Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Everyone exaggerates.  EVERYONE.  You can't use the word "never" or the word "always" unless you're exaggerating.  "Holy crap!  There's about a thousand deer in that field!"  Yeah, we know it was 12, and that's a lot.  You aren't lying, you're making a point by exaggerating.

Here's when it turns ugly.  Don't tell me that you have 15 voicemails to attend to, when I saw your phone, and the readout said 6.  Yes, 6 is a lot to deal with.  15 is a lie.  You didn't say "a shitload" or a "ton".  That would have been an exaggeration.  You told a lie.

My feeble mind tends to draw these grey area lines.  They are mine.  It's probably irrational, but it's me.  Is it OK to exaggerate?  Is it OK to lie?  Where is your line?

1) "I worked my ass off all day cleaning up this yard!" 

2) "I've put a million dollars into that car!"

3) "He never gets my jokes"

4) "He has never lifted a finger to help"

1. is an exaggeration.  It didn't take all day, but the emotion was made more powerful by these words.  I'm OK with this.  You know it didn't take all day, and I know it didn't take all day.  But the 4 hours you spent made the yard look great!

2. Yup.  It's an exaggeration.  We all know it was a couple grand, which is too much, and feeling of hopelessness is conveyed by the tale.

3. An exaggeration.  He got that one about the chicken and the road.  And the one about the blonde plumber.  He just isn't very deep.  It's OK to let folks know that by exaggerating.

4. A lie.  If he EVER helps, it's not fair to paint him in this light.  Maybe he doesn't help enough.  Maybe you wish he'd do more.  Unless he has literally never done anything, you shouldn't say this.

Am I crazy?  Yeah, I know, so don't answer that.  Is exaggerating as bad as lying to you?  Am I nuts for giving it this much thought?  Probably.  Have a good night.


Anonymous said...

I exaggerate alot.....did I say alot?  Yeah, alot.......but lying?  I'd venture a guess that 9 out of 10 people know where the line is.  ;-)

Sweet dreams, chickie....


Anonymous said...

::shrugs and wonders what in sam hill Rachel is talking about::  Oh, we'll be calling Kev in the morning to see what time he thinks we should leave.

Anonymous said...

This is a BIG topic at our house.  My husband wants to be able to depend on EVERY word that is said to him. (A good thing since sometimes he can't determine if someone is joking or not)  With him I have to be precise.....with others I sometimes exaggerate......but try to see that it doesn't become a lie.  Sometimes the "lie" is in the eyes of the beholder.

Anonymous said...

Wish I could answer but I don't have time. After my break here at work, I HAVE A MILLION EMAILS, FAXES AND PHONE CALLS TO ANSWER, THEN HOME TO WORK THE REST OF THE DAY WORKING IN MY YARD THEN INSIDE TO CLEAN BECAUSE MY FAMILY DOESN'T LIFT A FINGER TO HELP ME!!! Just Kidding, some of your entries crack me up. I think everyone exaggerates some and that is fine with me, but don't deliberately lie to me...
BTW, I don't think you are crazy for asking the question, you just have an inquiring mind!!! LOL

Anonymous said...

HUMMMMMMM I am guessing something has happened and you are just not coming out direct with it. I do not know of anyone that does not exaggerate, even though some of them deny that they EVER do.

Anonymous said...

Somebody needed to write this entry.  I'm just pissed that my little sis did it before me.  I LITERALLY JUMPED OUT OF MY SKIN after reading it.  I PISSED MYSELF!  I almost wrote this last week but I HAD A MILLION THINGS TO DO.

Let's just keep it real, folks.  Be cool like Rach and Toon.

Anonymous said...

This is a good entry. Things I have said too many times...LOL
