Friday, November 30, 2007

Russ has been found!

Well, Russ came out of hiding, which kind of takes all of the humor out of my "Where's Russ" series.  Don't get me wrong, it's MUCH better when he posts daily, so I don't have to worry.  So we ALL don't have to worry.  Dearest Russy Poo...please stay around regularly.  Women tend to worry excessively.

That being said, I really enjoyed the "Where's Russ" posts.  I realize that things went REALLY wacky, and things were described that would NEVER happen, but I had so much fun.

With that being said, I don't think I'm done having fun with this little escape from reality.  Russ?  Can I have your blessing to keep putting you in odd situations?  Can I encourage others to post a "Where's Russ" entry when they have writer's block?  If you're good with that, and any of you readers out there do it, please post a comment with the link to your entry.

I'm having a ball with this...but I'm kind of lame.  I'd like to see Russ show up in different states, hiding out as a????  Or making a scene doing????  etc etc

OK, I'm off to chill.  I have to work tomorrow (poor pitiful me) and I'll be back tomorrow to look for Russ.  Rumor has it he was seen at a flea market, trying to bring down the price of an olive green lamp (slightly broken.)

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Where's Russ

Bongo came over earlier this evening.  He talked to Hawkeye at length as they dropped some land mines in the back yard.  Apparently, Russ attacked an employee at Price Chopper for being too rough with the pear display. 

As they were trying to get him into the straight jacket, he fell into uproarious laughter, shrieking, "Straight Jacket??? Straight??? HAHAHAHAHA!"  While the confused authorities looked at each other, he escaped, and was last seen doing back flips down I-70, singing the Kansas Jayhawk's fight song.

Have you seen him?

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

What? Random crap? From me? No WAY

Well, I didn't bring work home tonight, but I stayed late.  I only worked 10 hours, and was out of there at 6.  That's not bad for busy season.  I had only TWO breakdowns today.  Again, not bad for busy season.  Seriously, I'm OK, but the stress is higher than ANY job I've ever had.  I strive on it, though, and I accomplish more than ever.  I'm sick.  I know.

Today's volume of "Where's Russ" starts at QuikTrip in Oak Grove, MO.  I stopped there for a white chocolate cappuccino and I think I saw him hovering near the Hotzi sandwiches.  Then, I saw him outside with some friends:

Then, tonight, I was in Raytown, MO and I'm pretty sure I saw him at 63rd and Raytown Rd., hiding behind the billboard on the hill.  Have you seen him?

I am loving Kid Nation, the reality show for kids.  I know of a couple of kids on there that could use a good spanking, but most of them impress the heck out of me, with how they act in the absence of adults.  Taylor needs a spanking.  "Deal with it!" (anyone who hasn't seen the show won't get that.)

I will be teaching online classes for work next year.  I'm excited and nervous at the same time.  I think it will be a great experience, and highly stressful.  Thank goodness I'm going back to Myrtle Beach in February.  Yup, there's a payoff to the stress.

My kids are so funny.  I could tell 100 stories, but there isn't the time!  They are on the honor roll, and they help around the house, and they are SO funny.  We are a warped household, and we have warped senses of humor, so they fit in wonderfully.  If that's not enough, we can laugh about a fart joke for an hour, or burp the alphabet to the delight of onlookers. Yeah, we're special like that.

I get my "sick check" next week.  Where I work, we get paid for any unused sick time (40 hours per year.)  For perfect attendance, you get a gift card of some sorts, too.  I don't know what it is, because I've never had it, but THIS year, it's MINE!  The girls are getting older, so fewer sicknesses, and Kevin's busy season is opposite of mine, so he can stay with them when they're sick, sometimes.  Plus, I have a mother nearby who is a GREAT help.

Anywho, next week is "sick check" week, and I'm so excited to have a week's pay on a non-pay week.  That's the good news.  The bad news?  Kevin's truck needs tires.  *sigh*  He HAS to have 2 tires, and honestly needs 4.  Goodbye, sick check.  *sniff sniff*  I'm just thankful that the sick check enables the buying of tires.  I don't know what we'd do, otherwise.

OK, time to go, but one more thing:  I think I just saw Russ running down the street outside my house, wearing a pair of stone washed jeans and a K State T-shirt.  He was barefoot, too.  Dude, it's cold outside.  Put on some shoes.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good Evening, Friends

I had a terrible day at work today, but that's to be expected this time of year.  I was so mad (at coworkers) by afternoon, that there was NO way I was staying late, so I brought some work home.  Little did I know how long it would take!  I just finished, 3 1/2 hours later.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: This is what "busy season" means at my job.  I'll also not have another Saturday off until after Christmas.  It's only a few weeks, so I'll live.  There are still Sundays, right?  LOL  Maybe I can look pitiful and talk my mommy into making a big dinner one Sunday, and I'll mess with her phone.  OK, I'll mess with the phone, anyway, but a big meal would sure help make up for missing Thanksgiving. <insert pitiful face here>

::added later:: I forgot that my poor mother can't stand or walk without horrible pain.  Forget dinner, Mom.  Maybe we'll come over and I'll cook for you guys.  Sorry that my gut reaction is "spoiled brat" <hanging head>

Remember the Where's Waldo books?  We loved those when Brett was little.  I'm gonna start my own book series.  It will be called "Where's Russ"  There will be pages and pages of no-journal-entry days, and you have to figure out where he is.  Dude?  It's OK to give the author a hint as to your whereabouts.

My cats are stupid, my dog is a moron, and my sharks are idiots.  Anyone have any tips to make my pets smarter?  Maybe they are smart and we're stupid?  Yeah, that's probably it.

It might snow this weekend.  At the very least, it's going to be nasty out, from what they say.  Bring it on.  If it's going to be cold, it may as well be pretty.  I'll be right here, under my quilt, when April arrives.

OK, enough random crap.  See ya later, fabricator.

Monday, November 26, 2007

More on the topic of this morning's entry

Sonya, bookncoffee, said "If I write on my journal "sorry, I'll read your entries later or sorry I've not been by", it is just an endearing way of saying "I'm thinking about you if I haven't told you so" or "I've been busy, but still think a lot of you".  But then, having said that, I ALWAYS do what I want.  I  never sit and read journals unless I'm truly interested, and I never comment unless I truly want to.  LOL  I don't feel so much guilt though as just feeling that my internet friends are dear to me and I want them to know it. And I think when most folks say it, that is what they mean.  I have noticed that a few don't seem to say much related to your entry when they comment and figure there may be some out there that just leave comments to get comments on their own journal.  I love comments and lots of them, but at least the comments I leave are sincere and only as I have time.  And yours is one of my favorites!  So if I visit, you will know it b/c when I do I usually like to let the person know.  LOL  I have developed lots of friendships that way.  Each person gets to do what they like though and that is what makes it enjoyable.  If you lurk, then that is what you like to do, and that is fine!  LOL Have a good week."

I couldn't have said it better myself.  I like it when people keep me in their thoughts, and I think about many of my journal buddies on a daily basis.  I have 12 journals that I read daily, and many others that I read as I can, but they don't post as often.  Without excluding anyone, let me talk about Russ for a minute.

Russ was one of my favorites before I ever met him, and now I've met him twice.  He is funny, insightful, and we have so many opposite views that I find he makes me think more than most folks.  He gets down sometimes, and has suffered from depression most of his life.

When he's down, I don't post a "warm and fuzzy" comment every time, but if I don't see a post for a week I will email him and make sure he is still around.  I'm not cold-hearted or cruel, but he knows me well enough to know that my heart is always with him.

I love to get a ton of comments as much as the next person, but I don't get hung up on it.  I know that many of you think of me regularly, and many of you pray for my family.  I know when I realize that you remember to send my daughters ecards for their birthday, or ask about a pet, by name, when I haven't mentioned them for a while.

Yeah.  I know.

Now, go and prove it by leaving a comment, ok?

HA!  I crack me up!  Go spend time with your families, and post something fun for me to read in your *own* journal.

You won't find anything important here

I get amazed, as I drift around to various journals and blogs, at how many folks feel an obligation to read certain journals each day.  Most of my regular reads have, at some point, posted an apology about turning off alerts, or not commenting.

Yeah, it's exciting to post something and see a lot of comments in response to it, but my well-being doesn't hinge on it.  If you're sick, go to bed.  If you feel like napping and run out of time to surf to this boring little corner of the web, I'm OK with it.

Yesterday, I laid around all day.  I watched T.V., welcomed the family home, watched football, took a nap, watched my usual Sunday night lineup, and played on the computer.  I didn't even shower!  (eeewwwwww)

Yet, I felt no guilt.  This time of year, I work 6 days a week, and I cherish my one day off.  I will usually see your posts, but won't always comment.  I won't feel bad about it.  I don't suddenly like you, or your thoughts, any less than before, I just felt like lurking that day.

If it helps your mind, even a little, there's never anything important here.  This journal is guilt free, calorie free, and contains no trans fats.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Plans change

OK, so Mizzou just beat KU.  Yup, I said it.  KU sucks.  Or, "Go Mizzou!"  Whatever.   80,537 people showed up, yet this is a college game.  Wow.   This is something.

Now, a dog who isn't allowed on the bed, is on the bed, and the alpha cat is up here, too.  What the hell?  Is this not MY bed?  Why are there animals up here?  I am taking up 1/3 of the bed, while animals get the other 2/3.  Sheesh!

Ray isn't coming tomorrow.  His schedule changed.  Damn.  He says that he'll make it before the year is out, so we'll see.  I can't wait to meet him.  Now, I'm just excited to get my family home.  Come home, family.

Good night, friends.

Happy Saturday, friends o' mine!

I worked about 5 1/2 hours today.  Not too bad, for busy season.  After work, a friend took me out for a beer.  That was quite a nice surprise.  We had fun, laughing and talking, then I headed home.

Kevin's new phone arrived yesterday, so I've been calling him  a lot, testing the bluetooth headset and dialing from places around here that NEVER have a signal.  So far, it's proving to be a great phone.  I haven't had ANY "no signal" spots yet.  That's unheard of around here.  Plus, with wireless bluetooth, he can walk around a store, talking, looking like a crazy homeless man, while I tell him that we're also out of bread and milk.  Win win.

Mom got to meet Celeste today.  I'm jealous.  They have had such a fun trip.  Some day, I'll meet Celeste, when I finally make it to Georgia to see Jim and his clan.  I talked to my best friend for a bit, on the phone, and that was great.  We don't see each other enough.

Tomorrow, I may get to meet someone that I've only known online for the past 6-7 years.  It's not set in stone yet, but this would be a HUGE thrill.  I'm so excited, I can barely think of anything else.  I hope it happens.  I really hope and pray that it happens.

OK, I'm off to do important things like watch TV and surf the Internet.  I hope you all have a great Saturday night. 

Wow.  I might get to meet Ray.  Wow.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Another try: The day after Thanksgiving

OK, a shorter version so I don't get so ticked at AOL when it eats the entry:

I woke later than usual, since I thought I could hit "snooze" a few more times.  No kids to care for, and nobody to share a bathroom with.  I finally got up and realized that I had a meeting at 8.  AAARRRRGGGGG!  Time to hustle.

I got out of the shower and let Hawkeye out.  It was then that I realized that the cats were screaming at me.  Oh yeah, no kids means I have to do their chores.  I went down to feed the cats, realizing that the litter boxes needed cleaned, too.  I took care of that, then went back upstairs.

After letting Hawkeye in, I saw that he needed food and water, too.  OK, no problem, although I was becoming later by the minute.  I went out to get dog food, and saw the trash.  Yup, it's trash day, since yesterday was a holiday.

As I dragged the trash toward the curb, I looked at my car.  It was covered in a thick layer of frost, and my defroster doesn't work very well.  *shit*  OK, start the car, and keep taking trash to the curb.

By the time I finally got into the car, I had a fogged windshield, and 50 minutes to get to work.  No problem?  I wasn't so sure, but was willing to give it a try.  I was just happy that the neighbor girl had agreed to let Hawkeye out halfway through the afternoon.  I left a door unlocked and told her which door to use.

She did her job.  She did what I asked and THEN some.  She locked the door when she left.  The problem is, Monica has my house key, and she is 150 miles away.  ARRRGGGG!!!

I called Kevin to ask which window to break.  I had tried popping 3 screens, and all windows were locked.  Kevin told me to try the window by his computer.  He said that he sometimes forgets to lock it when he closes it.  I prayed, popped another screen, and tried it.  It was unlocked.

PHEW!  I got the ladder from the back porch and crawled in through the window.  I only have two injuries, and neither are life threatening.  After getting in, I let the poor dog out, and called Kevin to tell him that his irresponsibility ensured a warm sleeping space for me.  Thanks honey.

My family went out for lunch, then took in a movie.  I worked all day, and then broke in to my own house.  Tomorrow, my family will sleep late, then attend an engagement party for my niece.  I will go to work, then come home and finish the laundry.

I'm getting hosed.  *sigh*

The day after Thanksgiving

I typed a whole, wonderful, fabulous entry, and AOL ate it.  I'll try again tomorrow.  Let's just say that I only broke 2 screens, and no windows, so I win.  Rachel 1, house 0.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, here I am, just me and the Dallas Cowboys.  I didn't spend my day alone, though.

Kevin cooked breakfast this morning, and the girls and I ate in my bed, while watching the Macy's parade on TV.  It was fun to chill out with the girls for a few hours, and it gave Kevin some alone time, watching "Pinks" in the living room.  Car races.  *sigh*

We got everyone all packed and even cleaned the house for a while, and Kevin and the girls headed out a bit after noon.  Around 2:30, Brett came over.  We watched the end of the Green Bay game, then watched "License to Wed" on DVD (he brought it with him...funny flick, but I love everything that Robin Williams does.)

A bit over halfway through the movie, my nephew Arick stopped by.  He watched some of the movie with us, then went to his aunt Dar's for T-day dinner.  When the movie was over, Brett headed out to his 3 T-day dinners that he was invited to.  A hungry man finds a way to eat.  'Nuff said.

Now, it's just me and the animals.  Hawkeye is a wreck, wondering where everyone is.  He hates it when any of his people are gone.  The cats are aloof and lazy, so they don't notice anything unusual.  I am watching the 'Boys kick the snot out of the Jets.

I think I'll go to bed early, and get an early start at work tomorrow.  I tried in vain to find someone who could come let Hawkeye out tomorrow afternoon, so I think I may leave him out at Mom's.  He is happy there, and not stuck inside.  There is also the barn full of hay to keep him warm, if he so chooses.  I'll pick him up on the way home.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

*added later*

I heard back from the neighbor, and they'll let Hawkeye out during the afternoon.  That rocks.  Yeah, just one more thing to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


So, let me set some things straight here.  I work for a professional photo lab.  Our busy season is from Labor Day until Christmas Day.  There are no vacation days, or sick days, or comp days during this period.  It's not wrong or cruel, it's life.  You are warned when you take this job.  I'm OK with it.

Because of this, I will work Friday and Saturday.  I'm just thankful to be off on Thanksgiving Day.  I can take it, I'm fine with it, and I'm not upset about it.  Mom and Dad are in Georgia and Kevin and the girls will head to Carthage to see Grammy.  I'm OK.

However, everyone at work seems to think I need help.  They are sure that I should attend their holiday celebrations.  I had four invitations today.  I am so thankful that I work with people who care, but I'm fine.  I'll be JUST fine.  Don't worry about me.  I can take it.

By the end of the day, it was annoying to hear people fretting about me, but it's sweet, just the same.  I am so thankful for those who want to take someone in as family on Thanksgiving.  I would never be comfortable in your house with your family during a holiday dinner, but I appreciate the thought.

I'll be fine.  I'll be sitting around in my jammie pants, eating frozen pizza.  I'll be fine.
  Heck, there's even a rumor that Brett may show up for a brief visit!  Wouldn't THAT be a sweet holiday treat!

Enjoy your turkey and taters and pie.  I'll be here, eating frozen pizza and waiting to go to work on Friday.  Thanks for the invitations, just the same.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Party

This party WORE US OUT!  I'm getting old, folks.  I made it until after midnight, but the kids didn't crash until almost 2:00.  They had a blast.  One of Monica's friends couldn't make it, but that made an even number, so we had 8 little girls here, screaming and giggling and EATING.  Boy, did they eat.

Here they are, in all their glory.  Most are wearing PJs by this time, but still running hard.  Wow, the energy in this house.  Finally, we decided that snacking wasn't holding off the natives any longer, so we let them build their own bagel pizzas:

Kevin and I added the cheese when they were done.  Those pizza's were good!  There were other things to eat as well: Chips and dip, cake, ice cream with toppings, and tons of soda (I know it was a ton, because the empty cans weighed 1/4 ton the next morning.

It was good.  I'm glad we did it.  However, it killed us.  We did NOTHING the next day, other than sit around watching the Chiefs lose, and watching Jimmy Johnson win the cup, but miss win #5 in a row.  Thanks to my shows not being on last night, I went to bed early and recovered.

Tonight, we went phone shopping, since we are eligible for the free upgrades on several of our lines.  Yeah, I said "several."  Kevin and I both have phones, we have the phone that WAS Brett's, but since he moved out, the girls use it, Jonathan has a phone on our plan (he's going to start paying his part) and Grammy has one (we won't let her drive that old car around without a cell...too many variables.)  Yes, folks, that is FIVE phones on this plan, and Mamma wants a new cell.

When the contract is up for it, we could nix Brett's old phone, but by then, Monica will be in junior high, and have more after-school activities.  *sigh*  What did *I* do without a cell phone in school?  Oh yeah, I lied and snuck around.  Yup, I think I like the connectivity.

Mom?  Forget you saw that last comment.

See ya later, mashed potater.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Anyone have any valium?

By this time tomorrow, there will be 9 little girls in my house, ranging in age from 10-12.  *sigh*  The theme is High School Musical.  There will be pictures, cake, and such.  Yeah, Kevin may need some Valium.

I was going to get a High School Musical cake from WalMart.  I went to the bakery and asked about it.  The $6 an hour flunky said, "We need 24 hours notice."  I looked at my watch and said, "How about 22 hours?"  She blinked twice and said, "We need 24 hours notice."  I said, "OK, see ya!"  *sigh*

We are baking our own cake, for about $3.  I just saved about $17.  That's good, since Party America sucked all of my available income, right out of my bank account, via my debit card.  That place is PRICEY!  I spent WAY too much on this party, but we only do this once per year, so it's not bad, I guess. 

There will be gift bags with girlie items such as tatoo glitter pens, bath fizzies, nail decorations, and other such nonsense.  We have a High School Musical (from here forward to be called HSM, since I'm sick of typing that) table cloth and decorations, HSM balloons, a HSM backdrop for pictures, and HSM plates, napkins and cups.

The girls will make their own pizzas, then have cake and ice cream.  This place will be crazy.  I love this crap, but I DO worry about Kevin.  Poor Kevin.  The boys have moved out and started their own lives, and he holds the only testosterone in the house.  Maybe he can find somewhere to escape to.  Maybe he can go watch C.O.P.S. with Dad.  That'll give him an hour, anyway.

I'll have pictures later in the weekend.  I'll have to get permission from parents, so I will use caution when posting, but there will be plenty of merriment captured to use as blackmale later in life, when the girls want to date.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Birthday, Sissy Doll

12 years ago, I gave birth to my darling Monica.  She's my darling now, but I worried for a while.

First of all, I was pregnant for a while before I knew it.  I continued to have my....(edited for my male readers.  Sorry Russ and Jim.) Anyway, I didn't have the usual "signs" of being "with child."

By the time we figured it out, the doctor could only estimate my due date by measurements.  They measure the HEAD, the bones of the leg, and something else.  Anyone who has met my family knows that we have BIG heads.  Whoppin' ol' beans.  Due to this, we later realized that they probably induced her 2 weeks early.  I get pregnant by passing Kevin in the hallway.  I carry a child quite well.  The problem is that I can't give birth without medical help.

So, we go to the hospital, and I get the pitosin (sp) drip, and later, Monica is born.  Then she started crying.  She cried and cried and cried.

She had some asthma issues, but that may be from being induced 2 weeks early.  She has long since outgrown it.  Other than getting sick a lot, she cried.  She cried and cried and cried.

My firstborn didn't cry unless he was hungry or needed a diaper change, so this was a whole new problem.  She cried during the day, and she cried during the night.  Kevin and I would take turns walking with her.  Kevin has always gone to bed early, so I'd walk her, and talk to her, until midnight or so.  By then, Kevin would wake up and take over...walking her and talking to her.

We would tell her what a light switch was, how the remote worked, what the square root of 9801 was (99) and other such nonsense.  Then, one day, she realized she could sit up on her own.  For the first time in her life, she was HAPPY!  She cooed and played and slept well and laughed.  She was SO happy.  For a few weeks.

Then she cried.  She cried day and night again, until she learned to crawl.  She crawled with her hands, one knee, and one foot.  It was the funniest thing, but she was happy.  For a few weeks.

Then she cried.  She cried day and night again, until she learned to walk.  From then on, she was independent and happy!  We finally realized that her brain was ahead of her body, and she just wanted to move on.  Everyone who met her knew she was advanced, but who would have guessed that she was THAT far advanced.

Monica was potty trained by 18 months.  Mom taught her to write her name at 2 years old.  She was reading by 3 1/2.  Yeah, this kid has what it takes.  She's an A student, all the way.  She's funny and intelligent and beautiful.  She is so much fun to have around.

Monica, I love you, dear.  You are the cat's meow, as they say.  I am so proud of you, and excited about your future.  Enjoy your last year before you're a teen.  Your last year of elementary school.  Your last year before Daddy and I start freaking out.  Enjoy it, my dear.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

How can you punch someone when the sunrise is perfect?

Well, I headed to work, running later than I like to, and had to stop anyway. How can you drive to work, with the above image beside you, and not pull off the road to take a picture?  It was so pretty, and this picture doesn't do it justice.

I didn't hit anyone today.  I didn't even think about it much, since my day started with  such a wonderful sky.  Every time I started to get agitated, I remembered this view.

OK, I have nothing of importance to say, so enjoy the sunrise that I saw this morning, and have a wonderful evening.

P.S. The whole convention schedule isn't out yet, for '08, but I already know I'm scheduled for 2 in January!  Tampa at the beginning of the month, Myrtle Beach later in the month.  I'll either get my share over with early in the year, or be attending a bunch again, like last year.  We shall see.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I can't punch a coworker

I walked into the production manager's office today.  He is also the head of HR.  I asked him, quite innocently, "If I punch a coworker in the mouth, would I get written up, or is it instant termination?"  He chuckled a bit and said, "I'm sorry, but it's termination."


I can handle the needs of my clients.  I can fix errors, educate customers, support software, answer receptionist calls between CS calls and leap tall buildings in a single bound.  I can NOT deal well with folks who are lazy and want me to finish the job that they started, and only half-ass started at that.

I mean, really...if you took TWO minutes to listen, you'd know how to handle this yourself.  But you don't WANT to handle it.  You want to push it off on someone with more knowledge, then return to your scripted answers.  It's easier that way.  It's easier to dump on me.  It's easier to be lazy.  I don't CARE if you're approaching retirement age.  If you can't do this job, then retire now.  I beg of you.

Retire now.

Thanks for letting me vent, dear readers.  I needed to get that out.  I won't punch her, but I'll smile every time I think about it.  *evil grin*  The thought of my knuckles hitting her square in the mouth.  That'd take her down a notch or two.  *evil grin*

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back home at last!

Most of these pictures were taken by Natalie, and one by a pesky coworker. 

Natalie and I headed out around 4:30 on Friday, arriving in Carthage at 7:00.  We lounged around with Grammy and watched The Wizard of Oz.

Saturday, we ran some errands, then met up with Kevin's sister, and went with her to Joplin with her son and his friend.  We took the kids to the mall, and visited the arcade there.  Natalie had a lot of fun, although Steven's friend annoyed the heck out of her (and me.)

Saturday evening, we had a birthday gathering for Grammy, Kevin's Mom.  Only one of our four offspring made it, but all of her other grandkids were there, as well as a husband and fiance' of some granddaughters.  It was enjoyable, and it's always good to see K's grandma, GG.  She's pretty feisty for an 87 year old.

After that, I visited with 2 of my friends until almost midnight.  I had seen a third friend, and her new baby, earlier in the day.  The baby is adorable, but I didn't hold her much, since I was scared of her broken collar bone.  Sheesh, what a way to start a life.  It will supposedly be healed up within a couple of weeks.

Today, I visited with some other friends, after hooking up the DVD player that we got for Grammy.  We finally hit the road at around 3:30.  What a BORING drive.  Natalie spent her time trying to get truckers to honk, and taking pictures of other motorists.  That would freak me out, if a passing kid was taking my picture.

Now, we're home, and I'm in my jammy pants, and it's time to watch some quality television. 

On the flip side, Clyde.

Thursday, November 8, 2007


"The sun'll come out, Tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that Tomorrow, there'll be sun...Just thinkin' about, Tomorrow, clears away the.....bleh, never mind.

Tomorrow is another day.  Fiddle de de, as Scarlett would say.  Tomorrow, lots of things will happen:

Tomorrow, I'll go to work early, and work my ASS off to make sure that things are done before the weekend.  Never mind that I've worked 9-12 hours every day this week (usually close to 11).  I have to kick it up another notch tomorrow.  I have to make sure that things are squared away so that I can enjoy my weekend off.

Anywho....I'm going to Carthage to visit my in-laws, and my friends.  I can't wait.  Kevin will bring Natalie to KC, and she'll sit with me until 5, when I'm done working.  Then, we'll hit the road South.  I'm so excited about this trip.

My buddy Beth just had a baby.  I get to drool over a new baby.  You may need a crow bar to get me away from this little angel.  Seriously.  I may have a problem.

I get to see Grammy, Kevin's mom, for a whole weekend.  She is the most awesome woman.  I get to see Jonathan.  Darling boy of mine.  He may be 21, but he's going to school and working and making good decisions, and I can't wait to catch up with him.

I can't wait to see GG.  That is Kevin's grandma.  She will be 87 in  a couple of weeks, and she's still got the fire in her to tell you to kiss her ass.  I love that woman.  

I will sign off now, but I will tell you that I'm signing off happy.  I love my family.  I love Kevin's family. I love my job, and my employer.  I love my life.  Sometimes, work sucks, but I still love it.

Sue me.

See ya 'round, silly clown!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm home safely, and weekend plans.

Well, no brushes with death today.  Traffic was crazy, but nobody tried to kill me.  PHEW! 

This weekend, Natalie and I will head to Carthage for a visit.  Kevin will take the girls down for Thanksgiving, but I can't go, due to the fact that I have to work the day after, and possibly on Saturday.  Because of this, I thought I'd go down this weekend and see everyone.  Monica has a school dance on Friday night, so she's staying home with Daddy.

It's Grammy's birthday, so it's a good weekend to visit, AND I'll get to see my running buddies from when we lived down there.  One of them, Beth, had a baby yesterday!  It's been a LONG time since I've had a new baby to love on.  I can't wait.

Tonight will be a channel-flipping night.  The country music awards are on, but so is Kid Nation, and Kitchen Nightmares.  *sigh*  What a rough life I have, huh?  Kevin had dinner hot and ready when I got home, so you'll not hear any complaining from me!

Well, time to check out some journals before the shows come on. 

Seriously, I am SURE that I have it made.  Dinner ready when I got home, in my PJ pants and surfing the web by 6:30, and nothing pressing that needs done.  Yup, I think I'm in good shape tonight!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I almost died today, and other ramblings

OK, so I'm on the way home tonight, life is normal.  I'm used to seeing idiot drivers, and I can avoid them like nobody's business.  I can tell, way before I get near them, that they aren't driving smart, and I take measures to stay way back, or get past them quickly.  But, today was another matter:

I was in the left lane, and going the speed of the vehicle in front of me, and that of the person behind me.  It wasn't quite the speed limit, but it wasn't 90, either.  Here we go, down the fast lane, getting along famously.

We began going past someone in the right lane, who was going WAY below the posted limit, about the time that my lane of traffic slowed to about the posted limit.  No problem, who cares?  Right?  As I drew up beside this car, I noticed that the dome light was on....WTH?

About the time I was directly beside them, I saw that the passenger was reading a road map, and the driver was leaning over, assessing the situation.  Holy SHIT!  As he gazed at the map, he started moving toward the left...toward ME!  Crap!

I couldn't go faster, there was a car in front of me.  I couldn't go slower, or I'd get plowed by the truck behind me.  All I could do was drive, and watch this little car moving slowly into my lane.  I was pretty sure I was going to die, or at LEAST be maimed.

I saw the car to my right, and the evil ditch to the left, and I made my decision:  I braced both hands firmly on the wheel, and used my thumbs to press HARD on the horn.  I drove like this for 2 hours (it was probably 10 seconds) without reaction from the map-reading driver. He finally shifted slowly back to his own lane.

I stopped shaking about 15 minutes later.  I knew I was going to die...or at least wreck, or at least be freaked out.  I was freaked out.  I had to tell all to Kevin when I got home (although he would have been better off not knowing) so I could ditch the feeling.

I drive in Kansas City rush hour traffic every day.  Who knew that I'd be this close to a TOTAL mess(or death or dismemberment), over 20 miles from downtown.  Yeah, it freaked me.  I have until tomorrow morning (early) to get over it, and get behind the wheel again.

Wish me luck.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Have you seen my parents?

Well, I think my parents should be home from St. Louis by now, don't you?  I mean, seriously, how late do they plan on getting home, anyway?  It's going to get dark earlier, and they should be here.

I'm really concerned.  Yup, I'm concerned that it's 4:00 and I haven't seen pictures yet!  It's all about me, you know.  LOL  I'm also anxious to see Jim's pictures from his ride today.

We went to a fundraising thingie here in town.  They are raising money for new Christmas lights, and we jump on a chance for a meal catered by Nadler's.  Yummy brisket, with all the fixins.  We walked up there, and were home less than an hour later.  Just in time for the kickoff of the Chiefs game. 

*sigh*  The Chiefs game.  A moment of silence, please.
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OK, now, let's get back to reality.  There is plenty of race left, although Edwards is sucking it up right now.  *sigh* Edwards.  Then again, I could watch the Colts/Patriots game.  I think I'll do both.

Later, I plan to make some beef stew.  It's been sounding good, lately, so we bought the ingredients this morning.  I wonder if we have any corn bread?  Hmmmm.  If not, It'll still be good.

New England just took the lead, Edwards is still in 39th (after clinching the Busch series championship yesterday,) while the Busch boys run 1st and 2nd (blech) and the stew isn't going to make itself.

See ya 'round, Charlie Brown.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Catching up

Well, Halloween went off MOSTLY without a hitch.  Natalie was pretty bummed about not going, but we toasted her pumpkin seeds and she stood behind me as I handed out candy, so she could see everybody. It wasn't too bad.

Kevin's Dr. appointment was pretty much what we expected.  He's off for at least two more weeks, and no therapy this week.  He'll go back to therapy next week, then get evaluated the following week.  *sigh*  I'm sick of him hurting all the time.

Monica is supposed to have a friend or two over tonight, but one's phone has that very fast busy signal, which usually means the phone is temporarily disconnected, and the other was supposed to be here 30 minutes ago, so I don't know if anyone is showing up or not.  I'd be fine if they didn't, but she'd be disappointed, so I hope someone shows.

Natalie is back in school.  There is a staph infection which is VERY resistant to antibiotics in a few towns in the area.  I just found out that it's in the next town over!  That is some scary stuff.  I hope our school is taking measures to prevent it.  I'll power wash the walls with bleach, if they need me to!

Well, I'm off to see what trouble I can find out there on the world wide web.  I might play some Vaults of Atlantis slots on pogo, maybe some Destruct-o-Match on Neopets, maybe some surfing on the JokeADay message boards, or maybe even some chatting.  Who knows?  I'm a wild card.

ROFL!  That cracked even ME up.  See ya later, agitator.