Monday, March 26, 2007

Vegas, day one

Well, it's almost time to head to breakfast, so I'll keep this as short as possible.

Saturday night, the neighbors kept us up most of the night.  I probably got 3 hours of sleep, if you add it all together.  Our flight was fine, and uneventful, but when we landed, I was getting grumpy, having been up since 3:15.

Long, long line waiting for a cab, then we arrived, dropped off our luggage in our rooms, and went to lunch.  It took forever to get in, then to get served, and I felt almost sick by the time the food got to us.  A couple of diet cokes and some nourishment, and I was much better.

We set up the booth, then came to our rooms to freshen up.  Michelle and I had a beer, then set out to walk the strip for a while.  The M&M store is awesome!    We saw a ton of stuff, and I took about 90 pictures.  Back here at the hotel, we met back up with the rest of our group and went to dinner.  After dinner, Michelle and I went to walk some more.

The fountain show at the Bellagio is pretty amazing, but it's one of those things that can't be shown in pictures.  We walked until my feet were screaming at me, then headed back, having seen even more cool stuff.

I threw $5 down a penny slot machine, then came upstairs.  It was 11:30, and the internet wasn't playing nice.  For the $12 a night this place gets for internet, you'd think a genie would pop out of the wall and install it for you!  I went to bed at 11:45, having given up on making an entry.  At 5, I woke up and called Kevin, then the kids, to say good morning.  It was 7 at home.  I tried to lay back down, but it wasn't gonna happen, so I showered and got up.

Now, I'm heading to breakfast, then to work.  This will be a LONG day, without much free time, but yesterday made it worth it!  I don't think I'd ever want to come here on my own dime, since everything is so expensive, but it's neat to see it, anyway.


Anonymous said...

wow - you got Paris, New Yorl, and Vegas all in one she-bang!

I know what you mean though...nice place to visit but....


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I've been to Vegas. It's always too crowded for me.  It's changed a lot in the last 25yrs.  Looks like you had an opportunity to see some of the more famous sights.  And I'm glad the weather cooperated for you.