Monday, January 8, 2007


Here are the answers to Toondude's questions.  It's an odd assortment of questions, Russ.  Seriously.  It reminds me of the bags/boxes of goodies that Kevin's mom sends home with us after we visit.  It could be; a box of macaroni and cheese, a 4-pack of toilet paper, a can of coffee, and a candle; or 10 cans of green beans, a box of Kleenex, and some sausage.  There's no rhyme or reason.  That's ok, though.  I love her and appreciate the thought.  Same with you!

1.  "Do you still keep in touch with anybody you went to high school with?"  Yes, but just a couple.  I graduated in a class of 27, and I keep in touch with 2 or 3.  This year marks 20 years since I graduated, and if they decide to have a reunion, I'll probably go.

2.  "In what way are you exactly like your mom, but wish you weren't?"  I have been known to hurt someone's feelings by being too blunt and honest.

3.  "And in what way are you exactly like your mom -- and are happy about it?"  I am blunt and honest, so nobody has to wonder what I am thinking or feeling.  No games.

4.  "Trent Green -- hot or not?"  Hot...ish.  He's got a lot of competition for my looks, stares, and stalking, since he works with Tony G.!

5.  "What commercial jingle from radio or tv do you find yourself humming or singing the most?"  (this is SO a Kansas City thing...sorry out of town readers.)  "For better living now, and better value later; Call Standard, bum bum bum bum bum, Improvement Company, at Westport 1, 7 100!"  I've seen that since I was quite young, and still love it.  There are others that get stuck in my head from time-to-time, but that's the one that will NEVER leave.


Anonymous said...

Honey -- I'm always happy to give you blog fodder in the form of green beans and toilet paper.  You're welcome.



Anonymous said...

Good answers, especially the mom one.

Anonymous said...

That Standard Home Improvement thing was going in the 50's!  I've never known another commercial to run so long.

Anonymous said...

What about this one? "Call 321-2277, anytime night or day."

Anonymous said...

You are my kind of gal!  Say what you mean and mean what you say;  that's my motto.  -  Barbara