Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Snowy cold...N'stuff

It's cold still.  It snowed, and it's cold.  Bah.

I visited with my best friend, Tammy, tonight.  She's doing OK, for someone who's son is heading to a war in 4 days.  *sigh*

Tomorrow is statement day.  I'll go in early and get started, then lose 3 hours of my productive time.  Ick.

Tomorrow night, I'll pack for Indy.  The girls like to help.  I'm always sure I'll forget something.  Kevin will worry that I'll forget something.  Then, I'll forget something. Oh well, I think well on my feet, and I'll be fine.  I hope he is fine here with the girls all weekend.

I didn't know I was crabby until I re-read this.  Sorry.  There's no reason to be crabby.  I guess I just need summertime and open windows to clear the cobwebs.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Busy... and cold.

I stayed 2 hours late at work today for a meeting.  Tomorrow, I meet my best friend after work to offer my shoulder.  Her only birth child is shipping out for Iraq on Monday.  Thursday, I go to work early to do statements.  Friday, I fly out to Indianapolis.  What a week!

I don't have to fly commercial.  I don't mind flying commercial, but I DO mind the 2 hour wait in the airport, as well as the layovers.  We will leave from an airport much closer than home than Kansas City International (which isn't close to ANYONE or ANYTHING!)  We'll stop off somewhere in Illinois to drop off one person, then on to Indy, to set up the booth (a 2-3 hour ordeal.)

Then some dinner and off to my room, to post on this journal and watch TV alone.  It may sound lonely to you, but I'm OK with it.  I need a quiet night and it will include a stupidly long shower (gotta love never-ending hot water) and a thermostat cranked up to 80ish.  It will include surfing the net and ignoring any call that doesn't come from my family.  Yeah, that's livin'!

Saturday will be 6 hours of trade show, and dinner with our outside sales reps, and maybe a customer or two.  Sunday will be 5 hours of trade show, and 3 hours of packing up the booth, followed by a private flight while I miss the Super Bowl once again.  If I didn't have great customers in Indy, who ask for me annually, I'd ask to NOT go to this show.

I DO have those customers, though, and I miss the Super Bowl annually because of it.  The company owner offered to get a satellite radio so I can listen to the game, but I still miss all the great commercials.  Oh well, it's my lot in life.  It's not a lot, but it's my life. (a stolen quote from A Bug's Life.)

Time to go put away some laundry in time to watch Boston Legal.  Nighters.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Girlie Weekend, and my buds

I had a great weekend!  Kevin got called into work on Saturday, so he lost part of his weekend.  That stinks.  At least he had Sunday, and both evenings for sleeping and watching whatever HE wanted to, on TV. 

We got to Carthage around 7:30, and settled in to relax.  Saturday found us girls lazing around, with Monica and Natalie playing Phase 10 with Grammy.  Jonathan was there, with his girlfriend Ashley, and it was great to catch up with them.  In the afternoon, we got our hair cut, then went to the local bowling alley.  Yeah, don't ask.  83 was my BEST game, and the other was barely half that.  LOL  My best game was played with a house ball that had big ol' chunks missing.  We called it "Ol' Lumpy" and it served me just fine.

Saturday evening, I went to a friends house for a gathering of all my old runnin' buddies.  When you move far away, it could be for the best of reasons, but I'm the type to hang on to GOOD friends, and these are some GOOD friends!  I cried, they cried, we cried.  Sappy, huh?  It made my body literally hurt to walk out that door, with them all begging me to stay just a little longer.  What an incredible group of people.  I miss you guys.

Sunday was lazy for me.  The girls went with Linda to church, since it was her turn to set up and clean up the communion.  It involves a LOT of dishes, and they didn't get home until after 1:00.  I read some silly murder mystery the whole time.  Around 3:30, we headed home, and got here by 6:10.  It was a long and silly trip, with the girls getting truckers to honk, and making silly faces while waving at other motorists.  They had a ball.

I'm home, we're all safe and happy, and I have a new injury to the hole in my heart.  The one created when I moved up here from Carthage.  I'm not sorry I moved, I'm just sorry I don't see them more often.  I hope this new plan changes that.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

This Weekend

This weekend is Kevin's "silent" weekend.  He gets the house to himself for two days of silence, reading, naps, and whatever else he wants to do.  Oh yeah, my times a comin'...don't you fret! LOL

Tomorrow, right after work, the girls and I are heading South to Grammy's house.  I won't have internet access, so there won't be any posts here, but I plan to take plenty of pictures of our adventure, so I can share when I get back.

We'll leave right after I get off work, and sleep at Grammy's house.  Saturday, we're all going bowling, getting our hair cut, and generally having a good time.  Maybe we'll shop, maybe we'll play cards, maybe we'll veg out in front of the TV.  Who knows? 

We'll get home Sunday around 6 or 7, and I'll try to post an entry.  I plan on this being a win-win plan.  Grammy sees more of the girls, Kevin and I get some alone/quiet time every other month, and the girls get adventure.  It's all good! 

Oh, and in case you wondered, Brett will be around, but he works most of the weekend, so he's not around much.  I hope Kevin makes the most of this weekend.  Here are the rules of the new plan:

1. The departing spouse and girls must be gone Friday evening, or early Saturday morning.

2. The departing spouse and girls must not be home before 5 on Sunday.

3. Home must only be called upon arrival in Carthage, and again when departing Carthage.  Any other call must be initiated by the stay-at-home parent.

4. There is NOT to be any "honey-do" list.  48 hours of sleep is perfectly acceptable.  If cleaning or projects are done, it's at the discretion of the stay-at-home parent.

Yup, this is the maiden voyage for this little plan, but I think it's a good one, and I'm looking forward to it.  I don't see any losers in the plan.  Does anyone else?  Seriously, I welcome ideas or thoughts.

Monday, January 22, 2007

A very "dark" video

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OK, this is very dark, and I almost didn't post it, but you can see the obsession.  I thought Mom's dog was obsessed when I saw her in the snow, then I looked at my own dog.  Yup, it's true. Half Chihuahua and half Jack Russell can NEVER come to any good, yet she's ours.  We deal with it.  OK, we don't just deal with it, we tease it and get it al fired up.  Not my fault. The family needs entertainment.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

More snow, and some misc. stuff

Here are some residual pics from the last couple of days.  There is a ton of snow out there, but it's melting fast.  Oh, and THIS time we got a snowplow...TWICE!  Our street is completely clear.  Well, time to get the heck out of this Jimmy Neutron room, and back to the football room.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Snow's better than ice!

A wonderful night

Last week, I got some concert tickets free at a radio station giveaway.  It was for Trent Tomlinson, who's current single is One Wing in the Fire.  I love the song, as does Kevin and the girls.  Sounded like fun.

Kevin had a Dr. appointment on Friday, and the concert was Thursday night, so he didn't think he'd go.  It would be a late night, for sure.  I had 4 tickets, and wondered who to take.  An Internet search showed that, although it was at a bar/club, it was an all-ages show.  I called my friend Michelle, and asked if she'd like to go with me and the girls.  Sounded good to her!

Thursday, I ducked out of work about 20 minutes early, and made the almost-hour long commute home.  I got changed and such, grabbed the girls, and headed back PAST where I work, to the city.  It was probably an hour and 15 minutes of more driving.  We found a great parking spot, and headed in.

Right away, I saw one of the folks from the radio station (known as Whitey), told my girls who he was, and they went over to say "hi".  Michelle showed up, and before long, he was sitting at our table, drinking a beer and talking to us.  He found out how much the girls loved music AND everyone from the station (we listen every morning while we get ready, and it's the only station I play in the car, so they're familiar with all of the folks on-air there.  They even call the station regularly.)

Before long, another one of the DJ's from the station (TJ McIntyre) came to our table, pointed at all of us, and said, "come with me."  Michelle said, "you guys go, I'll stay with our stuff."  Ummm, ok?  We followed TJ to the door, and she instructed us to put this sticker on ourselves somewhere.  It was a meet-and-greet pass!  A lady came to the door and said, "Who's first?"  TJ quickly pointed at me and the girls and said, "These girls are definitely first." 

It was happening faster than I could figure out what was happening, but we were led out the door on onto Trent's bus, where he sat at a table with a pad of pictures of himself, and a marker.  He talked to us for a minute or two, and signed a picture to each of us.  He thanked us for coming out, and we were escorted back to the club.  The girls were so excited.  I was sure that things couldn't get better for them.

Soon, another DJ, Ronnie Phillips, came to the table.  All three of the DJ's signed the girl's Tshirts, and Ronnie signed their arms!  They thought this was pretty cool.  I wondered what the teacher's would think on Friday when they went in with an X on each hand (under 21) and a signature on their arm, but what the heck.  They were having fun.  Here we are, in a club full of people, and all three of the DJ's were hanging out by our table.   I was sure that things couldn't get better for them.

Finally, after an opening band played, Trent's band came out.  He played a song or two and then Michelle asked the girls if they wanted to get closer.  Of course they did!  I stayed with the stuff this time, and off they went.  After 5-10 minutes, Natalie came back, VERY red in the face.  She said, "It's HOT up there, Mom!"  She splashed some water on her face, cooled off, and wanted to go back.  I couldn't spot Michelle and Monica, so I let her go just a little way across the dance floor, not getting out of my sight, but she couldn't see them, either.

Natalie started playing with a video game that was by our table, and Michelle and Monica came back.  They had gotten all the way to the stage, and were invited, by TJ, onto the stage!  Monica got to sit by her, on a speaker, right by the drummer.  TJ played with her hair and hugged on her and Monica had the time of her life!  What an opportunity.  

Natalie came back from the game and Michelle said, "Wanna try to get up there like Monica did?"  Natalie, of course, said "yes" and off they went!  Sure enough, she was invited right up to the stage, and got to do the same thing.  They were being treated like royalty at this concert.   I was sure that things couldn't get better for them.

When Trent was done with his set, a guy came to the table and said, "What are your names again?"  The girls told him, and he looked at me and asked, "Traditional spellings?"  I said yes, and he said, "don't leave!"  About 10 minutes later, he came over with a drum skin that the drummer had signed to the girls!  They sat so close to him that he wanted to send something home with them.  Things just KEPT getting better for them!

Finally, we headed home.  We arrived at 12:45, and I sent the girls off to bed.  Fortunately, the super-long drive home gave them time to chatter and giggle and wind down, so they fell asleep quickly.

Thanks to a long nap at Grandma's on Thursday, they made it through Friday just fine, with some great stories to tell.  (I didn't fare as well, but I made it. LOL)  They called the station last night to talk to TJ, and they thanked her for a great night.  She said, "I take care of my girls!" 

I am so glad we went, although by the time I got home last night, I could barely put one foot in front of the other.  I'm too old for concerts on week nights, but it was SO worth it for the girls.


Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Today was a bad day.  A really bad day.  A really, really bad day.

Reps are still stuck in Texas.  The owner of our company could fly down and get them,but there's more ice coming to the area, and Texas doesn't have what it takes to de-ice a plane...rarely needed.  That means we'd have MORE people stuck in Texas.

That means I'm alone tomorrow, doing the work of 4 people.  All the while, my OWN work won't be getting done.  I'm behind and frustrated. 

The kids are out of school again tomorrow.  *sigh*  Poor Mom.

Speaking if which, if mom's readers are reading this, of COURSE I would stop at the store for her.  She didn't tell me she was out of anything.  She let us get some milk for her today, and she's going to the store tomorrow.  I'm not a heel, or an idiot.  I'm just sayin'.

OK, I've got a case of the crabby's and I need to sign off.  Ciao'.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Sometimes, the ice wins.

Kevin took the truck to work today.  Quite a treacherous decision, but he made it.  They didn't ask him to leave. No blood was shed.  Good thing.

I dropped the girls off much later than I'd prefer, but we got there.  Leaving was another matter.  I slid sideways down most of Dad's driveway, until my back bumper had a close-up meeting with the grass bank, which threw me back to almost straight.  I lived, the car lived, I got the hell out of Dodge!

Work was crazy busy, but a lot got accomplished.  We have several CSR's out at convention, and two were supposed to head home today.  Apparently, Texas is having it's own problems, and due to ice falling from the sky, the flight was cancelled.  They are to try again at 11 tomorrow morning.  I hope they make it.  I hate that they're stranded, because they're friends.  Also, I need them!  Everyone I work with is so important.  I don't want to "get by" without them.  Travel safe, my friends.

I promise to take pictures tomorrow.  So far, my focus has been on surviving the commute.  Tomorrow, I say "To HELL with safety!"  Just kidding, but I'll get as many pics as I can any time I stop, OK?

I hope Dad's driveway doesn't put too many dents in my car.  So far, so good, more hit like I took this morning, and I may have to call my friend Jimmy for some body work. 

Body work?  Yeah, my ass is growing again.  I'm going to put a ban on chips.  I'll see if I can head off the nonsense without "dieting."  God, I love chips.

Time for bed.  I love you, Mom.  Thanks for giving me a safe and happy place to drop off my babies each morning.  I love you, Dad.  Thanks for keeping the girls off Mom for a bit each day.  I love you Kevin.  Thanks for putting up with my weirdness, and for getting the same look at "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me" that I get.  We're meant for each other, I swear.  Wanna sing "Paradise by the Dashboard Lights" later?  LOL

I love you Monica.  I know you're getting some pre-teen problems, but skin-care products have come a long way since I was your age.  We'll get through this, and you'll be an awesome adult some day.  Probably president.  I love you Natalie.  You are mamma's baby, and cuddle every chance you get, while trying to become your own person.  Just be the baby for a while.  There's no shame in that, and it'd make your mamma happy.

Brett...ahh, Brett.  You've made some mistakes lately.  Choose your friends wisely, and choose your path more carefully than anything you've ever done.  Thanks for cleaning the aquarium today.  Thanks for being nice to me in front of your friends.  Thanks for trying to change things before we had to do something ugly.  You've been my buddy since your Dad and I divorced when you were 2, over 16 years ago.  I love you.  Let's get through this as friends, with very few scars, shall we?

Jim, OH Jim:  Yeah, I love you, too.  I sometimes think, "he's such a cool guy, why was he an ass when we lived under the same roof?"  Now I know.  I was an ass, too.  I'm glad we get along, now.  I'm glad I miss you.  I'm glad that I consider you an important part of my life.  I love you, but get over it.  I'll be mad at you soon, I'm sure.  LOL

Linda, my favorite Mother In Law. I love you.  You're an awesome mother and grandmother, and you really like me.  I get that, now.  We butted heads for a few years, but you needed to make sure Kevin was my first priority.  He is.  You know that now, and we're on the same team, and you baby me quite well.  Thanks for being you.  You rock.

Finally, thanks to my readers.  I hate to name any, since some will get left out and I'll feel like a heel, but here goes:  Russ, I love you for your manic days, and for your depressed days.  You always have something to say, and that's important.  You offer advice that I appreciate, and advice that I'd never take, but I love you, you democrat dork.  Keep drawing.  Celeste:  I love your caring nature, and your love of animals, and your love of family.  You go above and beyond, and that's rare these days.

Astaryth:  You have a love for animals that exceeds even mine.  I envy what you've done.  I want to experience that, but am probably too chicken...or too lazy.  You're great.  Hug a tiger for me, while I hide behind some big rock, OK?

Remo, you keep me laughing.  I would love to watch a day in your life, but your journal is the next best thing.

Amy:  Sheesh, Amy.  You keep me laughing, while maintaining a wonderful family life.  You're great with your kids, and even though you may be in your 70's, you look great.  I love ya.

I love you all.  A few links I would have left weren't mentioned, because the journals haven't been updated for a long time, so I suspect they're gone.  That's how it is with friends. I'll see you again soon.  You're all awesome, and I wish you would all post an entry every day, and comment on mine 6 times a day...Just kidding.  I love you, even if you lurk.

Good night.

Monday, January 15, 2007

My Day, sans pictures

I loaded the camera with new batteries this morning.  I thought I'd get some great pictures.  Yeah, it didn't happen.  I was going to drive, while Kevin took great shots of the aftermath of an ice storm, but I forgot.  Yeah, I'm lame.  If you haven't figured that out by now, you're a new reader.

Kevin warmed up both vehicles, and scraped ice off, too.  My car idles so low that it sometimes dies.  He restarted it when that happened.  He called his boss at 5:30ish, to tell him that he'd be late.  He gave up on the truck, and decided to ride with me in the wonder car.  That car will go anywhere.  Honestly, no matter what we run into, that little $400 car will....well, I digress.

His boss said, "No problem, I'll see you when you get here."  We finished getting the girls ready, and headed out.  Our tiny town doesn't have a "road crew", and is lucky to get help from the county.  Our road must be last on the list, based on previous storms.  Anyway, we headed out on an untouched road, after 2 days of ice.

We can pull out of the drive and turn right, and get to the highway quickly...with a VERY steep hill leading there.  If you can't stop, you hit the house across the street.  Not my chosen plan.  If you turn left, you have to go a couple of blocks, but no hill, no danger of killing neighbors.  I turned left.  The street was untouched by plows, salt, or other cars.  Just me, in my little car with 200,000+ miles on it, getting where we needed to go.

In town was OK, at 20 mph, dodging idiots, but then we got to Mom's road.  Yeah, this is a gravel road in the country, that hadn't been touched by ANYTHING!  OK, here goes.  I turned onto the road and saw Dad and Mom's driveway.  ICK.  All I could do was gain as much speed in the half-block length I had, and try to get up it.  Kevin said, "if you can make it ALL the way up, turn around and point it back down."  I did NOT make it all the way, but I made it to what is called the "parking hole" by the garage.That's an amazing feat, but if you've never been there, you wouldn't know.  Jim?  Amber?  Mom?  someone back me up, here.

It was tough to get the girls inside, but we found some grass to walk on, which gave a tiny bit of traction.  Monica mused, "It's like a coral reef!"  Whatever, I'm sliding downhill here!  We got them in the house, and headed out again.  I slid down the driveway, with one tire in the "ditch" which is barely more than an indention.  At least I stopped at the end of the road!  We turned onto the road, and headed to work.

Road #1: Barely passable.  Road #2: Better, but still scary.  Road #3: A bit more passable.

We got Kevin to work, and his boss met us at the car (which I'd pulled within 6' of the door) and said, "We're not doing any deliveries today, you may as well go home."

WHAAATTTTT?????  We just drove a 30 minute drive in an hour, and you're sending him HOME???  Jerk!  We went on to my work (the interstate was almost normal, so no problems there,) and he headed back home.  This is 80 miles in the morning, and 80 more in the evening.  What a waste.  Anyway, all trips were made safely, and we got back into Dad's driveway (same results as this morning.)

He picked me up at 5, and we picked up the girls and came home.  I hope, by morning, that SOMETHING has been done to the roads here in town.  If not, and Kevin makes that drive again, NOBODY better try to send him home.  It will NOT be pretty.

All in all, there was much frustration, but Missouri is pretty.  Kevin drove home, so I could gaze out the windows.  Absolutely beautiful.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Snow Day

Well, it's actually more of an ice day.  I took Brett to work, since my car does much better than any other vehicle around in this stuff.  The day found us lounging around in sweats, eating and sleeping and watching nonsense cable stuff. Then I picked Brett up.  Pretty exciting, huh?

We were trying to decide what to have for dinner, and Natalie said, "Let's order pizza!"  LOL, yeah right.  There isn't a pizza delivery anywhere near this tiny town.  I told her that, and she said, "Grandpa can go get it, he has COUPONS!"  I think it's funny how kids assume that's no problem, to ask someone to go out on slick roads to pick up a pizza. We had catfish instead.

Tomorrow morning, we're all going to get up and clean this house.  What a lazy bunch we are, when it comes to housekeeping.  Clutter everywhere.  Things just land randomly around the house, because nobody wants to walk to where they go.  I'd yell about it, but I can be as bad as the rest of them.  Yup, cleaning tomorrow.

Tomorrow is supposed to bring 2-4" of snow.  We'll see.  They never get that stuff right.  Then the colder air moves in.  Tuesday morning will see a low of 0.  Yup, the big goose egg.  Burr.  Plus, I see dollar signs coming out of the vents when the heat kicks on this often.

Three weeks from now, I'll be in Indianapolis at a convention.  It's my first of the year.  I also go to Detroit this year, again.  Oh yeah, and I get to do my first big show!  I'm going to Vegas.  I've never been there, and there is VERY little free time, but it'll be neat to say I've been.  I'll at least throw $20 or so down a penny slot machine.  Yeah, I'm crazy wild like that.

The puppy is begging me to let her on my lap, so I guess I'm done typing for now.  And I'm cold.  I think I'll make some orange spice tea and watch SNL.  Under a blanket.  In my bed.  With some food.  Snow days...what're ya gonna do?

Friday, January 12, 2007

more graduation stuff

Well, thanks to  astaryth, I tried a few options.  There is a sepia version, and a black and white version, and a color version.  Which is best?  Please give feedback:




What works?  What doesn't?  What is best?  Opinions?  I know you've got 'em, so share 'em.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The announcement

I chose "sad" as my "mood" because Brett has messed up again.  It's been a long time since he was such a pain, that I let my guard down, and I got burned.  Things with him are changing drastically this weekend, and I'll discuss this more later.

Here is a draft.  I took this pic of Brett in our little town, walking away from me.  It makes me sad to see it, but it fits the message:

OK, I changed the name, town, school, etc to protect us from evildoers, and his last name doesn't match mine, so he's safe for now.  PHEW!  Please, be honest.  Critique my announcement.  I need help.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Graduation N Stuff

First of all, I'd like to thank my buddy Russ for the entry that died.  2 comments, and one was from you.  Dude, are you REALLY as weird as me?  I thought it was a joke.  Your questions just MIGHT be as lame as my journal.  I'm just sayin'.  Maybe you should align yourself with cooler folks.  'Nuff said.

I'm designing Brett's graduation announcement/invitation so that it can be printed at work, at a huge discount.  I'm getting input from his stepmother (and his Dad) but could use some more input.  Would enough folks give CREATIVE input here?  Would it bore you?  Should I keep it private and deal with personal issues personally?  Do more than 2 people read this, or are Mom and Russ using alternate user names to comment?

Kevin and I are making an agreement.  It's a pact, but that word looks like I'm spelling it wrong, so I'm going with "agreement" OK?  Once ever 3 months or so, one takes the kids south to K's mom's house, and leaves the other one for a full 2 days of solitude.  We decided this while the trumpet, drums, and keyboard were all going full-blast, and not all on the same song.  I'm just sayin'.

I plan to take the girls South within  a month.  Kevin gets a weekend.  It's loud here.  It's fun and great and wild, but everyone needs "down time" sometimes.  Are we bad parents for wanting "down time" or are we working together to keep the sanity?  I prefer to go with the latter.

OK, enough veering from topic-to-topic?  Probably.  'Night.

Monday, January 8, 2007


Here are the answers to Toondude's questions.  It's an odd assortment of questions, Russ.  Seriously.  It reminds me of the bags/boxes of goodies that Kevin's mom sends home with us after we visit.  It could be; a box of macaroni and cheese, a 4-pack of toilet paper, a can of coffee, and a candle; or 10 cans of green beans, a box of Kleenex, and some sausage.  There's no rhyme or reason.  That's ok, though.  I love her and appreciate the thought.  Same with you!

1.  "Do you still keep in touch with anybody you went to high school with?"  Yes, but just a couple.  I graduated in a class of 27, and I keep in touch with 2 or 3.  This year marks 20 years since I graduated, and if they decide to have a reunion, I'll probably go.

2.  "In what way are you exactly like your mom, but wish you weren't?"  I have been known to hurt someone's feelings by being too blunt and honest.

3.  "And in what way are you exactly like your mom -- and are happy about it?"  I am blunt and honest, so nobody has to wonder what I am thinking or feeling.  No games.

4.  "Trent Green -- hot or not?"  Hot...ish.  He's got a lot of competition for my looks, stares, and stalking, since he works with Tony G.!

5.  "What commercial jingle from radio or tv do you find yourself humming or singing the most?"  (this is SO a Kansas City thing...sorry out of town readers.)  "For better living now, and better value later; Call Standard, bum bum bum bum bum, Improvement Company, at Westport 1, 7 100!"  I've seen that since I was quite young, and still love it.  There are others that get stuck in my head from time-to-time, but that's the one that will NEVER leave.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Random Crap

Here are some random pictures.  Some from last weekend, some from this weekend.  I don't know what's been explained, and what hasn't, and I'm too lazy to go look right now, since Deal or No Deal is starting, so ask any questions you wish.  I'll answer, as usual.

Friday, January 5, 2007

An unwanted dog

I got Hawkeye for Kevin's birthday in 2005.  Within a couple of months, he was my dog.  I didn't plan for that.  I don't want to take him out at 5 in the morning.  I don't want to clean up dog hair.  I want to yell at someone else when he eats my plant, then pukes green on the floor.  I didn't want a dog, but I had one.  And I love him. He's the best dog I ever had.

Early last year, Keith (a work friend of Kevin's) said that they'd soon have puppies to get rid of.  There would soon be an accidental litter of half Chihuahua/half Jack Russell pups that needed homes.  I said, "NO WAY!"  I didn't want a puppy, and sure as HELL didn't want THAT mix! Jack Russells are hyper as heck, and Chihuahua's are quivering little yippy dogs.  Hell no!

Well, Kevin kept bringing it up, so we visited a few weeks after they were born.  Kevin REALLY wanted one, and one stood out.  Most were white with tan spots, or tan with white spots, but then there was Lucy.  She was black and white and tan, and just cute as could be.  I still didn't want her, though.  We're too busy and absent to raise a puppy, I don't have the patience, and I only like big, slobbery dogs.  No Way!

When she was 6 weeks old, we brought her home, LOL!  Kevin REALLY wanted her, and it was his birthday again, so I reluctantly agreed.  I was honest from the start:  I will NOT clean up messes.  I will NOT house break her.  I will NOT put up with hyper, annoying antics. I will NOT be responsible for ANY portion of her care.

Yeah, you can guess how that went.  Lucy prefers to sleep on MY lap, because I have the comfy fleece blanket.  Lucy sleeps against my legs at night.  Lucy lets ME know when she needs something.  I'm cleaning the porch as often as Kevin (that's where she lives and "goes" during the day, while we're at work), and I'm feeding her daily.  I insist she gets a doggie cookie for coming in from outside, so she doesn't run away. 

When I go to work in the morning, I pick her up to put her on the back porch.  She lays her head against my chest and gives me the sad eyes.  "Mom, please don't go to work today.  I get so lonely out there."  I almost cry, as I melt at her cute little face.  She has more personality than any dog I've ever met, and can relate whatever message she wants, with just a look.

I took her to the vet this morning, to get "fixed".  I do NOT need unexpected puppies around here.  Hawkeye was due for shots and a grooming, too, so I dropped them both off shortly before 8.  Lucy puked in my back seat, and I didn't even get mad at her.  I was late to work, cleaning my car, but it's not her fault, right?

As the lady took them back and put them in the kennels, I heard Lucy start to cry and whine.  I almost cried.  I did NOT want to like this dog, let alone LOVE her!  Kevin picked up Hawkeye tonight, but Lucy can't come home until tomorrow morning.  I will be there, waiting, when they open.  I'm sad and lonely without her silly games. 

Who signed me up for this? NO MORE DOGS for Kevin's birthdays.  PERIOD.  I'm NOT doing this again.  I've always wanted a Shelty like the one I used to have, or maybe a lab again. I think it'd be fun if we got a....

ACCKKKK!  Stop me!  I just miss my baby girl. :(

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Weird? Unique? Odd? Strange?

In a recent entry in Mom's journal, she stated several reasons that she's unique.  I guess we all are.  But, if we ALL are, doesn't that make unique normal?  Am I over thinking this?  Yup, you bet I am.  How are you weird, unique, odd, or strange?  Here's my list:

I am 37, yet play hide-and-seek with the entire family for an hour or more, and enjoy it more than the kids.

I let a huge, hairy dog lie on the couch next to me, then curse while lint-rolling the hair off the couch.

When listening to music, I alternate between Trace Adkins, REO Speedwagon, Travis Tritt, Kid Rock, Fleetwood Mac, Merle Haggard, Elton John, Sara Evans, and...shall I go on?

I watch too much TV, and tend to ignore the phone, even if it's a good friend, if a favorite show is airing a new episode.  I WILL call them back later, but please leave a message, I'm watching something good.  I assume a good friend will understand.

At the age of 37, I feel weird if I go more than a week without talking to my Daddy, even for a few minutes.  Even if it's about his newest tractor implement project.

I have as many on-line folks that I consider "friends" as I do "friends" in real life.

I get giddy and child-like about wearing new socks.  Thick, soft, warm new socks.  I can run faster and jump higher!  I love new socks.  New socks are better than a new sweater/blouse/top.

I think that re-gifting is OK if you'll never use it and they would love it.  I never get gifts that I'd never use from folks who really know me.

Dust is OK, clutter is unacceptable.  Dirty dishes are evil, clean dishes stacked in the drainer for 3 days is perfectly fine.

I'll wear jeans more than one time before washing, but a sweatshirt is foul after one use, even if worn over a Tshirt.

OK, there you have it.  I'm weird, and that's OK.  I like me. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2007


Well, work was busy!  Many studios were closed last week, so they made up for it today.  Not too much to keep up with, but steadily busy all day.  Good stuff.  I had a 20 minute meeting that lasted an hour, and cut out a bit early to run a couple of errands.  Kevin picked up the girls and I grabbed a couple of burgers for them, so they could scarf food in time to get to church at 6:30.

Now, I'm surfing the 'net and listening to music.  Don't taunt me about Kid Rock, ok?  It's just one of those things. He's a dirty little greasy guy, but I love this stuff...but I only listen to country, remember?  You say different and I'll call you a liar.

I woke up later than I am accustomed to, then Monica needed a shower.  We all three at breakfast at home, and I dropped the girls off at Mom's later than usual.  I got 2 exits past Kevin's work, and he reminded me that I was going to trade vehicles, to pick up some 8' lightbulbs for Dad.  Crap!  I took the cloverleaf exit and went back, grabbed the truck, and headed out again.  I still got to work 15 minutes early.  Hmmm.  How late DO I have to sleep?  This is so weird.

I love my dog!  I can now let him out when he begs, and not go with him.  This has been over a year in the making, since we live in town and have no fence, but he does his business and comes to the door.  Thanks, Hawkeye, mamma's cold!  Now, to train this silly, hyper puppy.  Yeah, fat chance.

I got a gift card from another customer today.  It is awesome to feel appreciated.  I work my ass off during the busy season, as I do the rest of the year.  A little recognition goes a long way.

Well, time to veg out for a bit.  The girls need picked up in 50 minutes, then Monica has more homework to get done.  I have BEGGED them to do it at Grandma's on Wednesdays, and they never do.  If she has to drop out of Awana's (Wednesday church) then she can't say I didn't warn her, but I won't keep feeling under-the-gun because she is ill prepared to go.  Tough love or it what you will.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Happy New Year!

Well, here we are.  It's a brand new year, and I'm ready!  My job is changing for the better, the overtime is done for now, and life is relaxed.  I don't know how to go to work at 8:30...I'm used to getting there between 7 and 7:30.  Hmmm, maybe Mom can get a break from early mornings?  OK, we all know she'll still get up before the chickens, but she can relax and sip coffee a bit longer before the girls get there.

I watched the video that my brother posted of his beautiful daughter, and it made me cry.  It was easier when I hated him.  Now I miss him.  The girls said, "let's go visit!"  Yeah, no problem.  Let's just hop in the car and drive down for a few hours!  (he's 15 or so hours away.)

A wonderful friend at work gave me her iPod, since she got a newer one.  We've been playing all day, and I have 12 CD's on there so far.  I would have done more, but many CD's are in Kevin's truck.  I'll get those done later.  This is fun, and it will make my business trip flights more fun.  I've never owned an MP3 player, let alone an iPod!   Brett got a nano for Christmas, from his Dad and step-mom, so we're both using iTunes a lot.

Our last name comes from Kevin's step-dad, who adopted him when he was quite young.  He was full-blooded Mexican.  We get junk mail in Spanish all the time;  BMG music offers, credit card offers, and the like.  This year, Kevin's company's corporate office sent us a Christmas card, as usual.  This year, however, it was in Spanish.  He is TICKED!  Not because someone assumed that we are Mexican, by the last name, but that he has MET the owner of the company, on more than one occasion, and as had conversations with her.  He's not sure how he's going to stir the pot with this one, but stir he will.  He's like that.  It's fun for him.

Everyone got what they wanted, and then some, for Christmas.  (I got my external hard drive!)  Brett used the money we gave him (his biggest portion of gift) and bought a double bass pedal for his drum set.  Monica loves her microscope (we're currently parents to thousands of shrimp...I think) and Natalie loves her telescope.

New Year's Eve was fun.  We had a VERY few people over, ate too much, and threw conf with the kids at midnight.  Yesterday was lazy, with more eating.  Today, I took the girls and mom with me for some mindless running around.  I didn't have cash, so intended to buy very little.  Kevin had given me two scratcher tickets that each won a free ticket, so I cashed those in for two new ones.  One of them won $20!  There was my cash for the day.

It'll be hard to go to work tomorrow, after my second 4-day weekend in a row, but I'll manage.  The slower pace that January brings will be wonderful.  I can work on some software that is getting the better of me.  I will NOT be beaten by a computer.  I'm hard headed, and in my job, it pays off.

I'll be better about updating my journal now.  My first convention isn't until the first weekend in February (Indianapolis) so I'll have a full month of in-lab work before the craziness of convention season.  Peace out!