Friday, February 29, 2008

Come ON June!

So, there is a JAD meet in June.  JAD is a community in which I feel like I'm an important part.  There are several meets per year.  We've made it to only one, in Chicago, a long time ago.

We were headed to "the big one" in TN, way back when.  Natalie broke her elbow in 4 places in the campground in Memphis, and we headed home.  *sigh*

So, imagine my delight when I found out that there was one coming up less than 8 hours from here!  Not only that, but several folks found they could fly into KC for $400 or so less than flying in direct.  We can rent a van, and drive down from here, saving folks some $$.

This is shaping up to be the best road trip ever!  I was worried about the girls, but my wonderful parents plan to take them on their own adventure, so we're good there.  I am also concerned about getting off work on that Friday.  Heck, if I can't, we'll leave later, but I REALLY want to go down early.

I think, next year, I'll try to have a meet.  I say "next year" because we're not ready, I'm not ready, and the house is not ready.  It WILL happen, though.  Be ready for the invite.

OK, back to dealing with pre-teen issues.  I'll be back tomorrow...maybe.

Friday night. *sigh*

I promise to keep the complaining to one sentence, then get on with happy things.

Ending a difficult week at work wasn't easy because  I was filling in for two people who were gone to convention, and I had three times the workload while knowing that on Monday I have to teach a class that isn't mine in addition to teaching my own class and training a customer on ordering software, because of bad planning and scheduling and then a couple of coworkers tried to dump messes on me but I wouldn't let them and most folks at work are sick and I just want them to stay the HECK away from me; however I made it through even though there was no recognition for what I accomplished because my immediate supervisor is out sick and big boss doesn't know what we're up against and I just took the whippin' like a bad pup and I'll get over it and move on.

I never said it would be a short sentence!  ROFL

So, Kevin is in Carthage again, for tonight only.  One of the firemen from the station that his brother worked at asked him to come down and help with a trivia challenge.  If you don't know Kevin, it might seem odd that they'd invite someone from 150 miles away.  Kevin doesn't know what he had for breakfast, but he can tell you the name of the wife of a producer of that one movie where the guy met that girl and her dad was the brother of the guy from....OK, you get the point.  Kevin is trivia king.  Anyway, he'll be home tomorrow.

The girls wanted friends to spend the night, but it's not coming into play tonight.  They can't reach said friends on the phone.  I'll be JUST fine if it's just the three of us tonight.  I have a cold drink, the laptop, and the TV.  That's the kind of night I want to have.

Tomorrow is supposed to be very warm.  I can't wait.  I may even get the chance to sit on the deck a bit.  Lordy, I hope I get to sit on the deck a bit.  I may go to Mom's to...never mind.  They'll be gone on the bike.  LOL

I have a rough, long week ahead of me, so I'm going to enjoy this weekend to the fullest.  I may post 5 times per day, or I might disappear for the whole weekend.  I'm not following an agenda.  I'm just hangin' with the family.

Know what?  I still love my job.  It's quite challenging most of the time, but I've added SO much to what I do, it has to look great for my review in May.  I can't wait.  I usually dread review time, even though it's always fine.  I never have anything to "improve."  Sometimes, there are suggestions as to what I should learn, but I always learn those things and more.

I'm in good shape for review, this year.  That's a good feeling.  Maybe I'll get a raise of a bazillion dollars a year?  Probably not.  But I know I've done all that's expected, and then some.  Probably three times what was expected. 

I deserve a weekend.  So do you.  Go and enjoy!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Radom, Rambling Thoughts

Why get a vanity plate for your car, if nobody can tell what it means?

Why drive 65 in a 70 if you're in the fast lane?

Why chit chat in line at Quik Trip when there are people behind you?

Trace Adkins is HOT without a shirt. (Celebrity Apprentice reference)

People are stupid. (Survivor reference...and real life, for that matter.)

We're getting ready to inherit another car.  Just wait until you see it.

Some Tuna Helper is pretty good.

I need a vacation.

Blankets are wonderful.  Cold sucks.

Vanilla candles are my favorite.

My pets shed...a LOT.

Yawn.  Good night.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Checking in, and checking out.

I didn't post yesterday, and this post doesn't count.  I have had two VERY frustrating days at work.  I may tell stories later, I may not.

I'm crabby and hard to be around.  I'll post tomorrow or the next day, when I can be nice. Or fun.  Or interesting.  I'm NONE of those things right now.

I'm OK.  I just need to pout, Sprout.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Shopping, Rachel style

I hate shopping, but had to do it, today.  I needed a more comfortable pair of "girls shoes" before the next convention.  Here we have, ladies and gentlemen, things I saw while shopping:

At the mall:
Cricket wireless kiosk had a guy tending the place, bored out of his mind.  He was leaning on the glass display case, cleaning out his fingernails with the corner of a credit card.

Sears H&R Block booth had three employees griping about the hours. "They won't give me hours when I need them, but load me down when I need a day off.  What the hell?  This place sucks."

The "fat chick" store keeps advertising jeans that fit fat chicks correctly.  I haven't had jeans that fit correctly in YEARS.  I found them today.  Yup, they weren't lying.  The funny part?  Yeah, I wear a size one today.  ROFL

At WalMart:
I had to return something.  The kid in front of me who was returning something had to teach the old "greeter" lady how to use her scanning gun.

A 2ish year old kid was running from isle to isle, with a parent glancing his way every 8 minutes or so.  That kid could have disappeared SO fast.

The expensive jackets that were bought for the female reps at work (me included) are now at WalMart...on clearance...$12.  ROFLMAO

On the way home:
Gas is hovering around $3 per gallon.  

My car rides like a REAL car, since Kevin had two front tires put on today.  I guess I was mere hours away from a blowout on the highway.

The huge storm that is hitting right now was tiny sprinkles on the windshield.  Nothing more.  *sigh*  Come on, Spring.

OK, I got the shoes.  They are boring and blocky, but they are black shoes, and they are comfortable. 

Lord, I hate shopping.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Stayin' up late tonight

Kevin is home!  He got here by 1 this afternoon.  Then he took a nap.  *sigh*  How dare he?  How can a person SLEEP so much?

Then, I took a nap.  ROFL

It's a good thing, too.  The Nascar race was rained out, but they're planning on starting back up soon.  I'm going to make it through as much as possible.  I'm wide awake now, but when I feel like I'm drifting, I'll go to bed.

While Kevin was in Carthage, he came across an incredible deal.  A store was closing out their supply of Gain laundry detergent.  He brought home 12 bottles!  LOL  The total cost was $6.  You just can NOT pass that kind of deal up.  I was so excited.

He also brought home a bunch of orange juice.  The last time his Mom got a good deal on OJ, we wound up throwing some out.  It's just too much.  I think I'll take some of it over to Mom's.  A couple of gallons, anyway.

The dog was as happy as the rest of us to see Kevin get home.  At one point, Kevin went into the bathroom without Hawkeye noticing, and the poor dog paced from room to room, whining.  It was as if he was thinking, "Oh jeez, woman, you lost him AGAIN!  He JUST got back!"  Too cute.  I finally made Kevin say something out loud so the hairball could relax.

There is a chat meet forming in June.  I'm excited at the prospect of going.  The plan is for a few of the East coast folks to fly into KC, then we'll all drive down together in one big vehicle (possibly rented) or in a couple of mid-sized cars.  I have to decide on a plan of action for the care of the girls, but there is a neighbor girl who, at 16, is VERY responsible.  Maybe Kevin's mom could come up?

Anyway, that would be so much fun, and if we all work together to split fuel costs, the 8 hour drive won't be that bad.  I also think that maybe I can do it with only taking 1/2 day vacation.  BONUS!

OK, time to change laundry over, and get settled in for at least part of the race.  I'd love to see the whole thing, but it could go pretty late.  Have a great week, my friends.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

And Girlie week comes to an end

We've had a good time, but we're all three ready for Kevin to come home.  He'll be here before noon tomorrow.  Today, we had one last hoorah

Tara left around 1:30, and the girls finally showered.  (Yes, that was the smell coming from West Central Missouri.)  We decided to head to nearby Bates City BBQ for dinner, so I called my friend Missy to see if she wanted to go.  She met us there.

Bates City BBQ is extremely yummy, and not the least bit healthy.  Perfect.  We ordered, and they started handing food over the counter to us.  That's when I realized that I didn't have the checkbook, or enough cash.  Bates City BBQ doesn't take debit cards.

Fortunately, Missy had enough cash to cover our dinner.  We ate too much, then I told Missy I'd go get $$$ out of the ATM, and bring it to her house.  We did, after stopping at Quik Trip for a cappuccino.  Yummy.  The girls actually had hot chocolate.

At Missy's, we visited for a bit, and the girls played with her dogs.  She has a lot of dogs!  I finally announced that we had to get home and do some laundry.  The girls are out of underwear!  ACK!

Coming back into town, we saw that the school carnival was in full swing.  With the snow days Thursday and Friday, we had forgotten.  We went in and hung out for about an hour.  The girls had fun.  They got thrown into jail, and paid two tickets each to have friends thrown in.  You could bail yourself or someone else out with another two tickets.

Now, we're back home, each under a blanket in a different room, with three different TV shows going.  LOL  Natalie's watching "Suite Life of Zach and Cody", Monica's watching "Goosbumps" and I'm watching COPS, flipping occasionally to ESPN to see that it is STILL raining in Southern California, and the race isn't being run.

I hope it doesn't rain ou tomorrow's race.  Pam?  Is it going to rain there tomorrow?  LOL

Friday, February 22, 2008

Friends at work

Monica's BFF Tara came over to spend the night.  She lives in Oak Grove, the town we used to live in, so I stopped by to pick her up on the way home.  Those girls just gel.  I've always told the girls to surround themselves with people who make them feel good about themselves.  To heck with some of the local girls who criticize them.  Tara makes Monica feel good about who she is.

Kevin will come home this weekend.  Maybe tomorrow, maybe Sunday.  It depends on when he can schedule some more time with his son, Jonathan.  Sorry, Jon.  I can't get used to that.  "Jon."  I'll keep saying it until it sounds natural.  If Kevin can't see him until afternoon, I want him to wait until Sunday to come home.  Kevin doesn't do well, driving after dark.  He gets too darned sleepy.

I want to take a minute to be thankful for my friends at work.  I work with some idiots.  I work with some lazy people.  I work with some people who are a total waste of oxygen. 

I swear, some of the people I work with are too stupid to open a program before asking someone else what might be happening.  "Hey there, Sparky, hows about you open the danged program and see if you can repeat the issue?  Just a thought, dumbass."

I work with a lot of losers.  HOWEVER...I work with some really cool people, too.  I have folks there who "get" me.  We can joke to keep things light.  Just a certain look can bring uncontrolled laughter from these people.  We pass in the hallway and say a 1-liner, and leave the other in stitches for hours.

If I'm grumpy, they ignore me.  If I'm happy, they join in the fun.  If I'm really down, they offer a shoulder.  These people aren't coworkers, or teammates; the are friends.  The real kind of friend.  The kind that you can trust with anything.

Granted, there are more idiots than friends, where I work, but the few REAL friends make up the difference.

I raise a glass (or a can) and tip my hat (I'm not wearing a hat) and salute (not the boys scout salute, I don't know that one) you, my friends.  Thanks for making me love the place in which I work each day. 

I see you more than I see my family, during the week.  I travel with you, and I attend meetings with you.  You rock!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

Day 3

It's Day Three of "girlie week."  Life is still good, but relations are becoming strained.  Kids talked through Survivor, Dog wanted out too often to suit me, and Cats ticked me off.

My captors are trying to wear me down, but I shall not waiver.  I am strong.  Neither ice, nor snow shall stop my appointed commute.  I shall go to work and put up with idiots, yet still come home with a smile upon my face.

The food supply is holding out, but we're getting into the reserves.  There is only about a 3-day supply of Diet coke left, and I'm getting sweaty palms, just thinking about it.  I may have to have mixed fruit, instead of my favorite (cinnamon applesauce) dessert for lunch tomorrow.  My palms sweat, thinking about it.

I feel that God sent Trace Adkins to be on Celebrity Apprentice, just so I would have a mental escape tonight.  What an incredible piece of fantasy fodder!  He is the coolest, hottest, biggest, studliest man in country musicI love him.  Sorry Kevin, but you still have Sarah Evans, right?

A nearby town has already canceled school for tomorrow, so I expect ours will close soon, as well.  Awesome.  My house will be trashed once again, and the girls will wind up at Grandma's house, tormenting her.  Guard yourself, Mom.  They are experts in the field of torture.

Propane has reached a cost that deems it necessary to keep the thermostat low.  I think my captors are in cahoots with the propane people.  They like to make me feel guilt for the chill in the air, while knowing that they have electric blankets, while I do not.  Those heartless creatures!

Shall I make a break for it?  I fear that my plan would be found out.  I shall bravely stick it out, and hope that my husband comes to save me soon.  REAL soon.

In the event that my captors win this battle, let it be known that Hawkeye shall live with my parents, the cats become up for grabs, and the sharks and aquarium go to my nephew, Arick.  I have nothing else worth offering.

Oh, except one more thing.  My favorite blanket goes to my captors.  They are wearing me down, and about to take over my spirit, but they're cute as hell, and I love them.  They love this blanket.  Let 'em have it.

I love you, girls!  Thanks for a fun week!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ahhhhh 'N Stuff

Kids made dinner, two nights in a row.

Awesome lunar eclipse.

Favorite blanket, fresh out of the dryer.

Dishes and laundry are done.

Kevin is having a good time with his family.

Life is good, my friends, life is good.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Big hair, life, 'N stuff

OK, here's the quick version. Kevin talked to his Mom.  Kevin talked to his sister.  Kevin talked to his son.  He was upset, they were upset.  He felt the need to be near them,I told him to GO!  He struggled with it, so I forced him.  I got a suitcase and started packing.  He finished it up and left this morning.  He is SO happy that he went.  That makes ME happy.

The first picture, above, is the result of the cats trying to bathe each other, and then go to sleep. This fat jerk cares NOTHING about her comfort.  He just plops down and snores.  Seriously, he snores.  AND drools!  LOL

The next three pictures is a series of things that Monica does to freak us out.  She has a ton of thick hair.  Straight on the outside layer, VERY curly underneath.  She has this thing that she does to make "scary hair" and the pictures do NOT do it justice.  She can make some SERIOUSLY big hair.  She would have been great in the 80's.

OK, I'm a single Mom for a few days, so I'm going to bed. Don't let the snoring cat, or the big hair, or the lack of husband make you think you can "get" me. The girls in this house are hardcore tough, and we'll kick your ass.  'K?

'Nuff said.


Monday, February 18, 2008

A sad day for the family

Today marks the 4th anniversary of the death of Kevin's brother.  There is an article here about it.

I don't cry every day about Steve any more.  That's a sign of moving forward, but it makes me feel guilty, too!  Steve was never the type to want someone to be terminally sad.  He would say, "What are you doing?  Move on!  Laugh about the good times!"

I've not dealt with losing folks my age.  I've lost grandparents, but they were old!  Steve should still be here, and it's hard to wrap my own head around.  Not only do I have to explain it to myself, I have to let the girls know why it happened!

I don't spend a lot of time sad, and very little time depressed.  Yet, to watch what this day does to Kevin and the family is so hard to deal with. 

Here's to Steve's memory.  May we all laugh a million laughs about the silly things that you did.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yeah, it's entry #3

That race ended with Kevin and I yelling and sitting literally on the edge of our seats.  I thought Tony was gonna take it, but he finished third.  Newman?  NEWMAN?  Where was HE all race long?  Then he wins the dang thing.

My heart can't take this stuff, and it's only week 1.

Well, anyway, it was good to have a weekend at home.  The TV that I'll watch for the rest of the evening will not cause such blood pressure issues, so I'll recover.

I need to go act like a mommy and cook something.  Maybe spaghetti?  I don't know, but I'll figure something out.

Snow Day post #2

The girls finally came up around 11:00.  Kevin made some pancakes for them, and when they're finished eating, we'll see about getting them home.

The snow has slowed quite a bit.  I'm sitting in my bed, watching pre-race stuff, and from time to time a big avalanche of snow will fall off the water tower across the street.  I'll see it drop and hear the THUD.  I can't imagine if a cat was walking under there or something.

Kevin has made two trips out to the back yard to clean the lens thingie on the dish.  The dish points South, but that thing points North, so the snow is packing onto it pretty often.  That's another reason to be glad that it looks to be almost finished snowing.

I thought we were out of bread and butter pickles, and I found a few left to go with my sandwich for lunch, so the day is turning out OK so far!  I'm trying not to notice that the SPEED guys on TV are sitting in full sun with palm trees behind them.

Blowing snow

It's not snowing THAT hard yet.  I took the shot of the neighbor's big, ugly, obtrusive shrubbery (I love Monty Python) because the snow shows better against something dark.  It's snowing steadily, but my lack of photographic skill causes it not to show in my images.

My favorite show isn't on, because our hick news people think they need to do non-stop coverage of this little weather event.  I found that out when our satellite signal finally came back.

Here we are, with tons of warnings NOT TO DRIVE, and we have two little guests in our house.  One lives about a block away, but the other?  Yeah, out in the country about 10 miles away.  Sheesh.

Hawkeye will go outside in the snow, if he has to.  That is one reason that it's good that the rain turned to snow overnight.  He won't go out in the rain.  Poor dog didn't pee from midday yesterday until this morning.  I swear, he has a bladder the size of Texas.

I guess I should shower, and get this day started.  Now we'll be watching the race at home since it's cold and blowing snow and blech.  At least Mom and Dad get to keep control of their TV.  LOL

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Weird hours

I admit that we eat dinner earlier than most folks.  I get home from work at 6, and we have dinner VERY shortly after.  Especially with Kevin off work.  The girls go to bed at 9, and a 6:00 dinner works for us.  Is that incredibly early?

Monica has a friend over tonight.  We ate around 5:30 or 6.  She asked if she could have a second friend over, so we said "yes" and she made the call.  Friend number 2 had to eat dinner first, and would come over after that.  We just got the call, at 10:00, that friend is on her way, from Olive Garden.

Going out to dinner might make it a bit late, but eating at 9?  When you're 12 years old?  I'm just sayin'.  I'm sure it's me that is weird, but a 9:00 dinner seems weird to me.

Who am I?  I'm the chick that hasn't poked her head out the door a single time today, and is sitting in bed, watching Gone Country on CMT and drinking a beer while browsing the WWW on a laptop meant for work.  Who am I to judge?

Kevin is doing well.  He had a follow up appointment in which the Dr. informed him that his rotator cuff was torn 30% and the labrum wasn't just torn, it was ripped from the bone.  Staples reattached it, but it's going to be a long road.  He'll be off work for at least another 4 weeks.  *sigh*

OK, leave me alone, now.  I have important TV watching to do.  Oh yeah, and I might need a snack or something, so hand me some pretzels on your way out, ok?  And maybe a beer?  I heard the dryer, too, so make sure to switch loads and fold what comes out of the dryer.


Even more laziness

It's NOT just the humans in this house who are lazy.  I swear, the pets are worse.

Exibit A: Nala

Exibit B: Simba

Exibit C: Hawkeye

Your Honor, I rest my case.

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Lazy weekend plans

Well, here I sit.  Lazy as all get-out.  I love it.  When I travel over the weekend, I feel cheated, so the next weekend feels SO much sweeter.  This is going to be a SWEET weekend.

After a LONG day at work, a few of us decided to stop for a drink at Buffalo Wild Wings.  I arranged for Kevin to meet us there, since we haven't had a "date night" in ages.  He showed up at my work around 4:30 and chilled out in the break room with a cup of coffee.

At 5, I was flying out of there like my arse was on fire.  We showed up at BWW
slightly before 3 coworkers showed up.  We laughed and talked and I had a couple of beers.  This isn't a line, I only had a COUPLE of beers.  When we left, we got into our vehicles and started them.  Thank goodness I parked behind someone with a chrome bumper, because the reflection showed me that I had a headlight out!

Don't get me wrong...I would have been WELL under the limit if a blow test had been issued, but who wants to deal with the hassle?  We decided to leave my car at my work, just down the road, and come back for it this weekend.  Then, as we pulled into the lab parking lot, I changed my mind.  I got out of the car and told Kevin that this would be 80 miles times TWO cars to remedy the situation.  Nah. 

Kevin's idea was the one we decided to try.  I would leave my lights on bright, and stay RIGHT on his tailgate.  That's what we did.  It worked out fine, and nobody was the wiser.  I was so far up his butt that if he had hit his brakes real hard, there would have been issues.  He didn't, so we didn't.  PHEW!

I got to Mom's to pick up the girls, and noticed that SOME PERSON NOT NAMED HERE (amber amber amber) was parked in MY spot!  I SO threatened to have her car towed.  She kept texting her friend, not looking the least bit worried.  I've got to work on that.

My favorite Aunt isn't coming this weekend, now.  Dang.  I was excited for them to see the sign.  I guess there's always another weekend, right?

I still want to take over Mom's TV on Sunday for the Daytona race.  They don't care for Nascar, so I don't know how I'll make that work, but I'm going to try.  LOL  They have a big screen and HD.  I have neither.

OK, I guess I've rambled enough.  Time to...umm...I guess I need to...err...I guess I have to sit and recline some more.  HA!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Thursday ramblings

I had to stop by Mom's this morning to borrow a book.  It was my first chance to see this:

Yeah, it's blurry, but it was 7:00 and I was running late, OK? 

Also, on the way home, I saw this on the back of a tractor trailer:

Doesn't this look like "Bob" from the Enzyte commercials?  "Look at Bob!  He's happy, and so is his woman!"  LOL  It cracks me up every time I see a Dart trailer.

OK, enough nonsense.  I gained a couple of pounds over the weekend, but they're gone now.  I've really been doing so much better this year.  Today, there was Valentine candy all OVER the lab.  I *did* give in and eat ONE piece of chocolate, but I stopped after that, and I didn't TOUCH the cookies, even though they were my favorite.  I'm proud of me today.

I came home to dinner, ready to eat.  Kevin made a big salad with seasoned chicken breast on it, and sweet potatoes with spray butter and cinnamon.  Wow, was it good.  Thanks, Kevin!

Now, it's time to get ready for Survivor.  This season is starting out weird.  Johnny Fairplay asked to go home in the first week?  WTH?  I guess that Bonaduce really messed him up good and he was still hurting.  I hope he wins that lawsuit, even though I don't care for FairplayBonaduce is out of control, and everyone knows it.  Dumping a guy on his face on stage is uncalled for.

OK, I'm gone, little John!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wednesday 'N Stuff

Here we are.  We made it through Hump Day.  WTH does that mean?  "Hump Day?"  I know that it's supposed to mean that we got over the hump of the week, but it's a stupid phrase.  I call it "halfway through the week."  Doesn't that work?  Maybe "Hump Day" is easier to say.  Yeah, that's probably it.

Today was crazy, but I kicked butt and took names.  I accomplished SO much today, even though the afternoon turned to crap.  More on that later.  Anyway, I kicked butt, and it was great, but tomorrow will be a challenge.  Patty (1/3 of my team) will leave for convention, and Kelly (1/3 of my team) will be filling in for another absent employee.  That means that it's just me (1/3 of my team) to do the work of 3.  Sheesh!

Anyway, I can do it.  Today, I took a ton of calls, updated software, filled out the February expense report, inspected many orders, solved technical issues, bought my husband a V day gift, fueled my car, and made it home in time for a wonderful dinner, cooked by said husband.  Yeah, I was THAT good.

OK, now about my afternoon turning to crap.  I was on FULL ON multi task mode today, trying to stay caught up.  I took a call that I was comfortable taking.  I gave the best advice that I could, and I was confident in my answer.  About 40 calls later, I checked my voicemail and had an unhappy comment from a coworker.

An unhappy comment?  No biggie.  It happens.  BUT, this time, the dude was right.  I screwed up, and it will cost the customer over an hour of labor to fix the situation.  I hate it, and I knew better.  I was just so busy that I did the best I could, and I....never mind.  No excuses.  I screwed up.

I would much rather fix the mistakes of others than to realize that I made a mistake myself.  Damn.  I feel like a heel. 

I work with many folks who stumble through, doing most things wrong, and they don't know/care at all.  I clean up after them, and I feel pretty cocky about my abilities.  I guess today was about Karma.  I shouldn't feel so mighty.  I need to be more compassionate when folks screw up.  I need to fix it without compliant.

I stand before you....wait.  I *sit* before you, humbled.  I make mistakes, and sometimes they have grave consequences.  Sometimes, they result in complaints about me.  I have tons of compliments weekly, but this one little tarnish on my medal will stick with me for a long time.

I'm sorry, dear customer.  I am sorry that I caused this mess.  I'm sorry that your job is now more difficult for this project.  I will help you from A-Z to fix it.  I promise that.  I will give you my cell phone number and help you this weekend, if needed.  I'm sorry.

Yes, I *did* tell the customer all of these things.  He was very gracious, and said he'd get through it, and that he understood my confusion, considering the way he worded his question.

Brett got his care package today, and he loved it.  He called and we all talked to him about everything!  He sounds like he's doing well.  He was doing some laundry and opening the various, random crap that we sent to them.  I sent our Entertainment Weekly that we were done with, for reading material.  He misinterpreted the intent.  Not his fault at all:  It had Heath Ledger on the front!  LOL

Sorry, son.  I just thought you'd want something to read.  The next one won't be so disturbing...honest.  You'll like it!  It'll have Ellen Page on the front, and an article about Taylor Swift.  I'm just saying.

OK, I'm out, sauerkraut.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Random Stuff....N Stuff

Brett is in Oklahoma, living in a hotel for now.  It's more money than he was making here, so that's good.  He got into his car with his work buddy and drove down there.  In his car.  In his $250 car.  And he made it.

He's doing the right things to make better money, and he seems to be enjoying himself.  I'm glad he's getting a chance to see some other places.  He is broke, though.  What 19 year old isn't broke?  We sent him a care package today, with a crazy assortment of stuff.  Candy bars, microwaveable foods, Mardi Gras beads, valentines from the girls, and a $10 bill, among other things. He should get it tomorrow.

We got our tax refund.  It's pretty much spoken for, especially with Kevin not working right now.  Half of it went toward the only vacation we'll have this year.  In April, Kevin and I will head South to Texas, where I'll attend my FIRST NASCAR RACE EVER!  Texas Motor Speedway is a great place for a first.

Big Brother starts tonight.  Oh how I LOVE that show!  I can't wait.  Big Brother has never been on during a Survivor season, so it's like a double treat!  Yeah, I'm lame.  You're not thinking anything that I haven't considered, OK?

OK, time to sign off.  I'm going to watch some reality (yeah right) TV and chill out for a while.  Have a great night, home slice!

Monday, February 11, 2008

My Outlook on Life 'N Stuff

So, here we are.  Deal or No Deal is on TV.  How many millions have to be up for grabs before someone gets it? Kevin is doing all right.  He doesn't keep his sling on as much as I would like, but he seems to be careful, and he knows his body, so I'm not pushing the point.

I want to revisit something, and you can ignore it if you like.  Just skip the next five paragraphs, and you'll be fine.

I travel quite a bit for work.  I go to cool places like Vegas and Myrtle Beach, and crummy places like Indianapolis (in winter) and Topeka.  It balances out.  When I post an entry about or during a trip, I show things that amuse me.  I show things that make me happy, and things that I wouldn't normally see.  I show things that I *hope* will make you giggle or sigh at me.

That's the goal.  It's all about entertainment value.  Do you read this journal to hear about my delayed flight, or waiting in the cold to catch a bus to my mom's arriving flight, to save dad some drive time (when it's 5 degrees outside?)  Do you want to read about how frustrated she was about the long bus ride to the parking lot?  Do you want to read about how much my kids miss me, and I miss them?

Do you want to read about how my husband wonders what goes on while I'm gone?  About how I forget a razor and cannot shave my legs?  About how the food makes my tummy do evil things, or how the various travel companions drive me up the wall?  How about the fact that the "girl shoes" that I must wear hurt my feet so badly that I could cry by the end of the day.

Even more; how about being "on" all of the time.  It doesn't stop at 5:00.  I have customers to take  to dinner, requiring brushing teeth and refreshing the makeup, so I can get right back to it.  No lying around in sweats.

I have to make sure that everything ships to the next show, and take inventory so that they know what to send later.  I have to make sure that the shipping labels are affixed, and that the carrier knows how many cases they are picking up.  I have to make sure that I can get to the airport in time to catch my flight home, and pray that it's not delayed.  All of this after "tear down" which is taking the booth apart and packing it up.

OK, let's get back to reality.  I am an eternal optimist.  I usually see the "adventure" instead of the "hardships."  I like to find the fun anywhere that I can.  It annoys some folks, but it's how I survive.

Stuck in a hotel?  Take a pic of your room number...IN BRAILLE!  Stuck in an out-of-state airport?  Have a beer and make jokes about CLUELESS customers.  No food available?  Eat some PRINGLES in your room and laugh about your hunger.

Yeah, I'm probably crazy, but I get by just fine this way.  I'm just the "half full" type.  I married a "half empty" guy, and we balance each other quite well.  He keeps my feet on the ground and I keep him from killing someone.

Why did I start this post?  Oh yeah.  I just wanted to clarify a few things.  Travel isn't all glamorous.  Travel isn't all fun-and-games.  Travel isn't all about room-service and free beers.

Travel can be tough.  I miss my kids terribly.  I miss my husband something fierce.  I want my home, my bed, and my pets by my side.  I miss my coffee pot (the 4-cup hotel version is a joke,) and I miss my washing machine (when I mis-judge the pairs of socks needed.)

OK, I'm done.  I love travel, and I dread travel.  The bottom line is this:  Travel is a part of my job.  Why fight it?  I'll keep posting stupid things like braille room numbers and hideous carpet designs in hotel hallways.  I hope you don't mind.  I hope you don't leave because of it.

See ya, Chowder Head!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Indianapolis, Day 2

OK, here is day 2.  I tried to show more of what I "do" at convention, since my braille room number impresses so few.  I can't show much, since I don't want to ask a customer "hey, do you mind if I take your picture so all of my loyal readers can look at your sorry mug?"  Yeah, that wouldn't work.  Anyway, here's a before and after, and then some.

I plan to go to bed super early tonight, so I'll probably roam around in the morning, taking pictures of stupid stuff.  That's the only warning you'll get.  I'm just sayin'.

I'm all checked in for tomorrow's flight.  We'll be seated in the first group. God Bless Southwest.  OK, many hate them, but I love them.  I always check in 24 hours early, so I'm always in the first group, plus the attendants are so fun and cool.  I have my iPod and a magazine, so I'll be all set for the 1 hour 20 minute flight.

Tomorrow?  Oh boy!  Tomorrow, you are liable to see something as exciting as an airport waiting area!  Can't wait?  Yeah, I understand, but you'll have to deal with it, OK?

Friday, February 8, 2008

Indianapolis, Day 1

I got up and left the house later than I wanted to, but I got there in plenty of time.  It takes about an hour and 15 minutes to get to the airport from my house.  I got there, checked my bag, and met up with my traveling companion, Judy.

The flight was uneventful, and seemed pretty short.  We found out that the arrangements to have us picked up were out the window.  Sales dude got delayed in Chicago, and was 1 1/2 hours from the airport while we were ready to go.  We took a cab to the hotel.  $40!  Holy Crap!  Although work will reimburse me when we get back, I'm out $20 of my already small traveling budget.  Judy and I split the cost.

After grabbing some lunch in the hotel restaurant, we started setting up the booth.  What a pain in the neck.  Part of it didn't get here, so we're hoping to get it in the morning.  The trade show starts at 11, so we better be done by then!

Tonight, Judy and I sat in my room and watched The Devil Wears Prada.  Good flick, really.  I didn't have high hopes for it, but I enjoyed it after all.  Now, I'm getting ready to head to bed.  It's almost midnight here, but my body says it's 11.  Either way, time for bed.

What is it with burgundy and green carpet in hotels?  Oh yeah, I've asked that before.  What's with the gaudy furniture in hotels?  Oh yeah, I've asked that before.  hmmm.  My task for tomorrow is to find things to photograph that I have NOT done before.  Mindless drivel must remain FRESH at all times, right?

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Life N Stuff

I'm almost packed.  I'm leaving tomorrow morning.  Kevin's Mom and Grandma left today.  The girls are already showing that they can step up.  They are being awesome about helping.

I am done teaching web classes until March.  Phew!  It was stressful, but it's done.  When I get back from Indianapolis on Sunday, I'll be early enough to see my girls.  That's unusual for me, since I usually arrive back home around midnight or so.  My flight lands at 6:50, so I'll be home by 8:30.  Awesome.

Kevin had a shower today.  He felt so much better.  He's really grumpy tonight, but he's hurting and bored and stir crazy.  The sling is driving his neck crazy.  He can't drive, can't go anywhere, can't do much.  I can understand grumpy, I guess.

Anyway, I better log off here and get finished packing.  Oh, and I got my hair cut off today.  It's shorter than it's been in a while.  I love it.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kevin, Mom, Grammy, and Life

I really need to go to bed.  Here goes:

Kevin.  Kevin is doing all right.  It has helped to have his Mom here, but she's leaving tomorrow.  Today, school was canceled due to snow, so he had the girls, too.  Tomorrow will offer some down time, but I'm sure he'll be fine.  He's not hurting too much, and he is excited that he can have a shower tomorrow.  He wants to wash his hair SO badly, and tomorrow morning, he can do it.

Mom.  Oh Mom.  She had some, ummm, traveling issues.  Let's just say that she is in Texas now, as planned, but BOY does she have a story ready when she gets back.  Almost didn't get there?  I'm just sayin'.

Grammy (K's Mom) has been here since his surgery, babying her boy.  She has cooked and babied and played cards with him.  It's been great for him.  She will leave tomorrow.  I'll miss her, but Kevin will miss her even more.  She's so good to him.

Life is life.  Work is tough, and after one more tough day tomorrow, I have to fly out to Indianapolis for a trade show.  I like these trips, but I worry about Kevin.  I'm sure that Dad will check on him, but damn.  He's 3 days post-op, and I'm leaving.  Time for the girls to step up.

They will step up.  They always do.  I just need something to worry about, and this is the topic of the day.  Worry with me, will you?  Don't want to worry?  OK, send good thoughts to Kevin.  Want to email wishes to him?  I'm sure he'd love it.  His address is kevfierro (at) embarqmail dot com.

I posted it that way so that evil spam doesn't hit him, due to my entry.  I hate to think that I caused that.  LOL, like he'd know it was spam.  OK, I'm kidding....sort of.  I think he'd know spam if it happened.  Right, honey?  You'd know?

LOL, good night, friends.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Husband

I went back to work today.  K's Mom is here to take care of him, and take care of him she did.  I think he's spoiled rotten, and so it should be.  It was a crazy day at work, so I won't go there.

He is so antsy.  He wants to wander the house constantly, and I keep wanting him to sit and let the ice water do it's job.  He's doing OK, but the sling is driving his neck nuts.  I feel bad for him.

We took the sling off for a bit tonight.  He is supposed to work his arm around, as long as the elbow stays at his side.  He did that, gave his neck a break, and enjoyed it to the fullest.  I finally talked him into strapping back in, and letting his arm get what it needs.

His spirits are good, but I can tell that it's going to be rough going until he gets rid of the "still."  That happens on Thursday.  Then, he can have a real shower and he'll feel SO much better.

OK, I have to get to bed.  I wonder if the snow will really happen?  I doubt it.

Oh well.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Time for Bed

The surgery center (what ever happened to hospitals for surgery?) sent Kevin home with an ice chest thing.  It looks like his lunch box cooler, but it has a pump in it, with a hose that sends ice water up to a patch thing on his shoulder, circulates the ice water around the surgery site, then back (I guess) into the cooler.

This makes his changing of positions an adventure, and as I'm hooking it back up, he calls it his still, and says that he'll have gin in about an hour.  His spirits are really quite good today, but he's still numb from the nerve block.

It got close to 70 today, so I took him out and let him sit on the front porch.  Our buddy Jimmy, from down the road, stopped by on his Harley to visit.  May not sound like much, but Jimmy is going through some rough stuff himself.  It's cool to see him out enjoying life, patch over one eye or not!

Anyway, so I thought I'd leave the extension cord out there, in case he wants to sit out there again tomorrow.  Then, I checked the weather.  Freezing rain in the morning, turning to snow, with 1" total.  Tomorrow night?  2-4".  Bleh.  So much for 70, huh?  I brought the extension cord back in.  *sigh*

I have to get up around 2:00 am, and wake him up.  Wake him up for pain meds.  WHAT?  I would rather let him sleep, but I guess that could result in him waking up in pain, so I'll wake him up, against my better judgement, and give him his meds. 

Tomorrow, I'll go back to work.  K's Mom is here to watch over him, and make sure that there's ice in the "still" and make sure he's set with whatever he wants or needs.  She's the queen of that...taking care of her kids.  Mamma syndrome through and through.  I feel comfortable leaving, with him in her hands.

Still, I worry.  I have his sponge bath set up for tomorrow.  He took one tonight just to trouble shoot and see if I've forgotten anything that he needs.  The only tough part was his arm being numb from the nerve block.  Tomorrow it won't be.  Tomorrow, he needs prayers.

I haven't been really vocal about this before today.  Not recently, anyway.  I was nervous and scared and all of that nonsense.  I blame my grandma and my mom for the worry.  Gotta blame someone, right?  Anyway, I should have asked for prayers before he went in.  Anyone who cares about him should have done that.  I didn't.

Let me make up for it by saying, "send good thoughts, prayers, and wishes our way.  Light a candle.  Dance a dance."  Whatever you do, please do it for him.  Mostly for his spirits.  He's going to need something to smile about for a while.  I can only get so much mileage out of laughing at the dog's farts.


It WAS the dog!  I SWEAR!

Home from surgery

Well, we're home.  The surgery took less than 45 minutes this time, although the Dr. said the damage was worse than they had anticipated.  He had a torn rotator cuff, as well as the tear to the labrum that they knew about.  They did the repair work, but the Dr. had some concerns.

He said that the tissue isn't in very good shape in there.  He's afraid that it will be easy to damage it again, if he's not careful.  There is much for us to talk about and decide, but not today.

Today, we'll just be thankful that it's over, and he's ok, and he's home.

Sunday, February 3, 2008


Tight game, actually.  I really expected higher scores before halftime.  7-3 just seems weird for these two teams.

What does Ryan Seacrest have to do with football?  Tom Petty is old (but I still love those songs.)  The commercials have mostly been a yawn so far, although...

Although, the Bud commercial, with the Rocky theme for the training Clydesdale...that was cool.  The hi-five at the end was priceless.

I think I'll go eat some more.

Super Sunday

Guess what I watched yesterday evening?

Yeah, back in the day, before Tom turned into a publicly raving lunatic.  Ahh, those were the days.

For two days, the weather idiots predicted upper 40s for today, with rain late in the day.  Yesterday, they said 35...and some rain.  So, what did it do, you ask?

Thunder and lightning, followed by an insane onslaught of sleet!  Sheesh!

So far, I've made a crock pot full of chili, and some cheesy, hot, taco flavored dip.  It's yummy, not that I've tasted it or anything.  I'm just getting ready for the big game.  I wouldn't dream of over eating.  Nope.  Not me.  Burp.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hawkeye is sad again tonight.  The sirens just make him mighty low.  He either yearns to be a member of the K9 unit, or he knows that the fuzz took his parents, long ago.  We'll never be sure.  Anyway, you can see several things here:

1. Hawkeye is sad.

2. Hawkeye is cheap entertainment for the family.

3. Someone needs to empty the trash and take that bottle of bleach downstairs.

Saturday's disjointed thoughts

I watch some weird stuff on TV.  Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, Locked Up, Dirty Jobs, Myth Busters, COPS, Storm Chasers...the list goes on and on.  There's no rhyme or reason to what I watch on Saturday.  It's rambling and disjointed, like my thoughts.

Kevin's at the store.  I seldom go with him because we spend more when we're both there.  It's too depressing for me to go alone.  The same amount of money gets half the groceries as last year.  I need to get a second mortgage to buy milk.

My girls are getting too big to sit in the back seat of my car.  For them to sit comfortably, we have to be uncomfortable, moving our seats up.  It's a great car to get me back and forth to work, 80 miles round trip, but it's just too tight for all of us.

Hawkeye is getting more vocal in his old age.  He used to howl when he heard sirens, outside OR on TV, but now he'll howl with very little prompting by us, and he'll "talk" to us...half howling, half barking, sort of a whiney tone.   Weird dog.

I'm in a mood.  I've been getting my feelings hurt really easily for the past few days.  I also feel like I don't get to control anything.  It's like it's just happening all around me, and I have to sit and watch.  Nothing's really changed.  Everything is as it always has been.  I'm just not reacting well to it.

I think I need to get together with my best bud, Tammy.  I haven't seen her in a while.  We talk on the phone sometimes, when we're driving home from work, but I really want to hang out with her for a while.  That won't happen for a while, though.  Kevin will be out-of-commission, and I'm leaving town next weekend.  Soon, though.

We're out of Diet Coke.  That's sort of like a sin.  I'm drinking iced tea, but I'm not thrilled about it.  It's a good thing Kevin's at the store.  And, we didn't run out until this morning, so it's not like it's been days or anything.  I get antsy when we don't have the Nectar of the Gods in the house.

I'm glad we have a dryer again.  It also helps that this one has a buzzer.  The old one didn't.  It was hard to tell when it was done, since the laundry is downstairs.  Now, there's no question as to when it's done.  BBUUUUUZZZZZZZZ!

OK, back to channel surfing and licking my emotional wounds.

Friday, February 1, 2008

*sigh* 'N Stuff

The dryer is still broken.  Thank goodness for a VERY honest used appliance place in a nearby town.  $100 later, the laundry is moving again.  Mom suggested freecycle, but we honestly had no time.  I'll have a house full of company in 2 days, and I've already had to wear my least favorite underwear along with some jeans that are too tight, despite my 10 lbs of weight lost in January. Yeah, it's not much, but it's better than gaining 10, right?

I finished the new slideshow for my web class with 1 hour to spare.  Phew!  I also typed up a 7 page document, which gives notes and points for each slide.  I had to do this because coworker Michelle will be filling in for me as teacher on Monday.  I'm glad it's done.  It will benefit me, too.  It will make it a better class, and longer long as I SPEAK SLOWLY AND ENUNCIATE.

Kevin's Mom is coming up on Sunday, so she can be here for Kevin's surgery on Monday.  With his grandma (GG) living with her, she will come, too. Since GG can't stay alone, K's aunt Joan will come along.  I have one guest bed.

I'm sure it will be fine.  Joan will probably sleep with her mom, GG, and K's Mom (Linda/Grammy) will probably sleep on the floor near him, or on the other end of the couch.  He will sleep on the couch for a few days, at least.  The couch has recliners in each end, and it will keep him from rolling onto his shoulder.

With all of the company coming, we won't be going to Mom and Dad's as planned for the Super Bowl.  It's OK, I would have probably eaten too much, anyway.  I'll fix some chili and hope that they can enjoy football.

At least next week will be a short week.  I am off Monday for K's surgery, and I fly out to Indianapolis on Friday morning.  That's not too long after he gets cut on, so maybe I'll ask Dad to stop by and check on him while I'm gone.  The girls can take care of the house, and even cook simple things.  I just want someone to ask if he needs something moved, lifted, or rearranged.

I mean, seriously, the man unloaded a dryer, hooked it up, and loaded the old one into the back of his truck tonight, by himself.  HELLO???  Remember that you are in chronic pain?  Seriously, dude, wait until I get home next time, OK?  sheesh.  Like we need to go through THIS again.

OK, bitching session over.  I will make the most of all of this mess.  I will do what I can, and live contently with the rest.  Life will go on, and things will be fine.

They'll be fine, right?

