Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back home at last!

Most of these pictures were taken by Natalie, and one by a pesky coworker. 

Natalie and I headed out around 4:30 on Friday, arriving in Carthage at 7:00.  We lounged around with Grammy and watched The Wizard of Oz.

Saturday, we ran some errands, then met up with Kevin's sister, and went with her to Joplin with her son and his friend.  We took the kids to the mall, and visited the arcade there.  Natalie had a lot of fun, although Steven's friend annoyed the heck out of her (and me.)

Saturday evening, we had a birthday gathering for Grammy, Kevin's Mom.  Only one of our four offspring made it, but all of her other grandkids were there, as well as a husband and fiance' of some granddaughters.  It was enjoyable, and it's always good to see K's grandma, GG.  She's pretty feisty for an 87 year old.

After that, I visited with 2 of my friends until almost midnight.  I had seen a third friend, and her new baby, earlier in the day.  The baby is adorable, but I didn't hold her much, since I was scared of her broken collar bone.  Sheesh, what a way to start a life.  It will supposedly be healed up within a couple of weeks.

Today, I visited with some other friends, after hooking up the DVD player that we got for Grammy.  We finally hit the road at around 3:30.  What a BORING drive.  Natalie spent her time trying to get truckers to honk, and taking pictures of other motorists.  That would freak me out, if a passing kid was taking my picture.

Now, we're home, and I'm in my jammy pants, and it's time to watch some quality television. 

On the flip side, Clyde.


Anonymous said...

71 highway is only boring when you're in a car.  On a motorcycle, it's lovely!

Anonymous said...

cool pics

Anonymous said...

Loved Natalie's pictures.  
I haven't visited here in so long, I don't think there is a way to catch up.  LOL

Anonymous said...

I loved Natalie's pictures!