Friday, September 1, 2006

How much is too much?

Well now, where do I begin.  This week has been "Too much shit for a nickle" (a quote I borrowed from Kevin's grandma.)

Work sucked.  I am behind on my work because of others being absent and the fact that I'm attempting to do the work of 3 people.  It's busy work, too...not the "go home feeling good" kind of work.  BAH!

The transmission went out on the van today while Kevin was driving to work.  He limped it home, taking sick pay for the rest of the day so he doesn't get a short check.  The cost to fix is double the value of the van.  GRRR!

My computer is broken.  It was fine when I used it this morning.  It was fine when Mom used it later in the morning.  Now, it doesn't recognize the mouse, and the cursor doesn't move.  I plugged in a serial mouse (the other is USB) and it not only didn't work, it kept my keyboard from being recognized, forcing a hard shut down.

Before I realized all of the PC problems on my end, Kevin said he couldn't get online.  Several checks later, I realized that a certain puppy had chewed through a certain phone line.  ARRRGGGG!  Replacing it got Kevin's PC back up and running, thus my entry.  ACK!

Now, for the scary crap:  Kevin's MRI was back at the surgeons office on Tuesday.  They called to tell him that his appointment, which was scheduled for 9-8, had been moved up to 9-5.  9-5 is the first day that the surgeon will be back in the office.  Scary?  Maybe, maybe not, but we wondered what the hurry was.  Of course, the girls calling couldn't tell him anything except "yeah, there's something going on in the shoulder, but the neck is what he's looking at."

Hmmm.  OK, something to think about, but let's not worry, OK?  Tonight, after limping a broken van home and charging the battery on the sad-ass LeBaron (needs MUCH work to be road worthy) he gets a phone call.  "Hello, this is ___ from Independence Regional Health Center.  I need to do your pre-admittance interview."  Kevin says, "Ummmm, huh?" (he's always been quite a smooth talker.)

She says, "yes, we have you scheduled for surgery on 9-6, and need to ask some questions first."  When Kevin told her that he knew NOTHING of an operation, she got uncomfortable and said this had never happened to her before.  She left her number and said to call back when he knew what was going on.

Now, I was slightly worried when they bumped his appointment to the soonest available, but to find that they scheduled surgery before he knew what was going on?  ACK! GRRR! BAH!  Just WHAT did that MRI show?  What do they know that hasn't been revealed to us yet?  What, for the LOVE OF GOD is going on?

Now I'm scared he's going to move wrong or something.  Sure, he's been carrying heavy doors and windows at work all week, but now I don't want him to lie down wrong!

He DID call the surgeon's office, got the answering service, and explained the situation.  She said that either the on-call Dr or his own Dr would call, to let us know what's up.  It's been 2 hours, and I'm trying not to hold my breath.  Breathe in, Breathe out.

P.S. Kevin has no short-term disability through work.



Anonymous said...

Doctors are scary enough when they tell you what is going on.... when they start surprising you they are terrifying! Sending positive energy and good thoughts your way. Hang in there! {{{hugs}}}

Anonymous said...

God bless you honey. Lets cross our fingers and pray.

Anonymous said...

oh my gosh!  how scary for both of you!!  When it rains, it pours, huh?  :-/

big hugs your way...


Anonymous said...

If you weren't such a strong person there's no way you would not have cracked under all this pressure!  You are my new hero.  My good vibes are being focused directly at you, Kev.   Wow.  Just "Wow".  I'm so sorry for this huge pile of suck you're dealing with now.

Love you always,

Anonymous said...

My husband has had 3 back surgeries and 1 neck surgery.  Please, please get second opinion -- don't be panicked into anything.  Just sounds too fast to me.  A chiropractor could have saved us a lot of money and pain.  He was the only one that helped and we didn't go until AFTER the surgeries.

Anonymous said...

I forgot to say....I'll be praying for you.  Sounds like Kevin's grandma hit the nail on the head!

Anonymous said...

Hun, does he have long term disability? I will be praying for him (and you)