Monday, January 30, 2006

And the beat goes on....

Yeah, I was a bit crabby when I posted last night.  Sorry, folks.

This is a "one day at a time" week for sure, but it's going to be ok.  I'm determined to work with a positive attitude.  I'm worried about getting behind, since I leave town Friday morning for Indianapolis.  I'm ready for a trade show.  A change of pace.  Anyone want a souvenier?  Heck, I always bring some back for Kevin and the kids, anyway.  LOL

I'm not travelling with anyone that I know well.  I'll be the only one there that knows how to set up the booth, and knows the software well enough to show it.  I'll be the only one in control....should I be scared?  Nah, I'm looking at it as a power trip.  I can show off.  I like to show off!

Gotta get my clothes to the cleaners, or they may not be ready to pick up Thursday.  Gotta get the laptop up and running...the poor sad thing probably needs an update or two.  Gotta make sure Kevin and the girls are set for the weekend, and Brett is set to go to his dad's.  Gotta this, gotta that.  It's's the details that keep me going.  I'd rather plan a trip than to actually go on one!  Yeah, I know, I'm weird.

The weekend was good, and many things got done that needed done, but not nearly enough.  I love owning a house, just wish I had more time to work on it!  I can't wait to paint my living room.  Maybe in 2 weeks...when I'm actually here.  It's hard to paint my living room from Indiana.

See ya later, alligator.

Sunday, January 29, 2006


Damn.  I can have a great day...Hell, I can have a great weekend! But...

But Monica has been mean to Natalie...

But Natalie has used all the hot water...

But Brett has said something mean to the girls...

But Daddy lost his temper...

But Mommy threw away a great paper from school...



But what?  I'm a rotten mom?  Kevin's a rotten dad?  Brett's a rotten brother?'s normal stuff.  Everyone is mad at someone, and someone is mad at me.  I can only fix so much, can only deal with so much, can only organize so much...then...THEN?  Yeah, then you're on your own.  Girls, go to bed, Brett, shut up, Kevin, quit griping.  OK, my work here is done.  All of ya'll, SHUT UP!

Good night, everyone...good night.


Saturday, January 28, 2006

My Friday Memory-On Saturday

Mom lost her dear dog, Mandy, yesterday.

I didn't care much for Mandy, at first.  It's hard to get close to other people's dogs, sometimes, like getting close to other people's kids.  Their "cute" habits are annoying and the bond just isn't there.  Over the past year, I've gotten more and more fond of Mandy, in spite of myself.  She really was a great dog.  I got closer than I thought, though.  When Mom emailed me at work to tell me about her passing, I cried in front of everybody!  Reading her recent journal entries had me bawling like a baby.  Sheesh.  Human emotion.

This memory is a general one.  Losing dogs to the road.  Every dog that we had when I was growing up, somehow died.  That's not a shock, since they would be 25 years old now, but many were victims of the road. 

Some would try to follow me and Jim when we rode our bikes to town.  Some would get too excited chasing a squirrel, rabbit, or another dog.  Some would be headed home so hard and fast that they didn't realize they were crossing the road at all.

Mom was always so great when it happened.  She would cry with us, take us back to bury the dog, sing sad songs, followed by an uplifting song, and generally help us grieve.  The bond we form with pets is SO deep.  I cry as I type this for every dog we ever lost. 

My own dog wants to go outside now.  He is whining and worried acting, and I'm sure it's because I'm crying.  These "dumb animals" that we bring into our lives are often very much smarter than anyone gives them credit for.  Rest in Peace, Mandy.  I really will miss you.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

An Update at Last

OK, ok, I know.  And I'm sorry  I lied.  I didn't post when I said I would.  Frankly, though, if you're sitting around worrying about when I'll need to get a hobby!  LOL

Saturday was busy but fun.  Helped my aunt hang her pictures and such around her house.  She was doubting herself, but we agreed about most all of them, and her house looks great.  Sunday, we watched football with Mom and Dad and had a brisket so tender it fell apart with the touch of a fork.  Yeah, Mom's the best cook ever.

Monday, I finally got the final details of the new job.  A small raise, but I still get to keep my annual review in May, with another raise due.  I can live with that.  There is an uproar at work about my job change, but I can sit back and laugh.  My boss and me are the ONLY ones that I need to please, so I'm ok with the complaints....I thought.

Tuesday, the complaining continued, but I dealt with it.  I didn't have to listen to much of it, since I was sitting with the girl who is leaving, getting all "learned up."  I know how to do all of the duties, but need to see the process of logging the details.  No problem.  I got home to no internet.  WONDER-FREAKING-FUL.

Today, the griping had gotten worse.  More than one person has stated that I am not the right person for this job, and that my company is making a huge mistake.  The woman in me wanted to retreat to the bathroom for a good cry.  The genetic code in me (right mom?) wanted to kick their sorry asses and take names later.  I did neither.  When approached by my boss, (she had obviously heard the rumors,) I told her what I had heard, and that I could handle it.

She told attention to this part, it made my day..."We chose you because you are strong and your skills continue to exceed our expectations.  We know you will not just do this job, you will do it very well.  We made the right choice, and we're very happy with the choice.  I just hope you'll be able to ignore this nonsense."

Talk about your ego strokes! 

Life's good, now.  I can handle it.  I'm laughing off the grumblings, since the ones griping are those that I've carried for so long.  They will have to step up and face the music.



Saturday, January 21, 2006

I know, I know, I missed Friday

Well, I missed Friday.  I was actually logged on, and the girls were fussing at each other and I couldn't stand to be around that crap, so I left the room.  Then, I started watching TV and that was the end of THAT.

I'm taking another position at work.  It's still customer service, but it's specializing in new accounts.  There will be some frustrations, but I get to leave behind some other frustrations.  I'm trading problems.  It's a lateral move, for the most part, but that company gives raises and things based on how many things you've done, you can do, and you're willing to do.  It's a good career move.  There was a lot to think about, but I did it.  I start Monday.

Sorry I missed the Friday memory.  After I take care of a few dozen things today, I'll try to slap one up here.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Things are goin' on

There are things happening at work.  Could mean a lot.  I have a huge decision to make by tomorrow at noon.  Shit.  I'm excited but scared.  I can do it, but is it worth it?  I'm not sure what I should do, but I'm pretty sure what I'm GOING to do.  Pray if you pray, send good thoughts if you send good thoughts, appreciate karma if that's your gig....I've been good lately.  I need anything you can do.  More tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Well, I've survived until Wednesday.  A week ago, I was on top of my game.  I was the greatest CSR ever, and could tackle any problem with grace and dignity.  I could multi-task with the best of them and come out smelling like a rose.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

I have a customer pissed off.  The lab made a mistake.  "Oh horror of horrors!"  God forbid that ONE order, out of the 1500 that we shipped, have a mistake.  An offer to fix it?  REFUSED!  An offer to discount the next order?  REFUSED!  Any word I said?  REFUSED!  This guy is a hopeless jerk, but he won.  He won because he made me feel small and insignificant.  He feels big when others feel small, so he the short term.  By day's end, I was over it, but I hate that he won for a while.

Not one, not two, but THREE people dumped problems on me today.  All three conversations went something like this:  "Yeah, Rachel, ummmm, I need you to fix this major screw-up that I caused, without anyone knowing that I caused it....MMMKAY?  Thanks!"  Sure, butthead, I'll fix it.  I won't even take credit for fixing it.  Folks will never know it happened.  Sure.  No problem.

One major screw-up was caused by me.  I made it right with very little problem.  I also told my boss about it.  I could have gotten by without every letting her know, but I don't work that way.  I screwed up. I fixed it.  Period.  She was pleased with how I handled it.

OK, more work-bitching that bores you all to tears.  Sorry.  I had readjusted my attitude before I left work, and life is good.  I know that I did all that is in my power to do the right thing, and I know that mycustomers
love me and appreciate me. (well, all but 1.....One jerk in Houston.  One jerk who needs to....ahhh, nevermind.)

My kids needed to take a guest to church (AWANA club) on a Wed. night to get to the next level.  Tonight we took FOUR guests!  Two for each girl.  These kids are the ones who lost their home in the fire, and they had a ball.  They want to go back every week, and we'll take them.  I am a sucker for a polite kid, and that family has four of them.

Yeah, it was a crappy day.  Kevin had a crappy day, too.  I shook mine off, since we all have them, and I met him at the door with a beer in a frosty mug.  I am the FUFU.  That stands for the "FU** Up Fixer Upper"  That's what I do.  And I'm good at it, thankyouverymuch.

Peace out.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Just another manic Monday

What does a 30something wife do on a Monday?  Well, she goes to work, offers to help those around her, cleans up messes left by others, and offers a ride home to a co-worker in need.  Then, she drives home to help with homework, sew an arm back on Raggedy Ann (which the dog nearly tore off) to make a little girl smile, and get the evening shower ritual started.

Nope, a head cold doesn't stop her.  No sir.  She will breath through her mouth, blow her nose, and cough occassionally.  She'll watch the Golden Globe awards while her husband snores beside her.  She will think of things that must be taken care of tomorrow.

She will post to her journal, making herself sound like Super Mom.  She's not Super Mom.  She's not even close.

  She grumbles under her breath about cleaning up the messes of others at work.  She gets frustrated helping with homework.  She doesn't like to sew (especially doll arms,) and is upset when a child's shower lasts 20 minutes.  She is secretly angry at her son and husband for sharing their cold, and is too far behind the times to recognize most of the movies nominated for Golden Globes.

Nope.  Super Mom doesn't live here.  Just me.  I try my best and still fall short, but my family accepts me as I am, and I'm thankful for that.

Friday, January 13, 2006

My Friday Memory

My Friday memory was sparked by Russ, and I thank you for it, friend.  He was doing an entry about old country stores.  We had an awesome store in this tiny town...Marsha's.

I don't remember what the real name of the store was, but we all called it Marsha's.  It might have BEEN the real name, who knows?  Marsha was a pharmacist, and ran the drug store.  It was so much more than a drug store, though.  Marsha had a real, honest-to-goodness soda fountain.  Cherry Coke, vanilla Coke, vanilla phosphate, chocolate malt, whatever you wanted, you could get.  Wow, you have NO idea how wonderful it was. 

A bunch of us would head there after school.  Other times, Jim and I would ride our bikes 2 miles to town in the summer to go there.  We'd park our bikes right outside and go in to heaven on Earth.  Marsha was an awesome lady.  She would chat with us, ask about school...just generally be a good person.

I can remember walking from school to Marsha's to buy a Mars bar (whatever happened to Mars bars?) and a Diet Coke.  My friends laughed at that, but I didn't care.  Then we'd walk back to school to jump on the bus to head to some away ball game. 

I wish I knew what happened to Marsha, or what her last name was, for that matter.  I wish I had ONE of those lazy summer afternoons back.  I wish I could let MY kids ride their bikes to the store, without worrying about weirdos.  I love my life, and where I am in it...I just sometimes yearn for the "good ol' days".

P.S. Where did we get money for soda fountain treasures?  Dad?  I don't remember him handing us money that often, but he had to!  AH HAH!  I knew that gruff thing was only on the exterior, but each Friday memory reveals more about his tender heart! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Give a dog a bath...

I read an entry tonight about bathing a dog...made me feel guilty. My dog stinks.  He's way past bathtime.  Tonight was the night.  He hates baths.  I mean, hates them like toonguy hates republicans.  Hates.Them.  He got one anyway.  Poor thing.  The undercoat that he has makes it a long process to get all of the doggie shampoo rinsed out.  Sheesh.

Monday, January 9, 2006

Monday N Stuff

Well, another Monday has come and gone.  The girls were better than usual, for a Monday.  No tears, no freak-outs, no nonsense.  I like that.  An added bonus is that I didn't forget homework over the weekend, so everybody was ready to go.  I can suck at the parenting thing sometimes.

Work was set to be hectic, since about 4 people called in sick, and one of them caused me to play receptionist all day.  I expected my work to pile up, but my teammates kicked it up a notch and I was caught up when I left.  PHEW!  I came home to dinner being cooked and ready (OK, so it was cardboard pizza, but the effort is MORE than appreciated) and now it's time to relax.  Ahhhhh.

There are some new shows that I want to check out tonight.  I usually like about 1 in 9 new shows that I try, but we'll see if any of them stick.  I'm not interested in the bachelor, but will sometimes watch the last few weeks.  I'm just not all that mushy-gushy-romantic type, I guess.

What a boring entry!  I guess I better end it now.  See ya!

Friday, January 6, 2006

My Friday Memory

Well, the holidays are over, work is back to 40 hour weeks, and I can get back to my journal.  PHEW!  A friend at work had a birthday yesterday, and everyone headed to Waldo Pizza in Lees Summit tonight to celebrate.  I'd never heard of it, but the pizza was awesome, and they had many draft beers that made Kevin happy.  He doesn't drink very often, but he was happy to have two glasses of Beamish Irish Stout.  We were in a large room with video games for kids to play, and that reminded me....

I loved Fun House pizza, as a kid.  I don't know if we went there 2 or 3 times, or 2 dozen times...maybe mom can clarify.  It was SO much fun, though.  The adults would sit and visit, drinking beer if they drank, smoking if they smoked, and telling loud stories, laughing all the while.  Me and Jim would join up with a bunch of other kids and go through quarters like they were nothing!

There was pinball (damn, I love pinball) and Pac Man and other video games.  There were those cheesey horses to ride for a quarter.  The music played too loud, and everyone shouted to be heard.  We ruled that place....RULED it!  I'm sure we annoyed the adults in the joint, but every time I drive past a Fun House, I get a huge grin on my face, remembering.  Dad always made sure we had plenty of quarters.  Looking back, and knowing my kids, he might have funded our night to keep us busy and out of their hair, but at the time, he was the coolest dad ever!j  (still is!)

Monday, January 2, 2006

Starting a New Year

Kevin and Jonathan didn't make it until midnight to ring in the new year with us.  I didn't think I'd make it, after getting up at 3:30 am to go to work and send out statements, but I made it!  Mom instant messaged Monica around 9:30 to ask if they should bring over some newspaper confetti.  Monica asked me and my first reaction was, "Oh crap, I'll be cleaning that stuff up for days."  What I said, though, was "Sure, why not!"

See, Mom and I have been cutting newspaper confetti on New Years Eve for years....or at least we did when I lived at home.  It's messy and short-lived and crazy, but it's tradition.  In the end, I was really glad they did it.  Mom and Dad were here to visit the last hour of the year, then we watched the girls (and Mom!) throw confetti.  Monica had promised to clean it up in the morning, but Grammy had done it for her by the time we woke up!

Yesterday, Linda and Jonathan headed home, and we got to work.  I rearranged my family room and living room with some good help from Kevin and Brett.  We never have enough seating room for everyone to watch TV together, especially if we have company.  Now, we have room!  I turned the family room into a computer room, with the bookshelves, aquarium, stereo, etc.  A place for kids to do homework or just chill.  The rest went to the living room.

First, we had to run cable.  When we moved in, they had to do a complete install since there had never been cable here.  Kevin drilled the hole for me and we tapped into Natalie's cable, since her room is directly under the living room.  Now the TV is in there, as well as both couches and the chair!  Now THAT's seating space.  There was a COPS marathon on, and after the hours of hard work, we crashed out to watch this great show.  Kevin and I wound up sleeping on the couches all night. 

Today, I have many more good projects planned, so we can go back to work feeling like we've accomplished something.  Or I'll nap.  LOL  No, we really are going to do some stuff, as soon as the kids get up.