Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First day of School

We have a tradition in this house.  We don't have many traditions, other than Pringles and beer while Survivor is on, but we have a couple.  One of them is me taking the girls to school on their first day.  I've been doing it since Monica started school, 7 first days ago.

Part of the tradition is the picture taken by the door of their classroom.  They roll their eyes about it, but they've always put up with it....UNTIL NOW!  Monica let me take her picture at home.  She let me take her picture on the way to school.  She even let me take her picture in FRONT of the school.  Once we crossed the threshold of those hallowed hallways, though, it was O.V.E.R.

I tried to reason with her. (I really look forward to it and it will only take 10 seconds.)  I tried to beg her. (But honey! This is the last year of elementary school for you, and I'll never get to do this again.)  I even tried to twist her arm a bit. (Seriously, Monica, what's the big deal.)  By then a few friends had arrived, and she had that *look*.  That, "oh my sweet Jesus, why won't she just go to work already?" look.  I honestly think she was about 5 seconds from screaming "STRANGER DANGER!!!!" right there in the hallway.  I dropped it.

I left, and called Kevin, exclaiming "MONICA CUT ME OFF!"  I know they're too old for it, but let's be real....I'm NOT too old for it.  She would rather her friends didn't know she HAS parents.  Brett never cut me off.  He would hug me in the hallways of the high school if I wanted to, so this is a first for me.  *sigh*

This tradition always makes me arrive at work about 30 minutes late (with approval) so I was trying to hurry to get there.  I was stuck behind a VERY smelly livestock truck for 20 minutes!  Yuck.

By the time I got home, the girls couldn't wait to tell me how great the first day was.  I'm so fortunate that they love school.  They both had a great time; they both love their teachers; they both can't wait until tomorrow.  The whole "walking to school" thing is new this year, so I followed in the car, to make sure they remembered all that we told them (it's 6 blocks, for heaven's sake, but I worry) and they did great.

Here's to another great year! 


Anonymous said...

Great pictures!  They grow up pretty fast . . . so bug them as long as you can.  I'm sure they will have a great year, mom.  Blessings, Penny  http://journalsals.aol.com/firestormkids04/FromHeretoThere http://journals.aol.com/firestormkids04/TimeforaLittlePoetry

Anonymous said...

I Love IT!! Great pictures...


Happy First Day!! Goodbye carefree evenings. LOL


Anonymous said...

Maybe Monica will agree to let you take her picture sometime when all the kids have left or before they arive...in front of her room door! lol
You are a good mama!
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Get used to the rejection:  it's the famous "mother-daughter" thing.  It gets better.  I'm glad they're happy with school, and I'm proud of the responsibility they're learning.

Anonymous said...

Start toughening up..this is just the beginning..soon you'll be walking behind her 5 paces ...

Anonymous said...

Don't worry I get that "rejection" thing from my 11 yr. old son already. If I asked to take his picture in front of his classroom you would of thought I asked him to jump off a bridge!!! LOL. My daughter is going into 1st grade this year is happy to stand in front of the school sign which has become our tradition since preschool. Your girls are sure growing up and I am glad that they love school (wish my son did!).

Anonymous said...

My son stopped allowing any pictures or any public physical contact in 4th grade! I was so sad!! LOL!
Your girls look beautiful!!