Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Snow, internet interruptus, and weary bones

Well, Monday's suck.  Monday's always have sucked pretty bad.  My body has become accustomed to my couch and the long hours we're working right now really get to me worse on Monday than any other day.  I loyally went in yesterday and worked my (almost) 12 hours.

We had promised the girls that we'd decorate the tree when I got home, and Kevin was so sweet as to have hot chocolate fixed up for us, then we put on Christmas music and got to work.  It's a pretty little tree!  I'll take a pic soon.

After we were done, I came upstairs and fired up the computer.  No signal.  We've been having router issues, so I cycled it a couple of times to no avail.  I finally called Comcast and found out that their service was down.  It stayed down all evening.  DRAT!  What do people DO all evening?  I can only play so many games of solitaire!

It snowed a beautiful snow today, pretty flakes, nice snow-covered trees...Tuesday was already better than Monday had been.  I'm still tired as all get-out, but things are looking up!  At last, I get home tonight and have internet service.  Time to catch up on journals, message boards, emails and favorite sites.  PHEW!  I knew all of that mess was Monday's fault.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wondered where you were!  But knowing you're working so much, I chalked it up to fatique.