Friday, March 24, 2006

Pasadena Pictures, and the Vacation begins

Here are the leftover pics from my trip to Pasadena.  Most are from the trip home, and all were taken by Bentley.  He *is* the photographer, after all.  I could have excluded some of the sky/cloud/wing pictures, but I love them, so you're stuck.  It was a great trip, and a great flight.

The last couple are from the screen on the jet.  It shows where you are, how fast you're going, and the temp, along with some other data.  It's a cool thing.  I couldn't wait to get home, but the flight was a lot of fun.  Thanks, boss folks.  Thanks for flying me on H&H Aviation.  Thanks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

::wonders if Rachel could talk them into sneaking her mom on board sometime.  Nah, probably not.::