Thursday, May 31, 2007

Another long weekend?

Mom tagged me, so I added an entry on my other blog.  I have a vacation day Friday, so it was a very short week.  Good thing, too, since it sucked so greatly.  Worst week I've had since busy season, and it was only 3 days!

Anyway, I have a day off to myself.  Kevin will be at work and the girls will be in summer school.  Our yard looks like a jungle.  I call it "native Missouri prairie grasses" but it needs mowed.  It was sunny and bright and beautiful all day today...while I sat at work.  Tomorrow?  When I'm home?  When I could mow?  Thunderstorms and rain all day.  Blech.

Prayers to my hotrod brother please.  No details, since I don't know any, and he's supposedly fine, but send up a prayer to a hot shot who needs a dose of Slow-Me-Down.

Goodnight, dear friends.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Rain, rain, rain.

Rain, rain, rain.

Mamma always taught me to "never curse the rain."  How about breaking that poem out now, mom?  I could use it.

We went to a nearby town this evening, and almost didn't make it home as water was getting farther and farther across the road. At one point, there was barely a car's width to get through.  Thank goodness we made it without turning around and adding 10+ miles to the trip, finding another route.

Rain, rain, rain.

Rain, rain, rain.

My floorboard in the car is wet, due to some type of leakage when it rains.  My hair is in a constant state of half-wet/mostly-frizzy.  My dogs stink (more than usual) and there are muddy footprints on my floor (kid AND dog.)  I am suffering from sunshine deficiency, and I need to go to the store for a can of Bitch-B-Gone.

'Nuff said.

::added later::

P.S. My power has gone off 4 times, for 5-30 seconds each time.  It's not "storming" and the wind is not blowing.  Poor computers.  Poor Kevin, missing something on the history channel.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Holiday weekend, Day 3

Today, we had a lazy morning, then packed a cooler and a picnic lunch, and headed to historic Lexington, MO.  We visited the courthouse, which still has a canon ball in one of the pillars.

There were other photo ops, like a miniature statue of Liberty, which Steven enjoyed, and tried to pose the same.

Natalie read some history on the sign outside.

The we arrived a the Battle of Lexington site, and waited patiently for our tour.

We toured the Oliver Anderson house, which is way cool and full of interesting history.

By the time the tour was over, everyone was starved, so we decided to have our picnic lunch.  I thought I had packed too much food, but we were all about 2 hours past hungry, so the food went quickly.

After lunch, we went up to the battlefield, and as we stopped at each marker, Kevin would read the significance to us.

My favorite picture of the day is this one, which has nothing to do with history...just family:

It was a successful trip, even though SOME people missed a LOT of natural beauty by playing with a cell phone.

Text messages.  SHEESH!  And she wonders why I won't let her have her own cell phone.

Anyway, the day was another success.  I needed this weekend so badly, and I'm glad it's turning out so well.  What will tomorrow bring?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Holiday weekend, Day 2

Day two has been great, as well.  We got Grammy's room put together just in time.  There is some more trim work and touch up to do, but it's coming along nicely.

When they arrived, the girls ran out to greet them, and Monica had Grammy in a bear hug before she could get out of the car!

Steven is getting so big.  He's recently lost a tooth, making for a great smile:

Soon we all decided to go to Fun House Pizza for lunch.  The games were as much enjoyed as the pizza.  Steven had so much fun with air hockey:

Then Susan and the girls played a game or three:

The Simpson's pinball game was fun.  (I had to play this one, myself!)

And even Kevin got in on the arcade action!

Yup. This is turning into an awesome holiday weekend, and it's only half over!

By the way, don't tell Grammy that I told you, but I beat her at Rummy this afternoon.  I beat her pretty often.  I mean, really, Kevin and I have been married almost 12 years, and I've won TWICE now.  Stand in awe of me.

Holiday weekend, day 1

We started the day by emptying the guest room (AKA Grammy's room) in preperation for painting.

Imagine our surprise when Mom and Dad stopped by on their way out of town on the bike!  All of the bedroom contents were filling our living room.  What a mess!  Good thing they're family.

We went to the store to get paint and groceries, and we saw a Kellogg's truck and trailer out in front of WalMart.  The girls and I had to check it out.

In the trailer was a boat ride simulator.  They had so much fun, trying to get that boat to go where they wanted it.  There was a course to follow, going under Kellogg's signs and such, but they wound up going in circles, instead.


It tossed them around and followed the motion of waves.  It was way cool, and they both had a turn at driving.

Then we came home and started painting.  It's a pale green with dark green trim.  We even found an inexpensive bed-in-a-bag that matches nicely.  It's amazing how much a coat of cheap paint can change a room.

Even if you DO have to make a huge mess to get there.

Finally, to give him his fair due, who could stay mad at this face?

Even if he DOES shed all over the place and chase cats when we let him outside.

I can't wait to see what the rest of my weekend brings.  Kevin's Mom (Grammy) and sister (Susan) and nephew (Steven) are on the way up as we speak. 

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Commuting 'N Long Weekends 'N Stuff

I got off early today, and I don't have to return until Tuesday!  WOOOHOOOO!  I'm extremely happy with this situation.  I've become a bit burned out, and I need a break. 

I have said many times how much I love my commute.  I live in the country and work in the city, so I get to see lots of interesting things that others don't see.  For instance, in the city I might see something like this:

A car with a can of Red Bull on top!  The "Red Bull gives you wings" thing is overrated.  This car wasn't going very fast.

In the country, you are likely to be slowed down by this sight:

Yeah, I wasn't going very fast at this point:

And it's not easy to find a place to pass on country roads.

It's all worth it, though, when I see beautiful countryside, down by the river:

And, just for kicks and giggles; how could you stay mad at this face?

Even when her barking and running and playing is getting annoying.  We love you, Lucy.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just stuff

My pictures are still not fixed.  I'll give it one more day, then I'm going to quit paying for AOL.  Oh.  Wait.  I'm NOT paying.  *sigh*  If I go to all the trouble to be witty and charming in the comments of my images, I want my thousands of readers to enjoy.  OK, I want both readers to see them.

I refuse to bash my own flesh and blood in a public forum, so I'll give the short version.  Brett and I had it out for the last time.  I expect certain things, he feels entitled to certain things.  I gave an ultimatum, he called my bluff.  I told him to move out (a week early.)  He is now living at his Dad's.  My stress level has dropped a TON in the past 2 days, but I still feel like a rotten mother for it.

I saw him tonight, to give him some of his stuff.  I told him I love him.  I DO love him, and he needs to know and remember that.  I see this as a fresh start for him, and hope he takes full advantage.  He didn't graduate.  There is one chance for him to make it up in the next few weeks.  I pray he takes the opportunity.  It is ridiculous to let 1/2 credit keep you from getting a diploma, but he did. *sigh*

I love and miss him.  It's the best plan for now, though.  I get to be the fun, weekend parent.  A place to visit.  A place to chill on a day off.  I'm ready for that change, after 18 years of being "the heavy."

On Sunday night, we got to see Venus through Natalie's telescope.  Totally cool.  I didn't think her cheap-o telescope would do that well, but it did, and I'm glad I got to share it with Kevin and the girls.

I have worked my butt off over the past few days.  I finished working on the "rec room," a cool place for the girls to chill.  They have a love seat, a sofa, a coffee table, a desk and chair, and a TV with dish hooked up.  They are excited and happy, and it's fun to do stuff for them when they are so appreciative.  OK, it wasn't fun to do for them WHILE I was running cable over a drop-ceiling with 1" clearance, but afterwards, I realized it was cool.

Well, I'm off to cheer for Blake on American Idol.  Yes, I DO know that I'm lame.  You don't have to point it out.  What else am I going to do with my evening?  Domestic work?  HA!  I think not.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Venus, horses, and brakes

What a busy weekend!  I spent most of yesterday overhauling the basement, thanks to some carpet that someone gave to me at work.  We took some furniture down and got a "rec room" set up for the girls.  It's not done until we move dish access in there (no TV until next weekend) and the walls aren't finished, but they like it anyway.

Last night, we saw Venus.  I thought it was a star, until the news anchor told me different, so I told the kids to go look, and I got a picture or two.

Today, we went to Mom and Dad's for a bit.  Kevin changed oil in both vehicles, Natalie caught and rode Blue, and Kevin and Dad fixed my brake-fluid-loss problem.  A pesky wheel cylinder was to blame.  Dad was elbow deep in grease far longer than we would have liked, knowing they were going for a bike ride, but I really appreciate his help.  Stopping a car is a good thing.

Now we're home, and I'm gonna sit on my arse for a while.  Gotta feel like a weekend, one way or the other.

*P.S. I do NOT like AOL's new version of album viewing.  If you want to see an "almost" normal view, click on an image above.  Otherwise, my oh-so-witty-and-insightful comments don't show.  Jerks.  Have I mentioned how my hatred of AOL is growing?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Why we aren't keeping Annie.

Well, Annie will not be living here with us.  I know, after Molly, this makes us look like we're fickle when it comes to dogs, but we AREN'T....REALLY!

We had no money invested with Annie, so we decided to go for it for a week.  First 2 days, we realized she wasn't house broken.  She was much younger than we thought, so we decided to give it a bit more time.

She also chews things up terribly.  Remember the nerf ball?  Yeah.  It was like that many days.  Part of our morning routine became, "Let's look for anything that Annie will eat."  The girls became good at this game.  There were actually 2 days that nothing was destroyed when we got home.

Kevin's work buddy thought he had 100' of chain link fence.  If this was true, we'd build a pen, and try harder to keep her.  The very mention of her going back to Grandma's house sent Natalie into tears.  She hauled this dog around like a baby, and Annie slept in her room at night.  They were buds.

Then, tonight happened.

Natalie took Annie for a walk.  While they were gone, Kevin gave the other two a rawhide chewie.  When Natalie got back, Annie ran under the table and took Lucy's chewie.  Lucy offered a little, 1-second growl.  A half-hearted growl at that.  That was a mistake.

Annie pinned Lucy, then picked her up by the throat.  With Lucy picked up off the floor, Annie was shaking her unmercifully by the throat.  Kevin dove under the table and grabbed Annie, who rewarded him with a bite.  That was the end.

Any dog who will do that to another dog will do that to a kid.  It's a gamble I'm not prepared to take.  Besides that, Lucy is now a part of the family, and I will NOT allow another dog to hurt her.  Prove your dominance, and I'm fine.  Try to kill her, I'm fine no more.

Don't get me wrong.  She is a sweet dog, and the girls love her.  I don't think it dangerous for her to be around them at Mom and Dad's house.  It was a weird situation that will probably not be repeated, while she lives outside.  I kind of feel bad, but the good outweighs the bad.  Goodbye, Annie.  It was a good week.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I am constantly thinking "Wow, their priorities are all messed up!"  The fact is, we all have our weaknesses in that area.  You would think mine are out of whack, while I'm thinking the same of you.

I think it's crazy that you drive an expensive, brand-new car with high payments, when you can barely make ends meet.  You might think I'm nuts for buying a pizza, when our bills keep us from having much grocery money that week.

I can't believe you let your elementary school kid walk around town, un supervised, for hours on end, without knowing where she is.  You'd roll your eyes at me having mine make coffee in the morning, while I sleep that extra 10 minutes.

It scares me that you think it's OK to go into debt for a new laptop, when the one you have works fine, and is only a year old.  Can YOU believe that I have dish network, high-speed Internet, and 3 cell phones in the house?

Kat?  You bought SHREDDED CARROTS, while wondering if you could afford the hamburger?  Guess what, Kat, I decided against chicken breasts a couple of weeks ago so I could buy name-brand chips and dip.

Ha! Sorry to call you out, Kat, but your the most recent journal I've read today.  I'm just messin' with ya.

So, there you have it.  We all look like our priorities are screwed up, to each other.  Let's all get rich, so money priorities are a thing of the past, OK?  Then, we'll all be drinkin' that free Bubble-Up and eatin' that Rainbow Stew.  If anybody, other than my parents, get that reference, please let me know.  Just typing it made me feel old.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

It's Party Time!

Tonight is the ACM's.  The girls and I will watch it, make fun of people's clothes, sing along with our favorites, and generally have a good time

Kevin doesn't care, so he'll probably sleep.  I'll never understand why he goes to bed so early.  Heck, it seems like his high-stress, physically demanding job, won't allow him to function on less than 5 hours of sleep...go figure.

The new dog eats things.  Today it was an extension cord.  Yesterday it was a nerf ball.  I say, "Don't electrocute yourself or choke on foam, moron."  I'm sensitive like that.  Time to make sure my shoes are in the closet at night, huh?  Monica has already lost part of a flip-flop.  Good thing that dog is cute.

OK, I'm off to eat Burrito's and Dorito's and maybe some Taquito's and Frito's.  Anything ending in "ito's" is fair game on ACM night!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Don't leave your Nerf ball at my house, ok?

I've sent the Dallas story to a few people.  Sorry it took a week, but things have been, I mean I've been so busy...., I mean, I forgot. :( Sorry.  If you didn't get it, and you want it, email me or leave a comment.  It's all typed up and comes complete with pictures!

The dog is working out all right.  Natalie has claimed her, so Monica claimed Lucy (just to keep things even and fair.)  I told them that, in order to claim a dog, you have to take care of most of the daily care.  For two days, it's worked beautifully.  THEY take the dogs out to pee.  THEY clean up nerf ball parts.  THEY fill the food and water bowls.  I could like this arrangement.  I give it a week, tops, but I'm going to enjoy the week.

Brett came home.  He's helping and letting me know where he's going and when he'll be home.  It's a start.

To see my Mother's Day Breakfast in Bed Feast, see my other journal, or click Mother's Day Breakfast in Bed Feast.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day.  I plan to visit my mother some time today, but they'll probably be gone on the bike for a good portion of the day.  In three shopping trips, over the past two weeks, I've looked at cards.  I never found the right one, so she's not getting one.  Terrible, isn't it?  I never just buy a card to be buying a card.  It's got to be right, and the right one wasn't there this year.

I needed a card that says, "Happy mother's day.  Try to forget how much of a brat I was in high school." or something like that.  How she put up with me, I don't know.  I need to figure it out, since I'm going through the same thing now.  I put my friends before my parents, stayed out until all hours, never helped around the house, and generally made life "all about me."  What a brat.

Mom didn't give up on me, though.  Now, I'd rather spend my free time at their house, than out with friends.  I take care of my house and go to bed by 9.  Sorry it took 38 years, Mom.  I love you.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Birthday, Jim

My brother, Jim, turned 40 yesterday.  That may explain the motorcycle. LOL  Happy Birthday, Jim!

Jim's entry about the day

Mom's entry about Jim

Thank God the weekend is here.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

stWednesday NStuff

I did type up the story, and will send it, but not tonight.  Mom granted us a "date night" and we met a couple of friends at Joker's.  I picked up the girls at 7:50, we caught Brett in another lie, and now we're doing the nighttime thing.  Showers, trash-to-the-curb, Idol results show, and picking up this wreck of a house.

I can't wait for summer.  It's not a season thing.  It's not a vacation thing.  I need May to end for several reasons.  Please, let May end soon.

*added later* Oh yeah, do you watch MSNBC or CNN?  We're a natural disaster area.  Gotta be famous for something, and the sports teams aren't cuttin' it.  We're famous for destruction.  Wet, wet destruction.  *sigh*

I just wanna go to work from Mom's, without taking a detour.  I'm selfish like that. 

I vow to NEVER again gripe about mowing or weed-eating the huge hill out front.  The huge hill means that we're safe from flooding.  There is something to be said for living at the highest point in town.

Monday, May 7, 2007

The Dallas story, if you ask

OK, I can't post EVERYTHING here, so if you ask, I'll send you the story of my trip.  I also deleted a comment, made by my mother.  Heck, anyone can google me, so I have to be careful, since I'm anti-private at this time.  Boy, do I have a story, though.  Wednesday, I can type it up and send it out.  Email if you want it.

We may adopt the "stray" that Mom has.  We'll bring her home this weekend, and see if she's housebroken.  That's "almost" my only stipulation.  She's friendly and loving and loyal.  I could pay the Vet bills for the same cost as adopting, and this dog has proven herself.  We'll see.

I mentioned this weekend.  It's mother's day.  Last year, we went to see Kevin's Mom.  This weekend, he needs to go again.  It's not just her, it's the memorial softball tournament, and he needs to help.  Last year, we went down for Mother's day, and this year, I want to see my mother.  It's just a thing that you do when your parents live far away.  You take turns.  I hope Linda understands.  I know she will.

For mothers day, I don't know what to do.  I'm food-oriented, so I want to cook for her, but they eat real healthy now, so I'm not sure what I'll do.  Just hang out?  Take her to New Life (I'd love to go?) Cook something for her? Find a way to ride horses with her?  Mom?  This is your chance?  What is your Mother's Day wish?  I owe you my life (literally) and am willing to give much less than that.  LOL I cracked myself up with that one.

One more note: My flight home from Dallas last night was delayed, so I waited, and when we boarded, many folks were already on this flight, connecting through Dallas to KC.  Who did I sit in the middle of?  Dare you ask?  The baseball team from Mizzou.  They were wild and funny and "almost" out-of-control, and it made the flight fun.  Thanks, Mizzou boys, thanks for the laughs.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Here I am in Dallas, finally.

OK, here are some things from my day that I find quite funny:

1) I went to buy an overpriced Diet Coke ($2.32? Are you serious?) and the lady at the register asked, "Are you with the special Olympics?"  I struggled to find the words.  Special, I am. Olympic, I'm not.  It wasn't until 20 minutes later that I realized I had on a Torch Run Tshirt, supporting the Special Olympics.

2) When we were about ready to leave, this late hoochie got on the plane, and started at the front row, continuing back, asking, "Is this seat taken?" At. Every. Row.  There were tons of seats available, but she had to try EVERY row.  She settled in front of me.  She had burgandy hair, several piercings, BRIGHT green (we're talking amphibian green) eye shadow, and her burgandy hair sported a head band AND a pony tail.

3) I shared my exit row with Mr. Military.  His hair was buzzed to nothing, he had perfect posture, and he said "ma'am" a lot.  I was impressed.  5 minutes into the flight, he fell asleep.  He didn't wake up until the landing gear hit the runway.  Bless his heart.

4) The chick behind me asked the flight attendant for a beer.  The flight attendant first said, "You'll have to chug it." which cracked me up, then said, with full downflying arm motion, "We're going down now."  WHAT?  ACK!

5) The turbulent bumps are HORRID on a full bladder (remember, I don't pee on planes.)

6) I gathered my checked bag, and called the hotel for a shuttle.  "We don't do that on weekends."  WTH?  Fine, I called a cab.  More out of pocket money.  Work will reimburse me, but I want my cash!

7) At the hotel, I go in with a bag, a laptop, and a purse.  The clerk is dealing with someone else, then he looks at me and says, "You got a question?"  Ummm, no, I want to check in.

8) The advertised food/drinks in the evening? They don't DO that on weekends.  Good Lord, what DO you do on weekends?

Anyway, I'm here, and I'm fine.  I brought some microwaveable food and I'm all set.  Don't travel with Pringles, my friend.  Don't even try.

Here I sit

Here I sit at my gate.  The flight before mine was to depart at 2:20, and they hadn't started boarding yet at 2:20.  Heck, there was no PLANE at 2:20.  Now everyone is off, and the folks waiting will get on board.  Just get out of my way and don't delay my plane.  I'm selfish like that.  They're going to Orlando.  Probably vacation.  Lucky. LOL

I love Southwest.  I printed my boarding pass at home last night, so I get to load in the first group.  Maybe I'll get an exit row seat.  I'll definately sit by a window, since I refuse to pee on a plane.  That way I can arrive undisturbed.  I've already done some of my beta testing homework, here in the terminal, so that's almost done.  Now, I'm eating cheese crackers and cracking up. LOL!

OK, hopefully I'll have something exciting to write about from Dallas.  I doubt it, but I'll try.  I know you can only look at so many pictures of my room number in braille.  I'm weird like that.

Friday, May 4, 2007

So little time

Well, I have decided that there is "so little time."  Mom warned me.  Dad warned me.  Damn, I SO should have listened to them.

How do you divide your time?  Work wants more and more time.  The school frowns if you don't have time to get to an event.  Family wants time to chat, one-on-one.  Husband wants time to, well, you know.  Dogs want time to walk.  Friends want time to get together and chat.  I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME!

OK, enough of the rant.  I leave tomorrow, noonish, to head to the airport.  I fly out at 3:30 to head to Dallas.  I arrive, and have time to myself.  Sweet sweet time to myself, right?  NOPE!  I have to beta test new software, and write about 2 dozen credits* that I haven't gotten to at work.  I'll rise early Sunday to be picked up by the customer and work with them for about 10 hours, after an evening in a hotel, working.

I was pissed at an awful day.  I was pissed at certain co-workers.  I was pissed that I have to leave tomorrow, and lose another weekend.  I was pissed that I was so far behind in credits*.   I was pissed that I'm not appreciated enough.

Then I got home.  I love my house.  I love my kids.  I love my husband.  I love my commute.  I love my mother/babysitter.  I love my dad.  I love my brother.  I love my mother-in-law.  I love my dogs.  I am blessed.  I am blessed and I have a great life.  I have more than many people could ever hope for.

I can get over a bad day.  I can live with my life.  I need to buy some time, so if you have some to sell, let me know.  Other than that, life is groovy.

*credits are the paperwork jungle that I maneuver to make sure an overcharge is corrected.  They pile up fast, and I never have time at work to deal with them, anymore.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Mother of the Year? ummmm, NO

It's been such a long couple of weeks.  I am worn down to nothing.  I'm working Saturdays and long hours during the week.  The phones are going crazy at work because it's prom/spring sports season.  I have to visit a customer, arriving in Dallas Saturday night, returning Sunday night.  I'm just.plain.tired.

This is the time of year when every school bombards us with programs.  Band programs, choir programs, science fairs, church programs....whatever.  There is something to do every night, it seems.  I enjoy watching my children in these events, but not the rest of the kids.  I'm a horrible person.

Tonight, Kevin had to go to night court, due to witnessing an accident.  It is reading night at the school, which is 1 1/2 hours of being read to.  I'm so tired.  I was dreading it all the way home.  Then, I formed the plan.

I told the girls I'd bribe them.  They were game.  "The family feast from Pizza Hut (grandma had a coupon) which includes 2 large pizzas, a family sized order of breadsticks, and a 2 liter of Dr. Pepper, in exchange for the night at the school.  Deal, or no Deal?"  The resounding shout was "DEAL!"

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sunday, 'N Stuff

Sunday was the best day ever.  We grilled at Mom and Dad's, and had lots of help to eat the food.  Seriously, there was too much food.  I always grill too much on the first cook out of the season.  We had pork chops, chicken, hot dogs, burgers, and smoked sausages.

Add to that the corn-on-the-cob, mom's potato salad and Old Settler's Beans, and you have a feast for 20 people.  We only coaxed 10 into eating, so there were many leftovers, but it was all good.

Hawkeye wouldn't leave again.  *sigh*  I had to drag him by the collar toward the car.  He loves my mother, and follows on her heels all over that place.  I keep telling him that he loves me, but he's not buying it yet.  BAD DOG!  GET IN THE CAR!  That's my new mantra.  *sigh*

OK, more tomorrow.  I'm settled now.  Almost done traveling and staying late and doing work stuff after hours.  Almost done.