Saturday, August 25, 2007


I took my camera to the Chiefs game on Thursday night, and as you can tell by the previous entry, it worked fine.  I came home and posted an entry, pulling the images from the memory card, and it worked just fine.

At work yesterday, my friend Michelle said, "Can I borrow your camera really quick?"  She needed to email a picture of a product to someone, and a point-and-shoot is easier and quicker than one of the dozen or so professional cameras around there.  I handed it to her, she turned it on and said, "What's up with this?"

The display had MEMORY CARD ERROR! across the top of it.  It wouldn't take a picture, but it would display the ones already there.  I formatted the card, took one picture, and got the error again.  I started sweating JUST a bit.  I've fixed memory card errors in the past, but the concert is in 2 days!

Co-worker Mike took the card, and ran a recovery software on it.  It pulled up pictures that had long been deleted (that's a warning to you bad people who think deleting something from your hard drive gets rid of it!) and it seemed like it was OK.  I put it back in the camera and turned it on.  MEMORY CARD ERROR!

I formatted again, and it seemed to work.  I took two pictures and got the error again.  This morning, I ran BOTH kinds of formatting on it, and it seems fine.  I've taken several pictures.  Still, I think I'll borrow Mom's spare card...just in case.  Sunday will be 12 hours of memories with my girls, and I don't want ANYTHING to mess it up.


Anonymous said...

Memory cards are cheap these days... good thing because it sounds like you need one  <g>... I would NOT trust any pictures I REALLY wanted to that card if it was me. Memory cards do wear out. I've been lucky so far, but I took some advice from somewone and instead of buying huge memory cards I have 4 smaller ones (well, small is a relative term, I have two 1 gig cards and two 2gig cards <LOL>. That way if something does happen I don't lose everything. At least it happened -after- you got all your pictures off!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can use my spare.  It's 1 gig, so it has plenty of room, I would imagine.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness it didn't happen AT the concert!!

Anonymous said...

WOW I did not realize they would do that.