heard yesterday that the quickest way to get pink eye is Walmart shopping carts.  Yup, another reason to HATE that place.

I lost my voice yesterday, so I didn't get online at all after work. I seriously could barely do more than a froggie voice. My customers were sympathetic and kind.  I love my customers. 

Mom has "tagged" me, so that will come tomorrow.  I decided that I had to fix the voice, so I came home and announced that I was NOT talking.  After the cheering died down, I drank some hot tea with honey, and went to bed at 8.  This morning, I could talk much better.  I'm not sick, and I don't feel bad.  Several people have suggested that allergies may be to blame.  I don't typically suffer from allergies, but whatever.  I'm still not sick, and the symptoms are weird, so maybe.  Yeah, let's go with allergies.

I leave on Sunday (early morning) for Vegas.  There will be VERY little down time, since it's a business trip for a convention, but I plan to post an entry every chance I get.  Maybe I can go without sleep?  I don't have enough money to gamble, so while others are partaking, I'll post too many pictures and annoy the heck out of you.  OK? Deal.

Well, time to catch up on everything that I missed yesterday.  Love ya, love your show!

:edit: if you want to hear "I get to", let me know.  I can hook you up, baby!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Rough days, but better times are coming

Last night was rough.  Over 2 hours in the ER, followed by bills that I wasn't prepared to pay, followed by a huge stack of dishes because both Kevin and I forgot to buy dishwashing liquid.

I went to bed, with the alarm set for midnight.  I kind of woke up, put a drop in Natalie's eye (she was great about it) and looked outside.  No Brett.  *sigh*  The latest he gets home is 11ish.  I called his cell, no answer.  I called 20 minutes later, no answer.  I dozed, but couldn't sleep.  He called at 2 and said he'd lost his phone in the parking lot, and had been looking for it in the dark lot, in the gravel, since closing.  OK.  Whatever.  *sigh*

I awoke to the alarm again at 4, another drop in Natalie's eye (she was great about it) and went back to bed.  I think Kevin talked to me once or twice, but I'm not sure.  It 6:50, Monica woke me up crying, "Mom, it's 6:50 and we're going to be LATE!"  "No, honey, I'm taking you to school, and we're fine."  I got up and showered, then woke Natalie.

The eye was swollen almost shut, and the other one was quite red.  *sigh*  I woke Brett up to tell him that I'd see him in the high school office at 8:10, to give him money for the cap and gown that I'm not sure he'll get to wear.  (I'm not trying to be negative, just realistic.)  They only accept cash, and after a night in the ER, I forgot to get cash.  *sigh*  I emailed Mom and asked to borrow $26 until today.  At what age do I get to quit asking help from parents?

Brett (who, if you remember, didn't do ANY laundry on Monday, after promising to do 3 loads) informed me that he had no clean pants.  Hmmm.  Sad state, Mate.  Figure it out and get to school by 8:10.  Hard ass, me?  Probably.  He can run that washer as well as I can.  The girls do a couple loads a night.  Why can't he do a couple a week? 

I drop Her Lady of the Pink Eye off at Moms, and Monica goes in so they can see her new haircut.  Both haircuts met with approval, and I borrowed the $26 and left.  At the school, I explained Natalie's absense and kissed Monica goodbye.  Off to the High School office (in this tiny town, it's all one building) to wait for Brett.  He shows up, looking quite grumpy, at 8:09.  I give him the cash and leave.  Oh yeah, he doesn't smell that great, either.  *sigh*

When I get to work, I realize that the receptionist that turns the phone on in the morning was NOT there.  I'm 25 minutes late, and a customer service rep is answering the phones!  ACK!  Apparently, said receptionist is off watching a new grandbaby being delivered.  OK, I sign in to the phones as a receptionist, and take over for the other CSR.  My other half (at work) is on vacation for the day, so I'm covering for 2 other people, as well as myself.  *sigh*

I struggled through the day, although I forgot to get Dad's money.  I'll give them a check in the morning.  The whole day pretty much sucked.  Everything went wrong. Everything was bad....except....EXCEPT....

My boss agreed to let Kevin go on a business trip with me!!!!  In April, when I have the Michigan show, we will stay in a hotel which is right across the road from the Automotive Hall of Fame, and other Ford landmarks.  He will have a BALL!  I can't wait.  Now, who is going to watch my children while we're both gone???  I have several ideas, but I don't know if any of them will pan out.

If we had known earlier, we would NOT have asked Grammy to come up this weekend to help.  Can she take off two weekends, 3 weeks apart?  Kevin's calling now.  I have a sitter down the road, but will she be willing to do a whole weekend, taking care of dogs as well as children? 

Also, we have to know if Kevin will come home on Sunday (short, but a trip nonetheless) or if his work buddy will cover for him Monday, so he can come home Wednesday morning with me.  So many calls to make, so many plans to solidify.  I have to have answers first thing in the morning, so tickets can be purchased.  No pressure.

Why am I still on the computer?  ACK!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

*sigh* What next?

This morning, as the girls and I were crammed into our tiny bathroom, getting ready for our day, I noticed Natalie's eye was red.  It hurt "a little bit", but not too badly.  I figured her early morning rubbing had lodged an eyelash in there, and we finished getting our day started.

Kevin picked the girls up and drove back to Blue Springs for haircuts.  The girls both have short bobs now, and it's SO cute on both of them.  Anyway, they met me at Walmart for a few essentials, and when I looked at Natalie, my heart sank.  Her eye was BRIGHT red, and she said it burned.  There was also some yuck in the corner.

Off to the ER we went, while Kevin brought Monica home.  I knew it was pink eye, from the years I spent working in day care, as well as from raising 3 kids, but without a visit, no medicine.  Without medicine, no school.  Without school, I miss work. *sigh*  2 hours later, they told me, surprise, it was pink eye.  Thanks, doc.  Thanks a lot.  The copay was $150 that I didn't have, and the medication was $10.  The McD's value meals (Natalie and I hadn't had dinner, and it was 8:15) was $11.56, and I was getting grumpy.

The med is for every 4 hours.  The school wants them out for 24 hours, but I'm gonna try something.  If I wake her up at midnight and again at 4am, then get her again at 8, she will have had 4 doses before school starts.  I doubt the nurse will go for it, but it's worth a try.  This kid is working SO hard toward perfect attendance, and experience tells me that 4 doses will remove the red, and the discharge, and the discomfort will be a thing of the past.  Here's hoping.

If the nurse doesn't like the idea, I'm hoping Mom can keep her.  We are VERY short handed at work, and Kevin's missing a guy this week, too.  I hope and pray nobody else in the family gets this.  Another thing I've learned from experience is that doctors will often say that the same med can be given to another family member, but the school will NOT go for it unless it's in the name of the person receiving it.  How many Dr. visit copays will this fiasco require?  We shall see. 

Monday, March 19, 2007

COPS, the Plaza, and Q104

Well, we got up and showered and ready to go.  We *did* pack those sandwiches, but only because I knew the girls would get pretty hungry before we got home.  We got to the station a little after 8, and visited with Whitey and Robbie, while the crew of the "Morning Drive" did their thing on-air.  As they were able, they came out one at a time to visit.  We had taken the cookies, and the girls had drawn pictures for everyone.  They were all really nice.

After the morning show ended, Jillian took us in to the studio to look around, and watch her set up the computer to keep things moving until Ronnie, the midday guy, could get in and get started.  When Ronnie got there, we watched Jillian record a commercial spot for him, then we headed out to the Plaza for a while.  We parked the car and ate our sandwiches, then realized that my camera was still at the studio, so we made a 4 block detour to pick it up.

On the Plaza, we roamed around taking pictures and acting like the hicks that we are.  It was a lot of fun.  The girls really enjoyed the Discovery Channel store, since they encourage touching and playing with the merchandise there.  Many pictures later, we decided it was about time to head back to the studio, to meet up with TJ.

TJ is the one we met at the concert, that got us onto the bus and took such good care of the girls.  They adore her.  She showed up, and we gave her the Dark Chocolate Dove bar (we knew it was her favorite) and she made a big fuss over it.  Then she sat and just visited with us for 20 or 30 minutes.  It was great.  I knew she had work to do, so I got a picture of the girls with her, and we headed home, leaving instructions with her on how to distribute the other goodies we were leaving for those not there yet.

It was a good time, and we are pooped.  I tried to take a nap this afternoon, but failed miserably (thanks, Lucy...yes, that barking at nothing is adorable.)  Instead, I got up and Natalie and I cleaned up around her a bit (Monica was napping,) and made a pot of chili.  She even did the loads of laundry that Brett promised to do before heading to his Dad's.  He was, conveniently, headed out the door as we parked the car, so I didn't know until he was gone. *sigh*  I'm gonna kick his butt one of these days.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Radio Station Groupies

Well, tomorrow morning, I will load up the girls and head to the Country Club Plaza in Kansas City to visit our favorite radio station, Q104.  We have met many of the on-air personalities, and talked to the others on the phone on multiple occasions.  We are radio station groupies.  We search them out at concerts, call 3-4 times per week, and LOVE this station.

I've just finished spending over 3 hours baking, so we can take goodies to these folks.  I made chocolate chip cookies, (half with walnuts, half without,) oatmeal raisin cookies, and brownies.  There are a couple of other things we'll pick up on the way, because we know their favorite snacks.  *sigh* It's kind of sad, really.  We know these people like they're family.  Zeke likes Flamin' Hot Cheetos, Jeff likes Spree candies, TJ likes dark chocolate, sheesh, get a life already.

The girls went to bed early so they can shower in the morning, to look their best.  They will wear the Tshirts that some of the staff signed at the Trent Tomlinson concert.  We will see the crew from the morning show, then the midday guy.  Then, we'll walk the Plaza a bit to waste time, then go back to visit with the afternoon sweetheart and her side kick.  They really want to see the evening guy, but if he doesn't get in until 5 or so, I doubt we'll make it.  I can't afford to buy lunch out, and that would be a LONG day...although, I could pack sandwiches, and we could maybe....NO!  Enough! LOL

I ridiculous number of pictures will be here tomorrow night.  It should be the perfect ending to a wonderful 4-day weekend.  I love vacation days!

Stolen from Toonguy

You Are Ernie
Playful and childlike, you are everyone's favorite friend - even if your goofy antics get annoying at times.

You are usually feeling: Amused - you are very easily entertained

You are famous for: Always making people smile. From your silly songs to your wild pranks, you keep things fun.

How you live your life: With ease. Life is only difficult when your friends won't play with you!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A new game!

Far be it from us to be bored around here.  Check out the newest way the girls found to torment Lucy:

Our New Game


Friday, March 16, 2007

Yes, they DID clean.

My children DID clean today.  Monica did the computer room, Natalie did the living room, Brett did the kitchen, and we all did our own bedrooms.  Kevin tackled the bathroom and I took on the guest room, since Grammy will be here in a week.  It felt good to have it clean, so we left right away!  Can't risk dirtying it up, now can we?

We saw Mom and Dad a bit.  The round pen looks awesome.  The dogs went along, to visit Sadie, and I saw the calf and Chief.  Mom's horse and the boarded horses were too far away for a visit.  I puttered around on mom's computer a bit, and fixed her corrupt SD card from her camera.  I love winning a losing battle.

Then, we went to WalMart, where we all got quite crabby.  Natalie had a headache, Monica was tired, and I was mean by the time we left.  We all decided that it's the evil WalMart vibes, penetrating our brains, and we must escape as quickly as possible.  Back home, Kevin took a nap and I played pogo for over an hour.  Now, I'm just happy to see Grey's is on again.  I missed the first half last night.

Kevin brought home a surprise last night.  I got two new sharks, just like the old guy, and a few barbs, too.  They are supposed to make good tank-mates for these sharks.  The pictures make it look like the water is nasty, but I had just fed them before I took these.  Yeah, and it needs cleaned, too, but not as badly as it appears in the pictures.  Tomorrow *is* another day, Scarlet.

Hard working kids

The kids are going to clean house today.  I made it clear last night.  They're going to each pick a room and clean the heck out of it.  I had them pumped.  They were ready.  They were ready to go when it was theory.  Today, it's supposed to be reality.  What are my children doing this morning?

Ambitious little helpers, aren't they?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Survivor Night...'N Stuff

Well, I didn't chew him out.  The come-to-Jesus meeting didn't happen.  I found a way to handle it more maturely (I know, out of character) and will do so from home tomorrow.  I'll still hit him, just not today.

It's Survivor night.  Frozen pizza, pringles, beer, and IBC for the kids.  I love Survivor night.  It's not even about the show anymore (although I LOVE the show) but it's about tradition.  We have so much fun with it.

My buddy drew the most awesome cartoon for me.  I'm flattered and awestruck, once again, by his talent.  Thanks, Russ.

I have the next 4 days off.  Be prepared for a lot of pictures, that will probably bore you to tears.  Yup, that's the price of being my friend.

My book idea my be shut down, for now.  Mom pointed out, and I wish I'd done this research myself, that my idea is already published, by a million and 2 people, and an unknown author wouldn't have a CHANCE with a similar book.  *sigh*  I'm not giving up, though, I'm just going to change my avenue a bit.

Well, I signed on to say something specific, but started with this follow-up crap.  Now, I don't remember what that specific thing was.  Sucks to get old.  Love ya!

added later: (stupid Survivor tonight.  *sigh*)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Perfect Weather

Well, the weather today could send a person into fits of tears.  Especially if that person had to go BACK inside after a break.  It was sunny, 80, and beautiful.  I am ready for spring.

I had some frustration with a certain individual at work, but I'll handle that tomorrow.  I am the best damn customer service rep. in the world...don't you DARE let your salesman ego talk down to me, ok?  This dude and I are going to have a come-to-Jesus-meeting tomorrow.  It's done.  If he does it again, I'll punch him.  I'm not kidding.

I'm taking some gravel roads home lately.  I'm getting inspiration for my book idea.  Friday will be a full day of taking pictures for this project.  If I shoot my typical style, I'll take over 200 and keep 50.  50 is good to start with.  Editing is the hard part. 

The wind is howling, now, but it's still warm.  I think I'll sit my grumpy butt on the couch, drink some "Barley and Hops infused" beverage, and chill the heck out.  See ya later!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

My dream

Well, here goes:  This is the plunge.  I've given over a year to this thought, and I'm very timid about posting it here.  I'm hoping my friends will be supportive, or keep their thoughts to themselves.  I honestly can NOT take any negativity right now.  I will mirror this entry on my Bogger journal...just to be up front and honest.
I visualize a book.  A coffee-table book or something.  I see the pictures, but don't yet see the text.  I may ask for help on that later.  I see some of Mom's poems, some of my memories, and some interview results.
I honestly won't say, yet, what I plan to do, but I'm starting on Friday.  I know the pictures that need to be taken.  I know how to organize them.  I know what I'm looking for.  I hope Mom will join me on my journey.  If I become a famous, published author, you all get a free copy of my book.  If I'm a proven failure, I'll deal with it, and appreciate your support.  If I'm a proven failure and a laughing stock, I'll point fingers and implicate each of you by name.
Here's hoping.  I'm 38.  I can't keep waiting for something to happen.  It's time to MAKE it happen.  Cross your fingers!

Quiz results, my birthday, and love

Well, thanks for taking my quiz.  I have a 30 gallon aquarium that has very few fish.  My fresh-water shark has grown to about 5 times his original size.  He's huge, and although he's friendly, he's eaten some smaller fish.  Time to buy larger fish.  Although my shark is huge, my plecostomus (scum sucker, or lawyer, for those of you who don't know fish,) is bigger.  He's almost scary, he's so big. 

My dogs deserve more than Ol' Roy.  They don't deserve much more than Purina, though, so that's what they get.  Hawkeye is the best dog in the world, I don't care what you say, and Lucy will spend her days on the back porch until she is FREE of accidents.  She's close, but no cigar.  All evening, all night, all morning, and all weekend, she's in here with us.

I don't own cats.  When I had that affair with Russ, he wasn't paying attention.  I used to have cats, but no more.  I sold them to gypsies and am now cursed by dog hair.  You take a chance, dealing with gypsies.  I only have dogs and fish.

Hawkeye sleeps on the couch when he thinks nobody is looking, and the hair tells the tale.  His hair is everywhere, no matter how much you clean.  He's worth it.

OK, that's the end of the quiz.  Sue, I'll be there tomorrow around 6, and I like cheap beer, so the "drinks" shouldn't be too much of a problem.  I eat anything, too, so any dinner is fine.

It's my BIRTHDAY!  I got many cards, ecards, and well wishes at work.  I also got Diet Coke, Pringles, a candle, a new blanket (my desk is in a COLD spot in the lab, and my old blanket was ragged,) and lunch with a friend. I came home to grilled burgers (I've been craving them since the weather got nice,) and name brand beer (I usually drink VERY cheap beer.)  Kevin and the kids are being awesome, and I'm having a great day!

Love is:

1. Your mom posting about your birthday before you're even awake.

2. The puppy trotting to your room, seeing you're not there, and letting her tail droop until you call her name from the next room.

3. Your 11 year old calling in birthday wishes to your favorite station before 6:30 am.

4. Your 9 year old singing Happy Birthday on the radio after 6:30 pm.

5. A husband who would do anything for me.  He would live or die for me.  He would give in to my whims and cook burgers while his body aches non-stop.  He always asks what I think before making a big decision, and he just...plain...loves me.

One more thing:  I've noticed that my annual post on Mom's journal was short-lived.  All it took was a Monday Photo Shoot, a Quiz, and a comment from my selfish brother to drop my entry to the bottom. :(  SHE'S ALWAYS LIKED JIM BETTER!!!! ::pout::

OK, I'm over it.  Jim, there is HELL to pay on your birthday, big bro.  I'll do something so incredible that she'll FORGET your entry altogether!  HA!


Monday, March 12, 2007

A quiz, and a *sigh*

Well, I'm having drama with the boy...the man child...the kid who, 16 short years ago, was a 2 year old wonder.  I'm letting it go for today.  It's my birthday-eve.  I won't think about it.  The problem will still exist on Wednesday.

For now, to get my mind off it, another quiz.  This one is about my pets.  Good luck.  The prize is a chance to take me to dinner, and take me for drinks after.  Or something:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The concert

What a most awesome night!  There are WAY too many pictures up there, but keep in mind that I took over 190 in all.  35 doesn't seem so bad now, does it?  It was smoky (manufactured, not cigarette) and there are some obstructions, but I got a lot of good ones.  I am one HAPPY camper this morning.

I will try not to bore you to death, but here are some concert etiquette suggestions, some observations, and some general thoughts from last night:

1. Old ladies should NOT hold their arm up with the "devil horns" sign through an entire concert. You look ridiculous and I'm trying to take pictures of the hottest man on earth.

2. If your child is going to kick off her flip-flops to stand on her chair, said flip-flops will be soaked in beer when she puts them back on.

3. No, it was NOT my beer.  I didn't pay their elevated prices. 

4. Plastic doesn't always work.  The Tshirts were "cash only" and I feel cheated.  Who wants to go into a crowd of 10,000 people with a wad of cash on you?

5. A good, loving husband is an amazing thing to have around.  I can't believe he drove that far, waited that long, and put up with all of that for a country concert.  He doesn't listen to country!

6. A fat drunk girl, charging the stage, won't even get close.  She'll get ejected from the building.  Even if she begs on the way out.

7. Watching your daughter high-five Craig Morgan as he sings his way down the aisle is a priceless thing to see.

8. Old, drunk people dancing is both sad and amusing.  Take some lessons or something, would ya?

9. Trace without a shirt makes my knees weak.

10. No matter how many comments I make about his hotness, or how weak in the knees he makes me, I would NOT leave my husband for him.  I bet he wouldn't drive me to St. Joe for a concert, or buy Burger King at 1:00 in the morning on the way home.  I bet he wouldn't put up with my comments about another man.  I bet he's not half the man that Kevin is.  A couple of hours to find out wouldn't be bad, but then I'd be RIGHT back here at home.  Honest!

Saturday, March 10, 2007

It's shaping up to be a GREAT birthday

My "three day birthday" doesn't start until tomorrow, but the celebration starts tonight!

We went to Mom and Dad's this morning, for a brief visit.  She was riding Blue, and Dad was doing some dirt work in the pasture.  We took the dogs, because they love it so much there, and Sadie seems to like having visitors.  Brett stopped by, then Kevin left to take Monica to her friends for a sleep over birthday party.  Natalie and I took the dogs home, after Brett went to work, and the two of us ran to the next town over for a Shamrock shake.  Yummy!

Kevin got home and the two of us old farts took a nap, so we could make it through the night.  We're leaving, in less than 15 minutes, for the Trace Adkins concert.  It's about a 1 1/2 hour drive, and we plan to be an hour early so we can try to hang out with the radio station goobs.  Natalie and I do things like that.  Kevin will sit in his assigned seat and roll his eyes at us.

Danielle Peck is ok, Craig Morgan is awesome, and Trace is HOT HOT HOT!  I get to see all three.  Also, I just checked the seating chart.  We are 4th row, center!  AAAAHHHHH!  I'm so excited, and so happy to own a new camera.  I've got spare batteries in my pocket, so I won't be caught like I was at the Trent Tomlinson concert.  I'm prepared, baby.

Wow, I can't sit still.  I'll post pictures tomorrow...unless I'm so wired when we get home that I can't go to bed.  Then I'll post....ummmm,'ll still technically be tomorrow.

Friday, March 9, 2007

HOME ON TIME!!!! and other good news

So, I got home from my trip on time (earlier than expected, actually) and life was good.  Had to take a little side trip to the Plaza, though, but it was worth it, and all good.  My customer visit went very well, and the boss and I had a good time...even when we got lost for about 10 minutes.  We flew into Mt. Vernon, IL, and had to drive about 15 miles to get there. 

As usual, the boss had wine on the plane for the trip home.  It was choppy in a few places, but a great flight.  Ted was the pilot this time, and he (just like Joe) makes a trip as smooth as possible and the landing was impeccable.  I love our flight crew.  When I complimented the landing, the boss said "They're quite good.  This is expected...and appreciated."  I like that.

I had a concert dilemma, which I posted about on my other journal.  It has worked out.  Go there to see the result.  I'm so happy, I could pee myself.  Oops, too late.  JUST KIDDING!  But I *did* almost have heart failure while on the phone with the station.

The pictures are nonsense, mostly, and you need to know that I like cloud pictures.  'Nuff said.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

*Another* Impromptu trip????

Well, here we go again.  At 2:15 this afternoon, I was informed that I was to go on another customer visit tomorrow.  Where am I flying in to?  Oh yeah, the same airport as last week.  This customer is ALSO in West IL.  The forecast, according to and I quote: "Rain showers in the morning then thunder showers in the afternoon."  *sigh*

The pilots and owner (my only travel buddies this time) assure me that we'll get back with no problem this time.  They said the same thing the last time.  It's not their fault.  Nobody (even high-paid meteorologists) know what the weather will do.  This time, I'm packing a very small bag with underwear, sweats, Tshirt, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and contact case with solution in it.  I will NOT get caught off guard again.

Once again, I'm looking forward to the visit.  Once again, I like this part of my job.  Once again, I can tell you that I am spontaneous and like the unexpected.  BUT.  BUT!  Kevin can't handled the unexpected.  My kids will FREAK if they think I'm flying out for a "1-day trip" again.  My work will sit and wait for me until Monday. *sigh*

Mom knows, Kevin knows, and my coworkers know.  I won't tell the girls about this trip until I pick them up (early) tomorrow evening.  I don't want to lie to them, and I haven't.  I just don't want to cause anxiety for them.  It'll be good to pick them up early, then announce that I've made this trip and got home on time.  It'll prove a point. 

I don't know if I'm doing the right thing, not telling them, but my gut tells me that it's the route to take.  I try to follow my gut whenever possible.

By the way, the St. Louis forecast for tomorrow? And I quote, "Partly cloudy in the morning. Increasing clouds with periods of showers later in the day. Thunder possible."  *sigh*

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Mostly nothing

Someone at work had a roll of carpet in excellent shape.  They wanted rid of it.  I don't turn down free carpet.  Hell, I don't turn down ANYTHING free.  The problem is, this free carpet was in Lenexa, KS.

I work on the East side of Kansas City, MO.  Lenexa is somewhere in God-knows-where Kansas.  I think it's almost to Colorado, but nobody agrees with me.  It's a long way. 

So, I took Kevin's truck to work, and left from there to find God-knows-where Kansas.  I found the way just fine, but felt lost the whole time.  I got this from my Dad, I think.  If I cross the state line, I'm lost.  I hate driving in Kansas.  I maneuvered Fort Worth with no problem...St. Louis, too.  I can drive in Memphis, in the dark, in the rain.  I can drive in Colorado Springs, no sweat.  I HATE driving in Kansas.

Anyway, I picked up the aforementioned carpet and headed home.  I saw a sign that said something like "get the hell OUT!" or it might have been "leaving Kansas", I'm not sure.  Then, 100 yards or so later, I saw "Welcome home, weary traveler" or it might have been "Welcome to Missouri", I'm not sure.

Here's the question:  Where was I between those signs?  Mexico?  Canada? England?  Just please, tell me what lies between the signs.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Let your flag fly high and proud!

So, I was on the way home, minding my own business, when a sheet of newspaper flew out from under the car in front of me and landed on my windshield.  It only lasted 1/2 of a second, but it was a scary 1/2 second!  I told Kevin about it on the phone, and we shared a laugh.

Less than 10 minutes later, a piece of paper towel flew out from under another car, and decided to hitch a ride on my antannae!  It was so funny.  It wouldn't fall off no matter what I did.  I got behind a semi...nothing.  I got beside a semi...nothing.  I slowed to about 10 mph around a corner on my exit...nothing.

Finally, at my next turn, I came to a complete stop and it left.  I miss it.  *sigh*  Take care, little paper...find a sports car on which to continue your journey.  May you never wind up in the gutter. 

Monday, March 5, 2007

another post, to post, so I can post

I'm tired and sore from yesterday's project, so I'm being lazy.  I stole this meme from Amy who stole it from...ahhh, who cares?  Here goes:

Two Names You Go By:
1. Sis

2. Mom

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Red Coca-cola Tshirt (free from "" thank you very much)

2. Blue jeans (slightly faded and tired, but functional)

Two Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:
1. Love (I have that)

2. trust (I have that, too)

Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. recline

2. eat

Two Things You Want Very Badly At The Moment:
1. to finish the bathroom

2. a day off

Two pets you had/have:
1. Hawkeye, the best damn dog in the world.  I'm not exaggerating.

2. Lucy, an annoying little shit, but cute as a button.

Two people who will fill this out:
1. Someone with time on their hands, but no idea for an entry (that's why I did it)

2. Another person like that one listed above.

Two things you did last night:
1. worked on the bathroom

2. ate taco salad

Two things you ate today:
1. Activia yogurt

2. McDonald's Filet-o-Fish (I had no time!  I had to get something fast!)

Two people you Last Talked To:
1. Kevin

2. Both girls, at the same time, talking over each other.

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. catching up at work, after a LONG day of getting behind.

2. spending 2 hours in my car, singing loudly and laughing at DJ's.  I love my commute.

Two longest car rides:

1. Kansas City, MO to Mission, TX

2. Kansas City, MO to Colorado Springs, CO

Two Favorite Holidays:
1. Independence Day (My brother comes to visit!)

2. My birthday! (it's all about ME!)

Two favorite beverages:
1. Diet Coke

2. Michelob Ultra (I seldom buy it, since it's pricey, but yum)

Yeah, there's your post.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Bathroom renovations

We have been stalling on some bathroom work for too long.  I announced this morning that I was going to start gutting the shower.  Kevin sighed.  The best way to get him going on a project is for me to start it.

Don't get me wrong, if I start it, I will do all I can.  I just can't do certain things like hanging sheetrock or anything involving strength.  I'm not afraid of work, though, and will do all I can.  I hand him drywall screws and clean up the mess when he's doing something I can't do.  He's not afraid of the work, either, he just needs something to get him going.

As I type this, he is gone on an errand with Dad, picking up a weight machine for Dad to use in the shop instead of the free-weights he's been working out with.  While they're gone, Kevin will get some more construction adhesive.  We underestimated that one.  We both needed a break, anyway.

I'll have to shower in the disgusting, old, dungeon like bathr.....errr, I mean, Brett's shower tomorrow.  I'll need some disinfectant first.  Hopefully, though, I can bathe in the midst of the new shower insert (that we've owned for a couple of a the guest room) on Tuesday morning.  The adhesive needs to dry for 24 hours.  I'll be glad when this job is DONE!

I guess it won't be done.  I still have to tear down the rest of the tile in there, paint the bathroom, put up some border, paint the ceiling, do something about the floor vent....SHEESH!  I'm tired.  It's a good thing we have such a tiny bathroom.

Saturday, March 3, 2007

A quiz

OK, Russ keeps doing quiz entries, so it's my turn.  3/4 of my readers are related to me, so the scores should be quite high...but who cares?  Take this quiz and see how well you know me:

Click if you dare!

I might enjoy this!  Or, I might decide it was a giant bomb.  We shall see.  The winner gets to fix dinner for me and my family, and send my kids to college in a few years.


The "short" trip East

I'll try to post the short version.  TRY.

After dinner with our clients, we headed to the airport.  The boss called the pilots to make sure they had wine onboard for us.  How cool is that?  We got to the airport, and I changed back into sweats and a Tshirt in the bathroom.  The pilots said that there were storms in KC, and getting home would be a trick.  They said we'd dodge the storms if possible, but if it was a line of storms, we couldn't get there.  Then they decided we'd fly to Columbia, MO, which is halfway home...then reevaluate the weather.

At Columbia, we saw that the storms had formed a line.  *sigh*  We kept watching and waiting.  The boss (who didn't return with us, he had more visits to make in IL) told the pilots to offer to get a rental car for Dan and I to drive home (2 hours.)  Neither of us was comfortable with driving into severe weather in a strange car late at night.  The only other choice was to wait it out with the pilots.

Wait we did.  Finally, around 10:30, we borrowed the "crew car" (one kept at small airports for flight crews to borrow) and went in search of a hotel.  We first stopped at WalMart.  Nobody had toothbrushes, toothpaste, deoderant or anything.  My company bought these things, thank goodness.  I tried to tell the pilots that my stay would be more comfortable with a big screen TV, but that was denied. LOL

We got to the hotel at 11, and checked in.  By "checked in", I mean we carried our toothbrushes to our rooms.  Then we went to find something to eat.  Guess what was open?  Yup, Hooters.  Oh well.  They have decent food.  We went back to the hotel a few minutes past 12.

I had yet to talk to Kevin, so he didn't know we weren't coming home.  He couldn't hear the phone.  He called me a bit after 1, and I explained the situation.  I emailed Mom and she returned my call at 4, as I had asked.  I didn't sleep much between those times, since the storms has arrived  in Columbia.  I think the total hours of sleep may be 3, if you add them together.

We got on the plane under sunny skies.  By the time we taxi'd out to the runway, the sky was dark and the wind was howling.  We had to get out fast!  We got in the air and had a decent flight.  Lots of turbulance during takeoff and landing, though.  I got some video of the landing, if anyone cares.

We landed at 9:15 Thursday morning...still in Wednesday's clothes.  I drove 35 minutes home, changed clothes, stopped at the school to let the girls know I was home, then went back to work.  By Thursday night, I was wiped out.  Yesterday was better, and today is wonderful.

Another safe trip, in the hands of the best pilots in the world.  Seriously.

So much for the short version.  Sorry.

Safe and Sound

I'll add a post later today with the pictures I took.  Some of them are on Mom's laptop, and if I do it now, the first day will be listed after the second.  ACK, the horrors!