Monday, September 10, 2007

The weekend summary

The employee appreciation day was the best one I've ever been to.  The scavenger hunt team that I was on won!  We will receive a gourmet break.  WoooHooo!  I hope it's not the morning break, since I can't eat sugar in the morning, and most folks will want donuts and pastry, but it was a blast to play AND win, anyway. 

The girls won tons of tickets (it was a game night theme) and traded them in for a lot of cool stuff.  They kept redeeming the tickets for things for Kevin and me.  They are sweet like that.  I won a drawing and got Madden '08 for Playstation 2, which Brett got to take home to his dad's house.  He was very happy. 

We stayed so busy that I didn't take a single picture while we were there.  I'll nab the one that was taken of the girls, and get it up here within the next few days.  Also, a co-worker wanders around with a camera, getting candid stuff, so if there are any good ones, I'll get copies of those, too.

Kevin, with his Mom and Aunt, really enjoyed the Royals game.  Then, we all got home, and we stayed up FAR too late, visiting.  I slept late yesterday, then we sat around watching football.  *sigh*  "Go Chiefs" 'n stuff.  It was quite a depressing game.

Because of the laziness of our Sunday, I couldn't go to sleep last night.  I'll make it through my Monday on less than 4 hours of sleep, but I bet I collapse when I get home!  HA!  See ya later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... plate of food for me, huh?  :-D

Speaking of football, which, you know is a Texas religion....we were saddened to find out yesterday that what was once a kick-ass high school team in our day is now a really lame team.  What a bummer.  They're 0-3.  
