Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Things that I hate

Here is a short list of some things that I hate:

1. Dental work.

2. Uncomfortable shoes.

3. Parents who don't make their kids behave.

4. Bad drivers in rush-hour traffic.

5. Snacks that warn of "anal leakage."

6. Icicles driven slowly into my eyeball with the heel of a shoe.

7. My earlobes being stretched over my head and tied together.

8. Warm beer.

9. Liars.

10. Going to the pharmacy.

Tonight, let's take a look at number 10.

Monica had a prescription that needed filled, for the eczema on the back of her thigh.  This week has been nutty, so it's not been filled.  Tonight, I was given the job of picking it up.

I stopped at Crappy Version of Stupidity, and handed over the script.  The bored, gum-chewing dim wit told me that it would be 15-20 minutes.  I wandered the store, making my own fun.  I like to stand in the condom isle, examining boxes carefully and reading every word.  People avoid you like the plague if you do this.  Trust me.

When they called my name (along with 3 other names) I stepped toward the counter.  The lady in front of me had a few items to ring up with her script, one of which was a gallon of milk.  Here is the conversation that I witnessed:

Pharmacy lady: "Would you like your milk in a sack?"
Sick lady: "No, thank you."
Pharmacy lady: "Are you sure?"
Sick lady: "Yes, I'm sure. It's fine."
Rachel's thoughts: "I told you so!"
Pharmacy lady: "I just want to make sure, because I usually want a sack, to keep my milk from getting all dirty."
Sick lady: "Well, I guess it would help.  It might make it easier to carry."
Pharmacy lady, as she bags the milk: "Well, I wouldn't carry it with the handles.  These bags are kind of weak."

When it was my turn, Pharmacy lady says, "Monica?"  "No," says I, "I'm her mother."  "Oh!  heh heh I'm sorry.  Do you have any questions for the Pharmacist?" "Nope (just let me the hell out of here, OK?)" OK, "Nope" is the only thing I said out loud, but I thought the other part REAL loudly.

She told me that the copay was $10, and I handed her my flex spending card.  She looked at it and said, "I'm sorry, the name on this card is RACHEL."  "Ummm, yeah, that's me."  "But, this prescription is for Monica," says the idiot/moron/freak-of-nature.  "Yes.  As I told you: I'm her MOTHER," says the stunned/bored/freaked out me.

I barely got out of there without having to take a body count.  People are so stupid.  I typically love people.  Honestly!  I joke about hating people, but I really don't.  It's just that, when I run into stupid people, I can barely stand it.  Seriously.  I wanted to run out of there in tears.

I didn't, though.  I made it out alive. 

Now, I'm going to put on some uncomfortable shoes and eat O'Lean chips on the way to the dentist.  I'll enjoy a warm beer while someone ties my earlobes over my head.  The dentist office will have out-of-control kids running around, I hope.  Maybe the icicle in my eye ball will distract me from the crappy drivers and liars.

It would HAVE to be better than the pharmacy.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Weird weather, wonderful weekend, Life 'N Stuff

It's warm, it's cold.  It's dry, it's wet.  It's sort of warm, then very cold again.  *sigh*  I am ready for Spring to stay for a while.  It will freeze tonight, and then be over 70 on Wednesday.  Then, later on, it will freeze again.

It was so nice for Brett, son-of-mine, to spend the weekend with us.  We had a great visit, and he got to see Mom and Dad for a while, too.  It had been too long since he saw them last.

Today is Jonathan's birthday.  It's hard to believe that I'm a step-mom to a 22 year old man.  Wow.  He's had some VERY rough times lately, but today he was happy.  Truly happy.  We chatted and he laughed.  He just sounded great.

I've got computer frustration.  Parallels (the software that runs Windows on my Mac) is not working correctly.  Well, technically, it is running correctly, but if I run Boot Camp (starting the Mac as if it IS a PC) it won't work.  I've been working with it since 2 this afternoon, and I REFUSE to be beaten by it.

Kevin is sick again.  He got over it and was fine for a couple of weeks, but folks at work kept coming in sick, so he's down again.  I sent him to bed at 7:15, and he was out by 7:30.  That sounds really early, but he's up by 3:30 each day, so it's only 8 hours.  He needs sleep.

Mom and Dad should get their new home on Wednesday.  I can't wait.  I'm so excited about it.  I'm excited for them.  They need/deserve a/c and a dishwasher and soft water and a laundry room and and and...well, they deserve more than they have.

We watched Juno this weekend.  We all liked it quite well.  I'm glad Mom got it, even though they didn't care for it.  LOL  At least SOMEONE liked it, right?  I thought it was a great story (although weird) and I couldn't predict the ending.  That's always a plus.

Kevin and I have a favorite forum (message board) site.  It was hacked on Sunday.  It's been around for over 10 years, and this is a first.  I happened upon it during this, and it was the most disturbing thing ever.  Pictures of skinned cats and I won't tell you about the picture of the baby.

The message on every topic was "We won't forget, we won't forgive."  It listed a website, which I did NOT go to.  I hear that it's an anti-scientology sect.  Whatever.  Don't speak out against something in the name of Christ by posting satanic images and ideas.


OK, I gotta go.  Laundry was done yesterday, so it was easy for me to get it caught up again today.  The dryer just buzzed, so it's time to take out the last load.  Have a wonderful night, and live in peace.  Real, honest-to-goodness peace.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Saturday at the Race Track, with my kids

Brett came to spend the weekend, and we have greatly enjoyed his company.  Yesterday, thanks to the generosity of my BWF Michelle and her husband, we had 4 tickets to the Truck Series race at Kansas Speedway.  I hit the road shortly after noon with my offspring.

We got to the track in time to watch the Indy cars qualify for the Sunday race.  I don't care for open-wheel racing, but it was interesting to watch (and hear) them.  Very loud.  Even with ear plugs, it was VERY loud.

The race was fun to watch, even though I don't follow the truck series.  I didn't have any favorites, so I decided to cheer Hornaday on, since he's doing well this year and was sitting in first to start the race.  He had no competition, really.  There were many (a record for this track) cautions, and several wrecks.

After the race, we grabbed a quick burger and drove our exhausted behinds home.  We crashed shortly after coming in the door.  Brett was out BEFORE we got here, but he works nights, and was going on only a few hours of sleep.

Today, we hung out around here.  I made chili and we watched the beginning of the Sprint cup race.  Carl Edwards was having troubles, so he was pretty much out of it, so I lost interest.  We went to Mom's to return Juno and a bottle of BBQ sauce and her Dyson.  I know, we borrow a weird combo of stuff.

They hadn't seen Brett in a long time, so we stayed out there and visited quite a bit.  When we got back, Brett BBQ'd hot dogs, and I made beans, corn, etc.  It was great dinner, and now the dishes are done, as well as all of the laundry in the house.  It's a good feeling to sit and watch my shows with things done.

OK, time for Desperate Housewives.  Ciao!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Science fair

OK, last night was the school science fair.  It was combined with "reading night" which they do every couple of months.  The reading night part was about a trip around the world.  Our first stop was Russia, or room 108.  LOL

The teacher in Russia (room 108) has a daughter in law who is from Russia.  They set up a web cam and Anna talked quite a bit.  She taught them words in Russian, read "The Three Bears" in Russian (also translating) and revealed that in Russian, Goldilocks has no's just "The Girl."

It was way cool, even though the school blew a fuse twice.  Sheesh, only in this tiny town.

From there, we headed to the cafegymatorium to enjoy the science fair.  Monica's project was the first one inside the door.  Coolness.  She was an obnoxious, giggling, bubbly freak around her friends, but the minute someone was interested in her project, she was all business.  Coolness, part deaux.

I got some new geek tools.  I'll explain later.  One of my favorites is a 1 gig flash drive.  I needed that REAL badly.  Yeah, I'm a geek, I guess.  Anyway, back to redneck:

Tomorrow, I'll head to Kansas Motor Speedway with my children.  Yup, Brett, Monica, Natalie and I will brave the threats of rain to watch the truck series drivers.  It'll be a blast.  I have tons of drinks and snacks to take along.  I'll take tons of pictures, so Russ may want to avoid my journal tomorrow.

Love ya, buddy!

OK, time to shove the kids down the stairs...errr, I mean...Kiss them goodnight.  Tomorrow will be a big day.  'Night, my friends!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Wednesday 'N Stuff

My employer does things that most employers don't do.  We have an enclosed break room for smokers, so we don't freeze in the winter.  There's even a heater in there.

We have "Dog in the Lot" days, several times per year, when they cook dogs and burgers, with all the sides, for free. 

We have employee appreciation day, in which we win cool stuff, and have a ton of fun.

We have a garden.

Yeah, a garden.  It's behind a house owned by the company, and they keep it groomed to the hilt, and have tables and chairs for folks to enjoy lunch, breaks, or just down-time.  I love it there.

Once every 2 months or so, the customer service reps decide to have "beer in the garden" night.  We head over there and spend an hour drinking the beverage of choice, and just visiting.  We haven't had one in 6 months (long winter.) 

It lasts only an hour, so nobody has to be too late to their families, or drink more than a couple, wondering if they can safely drive home.  The latest that anyone has EVER stayed was 1 1/2 hours.  2 beers.  All good.

Monday, I said, "Hey guys, time for 'beer in the garden, right?'"  They all agreed.  Everyone always agrees, but most can't make it.  It has varied between 3 and 10 people.  Tonight, we had 8, which is pretty amazing for this little group.

Mike brought his guitar, and he is REAL good!  He is left handed, and plays upside down.  That means that he doesn't restring the guitar for a left handed player.  The biggest string is on top.  That's funny to see, but he's SO good!

In the one hour that we were there, it dropped 10 degrees.  We all scooted out of there, and headed home.  I beat the storm home, but barely.  It's raining like crazy now, and there is thunder, but no hail or tornado.  Damn.

OK, I'm done.  Time to watch Super Nanny, and laugh at the bad kids that other folks have, and put up with.  Oh HELL no!  I would NEVER put up with this crap.  In fact, for the first time in almost a year, one of mine got a spanking today.  I hate it, but it's better than national TV showing that you have no control.

Remind me to tell you about the boy drama.  Both boys have drama.  *sigh*

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, and beautiful weather!

OK, here's a quick catch-up:

Sunday, we went to the biker church with Mom and Dad.  It was fun, but we knew we had to get home quickly to get busy.  Unfortunately, they double (triple, in some spots) parked folks, so we were locked in.  Natalie got to jump in the moon bounce, so it was worth it.

After we got home, I set out to do my homework, and Kevin did some fix-it stuff.  Our hot water heater is fixed, and my old, ugly light fixture is GONE from the dining room.  Dang cobwebs, anyway!

Anyway, Mr. Fixit did us up good!  I spent 6 1/2 hours on my web classes, so I missed the best day so far, but the classes went GREAT today, so it was worth it, I guess.  Anyway, I got it done in time, and that's all that matters.

Today was crazy busy, but the classes went well.  Tonight, despite a couple of construction backups, I got home by 6.  I enjoyed the deck for a while, making up for yesterday.  I love my deck.  Mr. Fixit did THAT for me, too.  Anyway, it was nice.

Brett's having some issues in his relationship, but I hope they work them out.  If not, we're here for him.  I feel bad for him, and the lack of support that he's getting.  I'm here, waiting to be needed.

OK, it's time to get to my normal life.  That would be TV, then bed.  LOL  I hope your night is wonderful!  Amy?  No more cobwebs on the light.  What are YOU going to do now?  Wanna talk dog hair?

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Angry Dad's day out

OK, here it is.  My Saturday.  I didn't do my homework yet, but I will do it.  I promise!  I have some plans for the morning, but then I have to write the classes.  I will!  Dang, quit pressuring me!

I hope you had a Saturday that was half as fun as mine.  $600 later, we find that Natalie doesn't need glasses, but the rest of us got glasses AND contacts ordered/paid for.  Thank goodness for the flex spending thing at work.  Thank goodness for a good job.

Angry Dad came out of this just fine.  He's snoring now.  He didn't kill anyone, or even threaten it this time.  Wow.  He's getting mellow.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday night BS

OK, so it's Friday.  I needed a weekend so badly!  Traveling to a trade show on Sunday made me feel cheated.  Now, I have a weekend, and I have a TON to do.  I plan to get it all done tomorrow, so that I can have Sunday to relax.

Tomorrow morning, we have appointments at America's Contacts and Eyeglasses.  Kevin and I have current prescriptions, so we'll just shop for frames.  Natalie needs an exam and probably glasses.  Monica needs an exam and glasses OR..she really wants to talk contacts.

She is 12 1/2 and has worn glasses since she was 3.  I'll let her take the class tomorrow, and we'll decide from there.  I hate glasses and LOVE contacts, so I hope she's ready.  If she's not, we'll try again next year.

Kevin brought home some MEGA magnets from work.  They are about 1/2" square, and strong enough to hold to each other through your hand.  We've had so much fun with them!  I took 4 of them to work today, and they grabbed each other so hard and fast that at least 2 of them (OK, us!) have blood blisters!  What a fun distraction!

Work was really tough this week.  I did a good job, and at the end of the week, everyone was happy.  However, I'm wiped out.  I even talked to a customer from home tonight.  It's OK, it's my favorite customer whom I visited in Georgia recently.  I had to have a few answers before testing some theories with our software.  Good Lord, I may be turning into a geek!  ARRRGGG!

After our eye appointment tomorrow, I have to work.  I have to teach 2 web classes on Monday, and they aren't written yet.  I know what I want to teach, but I have to build both slide shows.  This will likely take about 4 hours, at least.  I don't want to work on Saturday, but at least I can do it from home instead of going to the lab on a weekend.

Sunday, I want to do yard work.  The lawn needs a good mowing, the flower beds are a mess, and the shed needs to be cleaned up.  I'm ready.  It will be close to 70 on Sunday, so I'm ready.  Get me some outdoors!  Let's get this summer party started!

OK, I'm done BSing for now.  I'll take many pics tomorrow to bore you to death.  I'm cool like that.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Random pictures, N Stuff

I have posted some crap from my camera.  Some are from the convention on break-down day (when we pack everything up and tear down the booth.)  I guess I left my camera unattended for too long.  Thank goodness there are no shots of me picking my nose or anything.  You know me, I'd post them!

Our little road is getting new pavement!  It's been too long.  It's only a stretch of about 10 miles (I'm guessing, not exactly sure) and they promised it over a year ago.  I'm so glad that the pothole dodging is over for a while!

It's raining again.  I'm OK with rain.  I LIKE rain.  I'd rather have a big ol' storm, though.  Give me thunderstorms and tornado warnings any day.  Anyway, my yard needs the rain, so I'll be thankful.

My dog won't go out in the rain.  He's a wuss.  He'll hold it for 12 hours or more, rather than go out to pee in the rain.  Mutt.  Good thing I know he won't go in the house.  It could rain for a while.

Survivor was good tonight.  Best back-door vote out ever!  I liked the guy, but it was a smooth move on the part of everyone else.  Now, I'm trying to watch ER, but I'm typing this, so I'm sure I'm missing something.

OK, I guess I'm done.  I had a crap day.  I spilled my McD's Mocha on my shirt on the way to work, and it went downhill from there.  I can't afford those more than once per month, so it sucks real bad when things go wrong.  Many callers had a chip on their shoulder before I ever answered today, so I had to start from there.  Sheesh!  Just let me know what you need, and I'll help, OK?

Lacey decided that she's not ready to meet us yet.  Cripes!  I guess we'll wait a few more weeks.  I'll let her take her time.  They aren't coming this weekend, and I have plans next weekend.  Remind me to tell you about my plans for next weekend. (Craftsman Truck Series!)

Hey, guess what?  I have no life.  If I had a life, my entries would be shorter.  I post so many mundane things because there's nothing exciting going on around here.  Nothing exciting is OK with me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Wednesday ramblings

Lacey agreed to come over.  I found out why she was so hesitant.  Evidently, Brett's dad didn't act too nice when they were over there.  This is NOT Jerry's house.  We won't make her feel bad.  She has agreed to come over this weekend, and I'm excited to meet her.  I'm also excited to meet my grandbaby, but that will have to wait until December 22.  *sigh*

My wrist is a bit better.  I'll wrap it before bed, so my brain will keep me from sleeping on it, and it will be even better tomorrow, if history repeats itself.  Carpel Tunnel?  Who knows.  They didn't think so 20 years ago, but I haven't been checked since.  I'm stubborn (stupid) so we'll see if it gets worse before I ask.

I got on the flex spending plan at work.  That means that 100% of what I've decided to deduct in the next year is available to us NOW.  That means, for the cost of $25 each paycheck (pre tax) I can get glasses for the whole family NOW!  We have an appointment Saturday morning at 9:30.  Natalie needs glasses, Monica needs new glasses (and talks of contacts,) Kevin and I are both wearing glasses that are over 5 years old.  Yeah, time to upgrade.

The windows are open.  I am so glad that Spring is making an appearance...FINALLY!  It might storm tomorrow, and that's JUST fine with me.  Bring it on, MO.  I'm ready.  I'm just glad that the windows are open and the house is airing out.

OK, time for bed.  I've been listening to videos for a while.  If you want a great listen, go to and search for "Life in a Northern Town" and watch the video by Sugarland (and others.)  It's awesome.  Tell me the original artist (who recorded that song) in a comment, WITHOUT searching online, and I'll give you a big wet kiss.

Later, gator!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dealing with the G'ma issue

OK, first things first, there IS no Iowa, day 2.  Day 2 was so boring that I fell asleep MYSELF!  Why would I push that on you.  Although the guys found my camera yesterday, during tear-down, and there is some weird stuff on there.  Maybe tomorrow.

I called Brett tonight.  Yeah, I'm trying to get used to the idea that I'll be a grandma before the year ends (at the age of 39.)  I haven't met Lacey yet, but I plan to this weekend.  I told him to bring her over, but she's scared.  I don't want her to be scared.

I hope they come over this weekend, so I can hug her and tell her that she has a system of support here.  I can't offer money, but I can do a LOT to help.  I've already heard the name choices, but I'll save those for another entry.  They are good, strong names, though.

I hurt my wrist again.  This has been going on since I was a Sophomore in school.  It can be a year of nothing, then unbearable pain.  Ask Mom.  We went to KU Med. Center and they couldn't figure anything out.  Whatever.  It hurt then, and it hurts now.  It hurts so bad now that I want to shoot you in the eye.  Yeah, YOU!

OK, I won't shoot you.  Hell, I don't know where you live.  You're safe.  But my damn wrist/hand hurts REAL bad.  I wish I knew what was wrong with it.  I don't, so I deal with it.  It will be fine in a day or two.

So, here we are.  Kevin is broken down, and I am more broken down by the minute.  Maybe we'll have a grandbaby so soon so that we don't croak first.  Who knows?  I want to rock that baby and tell him/her stories about her crazy family.  Yeah, we're nuts.

OK, I can't resist:  A girl would be Charlie Kay.  Don't tell Brett that I told you, OK?  He told me that in confidence.  Shhh!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Council Bluffs, day 1

OK, so I had another convention, that was thrown on me about 2 weeks ago.  I am now in Council Bluffs, Iowa.  BLEH!  I fell asleep on the couch last night, shortly after the race, and woke up to see the fat-arse dog sleeping in Kevin's chair.  It's funny to see him get out of it.  He's too fat to be there.

So I packed up and hit the road, meeting up with my BWF Michelle at her house.  We hopped in the rental and headed North.  It was about a 3 hour drive, and boring as hell, except for the good conversation and some REO Speedwagon.  We got here and dropped off our bags.

We met up with "the guys" and headed to Omaha, NE for dinner.  We ate at Upstream, then stopped at a cigar store for the guys.  Then, we headed around the corner to a jazz joint for drinks and entertainment.  It was cool, but we were ready to be done.

After getting back to the hotel, we headed down to the convention party, which was quite lame.  We stayed for about 12 minutes.  After leaving, Michelle and I hit our room, dropped off our stuff, and went across the street to the casino.  I didn't have gambling money, so I mostly watched.  Sure, I hit the penny slots for about 2 minutes, but that was it.

Now, it's midnight, and I'm wiped.  Tomorrow we will work the trade show, break down the booth, and head home.

Damn Iowa.  I wanna be home!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Birthday Bash and a friend's birthday

Last night was Q104's 15th Birthday Bash.  I went with my BFF Tammy, my BWF Michelle, Tammy's husband, and 2 other coworkers.  I took 50 pictures, but they all suck.  It is almost impossible to take a good picture in a bar with a point-and-shoot camera.

We got there when the doors opened, and had to stand in a line outside for 20 minutes or so.  It was COLD out there!  When we got it, there were NO tables free.  This is a BIG place, but it was already full.  We found a couch beside a tent.  They were giving away chewing tobacco if you filled out a survey.  I filled one out and gave the chew to Michelle for her husband.

We were in the BACK of the bar, as far from the stage as you could get, but we had a seat.  I sat on the floor in front of the couch as much as I sat on the couch.  We all kind of rotated, though.  We had a blast.  Keith Anderson is so good.  James Otto, Jack Ingram, Carter's Chord, Jewel and someone else that I didn't stay for were also there.

Speaking of birthdays, my buddy Russ, from Inner and Outer Demons, has a birthday tomorrow!  Make sure you go over and give him a shout.  I wish I could draw a cartoon for him, but I can't draw, so he got a Monk E Mail from me instead.

OK, back to the sporting event that I'm watching right now.  I refuse to say the name of it in the same entry with a shout-out to Russ on his birthday.  It would be disrespectful.

I'm too young for this

I'm 39.

I still like to go to concerts.

I watch Nascar and drink beer.

I play video games online.

I goof around with friends at work, making them laugh.

I have a 10 year old child.

Those things make me young, right?  39 is young?  I thought it was.

Brett called me last night.  I'm going to be a grandma.  I haven't even met his girlfriend yet.

What can you do?  We'll just be there for them, and help however we can.  I've been moaning about wishing there was a baby around for me to play with.  Careful what you wish for.  I didn't mean  for one of my boys to produce one for me.  LOL

Deep breaths.  It's going to be fine.  I was that age when he was born.  I was married, but I was still only 19.  He survived my lack of parental skills.

I haven't reacted yet.  I'm not sure how to react.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

What storm? Where? Damn.

OK, here it is.  I'm mad as all get-out.  Once again, they predicted storms.  I was set.  I drove through some wicked stuff, getting home.  The sky promised storms.  I took pictures.  I boasted.  I stood in the RAIN to take some of these shots.

Now?  Yeah, now it's gone North.  No warnings with that round.  There is another system moving in.  It's in Kansas, now.  Take cover, Russ!  I just hope it gets here.  It's no fun unless the sirens go off.  It's no fun without hail.  It's no fun when it missed our town.  *sigh*

I hope the next round gets us.  I want the wind to howl.  I want the hail to come.  I want the rain to be torrential.  I want to head to the basement, to the sound of sirens, while peeking out the basement door for ONE glimpse of a tornado.  Hell, at this point, I'd settle for rotation in the clouds.

Please?  Bring the storm?  I'm sick of waiting.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Various crap, with no point in sight

There is no point to this post, so don't bother reading it.  Honest.

Big Brother was good tonight.  Now Super Nanny is on, which Kevin hates, so he's going to bed to watch TV in there, until he falls asleep (about 3 minutes, tops.)  Monica's allergies have kicked in full force this week.  We have her on medicine now, so it's getting better.  She also has a nasty patch of psoriasis on the back of her upper thigh, but we're getting that under control, too.  She'll be all good in a couple of days.

The girls are doing MAP testing this week, so they're working so hard.  They're doing well, though.  Their school did VERY well last year, so these teachers know what's up.  Monica has a field trip to Jefferson City tomorrow (our state capital) and is quite excited.  Natalie will go to Mom's to catch the bus, since Monica has to be at school by 7 to catch the bus for the trip.

We picked up some tennis shoe cleaner stuff at the Reebok outlet store a couple of months ago, and I used it for the first time tonight.  That stuff works GOOD!  I got so excited that I cleaned Kevin's shoes, too!  Natalie's are next.  Monica did hers last week.

Kevin got a lawyer for the work comp. stuff.  We didn't want to do that, necessarily, but his work is NOT cooperating.  They want to send him home early, which hurts our income, or they try to make him lift with his right arm, which is against Dr's orders.  *sigh*

It's supposed to storm again tonight.  The last one was a bust.  Heck, we didn't even lose power.  Maybe tonight we'll get some good stuff.  DANG but I love a storm. 

Friday night, I'm going to Birthday Bash, which is a concert celebrating the "birthday" of my radio station.  I'm excited.  They don't sell tickets, you have to win them.  My favorite DJ sent a couple to me in the mail, 'cause I'm cool like that.  OK, SHE'S cool like that.  Anyway, my BWF and I are going.  That's Best Work Friend.  My BFF and her husband are going, too.

OK, I'm out.  Have a wonderful night, and may cool storms visit YOU, too!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Did you ever?

This could be a meme, but I don't have enough readers to make it so.

That being said, I wonder if you'd answer, in my comments.  If you want to make it a meme, great.  Or change the questions to make it your own thing:

Have you ever?

Driven to somewhere more than 8 hours away?  Yup, last weekend.

Looked at a beloved pet and wondered why you keep him/her around?  No, I love them all, even when they're weird, stupid, or wonderful.

Burned more than 6 candles at once?  Yes, 8 is the most, but I usually burn about 4 at a time.

Asked family/friends to help you out of a tough situation?
  Yes, and they've always been awesome, whether the answer is "yes" or "no".

Been to an NFL game?  Yes.

Been to a MLB game?  Yes.

Been to a NASCAR race?  Yes.

Been to an NBA game?  No.

Been to an NHL game?  Yes, but I was bored and confused.

Ridden a horse? 

Milked a cow?  Yes.

Played hide-and-seek or Marco Polo in a corn field?

Driven a monster truck?

Skinned a deer?  No.

Shot a duck?  No.

Cried over a commercial?  Yes.

Washed your hair with dish soap, hand soap, or anything other than shampoo? 

Brushed your teeth with baking soda BECAUSE you were out of toothpaste?  Yes.

Stolen fruit from a neighbor's tree?  No.

Stolen anything, ever?  Yes.

Gotten out of a traffic ticket?  No.

Gotten a traffic ticket?  Yes.

Asked a good friend to keep a secret?  Yes.

Forgiven an ex?  Yes.

Hidden dirt under a rug, dishes in an appliance, or crap in a closet?  Yes.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Day 4

OK, here's what's left.  We are home, and we didn't kill each other.

To clarify some things up, we didn't fight.  We joked about being sick of each other.  He jokingly glared at my shoe on his dash, but followed up with an, "Really, I don't care."

He was a bit vocal about those sharing the road with us. He did use some interesting language.  We did gripe a lot.  A. Lot.  When your butt is numb and  you've smelled smoke for 3 hours and you've seen all of these sights before?  You gripe.

We got home and Linda announced that she was leaving.  We have storms coming tonight and in the morning, and she hates driving in the rain.  I appreciate her help greatly.  We came home to a spotless house, dinner on the stove, and not ONE SPECK of dirty laundry.

Speaking of dirty laundry, I think I'll air some of mine here, for you.  You know, I'm an open book like that.  In the super-flattering image 20, if you look closely, in the bed of the truck, far right and center, that's a trash bag FULL of dirty laundry.

Guess what I'm doing now?  Well, other than sitting on my butt with the computer.  I'm doing laundry.  *sigh*  I'm too tired to gripe about it, though.  Thanks again, Grammy.  I'm going to bed.

Day 3

Yesterday was a whirlwind, and today, we're home.  I'll post today's pictures either tomorrow, or later tonight.  In the last entry I called David's brother "Calvin" but his name is "Calvert."  Sorry.

We got on the road before sunrise yesterday, and headed to the track.  It was overcast, cold, and windy.  It felt SO much like it was ready to rain.  We walked the trailer area for a bit, checked out some interesting things, then headed back to the truck to tailgate.

David made bratwurst on the grill, and we sat and visited.  It was nice to sit and people-watch for a bit.  By the time we were done eating, the sun had come out, and it felt nice.  I ditched the sweatshirt and we headed in.

We got into our seats, and it was HOT!  My already burned nose protested.  I smeared sunscreen on my face (obviously missing my neck...ouch.)  By the time the race got underway, we were in the shade, but that hour or so in the sun was enough.

The Doobie Brother's were singing (yup, they're still alive.)  The race was absolutely incredible.  They pulled a "competition caution," which means a made-up excuse to close the pack back up, and make competition closer.  Carl had been over 1/4 lap ahead of the second place car when they did it, so I started biting my nails, big time!

When it went back to green, he pulled away again, and was in the lead until the end.  I was jumping and screaming and freaking out.  I drove over 600 miles to get there and MY driver won!  It was awesome.

Of course, I had to drive over 600 miles to get home, too, so now I'm beat.  Kevin and I are quite sick of the inside of the truck, and the state of Kansas (which was burning, clouded in smoke) and other drivers and rest areas and...well, you get the idea.  Now, I must rest.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Day 2

Too much to talk about.  David decided that we were going to the Nationwide race, so off we went.  I couldn't believe it.

It was awesome and cool and unbelievable.  Tomorrow will be even more so.  I'm stoked.

More tomorrow!

Road Trip!

OK, it's Saturday morning, and I still can't believe I'm here.  I'll be busy all day today, and we have the race all day tomorrow, but I'll post more stuff as I can.  I'm going to go call the girls, now, and then get this day started.

Oh, I have time for one funny:  Mom called to ask where we were, we were almost to the Texas line.  She said, "I didn't really want anything, I just wanted to say, 'Ha ha, I'm in Dallas.'"  I laughed and told Kevin what she said.  His response?  "Ha ha, good luck finding the shuttle." 

It's an inside joke, sort of, but those who read her journal will get it.  Have fun, Mom!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

On the road soon

Mom came over this afternoon, to wait for the dishnetwork guy.  He showed up before 1:00, even though I was told it would be between 12 and 5.   The arm thingie that holds the lense thingie hanging off the dish was bad.  Technical enough for you?

Kevin's Mom (Grammy) got here with her mom (GG) late this afternoon.  They will stay with the girls while we're gone.  Grammy made potato soup for me tonight.  MY FAVORITE!!!  It was awesome.

Tomorrow, by this time, I'll be in Texas, chilling out and visiting with friends.  I am so excited!  We're leaving between 7 and 8 tomorrow morning.  It's a 10 hour drive, but we're taking our time, stopping at any place that catches our attention.

David and Susie are excited, too.  They called tonight, to try to solidify some last minute details about our comfort.  Our comfort?  Hell, give me a pallet on the floor and a PB&J and I'll be fine.  LOL

It will be near 80 this weekend, in Texas, and I'll be there.  I can't wait.  If that isn't enough, I get to see MY FIRST NASCAR RACE EVER!!!  I could pee myself.  I hope I can scam a Carl Edwards Tshirt for a little bit of nothing.  I doubt it, but I'll try.  I can't afford a pricey shirt, but I'll find a cheap one, then try to talk them down.

OK, I have to finish packing, then get to bed.  There is a lot of driving ahead of us.  Damn, but I'm excited.  You have NO idea.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

It's just who I am

I deleted yesterday's entry.  I had fun with the state names, but it was rather self-pity filled.  We've gotten through worse than this, and we'll get through this.

We got propane this evening.  It's gone up again.  $2.19 a gallon.  In the winter of '06/07 it was $1.59.  *sigh*  We dumped the rude people that we used to get it from, and now we're getting it from the folks here in town, who are very nice.

Still no TV.  They are supposed to come tomorrow, and Mom said she'd try to come wait for them.  Kevin's mom will be up here some time tomorrow afternoon, and she could take over the wait.  If it doesn't work, we'll aim for Friday.  It's weird to not have TV.

We watched yesterday's episode of Big Brother online tonight.  I just wish I could see tonight's episode.  I guess it will wait until morning.

Anyway, I tend to freak out and tell all, and sometimes I need to leave some things unsaid and keep my mouth shut.  Perception is everything in a journal, and if it looks like I have certain agendas or intentions, it puts a bad taste in everyone's mouth, even if it wasn't intended.

I'm just who I am.  Just me.  I'm blessed and thankful, even when things go badly.  Lordy, but it's been a rough 6 days.  Do you think a week is enough to endure?  If so, I can get through tomorrow, and then things will look up.

I think a week is all I can take.  Not really.  I'm sure I could take much more, but I certainly don't want to.