Thursday, June 2, 2005

not ecstatic

It was a very rough day at work, followed by a very frustrating night at home.  I know that it'll all be OK tomorrow, and I get to see my kids this weekend.  That's all that matters.  I love my house, I love my husband, I love and miss my kids.  Jonathan and Brett will be here this weekend, as well as the girls.  I can't wait.

I need to relax.  The problem is my fault.  It's fixable.  Kevin will fix it tomorrow at 1:00.  It's not a big thing.  I cried and felt stupid all night, for nothing.  Heck, we've been through so much in our 10 year marriage, this is laughable in comparison.  Maybe I'll elaborate later, but not tonight.  I feel beat down, ridiculed, and stupid.  I hate that feeling.

At least, at work, I feel smart and needed.  I feel valued and important.  It'll be good to get there tomorrow and solve problems, instead of creating them.  If someone makes a mistake, I am very forgiving...if I make a mistake, I'll beat myself up for days.  I made a mistake.  It's not easy walking around with your head in your butt, take my word for it. 

There's so much to remember when you move.  How could one little detail get missed?  How could that detail (not so little after all, dumbass) cause such problems?  How could those problems cause such tension?

I need to go to bed.  I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of this.  OK, this is all very cryptic.  I'll explain tomorrow, when it's over.  Honest.


Anonymous said...

I think your one of the most capable young women I've ever met.  It WILL be okay!   Russ

Anonymous said...

It'll all come out in the wash.  In more ways than one.  Things were going to perfectly; there had to be some sort of little glitch to keep you on your toes.

Anonymous said...

We all beat ourselves up....  but I'll bet you'll look back and say 'What the hell was I even stressin' about?'  *wink*  Hugs your way.....


Anonymous said...

Hey, crap happens, then you move on.  All wasn't lost you got water......besides it's not like you couldn't have washed at Mom's and Pop's house, which is like down the road.

Anonymous said...

You know how it is. Crap happens, then you have relief. You are gonna be ok.