Monday, March 31, 2008

Leftover movie quotes

Here are the movie quotes that weren't guessed, with their answers listed.

4. I'll tell you EXACTLY what your life is worth. Your life is worth fifty thousand dollars, that's the price you put on it when you got behind this wheel!  Hooper

9. Now, you listen to me, Mr. Grand High Poobah of Upper Buttcrack, I'm just about half-past give a shit with your fun and games.  Delores Claiborne

11. Nothing I have been told about these people is correct. They are not thieves or beggars. They are not the bogeymen they are made out to be. On the contrary, they are polite guest and I enjoy their humor.  Dances with Wolves

12. The weather out there today is hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.  Good Morning Vietnam

15. The dishes are DONE, man. Don't Tell Mom, The Babysitter's Dead

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Storms are coming

We're supposed to have storms by morning.  Spring is here indeed.  I love a good storm, so I'm more than ready.  We set alarms on our cell phones in case we lose power before morning.

Tomorrow evening, I think I'll post the answers to the movie quotes that nobody got.  The rules didn't say what to do after a few days, and I don't like the post sitting there, half answered.  I'm weird that way.

We made chili and cornbread today, ate too much, napped during the Nascar race, and basically used as little energy as humanly possible.  I love it.  Next week at this time, we'll be at a friends house after watching the race at Texas Motor Speedway!  I cannot wait.  I'm even looking forward to the 10 hour drive down on Friday.

Grammy is going to come up and stay with the girls, so the pets will be taken care of as well.  We'll pack a cooler so we won't spend any money on food.  The fuel alone is going to hurt, but we've been planning this since November.

OK, time for bed.  I hope I can sleep.  That's the only downfall to taking a nap!  LOL  What  a problem to have. 

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Taco party, and lazy pets

Here are some pictures of our pets today.  They are all useless, but all loved.

Nala is a skittish little thing.  She is getting friendlier all the time, but is still skeptical around us.  We love her, and we're happy when she's a shoe box...wishing we would all leave her alone, and quit taking pictures.

Simba is more of a dog than a cat.  He is the coolest.  He will do anything for a treat, and he loves his owner (Natalie) dearly.  He sleeps with her most every night.

Hawkeye was a gift to Kevin, but has turned into my dog.  He loves the whole family, but I'm his person.  He is mostly Australian Shepherd, so he "herds" us regularly.  If we are scattered through the house, he paces until we're all in the same room, then he collapses.  It's hard work, keeping a family all in the same room!

The aquarium holds some of my favorite pets, but they are more neglected than the rest.  They don't bark, meow, pace, or whine.  Therfore, they live in a tank that needs cleaned most of the time.  Today, we cleaned my aquarium, and the sharks are SO happy.

Yes, we have sharks.  They are docile, fresh water sharks.  We have three of them, and they are all different sizes.  They are way-cool to watch, and the plecostomus that lives with them is twice the size of the largest shark, yet demands much less.

Yeah, we have cool pets.  I love my pets.  I could live without the hair, algea, litter boxes and pet food, but I can live WITH those things, too.  All for the thrill that comes from watching these amazing creatures.  Maybe I should get a ferret?  Or a bird?  Or an Emu? 

Probably not.

The taco party at Mom's was awesome!  Pat and Charlene are doing quite well, and we had a great visit.  My bad week had a good ending.  Thanks, Mom.


Kevin has started the Angry Dad blog again!  He had it for a while, but felt he didn't update enough, so he deleted it.  Russ told him a long time ago that he needed to get it going again, and I agreed.

Last night, I was playing the movie meme game, and that is RIGHT up Kevin's alley.  He was getting antsy and making suggestions and such.  I casually mentioned that he should start a blog again...and he soon disappeared into the computer room.  LOL.

He started off with his own installment of the movie meme.  Warning, though: Kevin has some obscure movies listed among his favorites.  Good luck to you.  I can only guess a few, and they're the easy ones, so I'm not taking them yet.

Time to go clean my house.  I've got a taco party to attend at Mom's tonight.  Pat and Charlene are coming, too!  WoooHooo!

P-A-R-T-Y at my folks house!

Friday, March 28, 2008

A Meme from my Mom

Here are the rules of the meme:

* Pick 15 of your favorite movies.
* Go to IMDB and find a quote from each movie.
* Post them on your blog for everyone to guess.
* Fill in the film title once it’s been guessed.

These are the rules, people!

* Leave guesses in the comments.
* No Googling or using IMDB search functions. Don’t cheat!
* Know-it-alls, limit your guesses to three movies. Save some for others!

1. You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity. Toy Story (deshelestraci)

2. Oh. Johnny, I apologize; I forgot you were there. You may go now.  Tombstone (lanurseprn)

3. Oh, king eh? Very nice. And how'd you get that, eh? By exploiting the workers. By hanging on to outdated imperialist dogma which perpetuates the economic and social differences in our society. Monty Python and the Holy Grail (toonguykc)

4. I'll tell you EXACTLY what your life is worth. Your life is worth fifty thousand dollars, that's the price you put on it when you got behind this wheel!

5. Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you're crazy to make an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us... In the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions.  The Breakfast Club (rusrhi)

6. Give me a diablo sandwich, a Dr. Pepper, and make it quick, I'm in a god-damn hurry. Smokey and the Bandit (WTG Dad!)

7. Well look, I like the Christmas Jesus best, and I'm sayin grace. When you say grace, you can say it to grown up Jesus, or teenage Jesus, or bearded Jesus, or whoever you want. Talladega Nights (deshelestraci)

8. I'll never let go, Jack. I promise.  Titanic (lanurseprn)

9. Now, you listen to me, Mr. Grand High Poobah of Upper Buttcrack, I'm just about half-past give a shit with your fun and games.

10. Life's not fair, is it? You see, I... well, I shall never be king. And you... shall never see the light of another day. Adieu.  The Lion King (amy122389)

11. Nothing I have been told about these people is correct. They are not thieves or beggars. They are not the bogeymen they are made out to be. On the contrary, they are polite guest and I enjoy their humor.

12. The weather out there today is hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.

13. The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side. Oh joy! Rapture!  The Wizard of Oz (lanurseprn)

14. Forty years I been asking permission to piss. I can't squeeze a drop without say-so.  Shawshank Redemption (good job, Mom! err, I mean mosie1944)

15. The dishes are DONE, man.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Georgia trip, Day 2

Here it is, day two.  Most of the day was spent working, but it was 80 and sunny, so I won't complain.  Plus, this is the coolest couple that I've ever met.  Anyway, here's your mindless drivle.  I must go watch Celebrity Apprentice, now.  Go Trace!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Home again

I'm home, I'm safe, and I'm exhausted.  I have day-2 pictures, but those will be posted tomorrow.  No pictures from the island, though, since dumbass forgot her camera.  *sigh*

It was a successful trip, and all is well.  Now, I'm going to bed.  Goodnight, friends.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My Georgia trip.

OK, this is more what you're used to from one of my trips.  Mindless nonsense.  Tomorrow will be very busy, but that's OK, I am visiting a customer that I love dearly.  It will be a busy,  but fun day.

Got enough Braille yet?  ROFL.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Questions answered

I'll be landing in Jacksonville, and driving to St. Simon's Island.  Back home by the following evening.

  • #1 Comment from deshelestraci
    3/24/08 3:13 PM | Permalink
    Good pictures.  Why so many photographers?  Seems overkill.
It was a class...called a photo safari.  The red haired guy is a well-know photographer from Louisiana, and he was instructing.  He shows and demonstrates different techniques, etc, and then they all meet in a classroom setting to prep the files in Photoshop.  My role was to take pictures of them taking pictures.

The girls and I took an Easter basket of treats to our favorite radio station, and we got a tour of their new studios.  We also got bumper stickers, 3 new CDs, and 2 posters.  Being a radio station groupy has it's perks!

Now to relax.  I have to pack for my trip tomorrow, but since it's just an overnight, it won't take much to get ready.  I hope my hotel has free wireless.  I hate plugging in and sitting at the desk in a hotelroom.  I'd rather prop up against some pillows and relax while playing around online.

Vegas Pictures

OK OK OK.  I know I kept saying that I'd put up the rest of the pictures from Vegas.  Here's the deal.  I hope you're sitting, because this is a shock:  I'm lazy.

There are over 200 pictures, so there was some editing to do.  Also, I am using the Mac laptop almost exclusively, and it doesn't like the YGP feature of AOL.  That means that I have to open Windows (this machine has Parallels, which allows you to run Windows on a Mac...very confusing, no?) and copy the images from the Mac side to the Windows side.

So, I've been avoiding it.  Most of the pictures will bore you to death, and I didn't do any captions (back to that lazy thing.)  Tomorrow, I leave for an overnight trip to Georgia, and I'll do better with pictures and organization.

Vegas was such a long trip, and so incredibly busy, I didn't get to take any fun, play pictures, except for the one night that my roommate Angel and I went out with a customer, Denise.  OK, I captioned a couple of those, so you'd know who's who.

Now, I have to clean my house.  It's gotten pretty bad.  I may even conquor laundry mountain today.  HA!  I doubt it, but I have high hopes.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

No Country for Old Men

WTH???  We borrowed this movie from Mom.  DANG but it's brutal.  Total guy-flick.  I was squirming and fidgeting and freaking out for 2 hours.  I did NOT like it, but I know it's a good film.  Kevin loved it.  Crimeny, but it freaked me out.

I also want to know how long it took for Dad to know what the air-tank weapon was.  I bet he figured it out long before it was revealed in the movie.  I'm just sayin'.  Also, here is a spoiler, so skip this if you haven't seen the movie, the main character deserved to die.  Anyone who can walk up on that mess and walk away like that is NOT human!

OK, I'm over it, I think.  Actually, it may take a while to "get over" that movie.  Sheesh.  I'm having flashbacks to Silence of the Lambs.  It left the same feeling.  I'm getting goose bumps typing about it.  So it's done.

Monica is spending the night at a friends house.  Tomorrow, after she gets home, we'll head to KC to stalk our favorite radio station.  We have plans to take a treat to them.  They are so good to us, with concert tickets and such, they deserve a treat.  Plus, the girls want to do something special tomorrow.

We bought some shoes yesterday, so there are 3 shoe boxes, one Diet Coke box, and a shopping bag, just lying on the floor.  Are we lazy?  Yeah, but that's not why those items are lying around.  It is SO fun to watch the cats with boxes and bags to play in/with.  They seem to think that each box is a new world to explore.

OK, I'm out.  Tomorrow will be a great day.  Then, I leave town on Tuesday afternoon.  I'll be home Wednesday night.  I think I get to choose the hotel this time, which means I'll have Internet.  PHEW!  Don't ever go to Vegas if you want in-room coffee, free Internet, or anything else that keeps you in the room.  They want  you downstairs, GAMBLING!  Too bad for them I only spent $25 on the evil penny slots.

Have a great night, my friends.  I love you, and I miss checking up on you when I'm gone.  I don't apologize for missing an entry, or a chance to comment, but please know that I'm more comfortable and "at home" when I can check my favorites daily.  Plus, my feet don't hurt as a result of checking journals, like they do as a result of working a trade show in Vegas!

Oh, and can I take this moment to say how relieved I am that my parents aren't selling my childhood home?  I was stressing that one!  I'll help haul hay, and I'll take care of horses while you're away, and I may even quit griping when you're gone on the bike for a couple of days.  No guarantees, though.  LOL

Good night, friends.

Easter Happenings

We all got up and ready, and headed to a nearby town to attend the church that we used to go to.  Mom and Dad were there, too.  It was great, since they have the best choir in the world.  I'm just sayin'.

After church, we headed to lunch at a Chinese buffet.  Some Easter dinner, huh?  It was really good, though.  Monica said she was going back for dessert, and came back with the following items on her plate: Grapes, ice cream, cookies, and shrimp.  SHRIMP???  I laughed pretty hard about that.  When she realized that they were not peeled (as in, she saw the legs) she decided that there was NO way she was eating them.

Now, the girls are painting eggs, and I'm under a blanket, ready to nap while COPS is on TV.  I have a vacation day tomorrow, to hang with the girls during one of their Spring Break days.  Tuesday, I will head to Jacksonville, get in a rental car, and drive to St. Simon's Island, GA for a customer visit.  I'll be back Wednesday evening, so it won't be a long trip.

OK, this is cutting in to my nap time.  *YAWN*

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Worn out beyond belief

I'm home.  Ahhh, home sweet home.  I got in around 1:00 this morning, had to do laundry so I'd have jeans for work, and got to bed at 2:00.  At 8:00, I woke to Monica saying, "Mom!  We have to be in school in 10 minutes!"  I sighed and said, "Well then, my dear, you're going to be late."  Mother of the year, no?

I don't know why I didn't hear the alarm, and I didn't care.  I got them to school 30 minutes late, and headed to work.  I was there at 9:30 (an hour late) and tried to clean up as much work as possible.  By 1:30, I left.  I was so tired and crabby, it wouldn't have done any good for me to stay.

Natalie was to go to Mom's after school, since Monica had a math relay to attend, so she got off the bus out there (they got out early), and called Kevin to tell him that nobody was home.  I should have known that the nice day would warrant a motorcycle ride.  I picked her up on the way home, and was here by 2:45.

Now, I'm sitting with my swollen feet up.  I haven't had more than 6 hours of sleep in a week, and most nights were only 5 hours long.  I knew it would be crazy and busy, but I didn't know it'd be THIS hard!  LOL 

I have more pictures to post.  I hope I'll feel like it tomorrow.  I do NOT have any of my room number in braille.  I do NOT have any of the artwork in my room.  I do NOT have any of the carpet in the hallway.  Yeah, it was THAT busy.  I DID get to have a bit of tourist-type fun one night, and I DID get to meet several customers that I usually only get to talk to on the phone.

I'm just thankful to be home.  Hawkeye informed methat I'm never allowed to leave again.  he told me this by sniffing my butt when I got home.  I feel so violated.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Look at me! I'm online! WooHoo!

Here's some stuff.  I've been offline for 4 days, and now it's 2 in the morning and I have no energy to put into this post.  Call me a pansy.  Whatever.  I'm tired.  I appreciate my husband letting you all know that I'm not dead.  "I'm not dead!"  Sorry.  Monty Python reference.  Check it on youtube.  It's a funny bit.

OK, I'm tired and I'm out.  More tomorrow...I hope.  I have about 347 pictures.  OK, I made that up by randomly hitting numbers, but I have stuff to show you.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Checking in

This is Kevin. Not Rachel. Rachel has been very busy in Sin City. Hopefully not sinning. Anyway, she has had trouble with the hotel Internet. If she doesn't have any luck tonight, she said something technical about borrowing a wireless network thingie from one of the guys. I don't know what the hell she means. I kind of drifted off during that part of the phone call. But she is doing fine and working hard. 

Edited to add: I don't know how to change the color of the text or change the font. You can't find good help these days.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

A Happy Birthday, indeed

My family all hugged me and told me Happy Birthday this morning, and they called it in to my radio station.  On the way to work, the station interviewed Trace AdkinsYup, it was shaping up to be a great day.

When I got in to work, I had a gift bag (beer and Pringles) and a couple of cards on my desk.  Then, I saw the McDonalds bag in my chair.  It was my favorite, a fruit and yogurt parfait and a gift card!  I got many birthday cards, and even some gambling money for Vegas.  LOL

I got home to cards from the family, and a few in the mail.  My mother-in-law called me today, my aunt called me, and my sister-in-law sent me a text.  Yup, everyone treated me like a star.

Now, I must finish packing for my trip.  Tomorrow's entry will be from Sin City.  Don't worry, I only play the penny slots, and there's not much time even for that.  I don't stay out late, and I spend most of my time working.  Still, it's fun to see that side of life.  I would NEVER want to live there, but it's an interesting trip.

This is also going to be my longest business trip ever so far.  6 days away from home.  Think good thoughts for my family, would you?  Kevin's been told that he has to go back to work on Monday.  The timing couldn't be worse, with me leaving town, but Mom said she'd help.

OK, back to wedging too many items into a single suitcase.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My Birthday Eve

OK, so it's my Birthday Eve.  My family all wished me a happy Birthday Eve this morning.  What a cool family.

My BFF Tammy emailed me today, and asked me to stop by on the way home.  She gave me the coolest Bday gift.  I'll share tomorrow, but it's so cool, the way it happened.

When I was on the way home, I was instructed to stop at Quik Trip and buy a powerball ticket.  When I came out and backed out of my parking spot, this weird chick was taking my picture.  That's a weird feeling.  Then, I realized that she was taking my picture from the back of a white Honda Goldwing.  What????  Yeah, it was Mom.  *sigh*  How small-town weird is that?  LOL

I got home to pizza and Pringles.  My favorite dinner EVER!  My birthday eve is the best ever!  Oh, and the card that Mom sent?  It made me cry.  I miss you, Grandma.  Maybe I'll share that tomorrow, too.

Tomorrow night, I have to pack for a 6-day convention trip.  That's my longest trip ever.  Check back here this weekend for pictures from Vegas.  I'm excited, scared, and worried.  It'll be a great trip, but my family will be here.

Kevin has to return to work on Monday.  Of all the bad timing in the world, I'm gone until Wednesday night.  I hope we can call upon Mom a bit. This sucks.  Kevin is on "desk duty" for a while.  That is laughable, since there isn't a DESK be be found where he works.  Anyway, he will go in and stand around for 9 1/2 hours per day.  sheesh.

OK, time for bed.  I hope you all had a great "Rachel's Birthday Eve" and I hope tomorrow is even better.  It'll be a DANG good day for me.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Introducing, Angela!

What a beautiful afternoon!  I drove home with my window mostly down, and we decided to hang around outside for a bit.  I'm so happy when the weather is nice!

I told you about Angela last night.  That is Monica's new best friend, made from a cardboard tube.  Let's take a look:

Here, she is preparing to grill up some food for dinner.  I hope she doesn't get too close to the flame!

Angela is getting ready to chill out on the deck for a while.  Maybe she'll have a drink.

Above, she realized that if she sits in a chair, she's very tall.  I guess that's because she can't "sit."  No waist, you know.

If she could afford expensive beer, she'd probably choose Molson Canadian.

But she can't afford Molson, so she drinks Keystone Light.

Here's a close-up of her face.  The lipstick is a bit heavy, but she's kind of drunk.

Here is one last shot to show the full outfit.  Nevermind the shipping label on her leg.  She's traveled so far.

And there you have it, Angela!  She's an important part of the family, now.  She slept in the guest room last night, which should be fine, right?  Yeah, except that when I walked in there, fresh out of the shower this morning, and flipped on the light, she scared the living daylights out of me!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Monday 'N Stuff

What a tough Monday at work.  When it was over, I went outside WITHOUT a coat, and got into my car for the ride home.  I stopped for gas, which I pumped WITHOUT a coat, and drove home WITHOUT the heat!  I'm loving daylight saving time.  See?  No "s."  It's not daylight savings time, it's daylight saving time.  I learned something this weekend.

My "pay it forward" is exciting to me.  I will, within the next 365 days, send something to Russ, Amy, and Celeste.  I'll have to find JUST the right thing.  I have a couple of ideas, but we'll see what happens.  I'm glad to have so much time to decide.

I brought a tube home from work.  It's a cardboard tube that is about 5' tall and 6" in diameter.  I thought the cats would enjoy it.  They do, BUT...the girls are enjoying it more.  They teased the cats a bit with it, and then Monica dressed it up.  Yes, I said she "dressed it up."  It's her new friend.

I took some pictures with my phone, but I'll get better pictures with the camera tomorrow.  Seriously.  This thing is dressed in a shirt and skirt, it has a face, it wears shoes, and there is a halloween wig for hair.  Her face is drawn on with markers.  It's funny.

OK, time for bed.  Have a great Monday night, and enjoy your Tuesday!  It'll be daylight when I get home again!  WoooHooo!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pay it Forward

I'm going to do the "PAY IT FORWARD" game also.......

So here are the rules:

1.~Leave a comment on my blog that says you want to play. First three folks to comment will get a gift from ME. (If I don't know it already, let me know how I can contact you)

2.~Do the same thing on your blog!  The first three folks who leave a comment and commit to doing this on their blog, too, will get a surprise from YOU at a surprise time in the next 365 days!

This will be fun!  Who's in?

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bass Pro Shops, remix

I took the girls to Bass Pro Shops last week, but was so sick that we left after a short time.  Now that we're all over it, and I'll be gone for 6 days next week, we decided to have a day out, starting at BPS again.

Kevin hadn't been there yet, so I warned him about the crowds.  Hopefully, when the new wears off, it won't be so crazy busy all the time.  We wandered around a bit and Kevin and the girls all took a turn at the shooting gallery.  Kevin's pretty good!

After checking out the fish in the massive aquarium (we were there at feeding time,) we were treated to lunch by Kevin.  The restaurant there is quite good!  We got two dinners and all shared everything between the 4 of us.

After shopping around some more, just looking at what is there, we left and headed to Walmart for a couple of essentials that were forgotten yesterday.  While there, we thought we'd check the clearance racks for pants for the girls.

Boy, did we hit it big!  I got a new pair of khaki pants (needed for trade shows) for $7, and the girls got jeans for $5 a pair!  I was so glad that we stopped.  By the time we left there, we were all beat and ready to come home.

It was good to hang out together, and we all had a good time.  I didn't mention that I had missed the Nationwide race today, and now I see that it's on again!  I won't watch the whole thing.  Something isn't the same when you already know the result.

I am ready for warmer weather.  It's been winter for 4 years, it seems.  I want green grass, BBQs, sunshine and flowers.  I want windows open, breezes blowing, and birds singing outside.

It's coming, I know.  I'll be in the desert in 6 days, but it's not supposed to be ALL that warm there.  Still, 60s will feel pretty darn good.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Friday at last

Third time's a charm.  If this doesn't work, then it's too bad.  Sorry.

I'm ready to enjoy a weekend!  Last weekend was wasted on phlegm and fevers, this weekend will be wasted on Nascar and recliners.  That's a much better choice.

One week from tonight, I'll be posting an entry from Vegas.  It'll be a real busy trade show, but we're already trying to figure ways to sneak in a spare hour here or there.  I want to see the sights and drop some pennys in a slot machine.

I told you that Kevin was bringing home a new baby.  Yeah, I've been replaced.

**added later.  The album didn't load, so just click on "view album" below to see the new baby.** 

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I'm Baaaack!

PHEW!  That flu is some NASTY stuff!  I was down and out, big time.  I was pretty ill on Saturday and Sunday, worse on Monday, and almost dead on Tuesday.  I came home early on Tuesday, went to bed with a 101 fever (my normal is 97.5) and asked Kevin to shoot me more than once.

The girls have been down for the last two days, but are hyper now, so they're heading back to school tomorrow.  I hope and pray that Kevin escapes it.  So far, he's good.  I now have only a small headache above and behind my eyes, but all else is good.  PHEW!

Now, I'm going to start reading some journals, watching some TV, and enjoying relaxing without wondering how long it'll be until I die.  I've told Kevin to grab a friend and go play with his car to escape the madness of post-illness females.  I'll have to show pictures of his new "baby" this weekend.

I'm back, and glad to be back.  Do NOT go where I've been.  It's an ugly place.  Sick people are gross.  Phlegm, snot, coughs, sneezes, night sweats and moaning.  Yeah, that's been me.  I've been gross.  The only leftovers now are the occasional loose cough, and some nasty dry skin under my nose, which looks like dry snot, if it's not tended to.  ICK!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

I'm sick

What a waste of a beautiful day.  I took the girls to Bass Pro Shops, and just one trip up the stairs left me gasping for air.  I knew I was getting bad, so we got out of there, stopped at the evil WalMart for groceries and came home.  I went right to bed.

Walking to the next room leaves me out of breath, and I think Astaryth lost one of her elephants, and it's sitting on my chest.  I made it through, watching person after person fall ill with this crap, while I skated by, avoiding contact.  Last night I was fine, today I am useless.
