Friday, October 27, 2006

Life ain't always that bad

Well, there are may tough things in my life.  Some bad things in my life.  Some unfortunate things in my life.  There are some things I'd rather not TALK about in my life.  But, let's look at some positive things, shall we?...

Kevin got a letter from the insurance, saying that the surgery was 100% paid for.  We got a rebate check from the hospital for paying almost $35 too much.  He stumbled upon a find that could net $800ish if we find the right buyer (enough to buy the car I have the chance at.)

I am loved.  I am happy.

I feel a ton better, after only a couple of days on meds.  The girls are getting along.  Brett's truck broke down (less than a week with the new engine) but his dad agreed to let him make the payments on the Acura, which will be less than fuel alone in the truck, and when it's paid off, it's Brett's.

I am loved.  I am happy.

I got to spend 30 minutes or so visiting with my mom tonight, in person.  My family has full bellies.  my house is warm.  There is good music on the radio.  I got caught up at work today, so I start fresh on Monday.  A friend loaned "Over the Hedge" to us for the weekend. 

I am loved.  I am happy.

Yup, there's bad stuff out there.  Tonight, it's not penetrating my bubble.  I'm happy and content and loved.  I wish you all the same. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I went to the Dr.

My voice was better today, but I felt WAY worse, so I kept the appointment.  I have a sinus infection, as well as some wheezing action.  I got some mega antibiotics and some steriods, which is good since I want to play professional baseball.

He wants to see my in three weeks, for some lung check stuff.  I figured I'd cancel that one, since I don't usually wheeze, or have any other chest problems.  He mentioned (during the "quit smoking moron" lecture...a big reason I don't go to the Dr. is the lectures.) that there is a new stop-smoking drug, and it's supposed to be awesome.  I was mad at him, so I wasn't ABOUT to ask questions and keep him going.

First of all, you have to WANT to quit, to be successful, right?  I don't want to right now.  Most stressful season at work and all.  Plus, I enjoy it.  Plus, I don't want to gain back the 75 lbs that I lost a couple years back.  I'm not addicted to nicotine as much as to the act of smoking.  Keeps my hands busy and gives me something to do on my breaks at work.  All the OTHER kids are doing it.

On the way home, I got to thinking.  I guess I'll call him and see if the drug is covered under my insurance.  It would be nice to have that cigarette money back in my pocket.  He said that it is the best thing yet, and that folks he's given it to don't even care that they aren't smoking.  Kevin even said that if it's true, and insurance covers it, he's in, too. 

Shit, I better not go getting all healthy and stuff.  That would TICK me off!

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Baby Boy

Where have I been?  Well, less than 10 minutes after posting the party pictures Saturday night, I told Tammy that I had a tickle in my throat.  Less than an hour later, I was sick as a dog.  Sunday, I had a fever and chest congestion.  I was D.O.W.N.  I laid up on the couch all day, in a pity party.  Kevin came home and sent me to bed.  I was so sick I missed Desperate Housewives AND Brothers and Sisters!  ACK!

Monday I felt a bit better (a very tiny bit) and had no fever, so I went to work and stayed on the phones all day.  That was my downfall.  Today, I had NO voice.  I was squeaky at best.  Tonight, many cups of hot tea later, I can KIND OF talk.  Sheesh.  I don't feel awful, but have no voice.  I have a Dr. appt at 4:10 tomorrow, which I'll cancel if I can talk in the morning. for the real entry:

To my baby boy.  To Bubba.  To that little guy with the mullet, riding his tricycle.  To the adorable kid in the Power Wheels truck.  To that sweet boy who was my best friend after my divorce.  The one guy who has ALWAYS stood beside me, no matter what.  To the kid practicing trumpet for HOURS, when I couldn't make out a single note.  To the guy who has moved so many times, knowing that each time was a good move for the family, even if it meant changing schools.

To the kid who once told his Dad, "We have spaghetti EVERY night!" and the friend who told buddies, "oh yeah, I have that at my dad's." ("that" was anything cool that they were talking about.)  To the kid loved by ANY dog my mother has EVER owned, even if said dog hated everyone.  To the one who works so hard at any job, even if it's washing dishes or scrubbing floors.  To the man who learned that you MUST check the oil, or your engine will blow.  And to the same man that helped his dad replace said engine.

This is for Brett.  Son, you are 18 today.  Legally a man, and bound by the selective service to register for a draft that I curse the thought of.  You have grown into something that I always dreamed, but didn't dare hope for.  You ARE that guy.  You are everything.  You are the bomb.


Now, for the morning:  The girls and I woke Brett an hour early, to tell him good morning.  The poor kid had a flash in his face at 6:15 on his BIRTHDAY!  Then, Monica played Happy Birthday for him on his new drum set (a gift from his dad).  Then, we suggested he look at his truck.  Some girls from school apparently paid us a visit in the night, and decorated his truck (newly back from the operation.)  I took pictures in the pitch black of morning, but you can see the result.  I think he felt good that they did it.

We got his new camera/video/text/yadda yadda phone for him a few weeks early, but we had an energy drink and a card this morning, and there will be cake this weekend.

Am I really old enough to have an adult son? (lie to me, okay?)

***added later, Bday wishes can be sent to****

Saturday, October 21, 2006

The sleepover, so far

Well, it's only 9:20 and it feels like we've partied all night.  I'm getting old.  I didn't caption the pictures because there is an insane number of them.  First, we did a craft that Tammy brought, making pumpkins.  Then we did the mummy game a few times.  Then the make overs started.

Most of the time, I look like a transvestite man.  Kinda serial-killer ish.  Most of the time, we were just goofy.  Tammy and I have had as much fun as the girls, I think.

Now, they're downstairs doing God knows what, and we're chillin' upstairs.  The night is young, though, so who knows what'll happen!

Friday, October 20, 2006

It's not broken

Well, the thumb is not broken.  It's a "bad sprain", which is Dr. speak for "yeah, it looks like it hurts, but I can't do anything about it.  Goodbye, pay your money on the way out."

Kevin left a bit ago for Carthage, it's time for the Maple Leaf Festival.  I hope he drinks plenty of coffee, since he doesn't do well staying awake at night. He should be there by 10ish.

Tomorrow is the sleepover.  A total "Makeover Party" for the girls and their friends.  I'm so glad my best buddy Tammy is coming over to help.  She's the bomb.  There will be lots of pictures, if the parents don't mind me posting.

I'm a bit weird tonight.  Sad that Kevin is gone, but happy that he'll have a good time at MLF.

Worried about entertaining that many kids at once, but happy that the girls will have fun and Tammy will be here to help.

Dreading cleaning this messy house in the morning, but glad it'll be clean (for a few hours.)

Yeah, maybe I should go to bed.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Ahhh Crap!

Well, this day has been crap.  Total crap.  My receptionist had to go to the hospital for a staph infection in her foot.  They admitted her.  Won't be back until Tuesday at the earliest.  Guess who's the back up receptionist?  Yup, that's me.  Can't do my own work or make outgoing calls if I'm answering receptionist calls.  I'll be so behind by next Tuesday that it'll take a week to climb out.

I was lost in my own pity party, driving home, grumbling.  Then Mom called.  There was an incident on the trampoline.  Monica's thumb may be broken, and her shoulder hurts.  Am I almost home?  ACK!  I got off the pity pot and drove like an idiot to get there.  Kevin beat me to it, though.

In the process of getting details, I find out that Natalie fell on the playground and hit her head on a wooden platform.  She has a goose egg on the back of her head.  Nobody from the school called me.  WTH???

Now, Kevin is taking Monica for X-rays, Natalie is crying intermittently out of guilt (she pulled on Monica's thumb and pinkie in some sort of game) and the dogs are driving me nuts.  I'm waiting for a phone call from Kevin.  He has strict instructions to call me when they're checked in, when he knows something, and when he heads home.  I hate this crap.  Brett had a broken leg at 5, Natalie had an elbow broken in 4 places at 4, and broke the other elbow at 5.  Monica made it to 10.  Does that mean she wins?

Broken bones, fevers, book reports, and untied shoelaces.  That's parenting.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Stuff N Stuff

Last night was "reading night out" at the school.  There were several story tellers there, and it was a lot of fun. I have pictures.  They're in my camera.  My USB cable is at work.  *sigh*  Maybe tomorrow.

This weekend will be a busy one.  Kevin heads to Carthage for the Maple Leaf Festival.  It's a huge deal for him.  He grew up there.  It's the same as our local fair to me.  I get excited long before, and make plans and anticipate.  Kevin does that with the MLF.  I don't always go.  In fact, I've missed it for a couple of years running.  I don't dislike it, but it doesn't mean the same to me as it does to him.  I try to keep the girls occupied while he does his thing.  He doesn't expect this, but I try to make it fun for him.  This year, I told him to go alone.  He can do all he wants without having to worry about me or the girls.

What will we do?  Well, the girls have been wanting to have a sleepover.  Kevin winces at the thought of screaming, giggling girls.  I decided to take advantage of Daddy being out of town.  The girls get to invite 4 girls each for a Saturday night sleepover.  If all show, it will be 10 girls between 9 and 11 years old.  ACK!  My best friend will help, and we'll have a ball.  We're going to do makeovers and eat snacks and make friendship pins and other crafts.  It'll be fun.

Daddy gets to miss it.

This makes Daddy happy.  This makes the girls happy.  Happy family members makes Mommy happy.  A happy weekend is on the way.  Now, where will I find OTC valium?  Hmmmm.  I'll have to keep looking.

There will be pictures. Honest.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Ups and Downs

A buddy from work came over for the evening, riding home with me.  Had a great time, watching Kevin kick our butts at Trivial Pursuit.

Took the puppy to the vet for her last puppy/first dog shots.  She got her tags and everything, but it was $100!  Way more than we budgeted.

Took work buddy home and puppy slept peacefully on my lap as I drove, talking to my ride-along, Natalie.

Puppy barfed in my lap 10 minutes from the house.  Barfed a LOT.

Saw my aunt Maxine and ate too much of mom's wonderful cooking this afternoon.

Drove home with Hawkeye riding shotgun in the LeBaron.  He almost barfed, TWICE!  Time to stop transporting dogs?

Had a relaxing evening catching up on laundry and watching Nascar. (sorry Russ)

Yup, there have been many ups and downs today, but the ups were worth it.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I guess maybe the title of yesterday's entry made people feel like I was on a pity party.  I hope the content of the entry told a different story.  I'm REALLY OK if you don't comment. 

However, I will admit that it was cool to see a bunch of entries about it! LOL  I'm a study in contrast.  Several folks commented that they always read my journal, but seldom or never comment.  That's fine with me, but I'd like to ask a favor.  I have a limited number of journals in my favorites.  I'd like to find some that interest me, so that I can add a few more reads to peruse on my weekends. 

If you have ANY doubt whether I have your journal link, please comment here and leave it.  If you don't have a journal, let me know, and then go start one!  It's quite soothing.  Even if you lead a boring old life like mine.  A wonderful, peaceful, loving, quiet, boring old life like mine.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

It just doesn't matter any more.

Kevin and I were on the computers tonight, and Kevin said, "I notice you don't get many comments lately.  Do you think it's not updating or something?"

I said, "No, people probably just don't give a shit about what I'm posting." 

I wasn't hurt, or bothered.  I realized, that after more than 2 years of posting, it really doesn't bother me any more.  I use this journal to keep friends updated, upload a video from time to time, or just to vent.  If I get 10 comments, I'm thrilled and excited.  If I get 2, cool.  If I don't get any, I'm good with that.  It used to make me sad, like nobody was reading.  Now, I'm good with it.

When I talk, people are interested and engaged.  I don't live or die by this journal.  Sorry, but I'll live through it.  LOL

Life is good at Fierro central.

Monday, October 9, 2006

A Wonderful Weekend

The weekend was awesome.  It took several years for Jonathan to grow into himself, and several years for the two of us to accept each other as we are.  He is quite an amazing adult, and makes my husband (his dad) proud.

Friday night, we chilled and visited.  Jonathan played some tunes for us (as seen in my previous entry) and we just hung out.  Saturday morning, we got up early and headed out.  Brett was too tired from work to join us, and we missed him, but we still had fun.  We went to City Market and looked around a bit.  Then we went to Super Flea (the worlds biggest trashy garage sale, sort of) and saw everything from bongs to tarantulas and scorpians to trashy Tshirts.  After that, we had lunch at On The Border.  All of it was awesome.  Saturday night, we played Trivial Pursuit with Tammy (my best friend) and Greg (her husband).  It was Jonathan's first time at this game, and we had a lot of fun.

Sunday, we just chilled out and watched Nascar (Jr. was robbed!) and football (I should kill the guy than injured LJ!) and ate too much and relaxed too much.  Jonathan was very happy to have the chance to see my Mom and Dad, my Aunt Charlene, Pat, and my nephew Arick.  He was really happy.  When we told him goodbye last night, he looked happy, but I'm never sure.  He left this morning, and his grammy (with whom he's living right now) said he'd never sounded happier.  That makes me smile.

I'm happy, and I'm chillin'.  And one more thing:  A big ol' hug to Russ, because I KNOW that not EVERYONE had a great weekend.  I wish I could share mine.

Friday, October 6, 2006

Jonathan's visit

Jonathan's visit

Jonathan came up for the weekend!  WoooHooo!  We plan to go to city market tomorrow, as well as Super Flea.  Do NOT get me started on Super Flea. I'll have to take pictures.  I made Jonathan play guitar for us for a while, and captured some crappy video on my camera.  He plays so well.  I can't wait until tomorrow, when the "Fierro 6" are together again!

Thursday, October 5, 2006

Just stuff

It's survivor night, and Kevin isn't here.  He is having poker night at work.  It's going to be one Thursday a month, which is great.  He never gets out of the house, other than work.  Brett is gone, and I hope he's at work.  I didn't know he was working tonight, so I left a voice mail and sent a text message.  I hope he answers soon, 'cause I'm worried.  He will be 18 in a few weeks, but I still worry.  It's my right.

Well, the frozen pizza is done, and the Pringles are ready to be opened, so I guess I better get the TV set for Survivor.  It's a night of great TV, and one of the few nights that I network-hop.  I usually stick with one network through a given night, but not on Thursday.  Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, and ER.  I gotta get a hobby.

Why is it, that in the middle of a great evening, I get sadish.  Kind of nostalgic.  Kind of pissy, almost.  Like I could cry for no reason.  Oh yeah, I *do* know why.  Never mind.  Stupid hormones.

Wednesday, October 4, 2006

The last post from S.C.

Here are a very few pictures left over from the trip.  My luggage was lost, I had less than 4 hours of sleep, and was useless on Monday.  Last night, I was lazy.  Tonight, I post.

The trip home consisted of crying babies and sitting in front of Sneezy McSnotterson, who probably infected me with the plague.  "Sniff, snort, sneeze, drip."  Must be the most disgusting man in the history of head colds.

I had a good book to read, and the trip went fairly fast.  It took an hour and a half to realize my bag was lost, because 4 flights were dumping luggage on to the same carosel.  Smart, KCI, very smart.  My luggage was delivered last night at about 8:15, all in good shape and everything working.

Always good to be home.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Just checking in

Well, I made it through the day at work yesterday, on less than 4 hours of sleep, but I must say I was useless.  I tried really hard, but after 2 or so, I stared a lot.  I finally left 20 minutes early and headed home.  My luggage arrived at 8:15 or so, in good shape.  Thank goodness.

I have so much to tell about my trip home, but I'm tired.  I'll try tomorrow.  The girls just went to bed, and griped at each other well after the time that they should have been asleep.  That will make for a wonderful morning, I'm sure.

Natalie told me that they get out early tomorrow.  When I logged in tonight, to tell Mom, she had already emailed me to ask about it.  Sorry mom, I didn't know.  I'm a shitball working mom.  I try real hard, but I swear, there is always someone or some school thing proving that I'm failing.  I can't afford a trumpet, I don't know my kids are out of lunch money until the school tells me, and I forget about early-out days until the girls remind me.  Hell, DFS is going to snatch those girls away any minute.  Don't get me started on book orders, either.  Let's go to the library and forget about that high priced shit, ok?  Sorry kids.

I don't mean to suck, but my busy season is beginning at work, and I will be a worse mom by the day.  Just hang on until January, and we'll be ok.  Honest. 

I really hope my kids don't hate me because of my job.

Monday, October 2, 2006

The joys of air travel

South Carolina to Washington D.C. - cramped near the back of a small plane near a crying baby who was only soothed by very LOUD toys.

Washington D.C to Kansas City - cramped near the back of a small plane near a different crying baby, soothed by nothing.

I made the connecting flight just fine.  My luggage did not.

Now it's 2 in the morning, and I have to get the kids off to school in the morning.  Then I'll go BACK to the airport and collect my bag.  Then I'll go to work.


You are all coordially invited to my pity party.  Bring beer.