Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Do not bend, fold, or mutilate

What a crappy day.  I caused two remakes at work.  Sure, it's two in over 6 months, but it's two that I had to fix today.  I had a coworker second-guess me, which makes me think that folks expect me to fail.  I had another coworker start another conversation with, "Hey, just so you know, you're not the ONLY one to screw up errors." (I fix software errors daily.) And she ended the same conversation with, "I just wanted to make you feel better."  Thanks.

I have had self-doubt all day, and been on the verge of tears most of the day.  Some of it is the insensitivity of others:  Most of it is my own mistakes, biting me in the butt.  My customers are SO understanding, and my employers trust that I'm the right person for this job.  However, I can't STAND to mess up.  E.V.E.R.

Then, came the text message.  "The boil advisory has been extended through Thursday." (emphasis mine)  Awesome.  If Mom was home, I would have borrowed their 5-gallon water jug, and filled it at their house, from their well.  She's at the hospital, though.  With my Aunt who just had surgery.

Speaking of worrying about ill relatives, I was out in production today, asking a question, when my cell phone rang.  I usually look to see who's calling, then put it back and wait for lunch to return the call.  I looked down and saw, "Dad."  CRAP!  WHAT'S WRONG?

I answered, and he said, "Hi Sis.  Can you take Sadie out to potty after work?"  LOL  Sure dad.  I'll be happy to.  I'm even happier that nothing is wrong.  *sigh*  I think I need to calm down.

I had a good cry on the way home, and now I'm in my bubble.  Don't you DARE mess with me in my bubble!  I can handle life here.  Water "advisories" and all.


Anonymous said...

I call my "bubble" my "own little world" !!! lol
I think your c0-worker probly really did want to try to cheer you up and maybe expressed it wrong...
You are like I use to be in my younger days.....but the older I get, the less it bothers me when I occassionally screw up...I figure I have paid my dues !!! lol
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Oh me.  We just talked about this tonight.  Our need to be right and get things done correctly.  Everything goes great until we screw up.  Sorry you are having a rough day and glad your dad was ok!

Anonymous said...

My SIL does the same thing.  Whenever one of us calls her, she answers with "WHAT'S WRONG?!"  


Anonymous said...

So far Maxine's doing just fine, taking something for pain every two or three hours.  Nurse said they'll remove the catheter this morning and start getting her ambulatory.