Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday night. *sigh*

I promise to keep the complaining to one sentence, then get on with happy things.

Ending a difficult week at work wasn't easy because  I was filling in for two people who were gone to convention, and I had three times the workload while knowing that on Monday I have to teach a class that isn't mine in addition to teaching my own class and training a customer on ordering software, because of bad planning and scheduling and then a couple of coworkers tried to dump messes on me but I wouldn't let them and most folks at work are sick and I just want them to stay the HECK away from me; however I made it through even though there was no recognition for what I accomplished because my immediate supervisor is out sick and big boss doesn't know what we're up against and I just took the whippin' like a bad pup and I'll get over it and move on.

I never said it would be a short sentence!  ROFL

So, Kevin is in Carthage again, for tonight only.  One of the firemen from the station that his brother worked at asked him to come down and help with a trivia challenge.  If you don't know Kevin, it might seem odd that they'd invite someone from 150 miles away.  Kevin doesn't know what he had for breakfast, but he can tell you the name of the wife of a producer of that one movie where the guy met that girl and her dad was the brother of the guy from....OK, you get the point.  Kevin is trivia king.  Anyway, he'll be home tomorrow.

The girls wanted friends to spend the night, but it's not coming into play tonight.  They can't reach said friends on the phone.  I'll be JUST fine if it's just the three of us tonight.  I have a cold drink, the laptop, and the TV.  That's the kind of night I want to have.

Tomorrow is supposed to be very warm.  I can't wait.  I may even get the chance to sit on the deck a bit.  Lordy, I hope I get to sit on the deck a bit.  I may go to Mom's to...never mind.  They'll be gone on the bike.  LOL

I have a rough, long week ahead of me, so I'm going to enjoy this weekend to the fullest.  I may post 5 times per day, or I might disappear for the whole weekend.  I'm not following an agenda.  I'm just hangin' with the family.

Know what?  I still love my job.  It's quite challenging most of the time, but I've added SO much to what I do, it has to look great for my review in May.  I can't wait.  I usually dread review time, even though it's always fine.  I never have anything to "improve."  Sometimes, there are suggestions as to what I should learn, but I always learn those things and more.

I'm in good shape for review, this year.  That's a good feeling.  Maybe I'll get a raise of a bazillion dollars a year?  Probably not.  But I know I've done all that's expected, and then some.  Probably three times what was expected. 

I deserve a weekend.  So do you.  Go and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Rachel, have a happy and relaxing weekend, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

With Kevin in the family, who needs a dictionary?  Or an encyclopedia?  Not me!

Anonymous said...

I like Kevin. LOL
Wjat a sentence!

Anonymous said...

I loved that runon sentence!  Enjoy your weekend.  Sounds like you need to!