Saturday, May 14, 2005

Early Morning Thoughts

I woke up at 4:45 this morning, having gone to bed ridiculously early.  I woke up around 9:30 last night to get myself ready to pick Brett up from work, then he called to say someone was bringing him home.  Good deal, no need to put shoes back on!  After he got home, I watched a bit of TV and fell asleep again.  Around 12:30, Kevin's phone rang and freaked us both out.  (we don't startle well!) and it was a wrong number.

Anyway, although sleep was gained in short bursts, I awoke feeling well-rested, so I stayed up.  It's a cool 41 degrees outside, birds are singing for all they're worth, and the neighborhood is quiet.  All of the local hethens are sleeping it off this morning, thank God.  I sat on the front step sipping coffee for a while, thinking a million thoughts.

Two weeks from today, we will be 2-days past closing on our house, and 1-day away from holding the keys.  It's still a scary thought.  Finances pretty well suck right now.  We haven't recovered from the unexpected $310 for my dental safari.  It seems like, if you get behind, it's near impossible to catch up.

The alternator went out on my van on Tuesday.  Ouch.  We borrowed a battery charger (thanks for the idea, Dad) and charged the battery at night, so that it would get Kevin to work and home for the rest of the week.  I drove the truck, since my commute is three times longer than his.  Now, today, we get to buy an alternator.

We found out that we have to pay, in advance, for the appraisal of the house.  Great, another suprise.  Thanks to an early house warming gift from a dear relative, $200 of the $325 is taken care of.  Still, with the current state of our finances, it's putting the crunch on us.  I'm trying not to complain, honest.  We will have no rent due in June, and should get our full deposit back on this place.  It looks like we won't have a house payment due until mid-August, too. 

We should be caught up and fine by the first week in June.  That's not too far away, right?  It still makes me nervous.  Our finances are under a microscope now, and I can't afford to make any blunders.  Somehow, as depressing as all of this sounds, I was at peace while sitting on my front step, being serenaded by the birds and sipping my coffee.

Kevin and I have been through much worse.  MUCH worse.  We've had 6-month stretches of shut-off notices and phone calls.  We've had neither of those this time, and it's only three weeks this time.  I'll soon have a house that is MINE.  I'll soon be near my parents and my horse.  I'll soon have a yard that the screaming neighbor girls won't run across.  I'll have my view.  I'll be less than two miles from riding with my mom, instead of waiting for the weekend and driving twenty minutes.

Peace in the midst of chaos.  That is, in essence, the bubble.


Anonymous said...

The countdown continues! So what colors will you be using? IN kitchen, bedroom, livingroom?

Anonymous said...

aurgh!  I HATE wrong numbers at odd hours - especially when they get all snarly on you when its' THEIR fault they got a wrong number... pfft...


Anonymous said...

I started reading your journal about the time you had your dental fiasco.
Getting your own HOME is extremely exciting and will be very rewarding in so many ways.
I understand the financial crunch that you are experiencing. It will all clear and looking back you will be sooo glad that you made the move. Then you can sit out front or back, with your coffee, and listen to the birds with a whole new meaning.
Congrats on getting the basement done:)
Can't wait to hear more about your new house. Take care and hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can feel peaceful when all is calm.....real peace always abounds in a storm.