Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Comment pimping

This is an entry that is probably going to sound bitchy, so you may want to skip it.  It's just something I've noticed, and don't care much for.

There are journals out there in which the author will post something just to get comments.  I can't say I've never done it.  I mean, "respond with one word to describe me" is a pretty blatent example.  There are some, however, that do this constantly.  I love to see comments on my journal.  I can't wait to see if one of my favorites have checked in with their opinion.  Even if the opinion differs from mine, I love the input, and the thought-provoking entries. 

I read about 10 journals a day.  I don't comment often.  I feel like I will comment when I have something to say.  I hate "me too" entries, and I don't comment if I can't say something nice.  Even if I disagree with you, I should be able to comment in a way that's not offensive.  If I can't find a way to do that, I won't try.  Sometimes, I see that someone else has said what I was going to say.  I don't comment, 'cause it would be a "me too" post, but I still enjoy your journal.

My friend, Russ, is hurting.  I hate it.  He is all screwed up on medication, and in intense pain.  I want to know that he's alive.  The only way I know that is to see him post to his journal, or see his comment on someone else's journal.  If I don't see something, I panic.  In fact, I threatened to kill perfectly good clover, just to elicit a response.  It worked.  Russ was alive and breathing that day.

Please visit my journal often.  Please comment when you feel compelled to do so.  Please know that I'm reading your journal, even if you don't see a comment from me.  Please know that, if you read this journal, you're most likely one of the 10 folks who have journals that I read daily.  You're an awesome assortment of folks, and I wouldn't miss a day.  Honest

Feel free to comment below:   ROFL, just kidding!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Things are lookin' up!

Things are improving by the minute.  I got to eat a free dinner, thanks to 101 the Fox.  Then we came home, where I got to disassemble the old, heavy, giant desk.  I kept hearing "NO disassemble number Five!" (you won't get that unless you're close to my age, but it's from the movie Short Circuit.)

It's only 3 more nights without the girls.  They will be here on Friday night.  My brother, Jim, and his family will be here tomorrow evening (travel safe, brother of mine) and the reunion is Saturday.

I hate reunions.  I know very few of the folks there, I feel like I need to watch my kids even closer than usual, and I get nervous in crowds.  Yet, for some reason, I'm really excited about this Saturday.  I think it's Dad's excitement rubbing off on me.  I think it's Mom's planning.  I think it's the fact that I'll be in the most comfortable setting I know (my childhood home.)  I don't know what it is, but DANGIT, I'm excited!

This is going to be the best weekend, ever.  I'm as ready as I could ever be.  Now, to make it through three more days of work.  I can do it, especially since I get to go in late on Thursday.  More OT to kill, you know.  I'll get to go see Jim, Deb, and the Monkey.  Laney, too.  I bet I wake up super early on Saturday, just so I can "Get this party started!"

Monday, June 27, 2005

Two entries in one night? The horror!

Once again, I'm posting twice in one night, so most folks will miss the first one, but I had a photo op.  The water tower started "doing it" again.  Sometimes, it just starts dumping water.  Often for 20 minutes at a time!  Tonight, it was less than 10 minutes, but very interesting.

After taking that picture, I headed across the street to the house and noticed that the hibiscus (sp) is taking over.  Wonder if I should get rid of that one shoot, or if it would kill it?  OK, probably wouldn't kill it, but should I dig it up?  Cut it down?  Leave it alone?

Then I snapped a pic of Kevin's truck.  Damned if it doesn't look the right color.  WHAT?  OK, so my cheap camera doesn't white-balance well, but it's always orange, until I switch to night capture.  Crap.  From now on, I only capture that one at night!

I looked over at the neighbor's perfect yard and noticed how mine is FAR from perfect.  I don't mind clover, but all the lawn service commercials I hear tell me that clover is evil.  OK, if I want a perfect, well-manicured lawn, I gotta get rid of the clover, but that'll leave me bare dirt.  OK, I'll look into it and start in fall.  Fall is when you do these things, right?

My lawn is all clover, with a few dandilions thrown in for good measure.  I guess I've come up with at least one question for each picture that I saved.  Probably too many to be answered in a journal entry.  Feel free to email me your brilliant suggestions on lawn care, photography, flower care, or journaling without going overboard.  After all, brevity is the soul of wit.  Look that one's my favorite quote.

An interesting day

What an interesting day.  Work was busy as all get out.  That's good, since the day flies by when you're busy.  I had to lose some overtime (before the fact, since Friday is statement day....5:30am start...shudder) so I left at 4 this afternoon. 

On Memorial Day weekend, Kevin and I were moving, and we won a contest on the local classic rock station.  I was told I could pick up our prize (dinner for two at On The Border) any time within 30 days.  The problem is, that station is located on the Kansas side.  I get lost the second I cross State Line Avenue.  OK, today I have from 4-5:30 to find the joint, so I head out.

It's on Metcalf, sort of, so I went the only way I knew to get there, and as I'm driving North on Metcalf, and north and north and north, I wonder, "Why does this look so familiar?  I never come into Kansas.  This looks SO familiar.  Then, I look to the right and see the place that Mom and I met some J-land friends.  ROFL!  OK, now I know why it looks so familiar, but I must keep driving North.

I finally found the place (totally unmarked, but for the sattelite dishes on the roof) after many times circling the area.  Up the elevator I went and got my prize.  $30, not bad for On The Border.  We can even have a couple of drinks!  Then I head home.  As far North as I had gone, I figured I'd head North some more, and get home quicker...I was right.  It was no time before I was on the interstate, heading East for home.  That's enough Kansas for this year, thankyouverymuch.

I got home, cleaned the aquarium, went with Kevin to get the mail, then called the girls.  While I was talking to Monica, I went out to the deck to smoke a cigarette.  While talking, I gazed over at my van to see something in my grill.  Hmm, what could that be?  I walked closer, and almost puked.  There was a bright orange bird, or most of one, stuck in the grill of my van!

I finished the conversation as well as I could, and came inside.  "Ummm, Honey?  How much do you love me?  I mean, really, would you do ANYTHING for me?"  He knew that was a loaded question, so I 'fessed up.  "Please please please dig the dead bird out of my grill?"  He did it (it had been a male cardinal, one of my favorite birds), but with much role-playing, telling me what was probably going through the bird's mind as I "smashed into him, driving too fast."  OK honey, thanks and stuff.

After that excitement ended, he helped me clean house a bit, to prepare for this weekend's company.  What a good man.  I hope tomorrow is not nearly as exciting in many ways.  Oh, and FOUR DAYS UNTIL THE GIRLS COME HOME!

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Home again

Well, it was a good weekend.  The girls got to swim in my friend Sheri's pool for a few hours, and I got to visit with her for a while.  It was great to catch up.  Her new home is practically a castle (no, I'm serious, they have a theatre in the basement, terraced seating and all, a pool house, need I go on?)

Today we just chilled out and watched some movies at Grammy's house.  This was the hardest ever, leaving today.  Natalie followed us out the door, crying.  I'm glad we don't have to do this again.  I'll meet Linda half-way on Friday evening to bring them home.  I can't wait.  It'll be good to see Jim and his family again, and the reunion will be, ummm, interesting, to say the least.

That's all for now.  We're talking to the girls on the phone, and planning to turn in early.  Road trips wear a person out.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

Checking in from South Missouri

We got down here last night around 7:30.  Dropped off our small refrigerator at Grammy's house (hers died), then off to Kevin's sister's house to pick up the girls.  Grammy was at bingo.  They were so glad to see us, and we were thrilled to see them.

Today is the softball tournament.  They started a scholarship fund when Kevin's brother was killed, to help potential firefighters pay the tuition to school.  They have these softball tournaments to raise money for the fund, and it lasts all day. 

It's hot out there, and the girls would be bored, so Kevin left us armed with some spending cash and the truck.  I'd say we're set!  We'll pop in at the ball fields from time to time, but most of our day is free.  As soon as Natalie's shower is done, we'll be on our way.

They did both get their ears pierced, and it's very cute on them.  They look more girly.  Well, I'm off for girl's day out.  Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 23, 2005

More stuff?

OK, when I'm ready to blog, and have lots to say, I log in and the first thing I see is, "Subject:      "  Ummm, I'm gonna ramble...what subject do I pick?  Since I am an indecisive heifer, I usually just type "stuff".  I know that makes for boring archives, but what's a girl to do?

Today at work was horrid.  There are 3 types of deposits; miscellaneous, accounts receiveable, and fedex COD.  I am in charge of the two receptionists.  One prepares the deposits and get's them off to the bank, the other posts the accounts receivable deposit to our customer's accounts.

Today, life is going groovy and I'm having a good time, telling some extravagent lie to get a laugh, when receptionist A walks in and says, "I goofed."  My ears perk up and I spin around in my chair to say, "HUH?" (I'm so eloquent)  She took a pile of COD checks, already posted in that system, and gave them to receptionist B to post.  Receptionist B only knows to post the checks given to her to our customer's accounts, so these checks were posted TWICE.  ACK!  Not good.

I had to call the accounting chick at home and ask how to post debits.  I don't usually do this, but I knew it had to be done ASAP.  These were false credits sitting on accounts.  She talked me through the process and I got ready to start.  I went to check on receptionist A and get the checks and list from her, and she had 4...she had four...she had FOUR differnt deposit batches (stacks of checks) open on her desk at once.  ummmm S.T.O.P.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER open 4 of ANYTHING at once, dammit.  Can you say "bigger problem"?

Anyway, I fixed it, but lost 2 hours of my day.  I can't afford two hours.  I have plenty to do, thank you.  OK, that was a boring work story, and I'm sorry.  I'll go back to "'Nstuff"

I get to see my girls tomorrow night!  I also got to see Brett for the last two nights!  I love and miss my kids.  The girls will come home a week from tomorrow.  Home where they belong.  They DID get their ears pierced yesterday.  They love it.  Natalie got hers done and Monica chickened out.  Then Monica asked Grammy to take her back, so she got her's done.  They both picked pink.  I can't wait to see them, and will take pictures this weekend, since the camera is already in my purse (don't want to forget it again!)

My a/c was leaking all over my basement.  Wet floor anyone?  I had kicked the drain hose while moving furniture the other night, so I thought I did something.  Kevin was going to call someone to fix it.  I told him to take a look.  He's damn good at figuring things out, but doesn't have a lot of faith in himself.  I said, "just look at it, see if it's anything obvious, and maybe we can work it out without spending any money."  Bless his heart, he found a blockage in the drian hose and it's fixed!  THANKS HONEY!

Life is good.  Family is good.  A hard-working, smart husband is good.  I'll check back in when we get home Sunday night!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Here goes, comment whore that I am

Please leave a one word comment that you think best describes me.

It can only be one word.  No more.

Then copy and paste this into your journal so that I may leave a word about you...

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

More stuff

Well, another productive night.  Kevin fixed the van (it was the upper radiator hose) despite the tiny workspace and big hands.  I even got to help a little.  He's getting so good at fixing things without help.  He impresses me daily.  I'll still drive the truck for a day, so he can make sure the van runs cool, but then maybe he can have his baby back!

Brett came to spend the night tonight.  Tomorrow, mom is taking him and my neice to the Van's Warped Tour.  He is so stoked about it.  I'm glad my mom is SO cool.  How many grandmothers would do this?  Not many, I'd wager.  Brett is staying here tomorrow night, too.  I'm so glad to spend time with him.  He helped me with some little projects (in his room) tonight, and I have more planned for tomorrow.  It takes work off Kevin, and it's for Brett, so he doesn't mind at all.  We have fun together.

I get to see the girls again on Friday night, and come home on Sunday.  After that, it's less than a week until they come home.  I'm ready for them to come home. Yup, it's time, dangit.  Just ask's time.  They belong here, and they're not here.  I miss them terribly, but they're having a good time.  One more week (after this one) of summer school, and they get a $100 gift certificate to WalMart...EACH.  They're so excited.

Natalie asked me tonight if she can get her ears pierced.  Oh CRAP!  I'm not ready for this.  I talked to Kevin and we decided to let her do it.  They can always grow shut if it doesn't work out.  I talked to her about the responsibility of daily cleaning and turning.  She says she's ready, so we agreed.  I want my kids to be 2 years old again.  Damn pierced ears.  By the time we hung up, Monica wanted hers done, too.  Crap.  OK sis, go ahead.

Well, it's time for bed.  More work to do tomorrow.  Please pray if you pray, send good thoughts if that's your gig, to my mother and son and niece tomorrow.  They're going to uncharted territory and hanging with stoner flashers.  They need all the help they can get to be safe and have a great time.  Be careful, you three!

Monday, June 20, 2005

'N Stuff

Well, when we got home last night, we had two hours to get the yard mowed.  Kevin started on the riding mower, while I push-mowed the trim work, around the house, etc.  Then, I jumped on the riding mower while he pushed the bank.  We both took a "whack" at weed eating.  We got it done!

While cleaning up the area around the basement door, I realized that I had a ton of bricks.  I knew that I would find something to do with them, then it hit me.  The clean-out pipe was covered by an inverted flower pot.  This made it look like a ceramic flower pot blew off the porch and we were too lazy to move it. 

My brainstorm was to use bricks to make a pad around the clean-out pipe, then set the birdbath on it.  It looks decorative, but can be moved if needed for clogged pipes.  Sometimes I shock myself.  It looks real good.

My van overheated last night.  Kevin has decided that I would drive the truck to work from now on.  It's more dependable and gets better mileage.  That makes me sad, since he's paying for that truck, and he loves it.  Now he has to drive the mommymobile to work each day.  Protesting got me nowhere, so I'll be driving the truck.  He went out tonight and spent hours cleaning it up for me.  What a doll.

Life is good here, other than missing my kids.  I will see the girls again this weekend, and the next weekend they will be home.  I hope to get to see Brett sometime this week.  I hope.

Sunday, June 19, 2005

A wonderful weekend

Spending two and a half hours travelling on a boring stretch of highway leaves a lot to be desired.  I decided to take advantage of the time to type up a journal entry!  This way, when I get home this evening, I can do a quick copy/paste and be done.  More time to catch up on other journals.

First, I need to adress my anniversary.  As of Friday, I've been married 10 years.  That's 5 times as long as my first marriage lasted.  We have had some rough patches, but we've matured enough to work through them.  When we first got married, I hated that he didn't fight.  I like to yell and slam doors when I'm mad.  He would calmly say, "maybe you're right, let's talk about it when you're not upset."  ARRRGGGG!!!  Now that I'm old and tired, I don't want to fight, either.  We get along pretty darn well, I'd say.

He lives his life to take care of his family.  Our wants often come before his needs.  He will spend his last $20 getting McD's for dinner, then come home and take off his 2-year-old worn out boots.  He works hard, providing for us, and still helps out around the house.  He'll do the dishes, do the laundry, scrub the bathroom...whatever I need help with.  I seldom even have to ask.  Yup, he's a keeper.  Thanks for 10 great years, honey.

Today is father's day.  You can see above how I feel about Kevin, and a couple entries below will show you how I feel about my dad.  I have a couple of wonderful men in my life.  The best there is.  I am loved, and spoiled, and happy.  Thanks, you two.  You're the greatest!

Finally, we had a wonderful time visiting the girls this weekend.  We went to "mudstock" on Saturday.  The fire department gets together with other local businesses and dig pits and make hills and rig rope swings over the pits.  Then, out comes the pumper truck.  Water, when added to the mix, makes a huge amount of mud.  Kids climb the hills and slide down, swing from the ropes into the mud pit, and generally get filthy.  Monica backed out when we got there, but Natalie jumped right in.  It was great.

Yesterday afternoon, we went to our friends house.  Brian has been Kevin's best friend for years and years.  They are as close or closer than most brothers.  They usually refer to each other as "brother", too.  They have a pool like Jim's, and the girls swam with their kids for 5 1/2 hours!  They were beat when we left.  We had eaten BBQ with them, and I visited Heather's yearling colt with her.  He's a beautiful Palamino who needs to be worked with, but has a very sweet spirit.  Not a mean bone in his body.

Today, Kevin and his brother-in-law installed Linda's (Grammy's) new garbage disposal, faucet and sprayer, and two light fixtures.  I "fixed" her vacuum again.  The last time, it was a chopstick in the hose.  This time, it was a super ball.  Sheesh!  Anyway, we took care of a lot of her little projects that she can't do on her own, then we headed out.

The girls handled it pretty well.  They had told us several times that they wanted to come home with us, but we talked through it, and this time, we'll see them again in 5 days, so they don't have to wait so long.  Kevin and I both wrote letters to each girl, and they weren't to open them until we were out of sight.  That resulted in no tears when the time came.  Success!  Well, except for the ones welling up in MY eyes.  LOL

OK, this marathon entry must end now.  I probably lost most of you after two paragraphs, but I'll be more brief tomorrow, honest!

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A quick update

Just a quick update.  I didn't post yesterday, on my anniversary, because there wasn't time.  I will come up with a fitting tribute when we get home.

We left the minute I got off work, to head south and see my girls.  We're enjoying the time and have a lot planned for the weekend.  I am tying up Linda's phone line to be online here, so I can't stay on too long.

I forgot the camera, and forgot my phone charger. Grrrrr.  Why am I such an airhead?  At least I brought my toothbrush this time.

I'll catch up tomorrow night!  See ya.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Happy Birthday, Dad!

Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday to you....

Happy Birthday dear Daddy....

Happy Birthday to you!!!!!!!!!

Today is my dad's birthday.  I can't get him candy, because he's on a diet.  I got a card, but that's not much.  I can't get him anything he needs, because mom and dad take care of their needs.  I can't go shopping, hoping for that "perfect gift" because dad's a simple man with a simple life, and his wishes aren't those that money can buy.

Dad is the greatest.  He never gave me a spanking that I didn't deserve, and missed a few that I DID deserve.  He took the time to teach me many things that most women don't know.  I can change a tire, change oil, check engine fluids, run a tractor, mow a yard and clean up my "own damn mess". 

Dad took us with him on errands, when it would have been quicker and easier to go alone.  He explained the "why's" of how things worked, instead of just saying that it's so.  He taught us the value of buying the right thing the first time, and taking care of it, so it would last forever.

He showed us how a wife should be treated.  We saw his love for mom and the little concessions that he made for her.  Anyone picturing a certain cabin?  How about a certain horse? Yeah, he talks tough, but he's always a softy for the women in his life.

Dad takes more time with his grandkids than any other Grandpa I've ever known.  He could accomplish so much more without them under foot, but he stops what he's doing to help them hammer a nail JUST RIGHT to make a sign.  My kids are hung up on making signs.  He lets Monica read cookbooks to him.  Yeah, sounds boring, and it is, but she loves it, so he loves it.

I can't imagine life without my dad.  Heck, my husband has adopted him as a dad, since he doesn't have his own.  Kevin is always saying how cool my dad is, and how much he admires him.  Need advice?  It's there.  Don't need advice?  It's nowhere to be found.  Dad is the bomb, and nobody in the world could take his place.

I love you dad.  I love you more than you could ever imagine.  You did a wonderful job raising me and Jim, and I hope to do half as well with my kids.  Don't ever forget how many folks love, respect, and admire you.  You deserve it, hell, you EARNED it.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

A good marriage, and buying cards.

I bought some cards yesterday.  When did cards get so expensive?  I hope my buddy Russ is making some good $$$$, 'cause I'm broke after this week!  In a six day span, I have my parent's anniversary, my Dad's birthday, my anniversary, and Father's Day.  ACK!

I found the appropriate cards, although missing mom and dad's anniversary by a day.  Damn.  I knew they were all in a row, but missed that one by a day.  The other's are covered.

On Friday, I will be married for 10 years.  Wow.  My first one lasted 2 years, Kevin's first one lasted a bit over 2 years.  I didn't have high expectations of marriage from my experience.  Then there was my parents.

My parents have the greatest marriage.  Feminists would be appalled at what Mom does for Dad, and what he expects.  Her world revolves around him.  His meals, his needs, his wants...they're all HER responsibility.  Dad will build a "cabin" for mom, board 3 horses (all the while hating the thought) and install something to water cattle year-round, so she doesn't have to break ice.

Mom can be a loner, going to bed at 8 whether there are guests in the house or not.  Dad can chase off an annoying visitor, whether the other folks want them around or not.  Mom can tell you that you did something stupid, while Dad thinks it could be handled in a more subtle manner.  Dad can tell you that you did something stupid, while Mom thinks it could be handled in a more subtle manner.

They bring out the best in each other, and hide the other's flaws.  I love them dearly, and pattern my own marriage after theirs.  I hope to, someday, be half as happy as they are.  There are no words to describe what they mean to me, and what they've done for my life.

Thank you, Mom and Dad for putting up with so much.  Thanks for teaching me what compromise means.  Thanks for keeping my horse.  Thanks for feeding us when we visit.  Thanks for modeling the perfect marriage.  Thanks for  I love you, and owe you everything.  Everything.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Sleeping late

What a humiliating morning.  We opened the windows for fresh air, and it rained in a bit yesterday evening.  No biggie, but my alarm got wet.  It seemed to be working fine, so I set it and went to bed.

I woke up slowly this morning, and stretched and looked over at the clock, like always.  8:10?  HUH?  WHAT? 8:10???  That can't be right.  The sky isn't light enough for 8:10, I never sleep past 7, and I have a meeting at 8!

It was right.  I'm guessing that it didn't go off, due to the damn rain on it.  The sky wasn't very light, due to the rain that was falling again.  I'm almost an hour from work, hadn't showered, and was already 10 minutes late to a meeting.

I got in the shower, and started thinking up lies and excuses, all while fighting tears.  When I got out of the shower, I called in and 'fessed up.  My boss started laughing hysterically.  I told her I'd be there as soon as possible, and she laughed more.

When I got there, she gave me a hard time.  Said that you need a Dr. note to prove illness, so she'd need to see the clock for this excuse.  I was called "sleepy head" all day, and teased unmercifully throughout the day.

I'm glad I didn't get in trouble, but I won't live this down for quite some time.  How embarrassing!  Sheesh, what next?

Sunday, June 12, 2005

A Productive Day

Well, we had a productive day today.  I'm tired and sore, as usual on Sunday night, but it's so good to have this feeling of accomplishment.

Kevin mowed this morning, and I worked hard cleaning the old couch.  I used upholstery cleaner, then scrubbed, then vacuumed, then Febreezed.  As it air dried, we went to Bed Bath and Beyond to find a cover for it.  I wasn't hopeful, but thought it was worth a shot. We were successful, after all!

The front and side bank is real hard to mow here.  We're planning out different ideas to remedy the situation.  Use the tractor and blade to make the hill less steep, but lose some yard...that's a thought.  Put up a retaining wall and fill it in...that's too expensive.  Ground cover?  Maybe.  We're still thinking about it, but ground cover is winning so far.

Bed Bath and Beyond didn't let me down.  I got a cover for the couch, a tablecloth in the right color (WalMart doesn't have it) and some kind of a brush to get loose hair off the cats.  We ate at Fazoli's (can't leave home without a meal out, right? <eg>)

All in all, a productive day.  There was more I planned to do, but the storm got here too soon.  Maybe this week, in the evenings, I'll do some more....yeah right.  I'm always so tired in the evenings.  I'll make a real effort, though.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

In the quiet of morning.

I woke up at 3:30, then again at 4.  I went to bed so darn early, there was no going back to sleep, so I thought "hey, wonder if mom would be interested in an early morning ride?"  I got up, and took about 4 steps toward the bathroom when the rain started.  Oh well.  I knew they were calling for it.

I made some coffee and realized that the cats were closed in the back porch.  Kevin fell asleep on the couch, so when he woke in the middle of the night, he saw that door open, and closed it for me.  Probably muttering something about me being simple in the head.  So I open the door at 4:20, muttering something about him being simple in the head.  ROFL

The cats are loving life.  It's not going to be in the 90's today, so we opened the windows and turned off the a/c last night.  They go from window to window, checking for the best view/breeze.  Who knows what they're checking for, but they're happy.

I sat out there, on the back porch, drinking my coffee in the quiet of pre-dawn.  Finally, about 5, the birds started waking up.  Until then, the only sound was the bells on the cat's collars, and the light rain falling.  It's weird to be only half awake, and still feel so at peace.

Today, mom and I will do a shopping trip.  Head out for a week's worth of groceries.  I'll also hope that, sometime this weekend, it dries out enough to mow.  Kevin and I have a hard time getting motivated to do yard work after working all day, but if we have to, I guess we will.

Tonight is the crawdad festival (or something like that) at the city market.  We are supposed to go check it out with my Aunt and her husband.  Wonder if it'll be raining this evening?  I'm all about live music and fun, but not in the rain.  The older I get, the more I become a creature of comfort.  Plus, if we go, I'm gonna need a nap first!  LOL  Yup, I'm old.

Thursday, June 9, 2005

It's late, and I'm tired

Most times, I hate the choices for "mood".  I'm friggin' tired and happy and relaxed.  Where is THAT mood, huh?  HUH?  Sorry, got grumpy for a minute.

Life went well today.  Kevin and I decided to grab a bite to eat before heading to Tractor Supply.  I called my Aunt Charlene and invited them to join us.  We ate quite well, but never made it to Tractor Supply.  That's 2 days in a row that I planned to go there, and didn't.  Damn.  Dinner was good, though.

The girls are still happy with life, but sounding more homesick with each call.  I don't know how much more I can take.  They'll be fine, as long as we keep telling them that they will.  Who's to tell me that I'LL be fine?  I can't stand it.  I want them home.  I want them here.  Someone PLEASE remind me of this when they're fighting and I'm pulling my hair out.

I miss Brett, too.  I don't want to know about his tickets, or his wrecks, or his upside down love life.  I just want to see him, and have him here.

Yeah, I'll live.  Most folks would kill for a month without kids.  I thought I would really enjoy it.  Nope.  God built into us, a longing for our children.  Mine's working full-force.  I want my kids here.  Everyone I love should be near by.

Next weekend, I'll see the girls.  I hope to see Brett soon after that.  He's leaving on vacation with his dad this Sunday.  I hope they have a good time.  I hope they get good pictures.  I hope everything is wonderful for them.  I hope they don't let Brett drive.

OK, time for bed.  See ya later, alligator!

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Another day...and pics

Well, there are storms coming, and the rain on my head proved it.  I postponed a ride last night, due to a threat of storms, and nothing happened.  Dare me?  Yup, this person (who hates mornings) got up at 4, to be at mom's by 5, to ride.  It was awesome.  I wish I could do it every day.  I can't, though.  I was beat by day's end, and was told I had dark circles under my eyes.  OK, ok, I'll sleep later tomorrow.

The weeds are growing as quick as I can pull them, but I'll do my best to keep up.  The dumpster is gone, but left a smelly mud hole in it's wake.  It is SO gross.  NASTY!

Mom took some kick-butt pics of my horse.  You HAVE to see these!  They look like pictures taken for a calendar or magazine or something.  Good job mom. 

Monday, June 6, 2005

2 entries in one night, a problem?

History shows, 2 entries in one night results in nobody seeing the first.  Oh well...I'll trust that you'll scroll down.

Here are some pics.  Mostly taken tonight, some over the weekend.  The sky was beautiful, so I headed out with the camera.  Then, while downloading pictures, I found some that the girls took this weekend.  Most were blurry or too dark to view, but a couple turned out.

The last pic is the dumpster that we've tried TWICE to get hauled off.  I think we'll have it forever.  Kevin is going to try again tomorrow.

Hope all is well, have a great night, and a better tomorrow!

A little more info and a couch

OK, I was shaken and upset when I typed that outburst last night.  I'm still shaken, but happy it's over.  Jerry came to pick up Brett and the car (which made it to his house, PHEW!)  I miss Brett while he's staying there, but I'm glad that I don't have to worry about things as much.  Jerry can handle him just fine, and it appears he won't be driving, unless it's to or from work.  Jerry will see to that.

For the local's, I'll give more detail.  Heading from here to Oak Grove, picture FF, which has the two, quite large, sweeping 90 degree turns.  On the first one (the North one,) Brett just went off the road, about halfway through the curve.  If you go that way, you'll see the very deep tire tracks through the mud.  It's about a 3' steep drop, before you hit level ground.  That's what happened to the headlights, I'm sure.  Kevin and I stopped and walked it today.  Makes me even more thankful he's alive.  It could have easily flipped, and he had the top down.

I can't get over that it only took a week to "impress" the neighbors.  We now look like Jerry Springer rejects.  I hope Tracy reads this, because she knows everyone, and she can tell them that it was the boy, not some kind of drunken brawl between me and Kevin.  ROFL.

We went, after work, up North of the river to a coworkers house.  She had a couch for sale, and we bought it for the family room.  It's been in the basement for years, so it needs aired out.  I will let it sit on the back porch tonight, use upholstery cleaner on it tomorrow, and Febreeze it the next morning.  That should do it.  I'll get a cover for it, of some sort.  It's sort of 80's orange floral.  Come on, you can picture it.  The real big flowers all over.  We had one like it, when I was a kid.  LOL

I'm relaxed, and calm.  God was watching Brett, or he would have flipped that car.  Jerry has control of the situation now.  He's a great dad, and he'll handle things just fine.

Sunday, June 5, 2005

A reason for the worry

Oh, how quickly a great evening can go to Hell.  And, after only a week, we made some grand leaps at becoming the talk of the town.

Brett got a speeding ticket last week.  65 in a 45.  Nothing seems to get through to this kid, so I was hoping the huge expense of this mess would ground him a bit.  He goes too fast, even when it's within the posted's too fast for him in that car.  It worries me to death every time he leaves in it.

Tonight, he wanted to go to a friends house, 15 miles away.  I said, "OK, but leave by 8:30 to head home."  He called about 15 minutes later, and said, "Mom, I almost wrecked my car."  Almost?  Huh?  He said that he went off the edge on one of the many winding country roads around here.  I asked the obvious, and he assured me that both he, and the car, were fine.  I told him to slow the hell down, and be careful.

At 8:50, he called, and Kevin answered.  Why hadn't he left to head home yet?  "My car's messed up."  Great.  We told him to head home, go slow, and be careful.  We watched from the living room windows as he pulled up in front of the house, with a cop behind him, lights flashing.

The cops gets out as we walk out the door, says Brett has a headlight out.  No small wonder.  He didn't "go off the road"...the kid farmed a ditch.  The passenger side is all jacked up, fender pushed into the door, several dents and scrapes.  The drivers side has damage to the fender, the door, and there is dirt and grass between the wheel and the tire.  The headlights are all messed up, one won't open at all, the other only partially.

Yes, he'll be sitting for a while.  I have the keys.  He had one week left on his job, then vacation with Dad's family, then starting a new, better job making more money.  Now he can't get there.  He owes his dad a great deal of money for the ticket and lawyer (to lessen the blow to his driving record) and the car, and he just picked up a "faulty equiptment" ticket tonight.

Plus, bonus of bonuses, I had a cop with flashing lights in front of my new house in my new neighborhood for about 20 minutes.  Joy.

A busy day

What a great day!  Natalie finally fell asleep at 1:00 in the morning, so I slept kind of late.  As we were relaxing, enjoying the morning, I find out that Linda was planning to leave at noon.  WHAT?  Why so early?  Apparently, Jonathan had to work this afternoon, so they had to get him home in time.  I actually cried a bit (the girls didn't see) and Monica got miffed about the shortage of time.  Natalie said, "I want to stay here, but I'm not going to get upset...but I can't talk about it any more."  LOL, me neither, sis.

After they headed home, Kevin started working on the yard.  Dad gave him an old riding mower (my dad is the coolest) and we borrowed his push mower for the VERY steep bank in front.  It was real hard work for Kevin, and I plan to do half of it next weekend. 

While he mowed, I weeded the whole flower bed.  That may not sound like much, but the part on the side of the house was full of clover!  It took a couple of hours to get them completely cleaned out.  Now I know how much room I have to work with (a lot!)  I also found this little plant marker that said some sort of cherry tomato.  I looked closer and saw a little tomato plant!  WoooHooo!  Gonna get some miracle grow out there on that one. 

Kevin is sore and beat, my hands are raw and sore, but we feel like we really accomplished something.  We worked on OUR yard.  Wow, that felt good.  One more time.  We worked on OUR yard.  LOL  I finished the night by going out for a short little ride on Buddy.  He was pretty darn good, too.  Fixed dinner, ate, and now I'm chillin' out, waiting for bed time! 

Saturday, June 4, 2005

Seeing my kids!

Yeah, yeah.  I know.  Ecstatic again.  It's not an exaggeration, either.  I really am THAT happy.

Kevin's mom brought the girls home this weekend.  He got some awesome Royals tickets from work (yeah, it's the Royals, but it's still baseball) and invited his 85 year old Grandma, his mom, and his son Jonathan.  Linda got them here around 11 this morning, and they had to leave within an hour to head to the game.

It was so incredibly awesome to see my girls.  I couldn't hug them enough.  I get so nit-picky sometimes with them, but if I don't see them for a couple of weeks, I get pretty antsy.  Jonathan being here was a plus, and Brett decided to come home for the weekend, since everyone else would be here. WooooHoooo!

I have my new home filled with people I love.  After the baseball fans left to watch the Royals lose, I took the kids to mom and dads.  They were so excited to see Gramma and Grampa again.  It's been two weeks since they left, but three weeks since they saw them.  I think Mom and Dad were as tickled as the girls were.

I needed groceries (haven't bought any since 2 weeks before we moved!) so Natalie, Brett and I headed to the store.  Monica chose to stay at Grampa's house.  I spent a ton of money, but there is food in the house again.  Then we picked up Monica, and came home to get to work.

I helped the girls set up their rooms, while Brett did his.  It was a lot of work, and it was hot and very humid today, so we were beat by the time we were finished.  The girls were so happy.  Brett left for a while to see his Aunt Shauna, and the baseball fans got back home.  We had dinner, then my best friend in the world came to see my house.  Oh yeah, she brought her husband, too.  ROFL

Now, everyone is in bed.  Natalie is having a hard time.  First night in a new house.  First night in her own room (ever.)  To top it off, there's a storm moving through.  I feel so bad for her.  I spent about 20 minutes, letting her pick out stuffed animals, turning on a lamp, Brett opened the adjoining closet door so she could here him and Jonathan.  I think she's gonna make it, but she's so nervous.

I told her I'd go back down in 20 minutes to check on her.  She had stopped crying, and seemed ok.  Then, as I'm typing this, she came back up and said "Why can't you come down at 11:08?  Why does it have to be 11:20?"  It's gonna be a long night!  LOL

Friday, June 3, 2005

OK, I'm better now.

There is so much to remember when you move.  How many folks have my address?  I have to notify all of them of the change.  Plus put in the change of address at the Post Office.  Turn off utilities at the old place, turn them on in the new place.  Order new checks with the correct address, change email with all mailings and friends/family.  There's bound to be something forgotten, right?

First, I changed as many addresses as possible within an hour of closing on the house.  Even called on utilities.  Then, the next day, I find out that everyone in this town must have a PO box.  No mail delivery here.  OK, that'd be fine, except that I gave EVERYONE the physical address.  Then was a three-day weekend, so nothing could get done.

Tuesday, I concentrated on fixing this mess.  Add the PO box as a second address line.  Call everyone all over again.  This was a HUGE ordeal.  I had it all done.  Everything was covered, right? 


We got home last night and found we had no water.  Kevin told me that, and my heart sunk.  I was to call the water people about getting it in our name, and didn't.  This little town is so weird.  The guy is at city hall 3 hours a day, weekdays only.  I was given his home number by mom, and planned to call on Tuesday, to not interrupt his holiday weekend.  I mean, that's just rude, right?

Well, I not only forgot to call, I lost the numbers.  I IM'd mom to see if I left them there.  I hadn't.  She said that I put the paper in the pocket of my shorts on Sunday.  It's nowhere, so she got the number again.  I called the guy, and he basically said "yeah, you're screwed, dumbass."  OK, not exactly, but "go to city hall between 1 and 4 tomorrow.  Ummm, we work, but WTH.  All the time, I'm crying.  Mom gave me a bit of a hard time, which I'm sure she wouldn't have if she'd known I was balling like an idiot, but I dealt with it.

Thank God, it rained today, HARD.  People don't have lumber delivered when it's raining, for the most part, so Kevin took a long lunch and drove all the way out here to get water turned on.  $150 deposit!  That's insane.  Oh well, with the crowd that will be here thisweekend, we have to have water.

I washed my hair this morning with bottles of water.  Small bottles.  LOL  What a joke.  It worked, though.  We had 8 bottles left, and Kevin was nice enough to leave most of them for me.  I hate sponge baths.  I need a hot shower in the morning, but I was thankful that I didn't have to go to work completely filthy.  Gross.

How do you get a disconnect without ever receiving a bill?  Just plant your head firmly in your *** and you'll find out.  It's all good, now.  I flushed and everything!  WoooHoooo!  Now, to go take a real shower.  Ahhh, shower.

Thursday, June 2, 2005

not ecstatic

It was a very rough day at work, followed by a very frustrating night at home.  I know that it'll all be OK tomorrow, and I get to see my kids this weekend.  That's all that matters.  I love my house, I love my husband, I love and miss my kids.  Jonathan and Brett will be here this weekend, as well as the girls.  I can't wait.

I need to relax.  The problem is my fault.  It's fixable.  Kevin will fix it tomorrow at 1:00.  It's not a big thing.  I cried and felt stupid all night, for nothing.  Heck, we've been through so much in our 10 year marriage, this is laughable in comparison.  Maybe I'll elaborate later, but not tonight.  I feel beat down, ridiculed, and stupid.  I hate that feeling.

At least, at work, I feel smart and needed.  I feel valued and important.  It'll be good to get there tomorrow and solve problems, instead of creating them.  If someone makes a mistake, I am very forgiving...if I make a mistake, I'll beat myself up for days.  I made a mistake.  It's not easy walking around with your head in your butt, take my word for it. 

There's so much to remember when you move.  How could one little detail get missed?  How could that detail (not so little after all, dumbass) cause such problems?  How could those problems cause such tension?

I need to go to bed.  I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of this.  OK, this is all very cryptic.  I'll explain tomorrow, when it's over.  Honest.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

For Jim

Yeah, yeah, I admitted to "ecstatic" again.  So sue me.  This is to answer some of my brother's questions.

Pics at last

Pictures as promised.  Had some problems with AOL (go figure) but it seems to be up and running.  I know, 20 is overkill, but I'm just so...ummm, ecstatic?  ROFL