Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Life N Stuff is GOOD!

I'm choosing "happy" as my mood, because folks are going to get sick of seeing "ecstatic" in that field.  I am just so darn full of happiness right now, there is no way to explain it.

We didn't do the kids' rooms tonight.  I know, I should, but we enjoyed a normal home life after work this evening.  Mom was gracious enough to offer leftovers of yesterday's wonderful meal for our dinner, since we have yet to go to the store.  This after she sat a half a day in my house, waiting for the cable guy.  Thanks mom.

Yeah, that's right, we have cable and INTERNET!  Back to normal feeling.  I am sitting here in my family room, surrounded on three sides by windows letting in a wonderful breeze, updating my journal from my new home.  Life is good.

My second favorite place in this house is the back porch.  It, too, is surrounded on three sides by windows.  It has a view of the river bottoms, and the breeze is delightful, since we sit on a hill.  The porch isn't finished; it needs drywall and light fixtures, and the floor is cement, but I sit at my poor old card table with the existing light turned out, so I can watch the neighborhood (in all it's quiet wonder) undetected.

The cats love all the windows, too.  They go from window to window, worried to death over birds and squirrels.  It's so funny to watch.  They didn't forgive us for the move for a full two days.  Stayed in hiding and ran from us at every turn, but they've become comfortable here now.

There are things that need to be done to my paradise.  I need to bring it out of the 70s in a lot of ways.  It needs carpet, eventually.  Although, it is clean and in good repair, it's quite old...and brown.  I don't like dark rooms.  My white lace curtains brightened it a lot, but I'll eventually get new carpet...After finishing the back porch, of course! :)

Yeah, I'll post pictures, tomorrow.  I took some today, but we got home kind of late, and I have to go to work 2 hours early to run statements, so I'm heading to bed.  It's nice to be back "home" here.  Thanks for all the congrats and blessings.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! I just can't tell you enough! I know it will be such a blessing to be near your mom again. And now you have come full circle.. you are back home.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for offering to share your "ecstatic" feeling with me while I'm feeling down.  You are so cute.  You deserve the feelings of happiness and contentment you have after all the anxiety that came with actually buying the house & closing the deal.  Life is sometimes pretty cool isn't it?


Anonymous said...

rachel,, I have kept up through your mom your move,, and I am so excited for you and your family,, theres nothing in the world like your first home you buy...I know you and your family will be happy there and all the fixing up will come in time,, thats the fun of it in a way,, seeing each new little improvement you do.. and you choose what you want...... my very best wishes to you and yours... Lona