Friday, August 25, 2006

Please answer this question

Is there a job you would NEVER do?  I mean, NEVER.  I overheard a conversation at work a while back, this chick said, "I'd never work fast-food again...I've been to college."  WHAT?  I've been to college, too.  I can tell you right now, I'd work at whatever I needed to. 

I've done fast food, I've cleaned bathrooms, I've done data entry, I've done customer service.  I've been a cashier, a receptionist and a day-care teacher.  There is NOTHING I can think of that I'd never do again, if my family was hungry. 

I've seen Dirty Jobs, and I still come up blank.  Is there ANYTHING that you wouldn't do?  Answer here in a comment, or in your jounral (leave a link) so I can tell if I'm weird, or if this was an idiot that I overheard.  Really, she was an idiot, right?


Anonymous said...

If I was hungry, I'd do ANYTHING!

Anonymous said...

I would do what ever job needed done for my family although im thinking i would have a rough time working at a funeral home . I dont think  a college degree should put you above doing whatever you had to do to take care of those who look to you for their care..........Robin

Anonymous said...

I'd do whatever it took to keep me and the family sheltered, fed, beered and nicotined.  Or maybe I'd just deal crack.  It's a toss-up.


Anonymous said...

I'd do anything for my family.  I pray there are some things I never have to do, such as immoral or just plain wrong, but one never knows.  I try to never say never.  I think your co-worker was misguided and speaking without really thinking as most of us do occasionally.

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking on this question since last night...  :)  Some stuff I hope I never have to do, but you gotta do what you gotta do.  Did you see the Dirty Jobs in Las Vegas with the pig slop?  Haaaaaa......sorting through the food wasn't exactly my dream job, but feeding the pigs was okay...


Anonymous said...

I would seriously not like to drive a school bus.  My step father did.  My sister in law does.  A cousin did.  It is a thankless job.  They have been stripped of any control over things as they happen on the bus.  I could not drive in all that confusion.  My two along with me in the car are enough!!  But, if that was all I could get and I was our only hope for income, I'd try it.  My Daddy used to say, Never say never.  We just never know what life might deal us.  This girl has apparently never truly been up against it before. -  Barbara

Anonymous said...

I have a fear of water. I couldn't do any type of fishing or marine work. I'd be too terrified. Then again, I don't have a family to support.

Fast food would be on the bottom of my list, right below driving a Honey Wagon. You know, those trucks used to clean septic tanks. I'd rather do that than flip burgers.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could do a job with very bad smells, like trash pickup. As for the comment about fast food workers, and college... One of my favorite clients was working at Sonic all through high school and college, he is now general manager and part owner  of a huge group of them in about 3 states. Fast food is a good career choice sometimes!

Anonymous said...

As long I could do the job physically, and as long as it was nothing immoral or illegal, I would do it if it was necessary.  Yes, the chick is either an idiot or so young that she's never had to face a tough choice between whether or not to feed, cloth and house your family or wait for a "suitable" job.