Monday, March 13, 2006

My Birthday, days 2 and 3

Well, yesterday was another good day.  Day 2 wasn't nearly as productive as Day 1, but I got another wonderful meal (thanks to Mom) and a darn good nap.  Almost 3 hours.  It rocked.  There were tornados all around us, but none in our town.  Not even any hail.  I didn't want to be blown away in a tornado, but at least wanted the excitement of the storm.  Nothin' but rain.  *sigh* oh well.

Today, I went to work.  Was busy as heck catching up from being gone Friday, but it wasn't bad.  Got some gifts and some attention, always good things.  Then I headed home.  That's when it started.

I opened the door, and saw Monica's pink and black Mexico blanket spread out on the floor in front of the door.  Kevin said, "sorry, but the red carpet faded a bit in the sun.  I hope you don't mind."  On the near end of the "red carpet" was my slippers.  I kicked off my shoes, stepped into my slippers, and walked the "red carpet" to the dining room.  Spaghetti and garlic bread was waiting for me, with brownies and ice cream for dessert.  It was great.  Everyone sat at the table and ate together and laughed. 

Brett cooked all the food, he's such a champ lately.  I haven't had to lift a finger for 3 days, and I appreciate it.  I love my family, and I love birthdays.

For those that commented about 3-day birthdays, yes, you may take my idea.  I took it from another couple that I used to babysit for.  The reason for the rules (you must work and contribute to the household) is so that children can't sit around for three days and be waited upon by working folks.  You have to make rules that fit your house.

Oh, and one more thing:  Don't be too lazy or too rough on your spouse....his/her birthday is coming, and paybacks are hell!  I made that mistake one year...NEVER again!


Anonymous said...

::AHEM::  yes, we got hail.  You must have been taking your 3-hour nap.

Anonymous said...

LOL at Mom
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thats from lyndsay and she says to tell you she loves you to.
and Happy Birthday to you from us also

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Rachy.