Monday, May 14, 2007

Don't leave your Nerf ball at my house, ok?

I've sent the Dallas story to a few people.  Sorry it took a week, but things have been, I mean I've been so busy...., I mean, I forgot. :( Sorry.  If you didn't get it, and you want it, email me or leave a comment.  It's all typed up and comes complete with pictures!

The dog is working out all right.  Natalie has claimed her, so Monica claimed Lucy (just to keep things even and fair.)  I told them that, in order to claim a dog, you have to take care of most of the daily care.  For two days, it's worked beautifully.  THEY take the dogs out to pee.  THEY clean up nerf ball parts.  THEY fill the food and water bowls.  I could like this arrangement.  I give it a week, tops, but I'm going to enjoy the week.

Brett came home.  He's helping and letting me know where he's going and when he'll be home.  It's a start.

To see my Mother's Day Breakfast in Bed Feast, see my other journal, or click Mother's Day Breakfast in Bed Feast.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading your Dallas trip, I probably would have been flipping out!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad the doggie is working out. I hope you are able to continue to keep her. She's so cute!  I laughed about the Nerf ball although I know it's not really funny!
You have a story about your trip? I'd like to read it, too!  Send it along if you get a chance.
Have a good night.