Sunday, December 16, 2007

Finally starting to feel it

Thanks to a twist of events, and a VERY generous offer from a coworker, I didn't have to work today.  I owe Patty BIG time.  Brett came over for the weekend, and we had two meals with family members that we don't get to see often enough.

With the beautiful snow, great holiday feast, and visiting with relatives, I started feeling the holiday spirit.  I was really getting worried that I wouldn't get into it this year, but I'm breathing easier about it now.

It's going to be a VERY tight Christmas, financially, but I am blessed with a family, immediate and extended, who understands our money situation and don't expect lots of pricey gifts.  Thanks, family.

The first half of this week will be filled with long hours and stress, but by Friday, it will drop off to nothing, then I get a 4-day weekend!  I can handle 4 days of hell for the payoff that's coming.

In the morning, I'll drop Brett off on my way to work.  It has sure been nice to have him around to visit with.  It helped him, to, since his washer is broken.  What would life at 19 be without taking a garbage bag full of dirty laundry when you visit your parents.  He washed it himself, if you're wondering.

Survivor is over for this season, and I'm off to bed. 

That's the scoop, Tator Soup! (thanks for the leftovers, Mom.)


Anonymous said...

Okay, do you sit in traffic thinking up one liner endings?!?!  LOL


Anonymous said...

Aren't four day weekends awesome??!!  Thank you, Mr. Calendar!


Anonymous said...

Hey, how'd that group shot of a bunch of us on the couch with Brett in front work out?  If it's any good, I'd like you to e-mail it to me.  Not necessarily for my journal, just to have.

Anonymous said...

hey at least he washed it himself...;-)
have a good week and roll on friday aye?