Sunday, December 10, 2006

My ONLY day off this week

Yup, it's crazy at work.  I went in yesterday, and am doing nothing much today.  I keep mentioning that this is "my ONLY day off this week" in an attempt to justify sitting around on my ample behind.  I don't need to justify it, everyone is pitching in great, but it's an ongoing joke for me and Kevin.

I did manage to get all the laundry done, with help from the girls.  Kevin and I had chili dogs for breakfast, with cheese and onions.  I know what you're thinking, but it's my ONLY day off this week!  They were wonderful fare.  Tonight we had burgers on the foreman grill.  Health nuts?  Not us! 

Tomorrow, I'll put in about 13 hours, due to a meeting after work.  ICK!  It's not going to be a bad meeting, just a lot of info about the convention schedule, starting in January, but it's still a long day.  I would putt around in the morning and not go in early like I usually do, but since production worked today, my desk will be buried tomorrow.  I like to get an hour or so in before the phones come on.

I didn't go to Mom and Dad's today.  I like to see Dad on the weekend, but I was busy sitting around, because....say it with's my ONLY day off this week!  I see Mom every morning, so I get tidbits of news here and there from her.  I'll make sure I see him next weekend...the last weekend of busy season.

We need to find a way to go see Kevin's family for Christmas or New Year's, but it's tough with two dogs.  I guess we could board them, but I hate to spend the money.  Do I trust my 18 year old son enough to leave him here to tend to things?  Do I want to do that to him?  I don't know yet.  I'll have time to decide later, I guess.

A customer sent me a $50 gift card to Chili's, which is also good at On The Border.  I love On The Border.  Kevin and I will probably use it when we Christmas shop...whenever that is.  We have been known to do ALL of our shopping on Christmas Eve.  Seriously.  Not one gift bought earlier than that.  I don't care.  I can power shop and try to keep Kevin from killing other shoppers.  Not an easy task, but I'm up for the challenge.

Well, have a great week, and think good thoughts of me, while I wear my "happy voice" and talk customers down off the ledge of insanity over last minute orders.  Please, all of you, don't EVER ask a photographer to deliver before Christmas, when your sitting wasn't until December...OK?  You just drive the photographer's lab NUTS, and that could be me!


Anonymous said...

oooooooo - chili cheese dogs with onion....super yum!  Food is food, can have eggs for dinner so why not hot dogs for breakfast.

Also, can you come shop for me too?  I got nothin'.  and by nothing, I really mean nothin'.

Hang in there!!


Anonymous said...

God bless you!  I'm considering taking a full time job at the uniform company I part time for.  Can't say I'm real thrilled with the idea.  :o/    I need to catch up laundry today, grocery shop, pay bills, tidy up from Christmas decorating, change the sheets, do some dusting, ..... or I may just sit here and drink.  Coffee, that is!  -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with chili dogs for breakfast??? Especially since it was YOUR ONLY DAY OFF!!! Good luck with the Christmas shopping, I am almost done...First time in a long time I am actually ahead of schedule. Have a good week.

Anonymous said...

Darn! I wanted mine yesterday! (course I think I ACTUALLY have to have had some taken!)