Saturday, April 29, 2006

Prom night, 2006

I didn't put comments on the pictures, but here they are.  Brett and Kyla got here early, and watched TV with me for a while.  She looked awesome, and Brett was handsome (don't get me started on the hair!)  I took a few pics at home, and a few in the hallway at the school, then I got out of their way.  Have a good time, Son.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Things are going great

Well, I know I haven't posted in a few days.  Life has been busy.  I got to take dad home from the hospital on Wednesday afternoon.  I insisted that I be the one.  I'm selfish that way.  I dropped them off, then headed to WalMart for medication.  I won't go to that memory right now.  Let's just say that I came home with 4 out of 5 perscriptions, and nobody was hurt.  By the next day, the fifth was purchased.  'Nough said.

Dad looks awesome.  I went by to visit this morning, and nobody was in the house.  I started to get worried, then headed out to the pasture.  Sure enough, there they were...walking toward me.  Sheesh, Dad, could you wait more than 1 1/2 days before trekking out to the point?

Dad is laughing a real laugh.  Not that light, shallow, easy laugh that he had in the hospital.  He actually LAUGHS when something is funny.  That helped me a lot.  That little chuckle wasn't was pain. 

The neighbors are awesome, the friends are awesome, and Dad is awesome.  Everything is perfect.  You have no idea how good it feels to know how good HE feels.  His chest was split, his heart was stopped, his chest filled with fluid...all one week ago.  Today, he's walking the pasture, moving the cows from one pen to the other.  Rock ON medical science.

Thanks for the well-wishes and prayers and thoughts and comments.  It means the world to me.  This is the reason I keep the AOL account!

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Afraid to be let down again

Another quick update....

The chest tube was removed today (again!) and Dad looks great.  He was laughing again.  There is a small air bubble in there again, but they told us it's normal, again.  *sigh*  They will xray again tomorrow, and he MIGHT go home tomorrow.  I'm trying not to get my hopes upagain .  I want him well enough to go home, before he goes home...but I want him HOME!

I've been tending to the animals in the morning and Brett does it after school.  In the evening, it's one of the two of us doing it again.  Poor Sadie wants her mamma home.  Brett's been so good about playing frisbee with her in the afternoons, so she can burn some energy and not feel forgotten.

Is it possible to be hopeful without getting your hopes up?  I'll answer that tomorrow.  Tomorrow, when we wait.....again!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

More drama

Mom and I agreed to not say much yet, but I'll post the basics here.  There has been a setback, although the doctors and nurses say not to worry.  The chest tube went back in today.  There was an air bubble and fluids in the chest cavity, around the left lung, which kept the lung from filling completely.  Dad said the pain of that tube going back in was the worst yet, but we know it's for the best.  I'm glad this turned up in the hospital, instead of 26 miles away at home, with Mom not being a driver.  Keep praying, but I know all will work out fine.  He'll be in for a least a few more days, now.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

A short update

This is just a quick update on happenings with Dad.  He was moved into a regular room this morning, so the girls were able to see him a bit this afternoon.  He had an episode of his heart racing in the middle of the night, and another this morning when trying to eat breakfast.  That will be controlled with medication, and he was better this afternoon.

He's had a couple of short walks, and they removed his bandages and oxygen is the only thing on him now.  He won't ask for pain meds until it's almost too late, and that causes him to breath to shallowly.  We're trying to get him to ask sooner, but he hates meds of any kind.

Mom is spending the night up there, and they said they would get a cot, so she can sleep beside him.  That's great news, since she only slept about 1 1/2 hours night before last when she was there.  Last night, at home, we both slept great so she's more rested today.

Thanks to all of her readers for supporting her.  She needs it.

Thursday, April 20, 2006

LifeNStuff is GOOD, real good.

Please visit Mom's journal.  I posted there for his readers.  Dad is great.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

This is gonna sound harsh.

Just a warning, this is going to sound bratty, ungrateful, and harsh.  Don't read it if you can't handle a stressed out woman.

I am having some extreme stress right now.  Yes, I know Dad will be fine.  Yes, I believe that it's good to do this now, instead of waiting until the problems were worse.  Yes, I know.  I'm still freaking, though.  During the past day and a half, the care and concern at work is getting on my nerves.  I know people are being nice, and they really like me, and they are sincere.  I'm just not taking it well, but I do appreciate the concern.  Still:

"Let me know if I can do anything."  What are you going to do?  I live an hour from you, know you at work only, and you've never met my Dad.  There's nothing you can do.

"Are you all right?"  No.  No I'm not.  I am sad and scared and feeling lost and helpless.  I am able to function, or I wouldn't be here at work, but I'm far from OK.

"Any word on your Dad?"  I updated everyone a half hour ago, and have updated everyone each time I've heard something new.  Why would I suddenly leave you out?

"Why are you here?"  My Dad is waiting.  They aren't doing surgery, they aren't running tests, they aren't doing anything.  I'm going to miss work for the surgery, but stop making me feel like a cut-rate daughter for working during this day of waiting.

OK, it's off my chest.  I tend to ask these same nonsense questions when one of my friends is hurting.  I know they feel like they should say something, and don't know what to say.  I know they love me and they're sincere.  I just had to unload that.

Thanks.  Even if you think less of me now, thanks for letting me be me.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


New hospital in the morning.

Quadruple Bipass.


I called him, since Kevin is going to get Mom, to see if he wanted or needed anything.  I said, "It doesn't sound like you're doing too good, Dad."  He said, "Hell, I'm fine, Sis."  Typical Dad.  Quadruple bipass doesn't sound that great to me.

About Dad

I'm mainly posting this because I know many of Mom's readers check this journal from time to time.

Dad did his stress test this morning, and failed.  The Dr. made them go straight to the hospital.  He's having a procedure done now, I think it's the dye thing.  Then they took him in (about 3:10 this afternoon) to check him out.  If he needs stints, they'll do it while they're in there.  Afterwards, he has to lie still for 4 hours.  Mom will keep me posted, so if anyone wants to be kept in the loop, comment here or email me at  If dad is comfortable and OK tonight, Mom wants Kevin to go get her and bring her home for the night.  I'm sure she'll post more then.

I'm glad they started dieting and exercising, so they could find this, but I'm still worried.  Dad says, "No big deal", but he's a guy.  If you pray, please pray for positive results.  If you send good thoughts, send good thoughts.  If you carry stones (Russ), grab a stone.  LOL

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Feelin' hot hot hot!

It's another great day.  It's too hot for April, but I'm so ready for spring/summer, that I'm OK with it.  I sat in the sun for my breaks today, and it was lovely.

I hate Brett's hair.  It's ok, he knows this.  I don't have to like it.  I've always let my kids choose the cut...I control so much, they should have something.  Anyway, we tease him daily, and he's so used to it, he has great comebacks.  It's just out of control...but Brett's NOT out of control, so it's ok.

Linda (my mother in law) gave me a lilac bush last year.  I didn't expect it to bloom until next year.  It's BLOOMING!  It smells awesome, and is so pretty.  I can't wait until it overwhelms my bedroom with the smell.  It's right under my bedroom window.  I love my house, and I love my yard, and I love my life.

Survivor was great, other than the castoff.  I'm sad about that.

Happy Birthday, Russ, I love ya, man.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A beautiful day, indeed.

Apparently, Mom wants me to give more detail about my previous entry.  Here it is:

My day was, as usual, quite stressful.  I find myself more and more, scrambling to keep up.  BUT, I have a great job that I'm great at.  I make decent money (although there's never enough) and I have job security, while many labs are closing (4 this year, that I know of.)  Break and lunch time was awesome.  Warm and sunny, slight breeze, perfect.  I just sat and smiled.  I love spring and summer...I really do.

Then, I headed home.  It was so warm, I was hot in my jeans, with the window down.  I put my left arm out the window and did the up-and-down thing with my hand, like kids do.  I took of my shoes and socks (I hate hot feet) and sang along with the radio.  I felt the grass under my feet when I got home.

The trees are budding, the grass is green and freshly mowed, the forsythia is bright yellow, the redbuds are bright purple/red, and flowers are blooming everywhere.  What a beautiful world we live in.  What a beautiful state *I* live in.  I always look up toward Mom and Dad's house when I drive by, and I smile, thinking of "home."

I am listening to great tunes, talking to my best friend/husband about life's issues, hearing the dog bark out the open windows at wandering animals, and enjoying the HELL out of life.

I may complain, I may whine, and I may go on pity parties from time to time.  Let all of that go, because I have already let it go.  I'm happy, and life is good.

There ya go, Mom.  That's why life is beautiful.


It is, indeed, a beautiful day today!

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Ready for bed

Well, it was a great weekend.  I didn't get a weekend last week, since I had a convention, so this one was welcomed.  Saturday was dinner at Mom's, and meeting her friend Joanna, and seeing Aunt Maxine.  Today was work, but fun work.

We mowed the yard (I did the riding part, so I could get some sun to my almost transparent arms and legs,) weeded a bit, measured for a deck I hope to build, cleaned the aquarium, picked up trash in the ditch out front (3 walmart bags, people are pigs...darn littering!) and the girls and I took a walk with the dog.

The Nascar race was great, although I admit I napped through an hour of it.  McMurray was out of it pretty early, and Edwards hit the wall toward the end, so I cheered for Tony Stewart, so at least my friends Lee and Michelle could be happy.  As soon as I made that decision, he was passed, never to see first place in the running order again.  *Sigh*  Maybe I'm a jinx.  Maybe I'll cheer for that jerk, Jeff Gordon, so he'll keep losing.  LOL

Anyway, the weekend was quiet and great and productive.  Now, off to bed to get ready for a busy week.  Many at work are away at the BIG convention in Vegas, so it'll be busy.  I'm ready, I'm regrouped, and I'm happy with my home and my life.  Night Night.

Thursday, April 6, 2006

Survivor Thursday, and a storm a brewin'

The storm is getting ever closer, so I'll let the picture captions tell most of the story.  I love severe weather.  I threw in a few of the wall colors, the weather, Survivor fair, etc.  It's a grab-bag, so be ready. I'm gonna go watch the storm now, since the lightning is so close.  Peace out, dawgs.

Wednesday, April 5, 2006

Omaha pictures, finally!

I finally have time to post pictures from the trip to Omaha.  This is my last convention this year.  *sigh* I'm glad to be done.  The show was painfully dead, and attendance was reportedly WAY down, so it wasn't just us.  We had a premier spot right inside the door, but the crowd never came.  Boring days, 2 days of 6 hours of trade show.  ICK.

The trip up was fine, and we ate lunch at the Sunset Brewery.  The food was good, and I had one beer, to say that I tried it.  It was Raspberry Honey Ale.  Good stuff.  Jeff had something so dark that I SWEAR I saw him chewing it.  OK, maybe not.

We set up the booth and headed back to the hotel, where we gathered later for dinner.  Jeff and Patty got knee-walkin', commode-huggin' drunk.  It was funny, since they don't typically do that.  Neither of them drink much, so we laughed a LOT at the two of them.  Jeff even had trouble signing the check.  Needless to say, the second night, they had colas.

The trip home was long.  When it's time to head home, I can't wait to get there.  I want to blink my eyes and be home.  It doesn't work that way.  I got home about 8:45, which was almost 4 hours after leaving.  At least we got here, safe and sound.  I'm done for the year, and I'm glad of that.

The pictures can tell the rest, since I'm tired and the girls have to be picked up from church soon.

Oh, and thanks for those that appreciate boring.  Who else do you know that takes pictures of a shower head at a hotel, or a carpet, or a microwave?  Yeah, I'm boring, but I'll keep the journal for now.

Tuesday, April 4, 2006

Omaha, NStuff

I *did* go to Omaha, it *is* in Nebraska, it *was* work.  I *do* have pictures, although not as many as usual, and I *am* tired.  I'm not the best journaler...hell, I'm probably one of the worst.  I skip days at a time, I post pictures of shower heads and bare walls.  Let's face it, I'm a boring person, living a boring life.

I like boring.  It's who I am.

I don't meet famous people, I don't have a great hobby.  I don't see amazing places of interest, I don't have an interesting job.  I don't save the world, I don't donate to charity.  I am boring and bland and simple. 

I've thought a lot about deleting my journal.  It wouldn't affect many people at all.  I won't, though...I need my own web space sometimes.  A place to brag and a place to bitch.  A place to carry on about stupid stuff, and a place to put pictures.

If you come to my home, you better be ready for some shoes in the corner, some dust on the coffee table, and some laundry that needs folded.  If you come to my journal, you better be ready for some nonsense, some good sense, and some needing cents.  That's me.  That's life.  That's LifeNStuff.

Omaha pics will be here soon....honest.