Tuesday, May 9, 2006

About last night

Mom posted an entry about last night.  This evening, via telephone, I finally got the real story. I had a photographers meeting to attend *yawn* so didn't get home until bedtime, so I talked to her on the phone, and Kevin got the rest. 

First, to clear a few things up. 
When she has a bad dream, she wakes me.  I get up and sit with her, and let her tell me about it if she wants to (sometimes she doesn't want to talk about it.)  After discussion, we get her a drink of water, and I tuck her back into bed.  What else can be done?  She doesn't have them often...maybe once every couple of months.

The nightmare story was just that, a story.  She didn't have one, and hadn't even fallen asleep.

She wasn't sleep walking, since she could tell me even the tiniest details about leaving (the basement door unlocks and opens ok, but doesn't always latch real well when you close it...she didn't get it latched) and she put on sandals and a pair of shorts under her nightshirt.  Sleepwalkers don't do that.

The real story is this:  She has a friend who said he was going to run away and live in the woods.  She laid awake worrying about him.  She told me tonight, "He wouldn't make it even ONE night out there!"  Her plan was to walk to his house, and tell his parents where to find him.

He lives FIVE MILES AWAY!  In a car, it's a short trip, so she probably thought it was closer.  Thank God in heaven above that Mom lives between here and there.  She got worn out and went to Grandma's.  She knew she shouldn't have done it, but she was worried about Devin.

She has had multiple talks from Grandma, Grandpa, me and Kevin about what could have happened.  I asked if any cars passed her, and she said a couple did, on the other side of the road.  Why wouldn't anyone call the police if they saw a young girl walking alone in the night?!  I also keep telling her that she can tell us about such worries, and I will talk to a kids parents, if needed.  She can't always save the world without help.

The stuff that made me not sleep well after, and that kept my stomach in knots all day, and kept me on the verge of tears at work:
She walked 2 miles on a two-lane highway.  No shoulder.  55 mph speed limit. Curves.
There are dogs running loose between here and there.
It's the country, no street lights.
There are weirdo freaks everywhere.
People out at midnight are often drunk drivers.
It was supposed to be storming at that time.  Storms missed us.

I am so thankful.  Still, I had this heavy feeling of dread all day.  Feeling inferior.  I didn't hear her leave, and the phone didn't wake me.  There is no WAY to hear that door from upstairs, but still.  I should have had an alarm on it.  I can't child-proof it, it's their fire exit.  I honestly feel that she "gets" the gravity of the situation, and the could-have-beens have been drilled into her all day.  Still, something tells me I won't be sleeping much tonight.



Anonymous said...

Aw, Rach... ((hugs))....we ALL missed class on 'How To Be A Perfect Parent' day...  
I've got a story for you...when Alex was around 6 or 7....we were woken up by our doorbell.  We were sleeping in, of course.... but I got up to see who it was.  It was my neighbor.  Apparently, Alex woke up early and didn't want to wake us up, so he went next door to Ms. Julie's house and watched cartoons on her TV til she woke up.  WTH?  Good thing we were good friends, but still...the kid undid three locks to get out the door!


Anonymous said...

that is so scary. As I told your mom. Just thank heaven she is ok. It's nice that she was so worried about her friend though. Just the thought of that would make me cry too. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Bless your heart with ~ hugs~. I know you were just plain sick over this. I am thankful God and his angels watched over your little girl. May God bless you all.

In Christ,

Anonymous said...

Take it from one who's been there....she won't do it again.   It was a lesson well learned....and it wasn't your fault at all.   ~Meg

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she is safe. Kids do not see danger. It would scarie and worry me if it had been one of mine.

Anonymous said...

Good to know that you got to the bottom of her anxiety, she must have been really worried to want to let her friend's parents know. Kids are so protective of each other, not wanting to get each other in trouble. Good luck helping her make better choices in the future.

Anonymous said...

She is such a caring little girl to worry about her friend like that. THANK GOD SHE IS SAFE!!! I think with you, Kevin, Grandma and Grandpa's warnings of what could of happened will do the trick. At her age I wouldn't have dared to even go outside in the dark by myself.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, I am so glad your little girl is safe. What a scarey experience for you. Thank the lord that your mom was on the way to her friends. I swear, kids think they are invincable. No, on second thought I don't think she was thinking of anything except SAVING her friend from living in the woods, Bless her heart. I am sure that all of you put a good scare into her about the possibilities of what could have happened. It is good that you told her if she has worries like that in the future to come and talk to you. Not enough parents make themselves availible to their children. I hope she knows now, no matter what the problem may be, she can come to you, and perhaps grandma also. Sorry for the long comment. There is an alarm you can put on that door, it is inexpensive, easy to install. You just put one part on the jam(?) and the other part on the door and when the contact is broken a alarm goes off. We had it with my oldest son and daughter, boy they could figure out any lock, amazed me, LOL. Good luck and don't blame yourself hon, there was nothing you could have done to stop this or to have forseen it. Kids just get odd ideas at times, we can just try and teach them the best we can and cross our fingers that it is sticking.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful little girl. That child has such a big heart. I hope that she always has that soft heart in her. I know they tell us we need to prepare our kids for the world and yes we do. But when we prepare them so much that they are hard then we did not do our duty. The world needs caring people.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!  I have to wonder if that little boy has had abuse of some sort.  Sorry -- my mind just goes there because of my history.  So glad your little one wasn't hurt.  Hug her and yourself for me, okay?
