Friday, July 29, 2005

getting ready to party

I had a lot to do tonight, so I wanted to hurry.  Yeah right!  Not with the traffic that I face each afternoon.  There is construction underway, and frankly, most drivers are idiots.  Anyway, the picture on the left is what I see every night.  A parking lot in a 70 mph zone. SIGH

I picked Brett up at his dad's.  He's home to stay!  Yeah!  Then I made a couple of quick stops and got home.  Kevin had the hard part of the mowing done, with only the rider mowing to do.  I grabbed the weedeater and did that part.  Then Brett helped me assemble our new volleyball net.  That'll come in handy.

The reason it'll come in handy is that we're having a party tomorrow evening.  Our first gathering in our new house.  The outside looks awesome, tomorrow morning we start on the inside.  The food has been purchased and it's all coming together.  At 6 tomorrow, folks will start arriving, and the "yes" folks (who RSVP'd) will number over 30.  I've got work friends, non-work friends, Kevin's work friends, and a few relatives thrown in for good measure.

I hope everyone has a good time.  I don't worry so much about the obvious.  I know the house will look OK, I know there's enough food.  I know that the mechanics will come together just fine, but I want people HAPPY!  My next entry will be about my party.  Wish me luck!

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Gettin' your butt kissed

Well, after Kevin read my entry last night, he wrote on the calendar, for today's date, "kiss Rachel's ass."  I laughed so hard.  He said, "I decided to pencil it in now, so you can get the ass-kissing that you obviously need."  It was a good day for him to do it, too, since it's raining and cooler, so he's not so worn out tonight.

I came home to dinner cooked and on the table.  He met me at the door with a beer and a Diet Coke and said, "Which one?"  ROFL  He's GOOD at this.  I sat down to eat and he asked if I wanted Parmesan on my spaghetti.  I declined and he said, "I'll go get it!  Really I will!  I'll go right now if you want it!"  OK, now it's getting nutty.

Anyway, Kevin's a great guy and he always has been.  My ranting last night was just for his eyes.  I wanted to give him a hard time in public like the griping he listens to in private every day.

You're still awesome, honey.  Thanks for dinner.  I wouldn't trade you for anything (boy, I hope Trace Adkins never knocks on the'd be hard to honor that agreement.)  heh heh, I crack me up.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Life N ....

OK, I know that people get tired, but is it THAT hard to make the dirty shirt hit the hamper?  Is "beside the hamper" close enough?  No.  Is it necessary to leave dishes in various rooms?  No.  Do you think grabbing me and saying, "hubba hubba" is a turn on?  Nope.

OK, most of this is tongue-in-cheek, but it's true of most men.  My advantage is that Kevin does more household work than any man I know.  He's not afraid of dishes or laundry or dirty toilets.  It's just that, when I've spent a while making the house acceptable, I'd rather have it stay that way for...say....a couple of hours?

Nah, spread out on the couch watching some BS thing on the Discovery channel.  I'll be fine over here.  I didn't want to watch anything anyway.  Dammit.

OK, rant is over.  I love you honey, I really do.  I'll pick up your nasty, sweaty shirt, since I know it means you spent a grueling day in the hot sun, supporting your family.  I'll pick up your dishes and take them to the kitchen, then wash them, because it means you willingly eat my cooking, without ever griping a bit about the limited meals I fix, in the limited time that I have available after work.

I'll even reset the washer, after you set it on "partial load."  Why would you EVER do a partial load?  HUH?  I mean, there are 3 loads of laundry a DAY to do around here!  Damn!  OK, over it again.  Love ya, honey.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

A good weekend

We've had a pretty full weekend.  Friday night was the program for bible school.  The girls really had fun attending all week.  The program was cute, too. There were a TON of kids there.  Over a hundred, though I don't remember how many they said.  Then Monica's friend, Tara, spent the night.  The girls were up until 3:30, trashing my house.  When they woke up, I made them clean the messes up, and they did.  Didn't even gripe too much. 

Saturday, Kevin and I spent a couple of hours (while thepartiers cleaned their mess,) cleaning all of the windows on the back porch, taking out storm windows and screens and really cleaning.  My view is even better now.  Then I took the girls shopping with their $100 gift cards that they received for having perfect attendance at summer school.  Monica spent $94, Natalie spent $54.  They both got little digital cameras that came with software to do neat things to them online. I taught them how to use the software, and they had a lot of fun, taking pictures of everything.  Monica got an EZbake oven, Natalie got a snowcone maker.  I can't list everything, but it was fun to see them spend that money!

Saturday night, we attended a party at a work friend's house.  Only stayed a couple of hours, since I was paying a sitter and didn't know more than a handful of people there.  It was fun, but I was ready to head home.  We got home and Linda had asked if the girls could spend the week in Carthage, so we packed them up.  It's only 5 days this time, so it's not so depressing.

This morning, we got up early so Kevin could head South, meeting his mom half-way to hand over the girls.  They had a HARD time waking up at 6:30.  They made the trip fine, and Kevin was home by 11:00.  I already miss them!  Then we went to mom and dad's, so Kevin could find out where my van was losing coolant.

It took him and dad quite a while, since that van is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to work on, but they got it fixed (it was a freeze plug) and then he changed my oil.  I'm good to go now!  While we were there, I programmed dad's garage door openers, fixed the little weird problem on the kid's computer at mom's house, and ate the HECK out of tomatoes.

Tonight, we had mom and dad over for dinner.  BBQ chicken, twice-baked potatoes, and corn on the cob.  It was awesome, I gotta say.  Then we visited for a while, sitting on the deck.  It was a full, great day.  Back to work tomorrow.  It's so dang hot that I'm glad the grass isn't growing much.  Kevin didn't have to mow in this, which is good, since Toonguy told us not to!  I didn't do any weeding, either!

Thursday, July 21, 2005

More heat

Well, it's still hotter than anyone should have to deal with.  Temps are close to 100 and heat index is at 105.  Sheesh, you can't breath out there.  I ducked out of work at 4:30 to beat traffic (had to beg the boss, but she agreed, so I left.) and it was awesome to not be stuck going 5-15 mph.  I actually went 20-35!  WoooHooo. 

We've been talking about selling the van and buying a more economical car.  Tonight, as I was heading home, drinking a beer, smoking a cigarette and talking on the cell phone, I realized that the tilt wheel and the wheel well lends itself well to driving with your knee, while flipping off the driver next to you.  ROFL, just kidding, but my family involved in the inside joke will LOVE that one.  I DO need to get a more economical car, dangit.  But I love my van.

Tonight, Kevin got home at about 8:45, after 13 hours on the clock, in the heat, sweating.  He is my hero.  A recent new-hire there was 21 years old, in good shape, and couldn't take the hard work and heat.  Kevin is almost 39, overweight, and has blood pressure issues, yet he does this daily.  Often, he comes home after work to help out around the house.  He is MORE than my hero...he's the bomb!

Big Brother was awesome tonight.  I was hoping that Michael would leave, and he did.  Rock on, Eric. Firefighters rule!  BUT...if you don't quit power-tripping, you're gonna get voted out, and I'll be sad.  My saddness means nothing to the ratings, though, so watch your back, dude.

My baby boy is featured on mom's journal tonight, so make sure to check it out.  He's still a doll, but DAMN, check out that baby picture!  He's a cute kid.  "look at his little smile on his little face.  His little sweater has a little dinosaur!.  He likes his little picture, bless his little heart!"

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Traffic, heat, and pizza

I have a commute that lasts close to an hour.  I don't usually mind.  There's a great morning show on the radio that I wouldn't miss for the world.  I can check my voicemail, touch base with Kevin (long gone when I wake up) and reflect on things.  It's not usually an issue.  Until today.

There was an accident on an "under construction" stretch of I-70 on the way home today.  I heard about it too late.  I was in the inside lane, and it took 4 miles (20 minutes) to make my way to the right lane.  I exited to find that all alternate routes were backed up.  Everyone had the same idea that I had.  My van slowly loses coolant, so I had to watch the temp gauge closely, but all was good.  All was good except for taking 1 1/2 hours to get home.  Ick.

Why do people feel it will get them home sooner if they honk, flash their lights, and flip folks the bird?  Why do folks think they'll get home quicker if they refuse to let ANYONE into a line of traffic?  Why do folks get so upset, screaming and yelling at nobody in particular?  You know what?  Turn on some good tunes, sit back, watch your temp gauge, and relax.  The person in the smashed car, or on their way to the hospital, has it worse than you me.  Just chill, people.  It was close to 100 degrees today, and tempers were out there.  Gawd, it was hot today.

Kevin bought frozen pizza for us, and Lunchables for the girls (their favorite) tonight, so dinner was a non-issue.  It was nice to relax.  I watched Brat Camp on TV.  I like watching that kind of thing with the girls.  It's like Nanny 911...tell them that I'm thankful that they don't need that treatment.  It's good they're not spoiled.  It's good they have to work for what they get.  They agree, and are generally appalled at the behavior of spoiled brats.

I think I'll have a party a week from Saturday.  There are lots of people at work that want to see my house, and I want them to see it!  Kevin as agreed, so we'll plan on it.  Done deal.  Planned.  If ya wanna take a trip to KC next weekend, head on over.  I'll feed ya good!

Brett wants to stay home after his next visit, a week from Saturday.  I'm elated.  I'm so glad he would rather be here.  I'm absolutely beside myself.  His dad called Friday night (while B was here) and simply UNLOADED about stuff.  Yes, Jerry, I know.  I've been telling you this stuff for 13 years.  He's lazy and unmotivated.  Yup, I know.  He's unwilling to take an active role in his own future.  Yes, Jerry, he's a mooch.  Know what?  He's 16.  16 year olds are lazy and unmotivated.  He doesn't drink or do drugs.  He doesn't miss curfew.  He doesn't get violent or mouthy.  He does what is asked of more, but no less.  I can't wait for him to be home.

Yeah, life rocks.  My family will, once again, be intact in less than 2 weeks.  Get them all here with me, and watch me smile!  They all belong here.  Brett included.  I only have him for 2 more years with him, and I don't want those years cut short.  Come on home, Bubba.  Come on home.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Another great evening

Well, I left work at 1:00 today.  What a great feeling, to cut out half a day early.  It wasn't all leisure, though.  I went to mom's and picked up the girls, then took them to the dentist.  Not a great report, but not horrible, either.  We can live with it. 

After that, we headed home, where Monica called the local radio station to request a song.  When we got home, we listened intently (which was my plan...who wants to hear cartoons when you could listen to good music?) until he finally played her song.  When it started playing, I realized that I hadn't started dinner!

As soon as I started cooking, Kevin got home.  We soon ate dinner, then I did dishes while Natalie asked me to play air hockey with her.  When chores were done (for the minute) I went to the back porch and got thoroughly thrashed at air hockey by a 7 year old girl.  :sigh:

I had Natalie get into the shower, and took myself outside to weed the flowers a bit.  When Natalie was done showering, she came out to help, looked up and over me (sitting on the ground) and yelled, "GRANDMAAAAA!"  I turned around to see mom riding Blue up the hill.  He grazed our yard a bit while she used our facilities, then Natalie took a ride around the yard.  So much for a clean kid, huh?

After mom headed back home, we came in to make Big Brother preparations.  Make sure the chores are done (oops, gotta start a load of laundry) and everyone is settled before it starts at 8.  Life's still pretty good.  Dental bills be damned!

-journal edit alert-

I had to edit this entry to say something that may or may not be of importance:  Those plants that I asked about are becoming more of a mystery.  I have another one sprouting up in the midst of my snap dragons, and all of the "things" eventually become red.  I cut one open tonight.  It smells of bell pepper, and tastes (yeah, we tasted me if I don't post for a few days) like some sort of sweetish pepper.  They're very round, and red, and the seeds look like tomato seeds.  The ripest one I found (is 'ripest' a word?) wasn't quite ripe, but very interesting.  I GOTTA know what they are!

-end journal edit-

Monday, July 18, 2005

Busy, happy days

I love owning my own home.  Have I mentioned that, lately?  I used to get home from work, start dinner if Kevin hadn't, tell Brett to load the dishwasher, and go upstairs to sit at the computer.  Tonight I came home, started dinner (Pasta Alfredo and garlic bread, yum!), fed the crew, did the dishes (no dishwasher now), accomplished 4 loads of laundry between tasks, watered the flowers and the girls' tomato plants, filled the bird baths, and got the girls showered and ready for bed.

Yes, my evenings are much busier, and I have less time on the computer, but I am just so darn contented.  I have to take on the lion's share of the household chores right now, since Kevin is working 12 hour shifts.  Summer is the busy season for lumber yards.  I don't mind, though.  Come fall, I'll be working 12 hours, and he'll have to do most of the work around here.  It all evens out.

The cats are still in the barn this evening.  I hope they are too timid to leave for a few days.  That will mean they are likely to call the barn "home".  This morning, we took some canned cat food (a rare treat for them) and loved on Sasquatch and Snowbell.  Fudge was nowhere to be seen.  I know where she's hiding, but I don't bother her.  We didn't see her for three days after moving here.  She hides in reaction to big change.  She'll venture out exploring in HER time.

Tomorrow, the girls have dentist appointments.  It's been too long, since we were two years without dental insurance.  We'll get them fixed up now, though.  Kevin and I need so much done that we'll have to work at it slowly, as we have the money.  Heck, we're only four weeks away from needing school clothes.  There are so many demands on our money.  It's ok, though...I own a home!

I guess it's time to wind down for the night.  I feel like I've accomplished so much since I rolled into the drive after 6.  The long commute robs me of an hour each evening (and another hour in the morning) but it's worth it because, have I mentioned? I own a home!

Sunday, July 17, 2005

deleting entries

Well, I deleted the last entry.  It was an emotional mess that had no business here.  Anyone in the world can read this, and I decided it was the thing to do.  I would tell them that stuff to their face, but the negative outfall would be toward the wrong people.  I would hate to cause more turmoil in that family than already exists.

I usually tell other journalers to not delete stuff.  It's your journal, say what you want.  Then, I delete an entry.  I guess I should follow my own advice, but oh well.

We took the cats to live at mom's today.  They wanted barn cats, and I could no longer live with the hair and litter boxes.  They all have all of their claws, so I don't worry about them that way.  Mom says, most cats they get out there wander to a neighbor's house, where they are fed and taken in.  At least if that happens, we'll know they've found a home.

Natalie was on board with the idea, but is now a little weepy.  She still sees the good points in it, but misses her cat.  They'll be out at mom's all week, so they'll get to see them and play with them.  That'll be good for the girls AND the cats.  Now, to start the hair removal process.  That could take weeks! 

Time to wind down for the evening.  Gotta get the girls up early tomorrow, so they need to be in bed at a decent time.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

LifeNStuff is good

It's been a great week. Linda is feeding us so well, we'll probably need to widen some doorways when she leaves.  She's doing cool stuff with the girls, and I come home to home cooked meals after work.  It's been great all week, but tonight we had grilled steak, macNcheese, and peaches and cream corn on the cob that mom brought by.  Natalie loves eating corn on the cob.

Monica loved it, too, and talk was scarce while we were chowing down on this feast.  After dinner, we sat down to watch Big Brother together.  I was hoping that Kasar wouldn't go, and he didn't.  Rock on!

When BB was over, I went out to get the horses up.  I had let them out after work, and it was time.  I didn't know how it would go, but it went great!  I called Mandy, and she came up (obviously from the pond, wet and stinky) and I put food and water in her pen and locked her up.

Then we put a lead rope around each horse, one at a time, and rubbed them down with fly repellant.  They were ATE UP.  They were so happy, they thanked me politely before parting ways.  OK, not exactly, but they stood patiently for the rubdown.  I fed Blue and Buddy, who are in the dry lot all day, and we headed back home.

It was fun to do the stuff that mom always has to do.  I don't get to bond with the horses during the week, and now I think I should make it a point to take it over a couple of nights per week.

I hope to meet mom's buddies tomorrow on the way home from work, but if I can't, we'll crash in on them another night.  I'm glad mom has this time to run with her buddies.  I'm glad dad is willing to haul everyone around.  I'm glad Linda is here.  I'm glad the girls are home.  Life is grand, thankyouverymuch!


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Ketchup on my journal?

OK, there's no ketchup on my journal, but it's time to catch up on my journal.  Kevin gives me a hard time if I don't update regularly, even though he could turn to his right and say, "hey, what's up?", he'd rather read all about it here.  Go figure!

Kevin's mom, Linda, is up for the week to watch the girls.  I am gonna gain 20 pounds if this keeps up.  She cooks good, home-cooked meals that this family never gets during the work week.  Wow, I'm so full when I go to bed, I'm gettin' fatter by the day.  Tonight we had peach cobbler after our dinner of fish, augratin potatoes and hush puppies.

This is my toughest week at work for a long time.  Accounting calls are ringing off the hook, I had to take customers to dinner Monday night, stay for a BBQ with customers Tuesday night, do some one-on-one training with a new customer this afternoon, attend an hour long meeting tomorrow afternoon, and cover for two folks on vacation Friday.  ACK!  I'm beat.  It's good to have job security, right?

I have to look after the horses for a couple of days, while mom tends to her chat reunion buddies.  I'm looking forward to it.  I don't see my buddy enough.  It's gonna be a treat for me.  Kevin will let them out onto grass on his way home, and I'll go bring them back up a couple of hours later.  The girls will probably want to go with me, so we'll have some girlie time, too.

Nobody commented on my last entry, and I really want to know what that plant is.  I guess it's time to get google to work.  How the heck am I gonna start?  I don't even know what TYPE of plant it is!  Anyway, it's interesting. 

OK, I better go pay some bills now, since I get paid this week.  I hate paying bills.  It's depressing to run out of money before you even see your check.  I'm so happy to have this house, though, it's worth it.  We are all so content and happy here.  It's awesome.

Sunday, July 10, 2005

A wonderful weekend

This was a wonderfully productive weekend.  Kevin did the riding mowing job yesterday.  I got to ride my horse, with my best friend, Tammy, riding blue along side me.  We had a ball.  Then we took Tammy's daughter and neice (and Natalie, of course) out to ride old trusty Blue.  We all had a wonderful time.  I had so much fun, I had to take a nap!  I slept 2 hours, which was way longer than I had intended. 

Because of the nap, I couldn't sleep last night.  I finally fell asleep (after several attempts) at 2:30 or so.  That sucked, since I woke up at 6 to wake the girls for church.  I went with them, and mom and dad, to early church, while Kevin stayed home to do the push mowing, which includes "the bank".  It's a hellacious thing to mow, and very dangerous.  He usually falls and slips multiple times before it's all done.  Makes me a nervous wreck.  We're gonna plant ground cover, eventually, to save his life.

The weird neighbors don't mow.  I mean, they mow, but it's only once a month or so.  Their yard looks like crap.  My yard, however, is beautiful, thanks to Kevin.  He works so hard, riding, pushing, and weed-eating until it's pristine.  They claim that the state will eventually mow down the bank.  I can't wait until I can afford a privacy fence, to block that mostrosity.

I was weeding today, with Natalie faithfully by my side, when I found this....this thing.  It is a plant with things on it, but I don't know what they are.  Please see the pictures and let me know. 

Kevin's mom came up today, to spend the week watching the girls for us.  She brought me a lilac bush!  WoooHooo!  We planted it this evening, as well as planting the girls' tomato plants that they started in pots at "Grammy's" house.  Life is damn good, with my own yard to plant in.  Linda, or Grammy, also brought a lot of bulbs to plant, which will line the foundation on the back of the house.

My hands are sore, my back is sore, my neck is sore.  I am dirty, sweaty, and sore.  Yes, it's been an awesome weekend.  To top it off, Linda helped me rearrange my family room in a much better way.  It looks bigger and brighter and better.  Thanks, Linda.

I'm lovin' life!

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Getting back to "normal"

Well, Jim and his family headed home today.  It's a bit harder each time.  I don't know when I'll see them next.  Monkey is growing so fast, and they change so quickly at that age.  Jim was funny as usual, and helped me with some networking issues here at the homestead.  I really enjoyed their visit.

Today was mom's birthday.  Once again, an important date came at a time when money was a bit tight.  I got her one of her favorite treats (Russell Stover chocolates) and a card, and even warned the girls not to ask for any.  Still, though, I wish I could do more.  She has done so much for me over the past 36 years, and still does things for my family today.  She's a predictable and solid part of my life.  I love you mom.

It's so awesome to have the girls home.  We eat dinner around the table together, and we're falling back into our routine.  Monica made her room into a beauty salon, and I was her first client.  She fixed my hair quite nicely tonight, and it was FREE!  She didn't charge, since I was her first appointment.  She says she went to beauty school for 5 years, and the talent shows.  I guess she started when she was 4! LOL  She has always played these games, and it's a lot of fun.

Big Brother started tonight.  Another can't-miss reality show.  I think it's gonna be a good one.  It's on three times a week, but it doesn't start that way.  I have to wait another week for the next episode, but after that, it'll get into it's groove.  I haven't been hooked on a show since the summer rerun season started.  It's good to have a reason to rush home and rush dinner!  How sad.

This weekend, I plan to ride my horse early, before the heat sets in.  I can't do that during the week, since it would mean waking the girls too early.  I also plan to weed the flower beds a lot, and get the girls tomato plants in the ground.  They've been in pots since Grammy helped them get started.  I think I'll have Grandpa hook us up with a couple of tomato cages, and do it up right.

That's all for tonight.  Work is crazy busy, and I'm exhausted.  I'm content and blessed, just a bit on the reflective side tonight.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday To You.

Happy Birthday To You.

Happy Birthday Dear Mom.

Happy Birthday To You!

I love you mom, have a great day!

Monday, July 4, 2005

Catching up

It's been a busy weekend, and I'll catch up completely tonight, but here are the pictures from the reunion.  It was a success, and it was cool to see Mom and Dad so happy!  It's awesome when a plan works out.  The weather cooperated quite nicely, too.

Friday, July 1, 2005

A long day, and excitement

Well, I pulled my 12 hours today.  It was tough, but easier than usual, since I went to bed at 8 last night.  LOL, I can fall asleep anytime, anywhere.  I ran the statements with no problem (there have been problems the past 3 months) and was done by the time the phones came on at 8:30.

Brian and Heather arrived around 8, and with them was MY GIRLS!  They are home at last!  I was so glad to see them get here.  Brett is here tonight, too.  I can't believe how RIGHT it feels to have them all home.  It's just awesome.

Natalie is, once again, having trouble sleeping in her own bed.  She's only spent one night here, and it was storming that night.  I'm hoping to talk her through it tonight, and see if tomorrow goes better.  She keeps crying and making excuses to come upstairs and tell me something.  I can't get mad.  She isn't faking.  She's never been in her own room in her life.  It's a big change.  I will just be patient and keep taking her back down.

I can't wait for tomorrow.  The reunion is almost here, and I have three sets of batteries charged for my camera, as well as the video camera being charged and ready.  There will be pictures to spare!  LOL  I am excited, and will post after the fact, but it will probably be Sunday night, since we have company this weekend.  But be warned, there WILL be pictures!