Thursday, June 29, 2006

New email

I have DSL, and a new phone number, and new email.  I know that there are only a few that email my REAL email addy...most use AOL (like anyone ever contacts me) but...

I have a new email address.  I hope there aren't any perverts or stalkers here (other than those that I know and love) but my new email addy is: . Please email me so that I can add you to my address book.

Love ya, love your show.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

It's hot!

Well, after a week of open windows and low energy costs, the A/C came back on this afternoon.  *sigh*  It was good while it lasted.  The A/C on the van crapped out (it's been trying for some time now) so Kevin gets to end his hot work days with a hot ride home.  We aren't getting the rain we need, so the grass is barely growing.  Not growing at all in some places.  Summer is here.

We got DSL hooked up on Monday, and dish will be installed Sunday afternoon.  Then I can tell this po-dunk cable company to take a flying leap.  WoooHooo!  I hate their internet service, I hate their fuzzy local channels, and I hate their customer service.  I'm excited to have dish.  The kids are excited, too.  They like the music channels.  I'll have CMT again, as well as GAC.  GAC is all I've had for the past several years, and I'd like to say one thing about that...."GACK!"

My brother is coming up this weekend.  I'm excited to see him.  Lyndsay, too.  I bet she's grown a foot in the past year.  I'll get to show him and my dad around my work on Wednesday.  That will be fun.  Dad likes manufacturing stuff, and it's neat to see some of the processes that go into producing a professional portrait, or those packages of pictures that you get from your kids school or sports team.

We were invited to TWO gatherings this weekend.  One is more like a party, the other a social gathering.  We've never had a social life, so it's weird to have to choose.  We would choose the social gathering (face it, I'm getting old) but now I can't find a sitter.  It's the weekend before the 4th of July...everyone has plans.  Oh well, we'll stay home like every other Saturday.  No biggie.

Kevin's puppy choice has changed.  If you remember my entry that talked about the puppies, you'll remember that he chose a white one with brown markings.  Well, the black one (which was "spoken for") isn't spoken for any more!  Now, we're getting the little girl that is black with a skunk stripe on her head and some other white markings.  I can't wait to go take new pictures, now that their eyes are open!  That's her in that picture up there...along with one of her with her siblings.

Well, time to go relax and cool off.  Life is chuggin' along.  I'm ready for a holiday and a visit  with my brother.  Come on, weekend!


Saturday, June 24, 2006


I wondered about a couple of the comments on my last entry, and realized I wasn't specific.  The kid hit Natalie.  "Put his hands on her" could be quite misleading.  She was probably mouthing off, but he's older and has no business hitting her or anybody else.

Mom talked to the bus driver, and I told her to sit farther forward.  The bus driver will watch for problems, but there's only a week of summer school left.  Yesterday, Natalie was telling a story that the kid didn't want her to tell (about his sister getting hurt on the playground) and he called her a retard as he was getting off the bus.  I told her that name-calling was a pain in the neck, and not nice, but kids are going to do that.  I'm not going to get up-in-the-air about a name...just don't hit her.

All in all, I let my kids sort problems out on their own, unless I feel an adult needs to step in.  She needs to learn to defend herself verbally and protect herself emotionally, but when it gets physical, we do something about it. 

One more week, baby.  Then we'll see Lyndsay and have some fireworks and you can escape to Grammy's for a while.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Stuff N Stuff

I had a fun entry planned.  I took some great pictures of clouds, picked up the kids, came home. Period.  NOT!

Natalie is having trouble with a kid on the bus.  Kevin or I must kill him now.  OK, I know my girls can be girls, and can even be annoying at times.  The problem is, this kids is 13 and Natalie is 8.  BULL SHIT!  Do NOT lay your hands on my daughter, butthead!  Brett has seen this kid, and says he's a total jerk.  Mom offered to talk to the bus driver tomorrow, but if that doesn't work, Kevin plans to go down there and have a "conversation" with his father. 

OK, now for the pics:  I am a kid at heart.  I see things in clouds.  I took some pics of things I see in clouds.  I have guy readers, therefore, I posted pics that Kevin took at the car show.  I don't know what they are, but horesepower is an issue, I'm sure.

The puppy pictures are for future reference.  Kevin will have a puppy in early August.  So far, her name is Lucy.  She has a brown spot on one shoulder blade, and the cutest face.  Her eyes aren't open yet, so I'll post more when we get new pictures.  She is the product of a litter that shouldn't have been.  A Jack Russell for  a mom, a Chihuahua for a dad.  They MUST get rid of all of them.

There's a picture of the cow Mom and Dad hauled off.  She was a mean old bitch, and it shows in the picture.  I'm glad she's gone. 

That explains most of the pictures, now I have to keep my husband from killing some 13 year old kid in the dark of night.  Wait unil morning, honey, wait until he can see you comng at him...LOL.

I say "LOL", but it's not funny.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Things nobody needs to know

Here is a list of 10 things that nobody really needs to know.  Some are odd, some are scary, some are get the idea.  I don't know why I'm posting this, if nobody needs to know, but here goes:

1. Hawkeye, our dog, loves Cheetos.  He comes unglued when he hears a chip bag, and will do ANY trick in his bag for 1/3 of a bite of a Cheeto.

2. Monica can burp the alphabet, or just about any song.  She keeps going until someone makes her stop.

3. We have "something Helper" at least twice a week.  Hamburger Helper, Chicken Helper, Tuna Helper....I get home at 6, what do you expect?

4. Kevin snores.  I mean, wall shaking, curtain waving, foundation cracking snoring.  After 11 years, I can't sleep in a quiet room.

5. Everyone in this house farts.  Yeah, I know it happens to everyone, but around here, it's a huge source of entertainment.  You gripe and yell that it stinks, but you're laughing...that's the kind of warped that we are.

6. Me and Kevin MUST watch CBS Sunday Morning every Sunday.  From 8:00-9:30, don't call or stop'll get a short answer or a dirty look.  We love that show.

7. I'm almost dead.  OK, that's just Kevin assessment, but my normal body temperature is about 97.5, normal blood pressure is 105/52, and my Cholesterol is way low, although I maintain a HORRIBLE diet....yup, I know it'll catch up to me, but for now, it's cool.

8. I watch too much TV.  I watch about 3 hours in the evening during the week, and about 6 hours or so on the weekend days, if nothing else is going on.  A Nascar race can consume 4 hours, so it could reach 8 on a weekend, if the race is too good to walk away from.

9. I am hung up on comments.  There are about 10 journals that I read EVERY day...without fail.  I don't always comment, unless I have something good to say.  Yet, if I post something that I find awesome, I am disappointed in 2-3 comments.  To use the words of my good buddy Russ, I'm a comment whore.

10.  I have been to a "chat meet" as well as meeting a few J-landers.  I've never been scared or disappointed.  I love people.  I can't wait to meet more of you!  Just send me your address and some gas money, and I'm there!  LOL

Good Night, friends!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Missed holidays

I've missed some holiday type entries in the past several days, so it's time to catch up.

Happy Birthday Dad.
Not long ago, we wondered if we'd get to see another one of these.  We held positive thoughts and assured each other that you'd be fine, but we all worried.  My life would never be the same without you in it.  In fact, it'd be a damn sight worse.  I love you Daddy.

Happy Anniversary Kevin.
11 years ago, we got married.  A lot of folks were sure it was a mistake.  Both of our previous marriages had lasted only 2 years, and we each had a son being raised in divided homes.  We made it work, anyway.  I still believe that NOBODY else could put up with either of us, and nobody else could love us like we love each other.  Thanks for being "that guy".  I love you Kevin.

Happy Fathers Day Dad.
I won't repeat all of the things in the "Happy Birthday" section, but they apply here, too.  I learned so much from you, and am still learning today.  My car care skills impress my friends (always a plus!) and a solid understanding of how things work is a benefit I'll carry forever.  You were always willing to let me ride along on an errand, singing off tune with me to Waylon Jennings.  You let us build things and paint our bikes and tons of stuff that was probably distracting and annoying.  I love you daddy.

Happy Fathers Day Kevin.
You don'tplay poker with the guys.  You don't go to bars after work.  You don't leave the child care to me.  You are a part of who they are.  You feel bad when you fall asleep early in the evening, but it's because you are up before 4:00 to head to a very physical, outside job to work 11+ hours to take care of us.  We love you, Kevin.

There we go.  My tributes to the men I love.  Sorry they were lumped together, but you are both lumped together in my heart, so that's my excuse!  I love you guys.  You'll never know how much, but I'll try real hard to show you.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Ride Night

Too many pictures, but we had such a good time.  Everyone slept 9 hours or more after all this excitement.  Two of my good friends came to enjoy the fair with us, and one left a son behind!  Actually, he wanted to take part in the contests this morning.  We're getting ready to head that way now.  More pictures tonight!  (as if you're not already sick of our little fair)

Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Fair is in Town!

The local town fair started tonight.  I gotta say, I'm as excited as the girls.  Tonight was a visit to check out the rides.  No riding tonight.  Tomorrow night is wrist-band night...all you can ride for 4 hours for $15.  Yup, tomorrow is ride night.

The girls ran into some friends tonight, which is part of the idea of going on Thursday night.  Friday night is for riding.  I'll rush home to get them up there by 6.  They'll ride until they're tired of riding.  I can't wait to take pictures.

Saturday morning is the fun games and contests, where they can win prizes.  The car show will keep Kevin's interest, and there will be something for everyone.  By bedtime Saturday night, we'll all be wiped out, but glad we went.

I'll be back tomorrow with pictures of "wrist-band night". 

Sorry...if you're not from a small town, none of this will make any sense.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

To my parents

Happy anniversary to my Mom and Dad.  You are a couple that was definately meant to be.  Nobody stays married any more.  It's too easy to quit when the going gets rough (I've done it.)  Yet, you keep on going, making it work.

You two shaped who I am, and I'm proud of who I am.  You always did, and continue to do right by me.  I see you daily, but can't wait to spend weekends with you.  I get lonely when you're out of town for the weekend!

You live within your means, enjoy each day as it is, and set a good example of honesty, love, respect, and happiness.

I love you! 

Saturday, June 10, 2006

This place has gone to the dogs!

We're dogsitting while Mom and Dad enjoy a weekend at Branson.  The house has never been quite this loud.  Sadie likes to wrestle non-stop.  Hawkeye plays along for about 10 minutes, then lets her know in no uncertain terms that he's DONE.  She leaves him alone and they both nap for 10-20 minutes, then they're at it again.

He has gotten after her pretty hard twice, but won't hurt her.  About 4 times, he sat on her head to make her stop.  That was pretty darn funny, since he's about 3 times her size.  She just wriggles out from under his massive butt and jumps at him again.  I wanted a picture of them both napping, but if I stand up or move to get a picture, they get worried I might do something that they shouldn't miss, so they jump up.  Within a minute, they're back at it again.


Friday, June 9, 2006

A question from Russ

I offered to answer anything to Russ, since he is so open and honest.  Here is his email:

Answer this in your journal if you like.  But maybe wait for the fourth beer first!  ;)
Some married couples have a shared joke that wouldn't make any sense to people on the outside.  What is yours?  What is the story behind it?
Pete and I have many because I'm always cracking jokes.  The latest:
Russ: (picking up keys and heading out the door to go get beer or cigs or whatever)
Pete: "Where are you going?"
Russ: "To go find a REAL man."
Pete: "Pick one up for me too!"
We do that EVERYtime one of us goes to the store.  It's a shared joke between two people who love each other very much.  We also say "I hate you." alot because it's funny to us. 
love, I mean 'hate',

We have so many.  When Larry the Cable Guy gets heckled by someone in the audience, he always says "See ya at the house." like it's his wife.  We end each phone conversation with a hick sounding "See ya at the house."

When I yell at the dog, "Get your fat, lazy, hairy ass outta my way!" Kevin responds, "but I'm not IN your way!"

When I hear Trace Adkins sing, I say "I'd drop you like a hot rock for that man."  When Sara Evans sings, Kevin says, "I'd drop you like a hot rock for that woman."  We would never leave or cheat, but it's fun to think about the folks that make us weak in the knees.

When one of us is worn out, almost asleep, or sore from old age, get the idea, one will say, "you look like shit!" and the other will respond, "I'm not dead!" in our best Monte Python voice.

Kevin has had surgery on a shoulder, and needs more.  He hurts all the time.  He often says, "It's from carrying HER sorry ass for 11 years!"

Most of our references that wouldn't be understood by many are obscure movie references.  We have odd movie tastes.  We like the old cliche' movies like Smokie and the Bandit and Princess Bride and The Jerk.

Oh yeah, The Jerk.  When we are letting the kids pick something out at the store, Kevin is likely to say something like: "you can have anything between the pencils and the chicklets, under the stuffed animals and above the toy dogs."  Nobody else gets it.

That's us.  We're weird and we wrestle and we play hide-and-seek and we make weird references in our jokes.

Wednesday, June 7, 2006

Consider my ass kicked

Well, it's done.  It has happened.  I always knew it would.  The time HAD to come, but tonight?  I wasn't prepared.

In this house, things are different than in other homes.  We have marathon hide-and-seek sessions, we wrestle, and we talk shit...just for fun.  It's been a while since I kicked Brett's ass, so tonight, when he mouthed off, I was ready.

Ummm, sort of.

I lost.  I don't mean that it was a close call and someone called it quits...I mean, HE.KICKED.MY.ASS.  My shoulder was sore and my wrist was sore.  I iced both, but my wrist will need wrapped tomorrow.  Damn.  It's not his fault...I wouldn't back off.  I kept shouting things like, "I've got you where I want you!" and "Now you're a goner!"  Nope, he won.  I couldn't get out of the hold.

Yes, tomorrow will demand an ace bandage and some ice (since my hand is swollen and I have a fragile wrist) but that's not what bothers me.  This is the first time in his life that I couldn't take him.  He's a stout guy!  I've struggled in the past, but I've always won.  Tonight, I lost.  I have the swollen hand, sore wrist, aching shoulder, and wounded ego to prove it.

He's a man.  He won.  I lost.  There, son, I said it.  *sigh*  Good night.

Monday, June 5, 2006

A great weekend

It was a great Sunday, other than my boy, Jamie McMurray coming in second in the Nascar race.  He was hosed by Michael Waltrip, who was in a lap car.  HOSED!, I say.

We ate at Mom and Dad's, then I helped untangle the spider web of cords behind mom's desk.  The dog got much needed exercise, fighting with Sadie.  He also got tagged on the nose by some over-protective mamma cats.  Serves him right.

I spent a lot of time in the lot with the horses.  The flies are bad, and it's cool how they work together against the pesky insects.  People who haven't been around horses might not know this:  The horses stand nose to tail, so the swishing of the tails keeps flies off of a buddies face.  Pretty smart.  I played with the filly quite a bit.  She wants to turn her rump to me and kick (playing) so I push her butt away and command "NO!".  She finally quit trying.  She's so animated and sweet. 

When we came home, I mowed the yard and weeded the flower beds.  Brett weed-eated the ditch and the banks.  Then I watered the trees.  I can't wait to have trees.  By the time I retire, I'll have shade!  Everything looked great when we were done.  It feels good to accomplish something on the weekend, all the while feeling like there's been enough relaxation time.

Tomorrow will be a 13 hour day at work.  We will be reorganizing and cleaning and brainstorming ideas for the customer service area from 5-9.  I'm not looking forward to the hours, but will enjoy the rewards.  I am always hopefull and excited about changes at work.

Time to sign off, since internet service has been intermittant at best, lately.  Ciao, baby.

Saturday, June 3, 2006

Summer Time

Mom got the girls a Slip n Slide at a garage sale, and they had fun.  Monica hit the back of her head pretty hard on the ground, and Natalie has a raw backside from hitting the grass so much, but they had fun anyway.

It was hot again today, but it feels good to have summer weather.  I'm not sick of it yet.  The city-wide garage sale was a bust.  Just a few old ladies with a card table full of coffee cups, for the most part.  I'll find a good one soon.  They're going on every weekend this time of year.

Well, time to go kick back and get lazy.  The A/C is on, after being off for 3 days.  It hit 90 again today, so I figured we'd better get it comfortable in this house.

Thursday, June 1, 2006

Still a workin' stiff

Nope, we didn't win the lottery.  Big shock of the day.  I went to work (early) and ran statements.  Then I did my usual job.  Life is fine, I'm just not rich.  I wasn't rich last night, I'm still not rich.  No big adjustment needed. I WILL buy a power ball ticket for Saturday's drawing, too. LOL

I need a weekend.  The city-wide garage sale is this Saturday, so maybe I'll find the dresser I need.  Maybe Kevin will find something he can't live without.  Maybe the kids will find something they MUST have.  It's always probable at a city-wide.  Here's hoping.