Saturday, August 19, 2006

Just listen....

Here's the deal:  I've heard a lot today, and it amuses me.  My family is cool, funny, and insightful.  I will assign a color to each member, to keep it straight. Monica is pink, Natalie is red, Kevin is green, and Brett is blue.  My thoughts and comments will be in black.  Here goes:

Nothing is fun anymore!  Yes, dear.  I won't let you play in the van, and that sucks.  It's an automobile, not a playground. (Her dad let them play in it several hours later.  I bit my tongue.)

Dad?  DAD!?  Hey Mom, where's Dad?  This was spoken after he'd been gone for over three hours, to the store and other errands.  When I told her where he was, she said, "Oh yeah, I forgot." 

I have to find a cheap car.  This was spoken after finding out that fixing the truck is a pipe dream.  We have to find a VERY inexpensive car that gets decent mileage.  Hell, if I knew how to do that, the van would be GONE.

I have to remove myself from the public, before I kill somebody. This was spoken after he spent some quality time in WalMart and in traffic.  He was almost in the fetal position in the corner, sucking his thumb....but not quite.

Can Lucy be my dog?  This came after Lucy pottied outside for Natalie.

She BIT MY EAR!  This came 10 minutes after the above quote.

Mom!  I love this chat room!  This came from Monica, after finding a kid-friendly chat on AOL.  Yes, I watched closely and monitored and was skeptical, but it has a host to keep things on the up-and-up, and it was all innocent fun, so we'll see what happens.

But I'm not tired!  This was spoken while yawning, and she soon fell asleep.  Tomorrow is a kid day, so they need their rest.

I am SICK of this!  There is NO reason for people to make a mess like this!  NOBODY better mess up this bathroom when I'm done...NOBODY!  This was overheard while Monica was cleaning the bathroom. Both girls chose a room to clean, and it was her choice, but DAMN they sound like me when they clean.

Well, it's been a typical Saturday around here, and tomorrow is a kid-friendly day.  My job is hosting "employee appreciation day" in KC, and I hope to get to Burr Oak Woods in time for the activities that are planned for 8-11 year old kids before we head there, since both girls fall into that age group.

My family is awesome.


Anonymous said...

Tell Kev that Wal-Mart does that to me too.  I'm not meant to be among the masses.


Anonymous said...

I'm with Russ & Kevin.  LOL  Jesse is too.  Every time we walk out of the super WalMart, Jesse says 'Have I ever told you how much I hate that WalMart?!'  
Me:  No, dear...this is the first time!

