Thursday, September 29, 2005

A better day

OK, sorry 'bout yesterday's depressing post.  Let me counter my gripes from yesterday:

"My horse is gone"  yes, he is.  I haven't ridden in more then 2 months, and don't have time between work, kids, dinner, and life.  I love that little guy, but there is a better horse out there, maybe not born yet, who will be perfect for me when my youngest heads off to college.

"The kids are fighting bed time"  Yeah, they usually do.  They are kids.  Fortunately, they are better than most.  If they get rowdy, I call them on it, and they quit promptly.  I have good kids, and I need to be thankful for it.

"Mom has no internet" She does, now.  It's all fixed.

"My bathroom lacks floor covering"  You know what?  The floor is down, the toilet and shower are working.  I can deal without linoleum for a while.  I'm not proud, dangit!

"My dog is a liar"  Yeah, he's still lying.  If he walks with Kevin at 5:15, he's still telling me that he hasn't been out at ALL at 5:30, when I get up.  Lying dog.

"Gas is too high"  I'm standing by this one, but...a BIG 'but', we're making it.  Although I still consider our family "poor", since we live check-to-check, we are also "rich", since we have dinner each night, a roof over our heads, and can afford to put gas in our cars.  God has blessed us, indeed.

"We're almost out of dog food"  I bought some tonight.  We weren't completely out, but it ticks me off to call home and say "do we need anything else?" and be told "no" by the boy, only to come home and find out there's very little dog food.  Poor kid can't catch a break, since I was grumpy last night. Sorry, Brett.

Now, tonight is better.  All of life's woes aren't gone, but we have dog food, we have a cheaper car to drive for a while, Dad is happy about the horse being gone (less hay to feed this winter, and I'm happy when daddy's happy), Mom's internet is back and the kids will be asleep soon.  That's how much difference a day makes.  I'll be fine.

In 48 hours, I'll be landing in Myrtle Beach, SC.  I've never seen that end of the country, and I'm stoked about it.  I'll take pics, buy cheap souveniers for my family, and post an amazing journal entry or two.

Life's not bad, life is good.  Mood swings come with the territory, when  you're a female.  Sorry, Kevin.


Anonymous said...

Tell Kevin I'm fixing spaghetti one day this weekend and possibly tater tot casserole the other day.  So if he and the girls get hungry, they'll probably find something here.

Anonymous said...

ah what  a difference a day makes for sure. yes a get away is nice be sure to share you rpics

Anonymous said...

Have fun on the coast, sweetie!  

Anonymous said...

I love how you countered each problem with a blessing....I hope you have a marvelous time in SC! Looking forward to the pics! Be safe....;o)

Anonymous said...

But, Rachel!  Hawkeye was only able to sniff 4 million blades of grass the first time!  There are still 2 million left that need sniffing!  LOL  My dogs do the same thing.  I just let 'em out....better to spend a minute waiting for them to pee than mopping the floor later....hee hee...

Have fun on your trip!!!


Anonymous said...

(smiles) what a difference a day makes. i do the same thing, sometimes it feels like everything just isn't working out as it should. and then you realise all the things you have to be thankful for. sometimes, with a new day, you can realise, life isn't all that bad.

Anonymous said...

Stop by and pick me up!