Monday, October 31, 2005

Home at last...for a while

I'm exhausted still, and it was a rough trip.  I probably won't post tomorrow, but wanted to get the pics up.  Here they are.  *sigh*  It's so good to be home.  Why is the flight delay ALWAYS on the way home?  Dang weather.  Oh well, Night Night.

Sunday, October 30, 2005

A long long day

Well, I'm here.  That's all I care to say about it.  This day has been going on for 17 hours which included an hour and a half drive to the airport, an hour and a half flight in the back of the plane (why am I always in the back?) and a long long day of working with clients.  *sigh*  I'm exhausted and it's causing a bit of a pity party.

The kids want to go to a church gathering instead of trick-or-treating.  WoooHoooo!  That is awesome news, after last years door-to-door in the rain fiasco.  I can handle a one stop night.

I don't have much to say, due to extreme sleepiness, but we have another half day of work in the morning, before flying back.  Not sure if I'll post tomorrow or not, since I have to be up at 3:30 again on Tuesday for the dreaded monthly statements at work.  For now, I'll watch some TV and turn in by 9.  The time change helped me greatly, so I'm pretty sure I'll live through this.

"Whiney, party of one?  Whiney?  Your table is ready."

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Business Trips and Kids who Lie

Well, I'm off on another trip tomorrow.  I will wake up at 3:30 to leave home by 4:30 to arrive at the airport at 6:00 for a 7:15 flight.  Sheesh.  I'm mostly packed, but will have to throw in the last minute stuff in the morning.  Toothbrush, deodorant, etc can't be packed until I am done with them in the wee hours tomorrow.  I usually look forward to work trips, but this one, although I love the customer I'm visiting, leaves me with a weird feeling.  I'm worried about the flight, worried about parking, worried about the timing of the flight home (gotta trick-or-treat, ya know) and generally worried.  I'm not sure why, but I have reservations.

Kevin gets a bit on the sad side when I am out of town.  Not down-right depressed, but sad and quiet.  I worry about that.  If he has something to do, he's fine, but we accomplished most of our weekend tasks today, so he could easily lie down to watch TV and find himself sad and lonely.  I hope that doesn't happen.  Frankly, I hope it rains.  If it rains, Mom and Dad will be home, and Kevin can visit them and help Dad with some project.

Brett got busted lying again.  It's been going on for years, so I should be used to it, but I'm not.  He doesn't drink, doesn't do drugs, doesn't sulk in his room for days on end.  I should be thankful for that, I know.  His addiction is sneaking and lying.  He sneaks snacks and the Diet Coke that is intended for the adults lunches.  He hides the evidence, then lies about where they went.  "Where did the 5 missing Diet Cokes go?"  "I don't know, Mom, REALLY!  I have NO idea!"  He acts so incredulous that I want to believe him.  Then we find the empty cans hidden in a storage closet.  Sheesh.  It's just so disappointing to be lied to so blatently.  Spit in my'd be less disturbing.

Hell, I hate leaving town with this cloud hanging over the house.  He's grounded for a week, and his MP3 player has been confiscated.  It's new, so that will hurt more than most things.Ya know what, though?  It won't matter.  When he's out of trouble, with free time again, he'll sneak and lie again.  I hate the thoughts I have when this happens.  Sometimes I think that, if I can make it another year and a half, he will be off to college or work or the Army.  I feel like shit for feeling that way, but he's done me wrong so many times.  All I can do is forgive him again and move on.  That's what parents do, right?

Well, enough depressing crap.  If things go well, we'll be back in our hotel rooms fairly early tomorrow evening.  That will give me time to post an entry, chat online, and get some good ZZZ's.  I need to go to bed now.  3:30 will come way too soon.  See ya from Ft. Worth tomorrow!

Friday, October 28, 2005

My Friday Memory

I'm going to start a new trend here.  Each Friday, I plan to post a memory from my life.  I have 36 years of them built up, and many things bring them to mind.  I'll reserve Friday's for these thoughts.

I was driving home from work today and saw a truck with "Mr. CB" on the window.  I got to thinking (which is never safe) about CB's.  I didn't even know they were still around, other than in tractor-trailers.  We knew CB's quite well when I was growing up.

Mom had a very powerful "base" at home.  There was a mobile unit in the truck.  She could talk to Dad from quite a distance.  This was quite amazing, in the time before cellular phones.  She would sit on this high seat (bar stool height) and talk on that thing, in the corner of the kitchen.  Everyone had a "handle."  That was the name you went by on the CB.  The handles got very interesting.  For instance, my Grandma was an Avon lady, and the "ding dong" of a doorbell was Avon's jingle.  Grandma, therefore, was "ding dong lady".  Grandpa was "ding dong daddy."  That's how it went.

I can remember the time mom told me that I could pick my handle.  I didn't know what to pick, or how they were chosen.  She offered some advice: "Just pick something you like!"  That is how I became "applesauce." was the best I could do, and mom let it stick.  She didn't try to talk me out of it, or guide me in another direction.  I was applesauce.

I can remember her powerful base unit opening the neighbor's garage door.  She was quite unpopular during that time.  I can remember riding in the truck with Dad, calling home to tell Mom we were on the way.  I can remember Mom talking to folks quite far away.  It was cool.

10-4 means "ok" or "yes."  10-20 is your location.  "What's your 10-20?"  "3 miles from home."  "10-4."  There was even the ever-famous "over" thrown in.  When you're done, you say "over."  'nough said. 

A friend of mom's went by the name of "Cupid."  As a kid, I thought I was very smart.  She called one time, and I handed the phone to mom, saying, "It's stupid cupid."  Cupid heard me.  Mom made me call to apologize.  Sheesh, what a lesson.  I was VERY careful what I said, and how loud, from that time on.

Yes, I'd say the CB shaped me in many ways.  I know there are more stories about this, and hope my brother jumps up and helps.  I can't form any more right this minute.  10-4, over and out, good buddy.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A day?

Well, it was an awful day.  I awoke at 5:30 to Kevin saying "what? did you oversleep?"  ummm...YEAH! Hell YEAH I overslept!  Time to wake up.  I woke up and showered and got ready.  I went down to wake the girls only to find out...the tooth fairy forgot to show up last night.  DAMN!  It must be because the girls switched rooms, so we dealt with is good?

We piled into the car (the car that Brett wrecked, but that was too good a deal to pass up, at $500) and got ready to go.  I was in the process of starting it when Monica shut the door.  She only shut the door.  Nothing more.  The passenger side window shattered all over the girls.  SHIT!  Glass their shoes, on the coats, EVERYWHERE!

We regrouped and got into the van.  No problem, we have the van.  Yeah, right.  The van overheated in the 1.4 miles it took to get to mom's.  I drank some coffee and waited, then put water and antifreeze in the van.  1 1/2 gallons!  It was dry.  Why?  Who knows, but I didn't have time to ask why.  Kevin demanded that I trade vehicles with him, so I did.  Got to work only 1 min late, after 20 min of BS.  Not bad.

Tonight, I saw my best friend for an hour or so.  I had good food, wept on a friends shoulder, and generally was made to feel good.  I love Joker's. I love Tammy.  I love having a friend who loves me unconditionally.  Tammy rocks.  See ya next Tuesday, babe.

One more thought.  My mom is the best.  How many babysitters would offer a free night, EVERY week.  She allows us the luxury of seeing our friends and hanging out. She is the bomb.  I love you, Mom.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Whirlwind weekend

It was my turn to work a half-day this weekend, so I went in yesterday morning.  It started out pretty busy, but I ran out of much to do by 10.  Since I needed to stay until noon, I started cleaning and organizing my desk and work bins.  By the time I headed home, it was as clean as on my first day.  What a relief.  It feels good to accomplish that much.

We found out something about Jonathan this weekend, too.  My stepson has had a lot of bumps along the road that is his life.  Little run-ins with the law, dropping out of high school, etc etc.  I used to wonder if he'd ever turn it around, and it seems he has.  He's kept this job longer than any job before, and it has paid off.  He got a promotion, and a transfer to a nearby town with a bigger store (it's a grocery store) and it involves a raise of $2 an hour!  WooooHoooo!  Go Jonathan.  He was so happy, you could hear it in his voice when we called to tell him how proud we are.  He also took the last section of his GED (the only portion that he hadn't passed) and will get the results soon.  There is hope for Brett yet.  I won't give up.

We went to mom's for lunch today, and got to see Aunt Maxine before she heads to Texas for the winter.  It's so cold and windy today.  It feels more like winter than fall.  The wind
bites your nose and blows right through your coat.  Kevin and I got the house cleaned, oven and all.  It's been needing it quite badly.  I'll be flying out of town next Sunday, and knew that if it didn't get done today, it'd be two more weeks.

Well, time to wind it down for the evening.  The girls need to shower and we'll do a couple more loads of laundry.  It's that time of year...the time of year that will find me under a quilt any time I'm sitting still for more than a minute.  Brrrrrr.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Saturday Six

1. How many products throughout your home are labelled "antibacterial."
Probably about 3.  I'm not going to count, but there is hand soap, dish detergent, and spray that I can think of.

2. As a general rule, and assuming any required knocking on wood, how often do you get anything more serious than a sniffle or mild cold?
Maybe once per year, on average, I get a sinus infection.

3. John Scalzi ran this story about research that suggests the increased use of "antibacterial" products aren't necessary for people who are generally healthy, and might be causing the creation of "superbugs" that are resistant to antibiotics.  Are you more likely to avoid these products after reading about studies like this?
Not really.  Something new is going to "kill us" every time someone does a study.  Is coffee bad for you, or good?  How about wine?  Beer?  Carbs? I'm quite sick of it, frankly.  Yeah, sick...Aachooo!

4. Take this quiz:  Will you pass the U.S. Citizenship Test?
Nope, I failed.  My torch has been extinguished, and I've been voted off the country.

5. Now that the gas prices have dropped just a little (but nowhere near enough), what's the most you've paid for a gallon of gas so far?
$3.19 after Katrina, $2.16 today.  Sheesh.

6. READER'S CHOICE QUESTION #76 from Psychfun:   What was your favorite cereal as a kid?  When was the last time you had a bowl of it?
I don't remember.  Mom usually cooked hot breakfast, if I remember correctly.  I remember wanting Cookie Crisp cereal awfully bad, but it wasn't that great, and mom was mad I didn't eat it! LOL  I think Cap'n Crunch has always been a favorite, though it's been a year or so since I've had it.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

A post for the sake of posting?

Well, I don't like to post unless I have something to say.  I have nothing to say.  I guess I'm posting for the sake of posting.  The family is good, work is fine, we're broke and happy.  The dog is fine, the house is fine.  It's all fine.

Survivor was good.  My fantasy league is going fine.  I'm winning!  LOL  Tonight's Pringle's choice was regular and salsa flavors.  Both wonderful.  It's cold, windy and misty.  Yup, it's October.  I'm OK with that.  The trees are beautiful and I am using the heater in the car for both trips, to and from.  Haven't turned on the furnace yet, but will probably have to soon.  I have to buy propane soon...yuck.

Well, I need to finish watching "ER", or "errr" as we call it at work.  It's great, and I don't want to miss anything.  See ya later!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yelling at my kids, Nstuff

I woke up this morning a bit later than usual, but still in time to get ready.  As I woke the girls up and started getting them around, I had to step over a million things (maybe a *slight* overstatement) and there were other problems.  The trash can was full, there was no toilet paper in  the upstairs bathroom, and there was a KoolAid stained cup on the dining room table.  ARRRRRGGGGG!!!

Being the person I am, I started yelling.  "I'm sick of being treated like a maid around here!  I will NOT walk around picking up after people who are *PERFECTLY* capable of picking up after themselves!  This is a bunch of *CRAP*!"  and so on.  It was ugly.  I hate when I do that.  I can talk rationally and not yell, but I didn't use that discretion today.  Damn.

Tonight, when the girls got home from church, I made an announcement.  All three children would spend the next 15 minutes cleaning.  Take the garbage out to the curb, take all of your stuff to your room, put all shoes and jackets neatly in the closet, and generally pick up.  15 minutes later, I was happy, nobody complained, and life was good.  Why do I blow my top instead of talking rationally?  Why am I a "yeller"?  Why don't I use my brain more often.  Any kid can handle 15 minutes, but screaming "clean the house" is a bit overwhelming to me, let alone a kid. 

Sheesh.  Sorry kids.  Yes, I will tell them that myself, not just in my journal.  I will admit that I could have handled it better.  I made a mistake, and left my kids this morning under less-than-perfect circumstances.  I'll try not to let it happen again.  I love second chances.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Another boring day? Nah.

Well, those of you looking for excitement may want to move on.  Today was another day in the life of me.

I put some beans in the crockpot this morning, with bacon and onions, salt and pepper.  I dropped the girls off at moms and headed to work.  Work was good, got to head home on time, pretty much "caught up" which doesn't happen real often this time of year.  Kevin got home before me, so picked up the girls and headed to the house.  Cornbread was added to the meal, and the three kids started washing Kevin's truck, with him watching and offering advice.  They had a ball.

We're broke this week.  B.R.O.K.E.  No extras.  Still, we laughed and had fun, ate a great dinner, and enjoyed life.  The girls did the little school work they had, and we kept laundry moving.  The girls showered, and the dog did his business.  We laughed some more.  Brett has a head cold, but is dealing with it quite well.  We watched some TV and checked out our favorite internet sites.  Life is good.

I work with rich people.  Not a lot of them, but some.  They have lake homes and boats and expensive cars.  They spend $100 on their hair and more on clothes.  I get a cut at Fantastic Sam's and buy clothes at WalMart.  I'm happier...I'll guarantee it.  They have the stress of managing money.  I have none to manage.  I get to laugh at a kid's fart, intstead of yelling at them to take their shoes off at the door.

Yup.  Just another day in the life.  Just another wonderful day that sends me to bed with a smile on my face.  Just another day that sends my kids off to bed with full bellies and happy thoughts.  Just another day that makes me thankful to have a good man beside me.  Just another day to appreciate my mother watching my girls.   Another evening of no drama, no stress, and no worries.  Good night, friends.  Good night indeed.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Girlie Day

Natalie and I are having a great "girlie day" today.  We drove around with the top down and had some good luck, too.  I topped off the gas tank in the car and went in to get a drink for each of us.  I had found 2 lottery tickets that were free-ticket winners, and took them in with me.  Got our stuff, including the 2 free scratcher tickets, and headed to WalMart.  I needed milk, butter, laundry detergent and light bulbs.  I looked in the checkbook and realized that it was gonna be ugly.  I had less than $18 in there, and had to buy a Bday present for the girl that invited Natalie to the party.  Well, OK, I'll have to crap some money to deposit.  So be it.

Right before we went in, Natalie said, "can I scratch one of the lottery tickets?"  Oh yeah, I forgot.  "Go ahead," I said.  She did, and it was a loser.  I scratched the other and won $60!  WoooHoooo!  The wolf has been temporarily locked out at the door.  Good luck indeed.

We went to Libby Lu's, for Emily's birthday.  Natalie was the only one that showed up, which was fortunate for Emily's dad, since I saw that he paid $30 each for the two of them.  ACK!  The girls got to choose the look that they wanted, then got pampered and preened over.  They mixed their own concoctions of perfume, shower gel and body lotion.  They got to choose 5 free items each to put in the free backpacks.  It was real cool.  Also, real girlie.  All pink and fluffy, everywhere you looked.

They had a great time, and I'm glad she got to go.  She's not usually a girlie girl, but she had a great time today.  The only problem was, she kept covering her belly.  She didn't like it showing.  That's my girl.  Your daddy would be proud.  Keep that attitude into your teens, ok?

A quiz that's right?

I usually avoid tests, since they get rather old, but I did this one, and it pretty well nailed me.  Hmmm.  Kinda fun.

the Ham
(28% dark, 69% spontaneous, 36% vulgar) your humor style:

Your style's goofy, innocent and feel-good. Perfect for parties and forthe dads who chaperone them. You can actually get away with cornyjokes, and I bet your sense of humor is a guilty pleasure for yourfriends. People of your type are often the most approachable andpopular people in their circle. Your simple & sillygood-naturedness is immediately recognizable, and it sets you apart inthis sarcastic world.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Will Ferrell - Will Smith

The 3-Variable Funny Test!
- it rules -

If you're interested, try my latest: The Terrorism  Test  

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online datingYou scored higher than 9% on darknessfree online datingfree online datingYou scored higher than 93% on spontaneityfree online datingfree online datingYou scored higher than 50% on vulgarity
Link: The 3 Variable Funny Test written by jason_bateman on <a  ="" href="">Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Good morning world

Kevin and Monica headed to the Maple Leaf Festival in Carthage.  It's a tradition for his family.  Heck, he's been going for 30 years or so.  I hadn't planned to go, thinking I'd be in Ft. Worth on a customer visit.  That got changed to the end of the month, but Natalie got invited to a Bday party.  A girlie glamor day at a local mall.  It's something she's never done, so she really wants to go.  That sent 2 to Carthage, Me and Nattie to the mall, and Brett will go to his dad's house after his final Saturday School.  Yup, his debt to society is almost paid in full.  I bet he thinks real hard before skipping school again.

I had a rough night.  I was tired and crabby, then sat down to figure bills.  I had a headache before I was half done.  I know better than to do that when I'm not on my game, but it had to be done.  We are in a rough patch, financially, right now.  They happen every now and then.  I have to do some creative juggling for a couple of weeks, then everything will be straightened out.  I'm getting some OT right now, and that'll help.

I get so depressed when this happens, but we bring it on ourselves.  Frankly, we're in better shape then we ever have been.  Every week used to be this way.  "Which utility is threatening the earliest shut-off date?"  "OK, that's what we'll pay."  We don't do that now.  It would just be so damn nice to be AHEAD, instead of HANGING ON.

Oh well, I'll not let it get me down.  I'll see mom and dad a bit, watch Natalie get dolled up at a party, hang out, and relax.  Now that I'm driving "the car formerly known as Brett's," we might even put the top down and enjoy the perfect Indian summer weather.  Yup, that'll cheer a girl right up!  It's a junkie little car, but it looks ok from a distance, and runs well most of the time.  It also goes 10 miles farther than the van on each gallon of gas.

Yup, it's gonna be a good day.

Sunday, October 9, 2005

The weekend, and the fair

Yesterday was spent at the fair.  We had a good time.  Monica won the donut eating contest.  Kevin's so proud.  He's raising professional contest eaters.  Sheesh.  Natalie did the cracker eating contest, but wasn't the first to whistle.  We ate corn dogs, a funnel cake, and I had a carmel apple while the girls had cotton candy.  The short little parade was fun, and we enjoyed watching people.

*added later*
I forgot to mention that I gave Brett some money.  He went Friday night, then again with us on Saturday.  No pics of him because, as you know, no 16 year old is gonna hang out with his parents. (insert eyeroll here)  He was very appreciative of the spending money, even though it wasn't much.

Thursday, October 6, 2005

More N'stuff

I'm tired, so I'm goin' to bed.  First, I'll put some opinion type crap on the table:

Survivor was great, and a shock.  Mixing the tribes up so early?  I have a fantasy league, and this worries me.  Wanna join?  let me know via comment, and I'll send the invite.

Kevin is at a fight.  It's an "ultimate challenge" type thing, in a nearby town.  Free, ringside tickets, so who could refuse?  I could, actually.  See ya when you get home, honey.  (I hate fights.  Wrestling, Boxing,'s all painful and useless...heck, these guys aren't even MAD at each other!)

Tough day at work.  'nough said.

Ft. Worth trip may be changing.  Might leave Sunday morn (early) instead of Sat. night.  Not huge, but an interruped sleep pattern.

Brett got in trouble again.  Rightfully so.  He had over 500 text messages in 17 days.  That cost me about $30 over the normal cell phone bill.  His phone is gone now, so it can't happen again.  I told him that I'd buy his unlimited ride wristband, and his girlfriend's, too.  After that, I said "no way!"  They're $15 each, so it evens out.  Now, my soft heart wants to give him some cash.  Do I give him $5 or $10, or let him sulk at home?  I am so torn.  He's so fun and funny.  We had a blast tonight.  I want to give him $$$ just for being good company.

OK, gotta go to bed.  I'm tired.  I got a great sunrise pic today, but am too tired to find the camera.  I'll post it tomorrow night.  Honest!

Wednesday, October 5, 2005


Well, it's been a tough night.  A damn tough night.  I found out today that I need to fly to Dallas/Fort Worth next weekend.  There is a big festival (Maple Leaf Festival, to be exact) in Carthage (Kevin's home town) that he HAS to attend next weekend.  No, you don't understand.  He NEVER misses Maple Leaf.  He's used to this being my busy time at work, and used to me missing it.  He goes with my blessing, and has a good time.

Now, he'll go and take both girls with him.  Godspeed, Kevin.  He'll do fine, and so will they, but I worry.  He had them all weekend a few days back, so I could go out of he's doing it again.  Poor guy.  He doesn't mind...heck, he doesn't even complain. I just worry.

Another thing that makes it hard is this:  Kevin's brother, as a fireman, was very active in Maple Leaf Festival.  He made pancakes for the city-wide pancake feed at the fire station.  Best pancakes in the world, dammit!  (that's what Steve said.)  The girls are having a hard time with it.  Natalie wanted to talk to Kevin alone tonight, and they both cried and talked and looked through the clippings and stuff that Kevin has.  I am, once again, wondering how many tears I have in my body.  Hell, they just keep coming. 

She went to bed, OK, and seemed fine. Both girls have been to the counselor, needing to talk about Steve.  They have drawn pictures and talked and thought it out.  I think we're doing the right things, but how can you know?  I mean, I still cry sometimes, and I'm not sure that *I* am dealing with it right.  How can I make sure the girls are dealing with it?

I guess, deep down, I am comfortable with things.  We won't get over it, and probably won't even deal with it for quite some time.  Steve should still be here.  It's not fair.  Maple Leaf was his time to shine.  Yeah, he saved lives.  Yeah, he saved souls.  Yeah, he took care of anyone who knew him.  But he made the best damn pancakes in the world...remember? 


I'll go to Ft. Worth and help a customer.  Kevin will go to Maple Leaf and deal with the girls.  Life goes on.  Steve would say, "Quit crying and do what you have to do.  What's the big deal?  I'm fine, but you're stressin' out.  Just chill....just chill."  I miss you Steve.  My whole family misses you.

Monday, October 3, 2005

Pics at last...I'm exhausted

OK, the brief version.  If you want more details on specifics, just ask.  I'm tired.

Sunday morning, I got up early to take sunrise pics.  Sunrise over the ocean, who could ask for more?  I took one, it was great.  I took another...awesome.  Then my camera died.  Damn.  You can't get nothin' for $100 (and abuse it for 2 years) anymore.  We set up the booth, then went driving in search of a WalMart and somewhere to take customers to dinner.  We found both.

I got a new camera, and it was about $100, and does FAR more than the old one.  I still have much to learn about it, but I'm loving it already.  I've blurred a few, using wrong settings, but it takes longer video (with sound) and better pictures, over all.  I have video of takeoff and landing today.  The kids loved it.  I also have video of the surf crashing in.  It's already made me so happy.  Thanks, new camera!

We worked the booth all afternoon, then freshened up and called home, and took customers to dinner.  There were 11 of us in all.  Most of us were underdressed for this place, but I don't care.  The food was AWESOME!  The last froo froo place we took customers was aweful.  I don't know how to order or eat expensive meals, so I usually wind up with something like "snail hearts and algea", but I won this time!

After dinner was the dessert and auction thing.  We didn't stay long, but enjoyed our customers while we were there.  It was so fun.  We left after a bit and watched some TV until we fell asleep.

This morning we packed up and loaded the car.  We walked the beach (for a very short time) and headed out.  We got to the airport in plenty of time, and 10 min before time to board, they cancelled the flight.  Crap.  We went downstairs and waited in line for new tickets, and got the last two spots on the 12:55 flight...but had to be FIRST CLASS!!!!!

I had a roomy seat and a free drink, but the flight lasted less than an hour.  Then we sat in Charlotte, NC for a couple of hours and finally had lunch.  When we finallyflew out of Charlotte, destined for KC, we had crap seats.  The very last row, with no ability to recline.  There were long-legged, reclining folks in front of us, and parents with kids beside us.  I looked at Michelle (with first class still fresh in our memory) and said, "Oh, how the mighty have fallen!"  We laughed hard and dealt with it.

 We got to KC, rode the shuttle to parking, got in Michelle's car, got to the lab, grabbed my car, and I came the heck home!  I'm tired, have to work tomorrow, and I couldn't be happier.  The kids have souveniers, I have my own bed, and life is good.  Life is so good, in fact, that I think.....ZZZZZZzzzzzz


Myrtle Beach, sans Pictures

Well, I got up yesterday morning and took two great sunrise shots...then my camera bit the big one.  Dead.  Gone.  No longer wth us.  It's been on it's last pixel for a few months, but this was for real.  Nothing would work.  I was very upset, but then called Kevin.  We are juggling a couple of bills this week so I can get another.

Michelle and I went to WalMart and I found one for around $100 that did far more, and was half the size, of my old one.  I am very happy with it, and I've been taking many pictures.

Unfortunately, my ethernet cable to this laptop is broken, and only half working.  I've tried to upload a couple of times, but I'm working with dial-up speeds on broadband, so I gave up.  I'll post them from home tonight, honest.

I am totally exhausted from doing so much on so little sleep, but it's a happy kind of exhausted.  I can't wait to get home, yet I've had a ball.  Everyone here is so darn nice!  I am so thankful to have come, and after I sleep about 12 hours tonight, I'll be able to remember this for a long time.

Pictures to come tonight...honest.

Sunday, October 2, 2005

Destination: Myrtle Beach

We had a good time yesterday, but it was exhausting.  We had a big plane to get to Charlotte, but had to walk outside and climb onto a tiny little one to get to Myrtle Beach.  I've never boarded that way.  It was funny.  Had some turbulance, but nothing horrible.

There was a wreck on the highway and we were diverted through a mall parking lot, but it caused us to see some interesting things.  There is some sort of bike rally in town, so there are motorcycles EVERYWHERE!  It's cool.

We were hungry, and we're both very easy to get along with (not picky) so we were trying to decide what looked good for dinner.  It was 9:00 local time, and we saw a Hooters.  I commented that I'd never been to one, so Michelle said, "let's go there!"  The food was awesome (smothered chicken sandwich) and the waitress was sweet.  We both called our husbands to tell them where we were eating.  I asked Brett if he wanted a picture of our waitress, he said "of course".  She asked if we wanted to be in the picture, but I told her "that would ruin the whole thing!"

We checked in to the hotel and I got my first glimpse of the ocean.  Yes, Kevin, the REAL ocean.  It was dark, but still neat.  This morning has me in awe.  I've taken a few pictures, but my batteries for the camera are still happily charging away....AT HOME!  I have to find a store this morning, since the gift shop is out of AA's.  I'll get more pics today, and lots of early morning ones tomorrow.

Well, time to finish getting ready, call my family, and start this day.  See ya later!