Monday, November 19, 2007

The Party

This party WORE US OUT!  I'm getting old, folks.  I made it until after midnight, but the kids didn't crash until almost 2:00.  They had a blast.  One of Monica's friends couldn't make it, but that made an even number, so we had 8 little girls here, screaming and giggling and EATING.  Boy, did they eat.

Here they are, in all their glory.  Most are wearing PJs by this time, but still running hard.  Wow, the energy in this house.  Finally, we decided that snacking wasn't holding off the natives any longer, so we let them build their own bagel pizzas:

Kevin and I added the cheese when they were done.  Those pizza's were good!  There were other things to eat as well: Chips and dip, cake, ice cream with toppings, and tons of soda (I know it was a ton, because the empty cans weighed 1/4 ton the next morning.

It was good.  I'm glad we did it.  However, it killed us.  We did NOTHING the next day, other than sit around watching the Chiefs lose, and watching Jimmy Johnson win the cup, but miss win #5 in a row.  Thanks to my shows not being on last night, I went to bed early and recovered.

Tonight, we went phone shopping, since we are eligible for the free upgrades on several of our lines.  Yeah, I said "several."  Kevin and I both have phones, we have the phone that WAS Brett's, but since he moved out, the girls use it, Jonathan has a phone on our plan (he's going to start paying his part) and Grammy has one (we won't let her drive that old car around without a cell...too many variables.)  Yes, folks, that is FIVE phones on this plan, and Mamma wants a new cell.

When the contract is up for it, we could nix Brett's old phone, but by then, Monica will be in junior high, and have more after-school activities.  *sigh*  What did *I* do without a cell phone in school?  Oh yeah, I lied and snuck around.  Yup, I think I like the connectivity.

Mom?  Forget you saw that last comment.

See ya later, mashed potater.


Anonymous said...

The photo of those bagel pizzas made me reach for an extra Pepcid AC.


Anonymous said...

I ordered myself a free phone yesterday too.  It's also an MP3 player, but I have to buy a card for it.  

Anonymous said...

We have a ways to go before it is time for new phones. I like mine though. It takes pictures and that's it
Looks like the party was a success!

Anonymous said...

Oh and the bagel pizzas ---what a great idea!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, we have had a few of those parties in our past.  Now at Katy's age, I'm sure she will be asking to do the hotel room party - where they all spend the night in the hotel (the chaperone Mom (s) gets the bed).  The rest use sleeping bags.   They eat out and swim or play games at the hotel and of course look for cute boys and yell at them, ride the glass elevators up and get the picture. Oh, and happily the Mom's must enjoy the free continental breakfasts knowing the event is soon over and that no one got thrown out by hotel security.  LOL