Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Winning the lottery

My husband lives with me.  He sees me every day.  Still, when he sits down in front of his computer in the evening, he says things like, "You haven't posted in your journal lately."  Or, "You're kind of slackin' with your journal, huh?"  OK, fine!  No, honestly, I need to be more prompt with my nonsense so here goes, in money-green text.

Tonight, I bought a Powerball ticket.  I also bought 2 scratcher tickets, one for me and one for Kevin.  I won $2, Kevin won nothing.  I bought 2 chances on our Powerball ticket for tonights drawing.  Why do I buy these things?  It's a losing proposition.  The chances are better that I'll get struck by lightning while playing golf...and I don't PLAY golf!  The reason I buy them is to dream.  We have the money spent.

Let's say I win $50,000,000.  That's fifty million dollars.  I like seeing it in numbers and words.  Let's say half goes to taxes.  Now we're down to $25,000,000.  Ahhhh, poor us.  Only $25,000,000.  heh heh

First, we pay my parents out of debt.  Then we give them $2,000,000.  Then we pay Kevin's mom out of debt.  Then we give her $2,000,000.  My brother and Kevin's sister each get $2,000,000 to pay off debts and play with the rest.  It wouldn't be hard to spend another $1,000,000 helping out know, $1,000 here, $10,000 there.

Now, let's get to us.  We would have a nice new home built.  6 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms.  Not obnoxiously huge, just big enough to be very comfortable.  We would have new cars for all 4 of the driving members of our family, and an account to put back money for the girls to have new cars when they are of age.

The kids would have a college fund, ready to go.  The rest would be spent on selfish desires, as well as charity.  It would be there to sustain us, although we would still work.  No, I don't mean we would work our current jobs (yeahright!) I mean we would have to do something to occupy our time, and money would probably come from that.

All of this would be paid for by a trust.  No way am I paying taxes on it, just to have my family pay taxes on their portion.  A trust would be set up with the money, and the trust would pay for everything listed above.

Yeah, that's how I'll spend the money.  Oh, and, I will go to work tomorow if I win.  I won't quit my job until they hand me the big cardboard check.  Don't want to find out it was an error just minutes after quitting a great job.  If I don't post tomorrow, it's because we won, and we're busy with lawyers and such.  *sigh*  That makes me happy.

That's why I buy lottery tickets.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The weekend, so far

So far, the weekend is going great.  We hung out at Dad's yesterday, getting some of his stuff done, and some of our stuff done.  It was/is hot, but it seems right for Memorial Day weekend.  Yesterday evening, Kevin grilled at Mom and Dads, and we all ate our fill.

Today was a bit more lazy,  and I even got a bit of a nap.  Brett's friend Robert (his brotha from anotha motha) came over to spend a night or two.  He's always a lot of fun.  He works at a nursery, and he brought me gifts!  Some flowers that I will plant tomorrow morning, and an even BETTER offering:

HE BROUGHT ME A TREE!!!!  When we moved in, there was not a single tree in the yard.  The neighbors have some, lining the property line, but I have none of my own, and the shade of theirs doesn't benifit me, since that line is on the East side of our yard. 

It seems he rescued this little tree from the ICU of the nursery.  They were cleaning the area out, and he saw that it was in too small of a pot.  He repotted in and brought it to me.  The base of the trunk is green, so I think I can get it back.  It is a Bloodgood Japanese Maple.  Very pretty when healthy, so I can't wait to baby this one.  I'll plant it in the morning.  It's also a pricey item, if you have to buy it.

Well, time to call the girls in, since it's getting dark.  Mom's computer died today, so she'll probably get a new one tomorrow, then we'll go over there again.  I heard rumors about taco salad.  Mmmmmm.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Let's get this party started!

The three day weekend is here!  I'm so happy.  We're broke and not going anywhere.  We don't have a lake home, or a boat, or a pool.  We don't have friends with any of those things to invite us over.  We don't have plans for company for a BBQ.  It doesn't matter.  This is going to be a GREAT weekend.

This afternoon, work turned almost festive, as we all talked about weekend plans and watched the clock for that wonderful 5:00 to roll around.  We sang between phone calls, silly and fun songs, we laughed and even danced a few times. (OK, that was just me, but it got a big laugh.)

After work, Kevin and I went to the store for burgers, brats, dogs, soda and beer.  Now, there is no agenda.  I love when there is no agenda.  One day we'll grill burgers at Mom and Dad's.  Sunday evening is a good Nascar race.  There will be some yard/flower bed work, and some cleaning.  I just can't wait to relax with my clan.

Did I mention that I'm happy?

Monday, May 22, 2006


Co-Pay to the plumber fixing the tub faucet...$55.
250 gallons of propane...$375.
Cleaned out flower bed and mowed lawn...2 blisters and a sunburn.
Getting a ton accomplished on a day off....PRICELESS!

My checking account is screaming in pain, but so much got done.  I'm proud of myself.  I'm even feeling slightly less guilty about lying around all day yesterday! 

I got to pick the girls up when they got off the bus at Grandma's, and Hawkeye was there to run and greet them, which made them squeal in delight.  When we got home, I finished mowing and the girls planted morning glory's in the front flower bed.  Now, it's relaxation time. 


Saturday, May 20, 2006

Monica's Journal

Monica has kept a journal all year.  It's an assigned thing.  Sometimes they have subjects to write about, some times it's whatever they want.  She brought it home yesterday, and I'm slowly flipping through it.  There is some funny, light-hearted stuff, and some very heavy stuff.  Here are a few that caught my eye today (things in parentheses are just my thoughts and comments.):

Friday, September 9th, 2005

Today is grandparants day!  But, sadly, my grandparents, can't come.  They have to go to a stupid motorcycle show.  Boring!  I am very mad. (this is funny, because she spelled grandparents 2 different ways, and didn't notice it.  Also, she assured mom and me that she was OK with them not being there.  Go figure.)

Thursday, September 15, 2005

My uncle, Steve Fierro, was a firefighter.  He was putting out a fire when it happened.  The roof was on fire, and it fell on him.  He died.  It was a year and a half ago.  Feb. 14, 2004 is the day he died.  I don't want to talk about it any longer. (it was actually the 18th, and we all feel the same way, babe.  We don't want to talk about it.)

February 10, 2006

My grandma's dog  Mandy was a great dog.  She would chase Buddy.  She chewed on bones and sticks.  She went to the cabin with us and hunted with Buddy.  She was an awsome mutt.  (yes, hon, she was.)

I kept the misspellings in there, and didn't change puncuation or anything.  Just so you know.  Now, you have a little glimpse of the world through the eyes of my daughter....10, going on 40.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

My commute

Here is some random crap from my drive to and from work today.  Some are pretty, some are weird, and some are just scary.  Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jim

Happy Birthday to my brother. 

You sneezed on me on purpose.  You tackled me and gave me a rug burn on my nose.  You called me names.  You hit me.  You lied to get me in trouble.

You rode bikes with me to town.  You taught me to spray paint my bike.  You looked out for me when you thought I didn't know.  You defended my country and my freedom.  You're funny as hell and a good trouble-shooter when I'm too cheap to pay someone to fix my problems.

I'd say the good outweighs the bad, and the bad is all in the past.

I love you, Jim.

Happy Birthday!  <----(Notice the John Deer green?)

Tuesday, May 9, 2006

About last night

Mom posted an entry about last night.  This evening, via telephone, I finally got the real story. I had a photographers meeting to attend *yawn* so didn't get home until bedtime, so I talked to her on the phone, and Kevin got the rest. 

First, to clear a few things up. 
When she has a bad dream, she wakes me.  I get up and sit with her, and let her tell me about it if she wants to (sometimes she doesn't want to talk about it.)  After discussion, we get her a drink of water, and I tuck her back into bed.  What else can be done?  She doesn't have them often...maybe once every couple of months.

The nightmare story was just that, a story.  She didn't have one, and hadn't even fallen asleep.

She wasn't sleep walking, since she could tell me even the tiniest details about leaving (the basement door unlocks and opens ok, but doesn't always latch real well when you close it...she didn't get it latched) and she put on sandals and a pair of shorts under her nightshirt.  Sleepwalkers don't do that.

The real story is this:  She has a friend who said he was going to run away and live in the woods.  She laid awake worrying about him.  She told me tonight, "He wouldn't make it even ONE night out there!"  Her plan was to walk to his house, and tell his parents where to find him.

He lives FIVE MILES AWAY!  In a car, it's a short trip, so she probably thought it was closer.  Thank God in heaven above that Mom lives between here and there.  She got worn out and went to Grandma's.  She knew she shouldn't have done it, but she was worried about Devin.

She has had multiple talks from Grandma, Grandpa, me and Kevin about what could have happened.  I asked if any cars passed her, and she said a couple did, on the other side of the road.  Why wouldn't anyone call the police if they saw a young girl walking alone in the night?!  I also keep telling her that she can tell us about such worries, and I will talk to a kids parents, if needed.  She can't always save the world without help.

The stuff that made me not sleep well after, and that kept my stomach in knots all day, and kept me on the verge of tears at work:
She walked 2 miles on a two-lane highway.  No shoulder.  55 mph speed limit. Curves.
There are dogs running loose between here and there.
It's the country, no street lights.
There are weirdo freaks everywhere.
People out at midnight are often drunk drivers.
It was supposed to be storming at that time.  Storms missed us.

I am so thankful.  Still, I had this heavy feeling of dread all day.  Feeling inferior.  I didn't hear her leave, and the phone didn't wake me.  There is no WAY to hear that door from upstairs, but still.  I should have had an alarm on it.  I can't child-proof it, it's their fire exit.  I honestly feel that she "gets" the gravity of the situation, and the could-have-beens have been drilled into her all day.  Still, something tells me I won't be sleeping much tonight.


Sunday, May 7, 2006

Ahhh, never mind

Forget the TV thing.  Friday and Saturday are always grab-bag days of channel surfing.  If anyone gives a crap, tonight will be:
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition
Desperate Housewives
Grey's Anatomy
Some channel hopping will be done for Family Guy.  It appeases Kevin and Brett.

Now, on to the weekend.

I had to work yesterday morning, and took Mom to the store in the afternoon.  Monica decided that her stuffed animal (a lamb who has had it's nose chewed off by the dog) was having a birthday.  We had a cake mix, and Kevin loves cake, so he baked it...for the lamb...her name is Kimba.  She was a boy until a few hours before his/her birthday party.

Brett had a friend spend the night.  He used to be a neighbor, before we moved here.  They had plans to go to a movie today, and having Marshall spend the night last night was easier.  We had cake, and it was fun.  We're so weird.

Today, we ate lunch at Mom and Dad's, then Brett and Marshall went to the movies.  Kevin put new plugs, distributor cap, and rotor on my car.  The plugs were shot.  That explains the missing it was doing while idling.  The oil leak will have to be fixed by a pro.  The whole pan would need dropped, and Kevin fears not being able to reassemble it, after tearing into it.  I prefer him saying that now, rather than after it's in pieces.  We'll see what it'll cost, then decide.  Hell, the car only cost us $500.

Kevin's gone, taking Marshall home, and letting Brett see Kyla for a bit while he runs to WalMart.  I've got laundry moving, and will soon clean the aquarium so my evening is free for T.V.  I love T.V.  Any donations to Kimba's birthday fund can be forwarded to my bank account.  I'll see to it that she gets a new nose....or I get a new car....or something.


Thursday, May 4, 2006

More to come:

Tomorrow, I'm starting a new thing.  I'm not posting enough, so for one week, I'll bore you with what I watch.  I am addicted to TV, and there are certain shows that I will NOT miss.  Starting tomorrow, I'll tell you what I watch and why.  Boring?  Yes.  But it's me.  Get used to it.

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

We interrupt this journal....

For some random blather.

Dad looks great.  He is still healing, and not the Dad I'm used to, but it's so overwhelmingly great to have him laugh.  I mean LAUGH.  Not that guarded chuckle he used in the hospital.  I mean a real hard laugh.  I love it.

Work is work.  'Nough said.  I'm keeping up, but barely.  Keeping up is good, so I'm OK with it.  I'm just so busy.

It was storming when I left for work today.  I had to drive 30 mph to Mom's, dropped off the girls, then headed out in rain so hard I couldn't see the road.  I hit a puddle, no, I hit a RIVER in the road.  Hydroplaned a bit, and got it under control.  From that point on, the oil pressure gauge was weird.

This little LeBaron is a POS.  You have to add a quart of oil every 4-5 days.  The mileage is so good that I keep driving it, though.  I got scared about the gauge, though, and stopped by Kevin's work to swap vehicles.  "Please check the oil when the rain lets up, ok?"  He agreed.


HUH?  I just added oil less than 3 trips to work ago, and it was fine.  So, in three trips, it loses three quarts?  I felt like a dip.  I asked tonight, "did you tell Dad?"  He said that he did.  *sigh*

Dad raised me better than that.  You do NOT leave home low on oil.  If you drive something that burns/loses oil, you check it daily.  Out of oil=out of a car.  Period.  I feel so ashamed.

Kevin drove it home, after making sure the oil level was fine.  I felt stupid.  I checked it, since there is never time in the mornings, and it was over a half quart low.  HUH?  Maybe it's not me?  It's probably me, but losing a pint in a 20 mile trip is unusual for even THAT car.  Could I have loosened the oil filter when I hit the river?  Could something else be to blame?  I doubt it, but I hate to have the shame of driving a thirsty car.  Oil is blood.

Just ask Dad.