Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The past three days, 'N Stuff

I've been away, huh?  OK, here's a timeline of events, for those of you who have no life, and those who are optimistic enough to think something interesting may appear here some day.  *sigh*  Poor, misguided folks.

Sunday:  We got the house clean and shiny.  It was pretty bad, but it always is by the end of the week.  We all four worked our butts off, and we were proud to sit and enjoy it.  Then, somebody farted, and the moment was gone.  Forever.

Monday:  Work was work.  I'm still tying up loose ends and learning things about the web class that I am teaching, and I have to train someone else to do it, while I'm still learning!  She will cover for me on Monday of next week, when Kevin has his surgery.

Tuesday:  The phones at work were all jacked up.  11 times during the day, all calls in progress were dropped, and no calls could be completed, in or out, for 5 minutes or so after.  That results in some frustrated customers, so I got to be a total hag to some useless waste of oxygen at ATT.  That was fun.

Wednesday:  I worked more on my class, and more on training my buddy Michelle to take over on Monday.  It was crazy and busy, but the phones seem to be fixed, and I didn't leave a lot of stuff undone, like I've done so much lately.  Also, a meeting that I hate attending was canceled for this morning AND Friday morning this week.  WoooHooo!

Now, I'm wiped out, and going to bed.  First, though, I should probably talk about next Monday.

Kevin will have his surgery on that day.  He has a torn labrum (sp) and arthritis and bone spurs in his right shoulder.  They will go in with a scope, assess the damage, and set to work fixing what they can.  He'll be off work for several weeks after that.  I swear, he's falling apart.  He hurts all the time, so maybe this will bring some relief, eventually.

I'm not worried about the surgery, exactly, but I worry about the anesthesia.  He has a hard time coming out of it.  It can take twice as long as it should, and sometimes longer.  He has to be placed on oxygen and get meds and all sorts of scary stuff, just to wake him up.  I HATE that part. 

The selfish part of me also hates the hours in a waiting room, reading last year's magazines and wondering when I'll be told something.  Grammy (Kevin's Mom) is going to try to come up, so at least I'll have someone to talk to while I'm there.  This sucks.

OK, pity party is over.  Take your tears and beers and go home.  It wasn't a fun party, anyway.  The hostess is going to bed.


Anonymous said...

Be sure to explain all this about the anes. to the one putting him to sleep...sometimes they can give them something different...God bless and I will be praying for yall .
love ya,

Anonymous said...

I'd come up and keep you company, but then we'd be laughing like fools and they'd kick us out the waiting room.... which is probably not a good thing.

I'd say it was a good party.  Nobody got mooned or arrested, so...... ;-P


Anonymous said...

Rachel, there you are !!!!!!!!!! Have missed you these past 3 days, Hugs Lisa

Anonymous said...

Let me tell you that it is just as scary for the poor person who has trouble coming out of anesthesia also!! I also have problems when I am put under, so I feel for your poor hubby. The last time I was under I remember waking up (or at least -I- thought I was awake). All I wanted was to be able to put my knees up so my tummy would feel better... only apparently the words I was saying in my head weren't making the trek down to my mouth. Then the nurse is saying "Breathe... Breathe now.... come on, kiddo... you gotta breathe"... Only I thought I -was- breathing, so you get my confusion <eg> And I always feel so crappy for a long while after I -am- finally 'officially' awake.... <sigh>

I'll be keeping Kevin in my thoughts on Monday. Hope this alleviates some of the chronic pain for him.

Anonymous said...

Kev will be okay...I just know it somehow.  I always came out of anesthesia fine. trouble is ... I didn't want to.  I wish I had my own gas here at home!


Anonymous said...

I know that the waiting is awful! I just waited for my friend Joey to have an exam for 5 hours. Bring a good book, take a walk around the outside of the hospital, and KNOW where the cafeteria is!  The time will go faster!
Had to laugh where you said you had the house clean and someone farted. LOL!! Kind of kills the moment, huh?
Good luck at work.