Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Dear Santa

I have been very good this year....wait, scratch that.  I have been more good than bad this year.  I've worked hard and it's been a real hard year in a lot of ways.  Too much death and sadness in the beginning, too many long hours toward the end.  Sure, there was a lot of great stuff, too.  I'm smart enough to realize that.

For Christmas this year, I'd like to have a laptop computer, a small economy car for the commute, and all my bills paid for the month, with some left over.  I'd like to buy my kids some great gifts, and go all-out for Kevin's gift.  I'd like to buy presents for every friend and every family member, every teacher and boss, every neighbor and aquantance.

Yes, Santa, I realize I can't have those things.  I am content with my life.  My family is happy and healthy.  I get to see relatives and share good meals for the holidays.  I have a good job and know a lot of great people.  I have a warm home and a safe vehicle.  I have a husband who works hard to provide for us, and does more than his share around the house quite often.

Thank you, Santa, you did good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A-hem... I thought you DID go all-out for K's gift?