Saturday, September 30, 2006

Sleep at last, I hope

So the flight started, and I was on one of those tiny regional jets, crammed in close proximity to a guy I didn't know.  There wasn't enough leg/foot room, but I lost myself in a good book and didn't think about it.  By the time we landed, I was starving, and D.C. was gray and cold and rainy.  I hoped this wasn't an omen for the weekend.

I was able to grab a quick sandwich at the D.C. airport, so I didn't starve to death.  The place said "best grilled chicken on earth", and I'd say it didn't even make the top 10, but I was starving, and the fries were good.  I found my connection with very little difficulty, even though that place is pretty darn big and a shuttle was involved.

This flight was on another small jet, but each row had one seat on one side of the aisle, and two on the other.  I was in the lone seat on the left.  YES!  It was still tight, but better.  I kept reading for the one-hour flight part of  my journey, then arrived in Greenville.  Holy CRAP!  It is SO beautiful here.  The weather is great and the area is just pretty.  It was refreshing.

Although the hotel shuttle driver got stuck in traffic and made me wait 45 minutes outside the airport, he was genuine and sweet.  I was the only one on, so we chatted about Nascar (sorry Russ) and football and small towns and his girlfriend, who sounds like quite a girl. 

The hotel is pretty, but the coke machine on my floor doesn't work.  I should tell you some time about my luck with vending machines in hotels.  If you buy them in the gift shop, they're $1.50 a bottle!  What a scam.  The gift shop also carries no gifts.  Why not call it a "stuff you forgot" store.  It's handy for that.  How can I buy overpriced souvenirs for my kids?  I guess I could buy them toothpaste and a tampon and shaving cream, right?  Just kidding.  I'll find something at the airport.

Well, I did 2 hours of trade show booth tonight, and I've been up since 4, so it's time for me to crash.  Do I get to say it's 10:15, even though my body doesn't think it is?  LOL  Gotta make it sound more pitiful.  Good night friends.  I'll try to get more pictures tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL - I use that many pillows... 5 for just me....Ryan uses 6-7....  hee hee...

Hey, the girls would probably dig the shaving cream!  :-P

Everybody always says how beautiful the Carolinas are.....
